Abstract:What does the presence of a species reveal about a geographic location? We posit that habitat, climate, and environmental preferences reflected in species distributions provide a rich source of supervision for learning satellite image representations. We introduce WildSAT, which pairs satellite images with millions of geo-tagged wildlife observations readily-available on citizen science platforms. WildSAT uses a contrastive learning framework to combine information from species distribution maps with text descriptions that capture habitat and range details, alongside satellite images, to train or fine-tune models. On a range of downstream satellite image recognition tasks, this significantly improves the performance of both randomly initialized models and pre-trained models from sources like ImageNet or specialized satellite image datasets. Additionally, the alignment with text enables zero-shot retrieval, allowing for search based on general descriptions of locations. We demonstrate that WildSAT achieves better representations than recent methods that utilize other forms of cross-modal supervision, such as aligning satellite images with ground images or wildlife photos. Finally, we analyze the impact of various design choices on downstream performance, highlighting the general applicability of our approach.
Abstract:Reconstructing complex structures from planar cross-sections is a challenging problem, with wide-reaching applications in medical imaging, manufacturing, and topography. Out-of-the-box point cloud reconstruction methods can often fail due to the data sparsity between slicing planes, while current bespoke methods struggle to reconstruct thin geometric structures and preserve topological continuity. This is important for medical applications where thin vessel structures are present in CT and MRI scans. This paper introduces \method, a novel approach for extracting a 3D signed distance field from 2D signed distances generated from planar contours. Our approach makes the training of neural SDFs contour-aware by using losses designed for the case where geometry is known within 2D slices. Our results demonstrate a significant improvement over existing methods, effectively reconstructing thin structures and producing accurate 3D models without the interpolation artifacts or over-smoothing of prior approaches.
Abstract:Large-scale pre-trained vision models are becoming increasingly prevalent, offering expressive and generalizable visual representations that benefit various downstream tasks. Recent studies on the emergent properties of these models have revealed their high-level geometric understanding, in particular in the context of depth perception. However, it remains unclear how depth perception arises in these models without explicit depth supervision provided during pre-training. To investigate this, we examine whether the monocular depth cues, similar to those used by the human visual system, emerge in these models. We introduce a new benchmark, DepthCues, designed to evaluate depth cue understanding, and present findings across 20 diverse and representative pre-trained vision models. Our analysis shows that human-like depth cues emerge in more recent larger models. We also explore enhancing depth perception in large vision models by fine-tuning on DepthCues, and find that even without dense depth supervision, this improves depth estimation. To support further research, our benchmark and evaluation code will be made publicly available for studying depth perception in vision models.
Abstract:We introduce INQUIRE, a text-to-image retrieval benchmark designed to challenge multimodal vision-language models on expert-level queries. INQUIRE includes iNaturalist 2024 (iNat24), a new dataset of five million natural world images, along with 250 expert-level retrieval queries. These queries are paired with all relevant images comprehensively labeled within iNat24, comprising 33,000 total matches. Queries span categories such as species identification, context, behavior, and appearance, emphasizing tasks that require nuanced image understanding and domain expertise. Our benchmark evaluates two core retrieval tasks: (1) INQUIRE-Fullrank, a full dataset ranking task, and (2) INQUIRE-Rerank, a reranking task for refining top-100 retrievals. Detailed evaluation of a range of recent multimodal models demonstrates that INQUIRE poses a significant challenge, with the best models failing to achieve an mAP@50 above 50%. In addition, we show that reranking with more powerful multimodal models can enhance retrieval performance, yet there remains a significant margin for improvement. By focusing on scientifically-motivated ecological challenges, INQUIRE aims to bridge the gap between AI capabilities and the needs of real-world scientific inquiry, encouraging the development of retrieval systems that can assist with accelerating ecological and biodiversity research. Our dataset and code are available at https://inquire-benchmark.github.io
Abstract:Species range maps (SRMs) are essential tools for research and policy-making in ecology, conservation, and environmental management. However, traditional SRMs rely on the availability of environmental covariates and high-quality species location observation data, both of which can be challenging to obtain due to geographic inaccessibility and resource constraints. We propose a novel approach combining millions of citizen science species observations with textual descriptions from Wikipedia, covering habitat preferences and range descriptions for tens of thousands of species. Our framework maps locations, species, and text descriptions into a common space, facilitating the learning of rich spatial covariates at a global scale and enabling zero-shot range estimation from textual descriptions. Evaluated on held-out species, our zero-shot SRMs significantly outperform baselines and match the performance of SRMs obtained using tens of observations. Our approach also acts as a strong prior when combined with observational data, resulting in more accurate range estimation with less data. We present extensive quantitative and qualitative analyses of the learned representations in the context of range estimation and other spatial tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:Accurately predicting the geographic ranges of species is crucial for assisting conservation efforts. Traditionally, range maps were manually created by experts. However, species distribution models (SDMs) and, more recently, deep learning-based variants offer a potential automated alternative. Deep learning-based SDMs generate a continuous probability representing the predicted presence of a species at a given location, which must be binarized by setting per-species thresholds to obtain binary range maps. However, selecting appropriate per-species thresholds to binarize these predictions is non-trivial as different species can require distinct thresholds. In this work, we evaluate different approaches for automatically identifying the best thresholds for binarizing range maps using presence-only data. This includes approaches that require the generation of additional pseudo-absence data, along with ones that only require presence data. We also propose an extension of an existing presence-only technique that is more robust to outliers. We perform a detailed evaluation of different thresholding techniques on the tasks of binary range estimation and large-scale fine-grained visual classification, and we demonstrate improved performance over existing pseudo-absence free approaches using our method.
