Abstract:Accurate estimates of salmon escapement - the number of fish migrating upstream to spawn - are key data for conservation and fishery management. Existing methods for salmon counting using high-resolution imaging sonar hardware are non-invasive and compatible with computer vision processing. Prior work in this area has utilized object detection and tracking based methods for automated salmon counting. However, these techniques remain inaccessible to many sonar deployment sites due to limited compute and connectivity in the field. We propose an alternative lightweight computer vision method for fish counting based on analyzing echograms - temporal representations that compress several hundred frames of imaging sonar video into a single image. We predict upstream and downstream counts within 200-frame time windows directly from echograms using a ResNet-18 model, and propose a set of domain-specific image augmentations and a weakly-supervised training protocol to further improve results. We achieve a count error of 23% on representative data from the Kenai River in Alaska, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach.
Abstract:The study of social interactions and collective behaviors through multi-agent video analysis is crucial in biology. While self-supervised keypoint discovery has emerged as a promising solution to reduce the need for manual keypoint annotations, existing methods often struggle with videos containing multiple interacting agents, especially those of the same species and color. To address this, we introduce B-KinD-multi, a novel approach that leverages pre-trained video segmentation models to guide keypoint discovery in multi-agent scenarios. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual annotations on new experimental settings and organisms. Extensive evaluations demonstrate improved keypoint regression and downstream behavioral classification in videos of flies, mice, and rats. Furthermore, our method generalizes well to other species, including ants, bees, and humans, highlighting its potential for broad applications in automated keypoint annotation for multi-agent behavior analysis. Code available under: https://danielpkhalil.github.io/B-KinD-Multi
Abstract:We explore social perception of human faces in CLIP, a widely used open-source vision-language model. To this end, we compare the similarity in CLIP embeddings between different textual prompts and a set of face images. Our textual prompts are constructed from well-validated social psychology terms denoting social perception. The face images are synthetic and are systematically and independently varied along six dimensions: the legally protected attributes of age, gender, and race, as well as facial expression, lighting, and pose. Independently and systematically manipulating face attributes allows us to study the effect of each on social perception and avoids confounds that can occur in wild-collected data due to uncontrolled systematic correlations between attributes. Thus, our findings are experimental rather than observational. Our main findings are three. First, while CLIP is trained on the widest variety of images and texts, it is able to make fine-grained human-like social judgments on face images. Second, age, gender, and race do systematically impact CLIP's social perception of faces, suggesting an undesirable bias in CLIP vis-a-vis legally protected attributes. Most strikingly, we find a strong pattern of bias concerning the faces of Black women, where CLIP produces extreme values of social perception across different ages and facial expressions. Third, facial expression impacts social perception more than age and lighting as much as age. The last finding predicts that studies that do not control for unprotected visual attributes may reach the wrong conclusions on bias. Our novel method of investigation, which is founded on the social psychology literature and on the experiments involving the manipulation of individual attributes, yields sharper and more reliable observations than previous observational methods and may be applied to study biases in any vision-language model.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a machine learning approach where the data itself provides supervision, eliminating the need for external labels. The model is forced to learn about the data structure or context by solving a pretext task. With SSL, models can learn from abundant and cheap unlabeled data, significantly reducing the cost of training models where labels are expensive or inaccessible. In Computer Vision, SSL is widely used as pre-training followed by a downstream task, such as supervised transfer, few-shot learning on smaller labeled data sets, and/or unsupervised clustering. Unfortunately, it is infeasible to evaluate SSL methods on all possible downstream tasks and objectively measure the quality of the learned representation. Instead, SSL methods are evaluated using in-domain evaluation protocols, such as fine-tuning, linear probing, and k-nearest neighbors (kNN). However, it is not well understood how well these evaluation protocols estimate the representation quality of a pre-trained model for different downstream tasks under different conditions, such as dataset, metric, and model architecture. We study how classification-based evaluation protocols for SSL correlate and how well they predict downstream performance on different dataset types. Our study includes eleven common image datasets and 26 models that were pre-trained with different SSL methods or have different model backbones. We find that in-domain linear/kNN probing protocols are, on average, the best general predictors for out-of-domain performance. We further investigate the importance of batch normalization and evaluate how robust correlations are for different kinds of dataset domain shifts. We challenge assumptions about the relationship between discriminative and generative self-supervised methods, finding that most of their performance differences can be explained by changes to model backbones.
