Abstract:Accurate estimates of salmon escapement - the number of fish migrating upstream to spawn - are key data for conservation and fishery management. Existing methods for salmon counting using high-resolution imaging sonar hardware are non-invasive and compatible with computer vision processing. Prior work in this area has utilized object detection and tracking based methods for automated salmon counting. However, these techniques remain inaccessible to many sonar deployment sites due to limited compute and connectivity in the field. We propose an alternative lightweight computer vision method for fish counting based on analyzing echograms - temporal representations that compress several hundred frames of imaging sonar video into a single image. We predict upstream and downstream counts within 200-frame time windows directly from echograms using a ResNet-18 model, and propose a set of domain-specific image augmentations and a weakly-supervised training protocol to further improve results. We achieve a count error of 23% on representative data from the Kenai River in Alaska, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach.
Abstract:When deploying large language models (LLMs), it is important to ensure that these models are not only capable, but also reliable. Many benchmarks have been created to track LLMs' growing capabilities, however there has been no similar focus on measuring their reliability. To understand the potential ramifications of this gap, we investigate how well current benchmarks quantify model reliability. We find that pervasive label errors can compromise these evaluations, obscuring lingering model failures and hiding unreliable behavior. Motivated by this gap in the evaluation of reliability, we then propose the concept of so-called platinum benchmarks, i.e., benchmarks carefully curated to minimize label errors and ambiguity. As a first attempt at constructing such benchmarks, we revise examples from fifteen existing popular benchmarks. We evaluate a wide range of models on these platinum benchmarks and find that, indeed, frontier LLMs still exhibit failures on simple tasks such as elementary-level math word problems. Analyzing these failures further reveals previously unidentified patterns of problems on which frontier models consistently struggle. We provide code at https://github.com/MadryLab/platinum-benchmarks
Abstract:Modern vision models excel at general purpose downstream tasks. It is unclear, however, how they may be used for personalized vision tasks, which are both fine-grained and data-scarce. Recent works have successfully applied synthetic data to general-purpose representation learning, while advances in T2I diffusion models have enabled the generation of personalized images from just a few real examples. Here, we explore a potential connection between these ideas, and formalize the challenge of using personalized synthetic data to learn personalized representations, which encode knowledge about an object of interest and may be flexibly applied to any downstream task relating to the target object. We introduce an evaluation suite for this challenge, including reformulations of two existing datasets and a novel dataset explicitly constructed for this purpose, and propose a contrastive learning approach that makes creative use of image generators. We show that our method improves personalized representation learning for diverse downstream tasks, from recognition to segmentation, and analyze characteristics of image generation approaches that are key to this gain.
Abstract:In both 2016 and 2018, a census of the highly-endangered Grevy's zebra population was enabled by the Great Grevy's Rally (GGR), a citizen science event that produces population estimates via expert and algorithmic curation of volunteer-captured images. A complementary, scalable, and long-term Grevy's population monitoring approach involves deploying camera trap networks. However, in both scenarios, a substantial majority of zebra images are not usable for individual identification due to poor in-the-wild imaging conditions; camera trap images in particular present high rates of occlusion and high spatio-temporal similarity within image bursts. Our proposed filtering pipeline incorporates animal detection, species identification, viewpoint estimation, quality evaluation, and temporal subsampling to obtain individual crops suitable for re-ID, which are subsequently curated by the LCA decision management algorithm. Our method processed images taken during GGR-16 and GGR-18 in Meru County, Kenya, into 4,142 highly-comparable annotations, requiring only 120 contrastive human decisions to produce a population estimate within 4.6% of the ground-truth count. Our method also efficiently processed 8.9M unlabeled camera trap images from 70 cameras at the Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia County, Kenya over two years into 685 encounters of 173 individuals, requiring only 331 contrastive human decisions.
Abstract:We introduce INQUIRE, a text-to-image retrieval benchmark designed to challenge multimodal vision-language models on expert-level queries. INQUIRE includes iNaturalist 2024 (iNat24), a new dataset of five million natural world images, along with 250 expert-level retrieval queries. These queries are paired with all relevant images comprehensively labeled within iNat24, comprising 33,000 total matches. Queries span categories such as species identification, context, behavior, and appearance, emphasizing tasks that require nuanced image understanding and domain expertise. Our benchmark evaluates two core retrieval tasks: (1) INQUIRE-Fullrank, a full dataset ranking task, and (2) INQUIRE-Rerank, a reranking task for refining top-100 retrievals. Detailed evaluation of a range of recent multimodal models demonstrates that INQUIRE poses a significant challenge, with the best models failing to achieve an mAP@50 above 50%. In addition, we show that reranking with more powerful multimodal models can enhance retrieval performance, yet there remains a significant margin for improvement. By focusing on scientifically-motivated ecological challenges, INQUIRE aims to bridge the gap between AI capabilities and the needs of real-world scientific inquiry, encouraging the development of retrieval systems that can assist with accelerating ecological and biodiversity research. Our dataset and code are available at https://inquire-benchmark.github.io
Abstract:We introduce Tree D-fusion, featuring the first collection of 600,000 environmentally aware, 3D simulation-ready tree models generated through Diffusion priors. Each reconstructed 3D tree model corresponds to an image from Google's Auto Arborist Dataset, comprising street view images and associated genus labels of trees across North America. Our method distills the scores of two tree-adapted diffusion models by utilizing text prompts to specify a tree genus, thus facilitating shape reconstruction. This process involves reconstructing a 3D tree envelope filled with point markers, which are subsequently utilized to estimate the tree's branching structure using the space colonization algorithm conditioned on a specified genus.