Abstract:Large wildlife image collections from camera traps are crucial for biodiversity monitoring, offering insights into species richness, occupancy, and activity patterns. However, manual processing of these data is time-consuming, hindering analytical processes. To address this, deep neural networks have been widely adopted to automate image analysis. Despite their growing use, the impact of model training decisions on downstream ecological metrics remains unclear. Here, we analyse camera trap data from an African savannah and an Asian sub-tropical dry forest to compare key ecological metrics derived from expert-generated species identifications with those generated from deep neural networks. We assess the impact of model architecture, training data noise, and dataset size on ecological metrics, including species richness, occupancy, and activity patterns. Our results show that while model architecture has minimal impact, large amounts of noise and reduced dataset size significantly affect these metrics. Nonetheless, estimated ecological metrics are resilient to considerable noise, tolerating up to 10% error in species labels and a 50% reduction in training set size without changing significantly. We also highlight that conventional metrics like classification error may not always be representative of a model's ability to accurately measure ecological metrics. We conclude that ecological metrics derived from deep neural network predictions closely match those calculated from expert labels and remain robust to variations in the factors explored. However, training decisions for deep neural networks can impact downstream ecological analysis. Therefore, practitioners should prioritize creating large, clean training sets and evaluate deep neural network solutions based on their ability to measure the ecological metrics of interest.
Abstract:Extracting planes from a 3D scene is useful for downstream tasks in robotics and augmented reality. In this paper we tackle the problem of estimating the planar surfaces in a scene from posed images. Our first finding is that a surprisingly competitive baseline results from combining popular clustering algorithms with recent improvements in 3D geometry estimation. However, such purely geometric methods are understandably oblivious to plane semantics, which are crucial to discerning distinct planes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a method that predicts multi-view consistent plane embeddings that complement geometry when clustering points into planes. We show through extensive evaluation on the ScanNetV2 dataset that our new method outperforms existing approaches and our strong geometric baseline for the task of plane estimation.
Abstract:We introduce a new generative approach for synthesizing 3D geometry and images from single-view collections. Most existing approaches predict volumetric density to render multi-view consistent images. By employing volumetric rendering using neural radiance fields, they inherit a key limitation: the generated geometry is noisy and unconstrained, limiting the quality and utility of the output meshes. To address this issue, we propose GeoGen, a new SDF-based 3D generative model trained in an end-to-end manner. Initially, we reinterpret the volumetric density as a Signed Distance Function (SDF). This allows us to introduce useful priors to generate valid meshes. However, those priors prevent the generative model from learning details, limiting the applicability of the method to real-world scenarios. To alleviate that problem, we make the transformation learnable and constrain the rendered depth map to be consistent with the zero-level set of the SDF. Through the lens of adversarial training, we encourage the network to produce higher fidelity details on the output meshes. For evaluation, we introduce a synthetic dataset of human avatars captured from 360-degree camera angles, to overcome the challenges presented by real-world datasets, which often lack 3D consistency and do not cover all camera angles. Our experiments on multiple datasets show that GeoGen produces visually and quantitatively better geometry than the previous generative models based on neural radiance fields.
Abstract:Category discovery methods aim to find novel categories in unlabeled visual data. At training time, a set of labeled and unlabeled images are provided, where the labels correspond to the categories present in the images. The labeled data provides guidance during training by indicating what types of visual properties and features are relevant for performing discovery in the unlabeled data. As a result, changing the categories present in the labeled set can have a large impact on what is ultimately discovered in the unlabeled set. Despite its importance, the impact of labeled data selection has not been explored in the category discovery literature to date. We show that changing the labeled data can significantly impact discovery performance. Motivated by this, we propose two new approaches for automatically selecting the most suitable labeled data based on the similarity between the labeled and unlabeled data. Our observation is that, unlike in conventional supervised transfer learning, the best labeled is neither too similar, nor too dissimilar, to the unlabeled categories. Our resulting approaches obtains state-of-the-art discovery performance across a range of challenging fine-grained benchmark datasets.