Abstract:Accurate estimates of salmon escapement - the number of fish migrating upstream to spawn - are key data for conservation and fishery management. Existing methods for salmon counting using high-resolution imaging sonar hardware are non-invasive and compatible with computer vision processing. Prior work in this area has utilized object detection and tracking based methods for automated salmon counting. However, these techniques remain inaccessible to many sonar deployment sites due to limited compute and connectivity in the field. We propose an alternative lightweight computer vision method for fish counting based on analyzing echograms - temporal representations that compress several hundred frames of imaging sonar video into a single image. We predict upstream and downstream counts within 200-frame time windows directly from echograms using a ResNet-18 model, and propose a set of domain-specific image augmentations and a weakly-supervised training protocol to further improve results. We achieve a count error of 23% on representative data from the Kenai River in Alaska, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach.
Abstract:Object detectors often perform poorly on data that differs from their training set. Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) methods have recently demonstrated strong results on addressing this challenge. Unfortunately, we identify systemic benchmarking pitfalls that call past results into question and hamper further progress: (a) Overestimation of performance due to underpowered baselines, (b) Inconsistent implementation practices preventing transparent comparisons of methods, and (c) Lack of generality due to outdated backbones and lack of diversity in benchmarks. We address these problems by introducing: (1) A unified benchmarking and implementation framework, Align and Distill (ALDI), enabling comparison of DAOD methods and supporting future development, (2) A fair and modern training and evaluation protocol for DAOD that addresses benchmarking pitfalls, (3) A new DAOD benchmark dataset, CFC-DAOD, enabling evaluation on diverse real-world data, and (4) A new method, ALDI++, that achieves state-of-the-art results by a large margin. ALDI++ outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by +3.5 AP50 on Cityscapes to Foggy Cityscapes, +5.7 AP50 on Sim10k to Cityscapes (where ours is the only method to outperform a fair baseline), and +2.0 AP50 on CFC Kenai to Channel. Our framework, dataset, and state-of-the-art method offer a critical reset for DAOD and provide a strong foundation for future research. Code and data are available: https://github.com/justinkay/aldi and https://github.com/visipedia/caltech-fish-counting.
Abstract:The development and application of modern technology is an essential basis for the efficient monitoring of species in natural habitats and landscapes to trace the development of ecosystems, species communities, and populations, and to analyze reasons of changes. For estimating animal abundance using methods such as camera trap distance sampling, spatial information of natural habitats in terms of 3D (three-dimensional) measurements is crucial. Additionally, 3D information improves the accuracy of animal detection using camera trapping. This study presents a novel approach to 3D camera trapping featuring highly optimized hardware and software. This approach employs stereo vision to infer 3D information of natural habitats and is designated as StereO CameRA Trap for monitoring of biodivErSity (SOCRATES). A comprehensive evaluation of SOCRATES shows not only a $3.23\%$ improvement in animal detection (bounding box $\text{mAP}_{75}$) but also its superior applicability for estimating animal abundance using camera trap distance sampling. The software and documentation of SOCRATES is provided at https://github.com/timmh/socrates
Abstract:The ongoing biodiversity crysis calls for accurate estimation of animal density and abundance to identify, for example, sources of biodiversity decline and effectiveness of conservation interventions. Camera traps together with abundance estimation methods are often employed for this purpose. The necessary distances between camera and observed animal are traditionally derived in a laborious, fully manual or semi-automatic process. Both approaches require reference image material, which is both difficult to acquire and not available for existing datasets. In this study, we propose a fully automatic approach to estimate camera-to-animal distances, based on monocular depth estimation (MDE), and without the need of reference image material. We leverage state-of-the-art relative MDE and a novel alignment procedure to estimate metric distances. We evaluate the approach on a zoo scenario dataset unseen during training. We achieve a mean absolute distance estimation error of only 0.9864 meters at a precision of 90.3% and recall of 63.8%, while completely eliminating the previously required manual effort for biodiversity researchers. The code will be made available.
Abstract:Biodiversity crisis is still accelerating. Estimating animal abundance is of critical importance to assess, for example, the consequences of land-use change and invasive species on species composition, or the effectiveness of conservation interventions. Camera trap distance sampling (CTDS) is a recently developed monitoring method providing reliable estimates of wildlife population density and abundance. However, in current applications of CTDS, the required camera-to-animal distance measurements are derived by laborious, manual and subjective estimation methods. To overcome this distance estimation bottleneck in CTDS, this study proposes a completely automatized workflow utilizing state-of-the-art methods of image processing and pattern recognition.
Abstract:Camera traps are a proven tool in biology and specifically biodiversity research. However, camera traps including depth estimation are not widely deployed, despite providing valuable context about the scene and facilitating the automation of previously laborious manual ecological methods. In this study, we propose an automated camera trap-based approach to detect and identify animals using depth estimation. To detect and identify individual animals, we propose a novel method D-Mask R-CNN for the so-called instance segmentation which is a deep learning-based technique to detect and delineate each distinct object of interest appearing in an image or a video clip. An experimental evaluation shows the benefit of the additional depth estimation in terms of improved average precision scores of the animal detection compared to the standard approach that relies just on the image information. This novel approach was also evaluated in terms of a proof-of-concept in a zoo scenario using an RGB-D camera trap.