Abstract:The integration of pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) into visuo-motor robot learning has emerged as a promising alternative to training visual encoders from scratch. However, PVRs face critical challenges in the context of policy learning, including temporal entanglement and an inability to generalise even in the presence of minor scene perturbations. These limitations hinder performance in tasks requiring temporal awareness and robustness to scene changes. This work identifies these shortcomings and proposes solutions to address them. First, we augment PVR features with temporal perception and a sense of task completion, effectively disentangling them in time. Second, we introduce a module that learns to selectively attend to task-relevant local features, enhancing robustness when evaluated on out-of-distribution scenes. Our experiments demonstrate significant performance improvements, particularly in PVRs trained with masking objectives, and validate the effectiveness of our enhancements in addressing PVR-specific limitations.
Abstract:Large-scale pre-trained vision models are becoming increasingly prevalent, offering expressive and generalizable visual representations that benefit various downstream tasks. Recent studies on the emergent properties of these models have revealed their high-level geometric understanding, in particular in the context of depth perception. However, it remains unclear how depth perception arises in these models without explicit depth supervision provided during pre-training. To investigate this, we examine whether the monocular depth cues, similar to those used by the human visual system, emerge in these models. We introduce a new benchmark, DepthCues, designed to evaluate depth cue understanding, and present findings across 20 diverse and representative pre-trained vision models. Our analysis shows that human-like depth cues emerge in more recent larger models. We also explore enhancing depth perception in large vision models by fine-tuning on DepthCues, and find that even without dense depth supervision, this improves depth estimation. To support further research, our benchmark and evaluation code will be made publicly available for studying depth perception in vision models.
Abstract:Visual artifacts are often introduced into streamed video content, due to prevailing conditions during content production and/or delivery. Since these can degrade the quality of the user's experience, it is important to automatically and accurately detect them in order to enable effective quality measurement and enhancement. Existing detection methods often focus on a single type of artifact and/or determine the presence of an artifact through thresholding objective quality indices. Such approaches have been reported to offer inconsistent prediction performance and are also impractical for real-world applications where multiple artifacts co-exist and interact. In this paper, we propose a Multiple Visual Artifact Detector, MVAD, for video streaming which, for the first time, is able to detect multiple artifacts using a single framework that is not reliant on video quality assessment models. Our approach employs a new Artifact-aware Dynamic Feature Extractor (ADFE) to obtain artifact-relevant spatial features within each frame for multiple artifact types. The extracted features are further processed by a Recurrent Memory Vision Transformer (RMViT) module, which captures both short-term and long-term temporal information within the input video. The proposed network architecture is optimized in an end-to-end manner based on a new, large and diverse training database that is generated by simulating the video streaming pipeline and based on Adversarial Data Augmentation. This model has been evaluated on two video artifact databases, Maxwell and BVI-Artifact, and achieves consistent and improved prediction results for ten target visual artifacts when compared to seven existing single and multiple artifact detectors. The source code and training database will be available at https://chenfeng-bristol.github.io/MVAD/.
Abstract:With recent advances in deep learning, numerous algorithms have been developed to enhance video quality, reduce visual artefacts and improve perceptual quality. However, little research has been reported on the quality assessment of enhanced content - the evaluation of enhancement methods is often based on quality metrics that were designed for compression applications. In this paper, we propose a novel blind deep video quality assessment (VQA) method specifically for enhanced video content. It employs a new Recurrent Memory Transformer (RMT) based network architecture to obtain video quality representations, which is optimised through a novel content-quality-aware contrastive learning strategy based on a new database containing 13K training patches with enhanced content. The extracted quality representations are then combined through linear regression to generate video-level quality indices. The proposed method, RMT-BVQA, has been evaluated on the VDPVE (VQA Dataset for Perceptual Video Enhancement) database through a five-fold cross validation. The results show its superior correlation performance when compared to ten existing no-reference quality metrics.
Abstract:Unlike video coding for professional content, the delivery pipeline of User Generated Content (UGC) involves transcoding where unpristine reference content needs to be compressed repeatedly. In this work, we observe that existing full-/no-reference quality metrics fail to accurately predict the perceptual quality difference between transcoded UGC content and the corresponding unpristine references. Therefore, they are unsuited for guiding the rate-distortion optimisation process in the transcoding process. In this context, we propose a bespoke full-reference deep video quality metric for UGC transcoding. The proposed method features a transcoding-specific weakly supervised training strategy employing a quality ranking-based Siamese structure. The proposed method is evaluated on the YouTube-UGC VP9 subset and the LIVE-Wild database, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance compared to existing VQA methods.