Abstract:Image retrieval plays a pivotal role in applications from wildlife conservation to healthcare, for finding individual animals or relevant images to aid diagnosis. Although deep learning techniques for image retrieval have advanced significantly, their imperfect real-world performance often necessitates including human expertise. Human-in-the-loop approaches typically rely on humans completing the task independently and then combining their opinions with an AI model in various ways, as these models offer very little interpretability or \textit{correctability}. To allow humans to intervene in the AI model instead, thereby saving human time and effort, we adapt the Concept Bottleneck Model (CBM) and propose \texttt{CHAIR}. \texttt{CHAIR} (a) enables humans to correct intermediate concepts, which helps \textit{improve} embeddings generated, and (b) allows for flexible levels of intervention that accommodate varying levels of human expertise for better retrieval. To show the efficacy of \texttt{CHAIR}, we demonstrate that our method performs better than similar models on image retrieval metrics without any external intervention. Furthermore, we also showcase how human intervention helps further improve retrieval performance, thereby achieving human-AI complementarity.
Abstract:Hierarchical semantic classification requires the prediction of a taxonomy tree instead of a single flat level of the tree, where both accuracies at individual levels and consistency across levels matter. We can train classifiers for individual levels, which has accuracy but not consistency, or we can train only the finest level classification and infer higher levels, which has consistency but not accuracy. Our key insight is that hierarchical recognition should not be treated as multi-task classification, as each level is essentially a different task and they would have to compromise with each other, but be grounded on image segmentations that are consistent across semantic granularities. Consistency can in fact improve accuracy. We build upon recent work on learning hierarchical segmentation for flat-level recognition, and extend it to hierarchical recognition. It naturally captures the intuition that fine-grained recognition requires fine image segmentation whereas coarse-grained recognition requires coarse segmentation; they can all be integrated into one recognition model that drives fine-to-coarse internal visual parsing.Additionally, we introduce a Tree-path KL Divergence loss to enforce consistent accurate predictions across levels. Our extensive experimentation and analysis demonstrate our significant gains on predicting an accurate and consistent taxonomy tree.
Abstract:As applications of machine learning proliferate, innovative algorithms inspired by specific real-world challenges have become increasingly important. Such work offers the potential for significant impact not merely in domains of application but also in machine learning itself. In this paper, we describe the paradigm of application-driven research in machine learning, contrasting it with the more standard paradigm of methods-driven research. We illustrate the benefits of application-driven machine learning and how this approach can productively synergize with methods-driven work. Despite these benefits, we find that reviewing, hiring, and teaching practices in machine learning often hold back application-driven innovation. We outline how these processes may be improved.
Abstract:Object detectors often perform poorly on data that differs from their training set. Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) methods have recently demonstrated strong results on addressing this challenge. Unfortunately, we identify systemic benchmarking pitfalls that call past results into question and hamper further progress: (a) Overestimation of performance due to underpowered baselines, (b) Inconsistent implementation practices preventing transparent comparisons of methods, and (c) Lack of generality due to outdated backbones and lack of diversity in benchmarks. We address these problems by introducing: (1) A unified benchmarking and implementation framework, Align and Distill (ALDI), enabling comparison of DAOD methods and supporting future development, (2) A fair and modern training and evaluation protocol for DAOD that addresses benchmarking pitfalls, (3) A new DAOD benchmark dataset, CFC-DAOD, enabling evaluation on diverse real-world data, and (4) A new method, ALDI++, that achieves state-of-the-art results by a large margin. ALDI++ outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by +3.5 AP50 on Cityscapes to Foggy Cityscapes, +5.7 AP50 on Sim10k to Cityscapes (where ours is the only method to outperform a fair baseline), and +2.0 AP50 on CFC Kenai to Channel. Our framework, dataset, and state-of-the-art method offer a critical reset for DAOD and provide a strong foundation for future research. Code and data are available: https://github.com/justinkay/aldi and https://github.com/visipedia/caltech-fish-counting.