Abstract:Professionally generated content (PGC) streamed online can contain visual artefacts that degrade the quality of user experience. These artefacts arise from different stages of the streaming pipeline, including acquisition, post-production, compression, and transmission. To better guide streaming experience enhancement, it is important to detect specific artefacts at the user end in the absence of a pristine reference. In this work, we address the lack of a comprehensive benchmark for artefact detection within streamed PGC, via the creation and validation of a large database, BVI-Artefact. Considering the ten most relevant artefact types encountered in video streaming, we collected and generated 480 video sequences, each containing various artefacts with associated binary artefact labels. Based on this new database, existing artefact detection methods are benchmarked, with results showing the challenging nature of this tasks and indicating the requirement of more reliable artefact detection methods. To facilitate further research in this area, we have made BVI-Artifact publicly available at https://chenfeng-bristol.github.io/BVI-Artefact/
Abstract:Deep learning-based video quality assessment (deep VQA) has demonstrated significant potential in surpassing conventional metrics, with promising improvements in terms of correlation with human perception. However, the practical deployment of such deep VQA models is often limited due to their high computational complexity and large memory requirements. To address this issue, we aim to significantly reduce the model size and runtime of one of the state-of-the-art deep VQA methods, RankDVQA, by employing a two-phase workflow that integrates pruning-driven model compression with multi-level knowledge distillation. The resulting lightweight quality metric, RankDVQA-mini, requires less than 10% of the model parameters compared to its full version (14% in terms of FLOPs), while still retaining a quality prediction performance that is superior to most existing deep VQA methods. The source code of the RankDVQA-mini has been released at https://chenfeng-bristol.github.io/RankDVQA-mini/ for public evaluation.
Abstract:Recently, Zhang et al. have proposed the Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler (DEIS) for fast generation of samples from Diffusion Models. It leverages the semi-linear nature of the probability flow ordinary differential equation (ODE) in order to greatly reduce integration error and improve generation quality at low numbers of function evaluations (NFEs). Key to this approach is the score function reparameterisation, which reduces the integration error incurred from using a fixed score function estimate over each integration step. The original authors use the default parameterisation used by models trained for noise prediction -- multiply the score by the standard deviation of the conditional forward noising distribution. We find that although the mean absolute value of this score parameterisation is close to constant for a large portion of the reverse sampling process, it changes rapidly at the end of sampling. As a simple fix, we propose to instead reparameterise the score (at inference) by dividing it by the average absolute value of previous score estimates at that time step collected from offline high NFE generations. We find that our score normalisation (DEIS-SN) consistently improves FID compared to vanilla DEIS, showing an improvement at 10 NFEs from 6.44 to 5.57 on CIFAR-10 and from 5.9 to 4.95 on LSUN-Church 64x64. Our code is available at https://github.com/mtkresearch/Diffusion-DEIS-SN
Abstract:Existing works on video frame interpolation (VFI) mostly employ deep neural networks trained to minimize the L1 or L2 distance between their outputs and ground-truth frames. Despite recent advances, existing VFI methods tend to produce perceptually inferior results, particularly for challenging scenarios including large motions and dynamic textures. Towards developing perceptually-oriented VFI methods, we propose latent diffusion model-based VFI, LDMVFI. This approaches the VFI problem from a generative perspective by formulating it as a conditional generation problem. As the first effort to address VFI using latent diffusion models, we rigorously benchmark our method following the common evaluation protocol adopted in the existing VFI literature. Our quantitative experiments and user study indicate that LDMVFI is able to interpolate video content with superior perceptual quality compared to the state of the art, even in the high-resolution regime. Our source code will be made available here.
Abstract:Currently, one of the major challenges in deep learning-based video frame interpolation (VFI) is the large model sizes and high computational complexity associated with many high performance VFI approaches. In this paper, we present a distillation-based two-stage workflow for obtaining compressed VFI models which perform competitively to the state of the arts, at a greatly reduced model size and complexity. Specifically, an optimisation-based network pruning method is first applied to a recently proposed frame interpolation model, ST-MFNet, which outperforms many other VFI methods but suffers from large model size. The resulting new network architecture achieves a 91% reduction in parameters and 35% increase in speed. Secondly, the performance of the new network is further enhanced through a teacher-student knowledge distillation training process using a Laplacian distillation loss. The final low complexity model, ST-MFNet Mini, achieves a comparable performance to most existing high-complex VFI methods, only outperformed by the original ST-MFNet. Our source code is available at https://github.com/crispianm/ST-MFNet-Mini