Abstract:Model performance evaluation is a critical and expensive task in machine learning and computer vision. Without clear guidelines, practitioners often estimate model accuracy using a one-time random selection of the data. However, by employing tailored sampling and estimation strategies, one can obtain more precise estimates and reduce annotation costs. In this paper, we propose a statistical framework for model evaluation that includes stratification, sampling, and estimation components. We examine the statistical properties of each component and evaluate their efficiency (precision). One key result of our work is that stratification via k-means clustering based on accurate predictions of model performance yields efficient estimators. Our experiments on computer vision datasets show that this method consistently provides more precise accuracy estimates than the traditional simple random sampling, even with substantial efficiency gains of 10x. We also find that model-assisted estimators, which leverage predictions of model accuracy on the unlabeled portion of the dataset, are generally more efficient than the traditional estimates based solely on the labeled data.
Abstract:We introduce Discovering Conceptual Network Explanations (DCNE), a new approach for generating human-comprehensible visual explanations to enhance the interpretability of deep neural image classifiers. Our method automatically finds visual explanations that are critical for discriminating between classes. This is achieved by simultaneously optimizing three criteria: the explanations should be few, diverse, and human-interpretable. Our approach builds on the recently introduced Concept Relevance Propagation (CRP) explainability method. While CRP is effective at describing individual neuronal activations, it generates too many concepts, which impacts human comprehension. Instead, DCNE selects the few most important explanations. We introduce a new evaluation dataset centered on the challenging task of classifying birds, enabling us to compare the alignment of DCNE's explanations to those of human expert-defined ones. Compared to existing eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, DCNE has a desirable trade-off between conciseness and completeness when summarizing network explanations. It produces 1/30 of CRP's explanations while only resulting in a slight reduction in explanation quality. DCNE represents a step forward in making neural network decisions accessible and interpretable to humans, providing a valuable tool for both researchers and practitioners in XAI and model alignment.
Abstract:Object detectors often perform poorly on data that differs from their training set. Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) methods have recently demonstrated strong results on addressing this challenge. Unfortunately, we identify systemic benchmarking pitfalls that call past results into question and hamper further progress: (a) Overestimation of performance due to underpowered baselines, (b) Inconsistent implementation practices preventing transparent comparisons of methods, and (c) Lack of generality due to outdated backbones and lack of diversity in benchmarks. We address these problems by introducing: (1) A unified benchmarking and implementation framework, Align and Distill (ALDI), enabling comparison of DAOD methods and supporting future development, (2) A fair and modern training and evaluation protocol for DAOD that addresses benchmarking pitfalls, (3) A new DAOD benchmark dataset, CFC-DAOD, enabling evaluation on diverse real-world data, and (4) A new method, ALDI++, that achieves state-of-the-art results by a large margin. ALDI++ outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by +3.5 AP50 on Cityscapes to Foggy Cityscapes, +5.7 AP50 on Sim10k to Cityscapes (where ours is the only method to outperform a fair baseline), and +2.0 AP50 on CFC Kenai to Channel. Our framework, dataset, and state-of-the-art method offer a critical reset for DAOD and provide a strong foundation for future research. Code and data are available: https://github.com/justinkay/aldi and https://github.com/visipedia/caltech-fish-counting.
Abstract:Crowdsourced machine learning on competition platforms such as Kaggle is a popular and often effective method for generating accurate models. Typically, teams vie for the most accurate model, as measured by overall error on a holdout set, and it is common towards the end of such competitions for teams at the top of the leaderboard to ensemble or average their models outside the platform mechanism to get the final, best global model. In arXiv:2201.10408, the authors developed an alternative crowdsourcing framework in the context of fair machine learning, in order to integrate community feedback into models when subgroup unfairness is present and identifiable. There, unlike in classical crowdsourced ML, participants deliberately specialize their efforts by working on subproblems, such as demographic subgroups in the service of fairness. Here, we take a broader perspective on this work: we note that within this framework, participants may both specialize in the service of fairness and simply to cater to their particular expertise (e.g., focusing on identifying bird species in an image classification task). Unlike traditional crowdsourcing, this allows for the diversification of participants' efforts and may provide a participation mechanism to a larger range of individuals (e.g. a machine learning novice who has insight into a specific fairness concern). We present the first medium-scale experimental evaluation of this framework, with 46 participating teams attempting to generate models to predict income from American Community Survey data. We provide an empirical analysis of teams' approaches, and discuss the novel system architecture we developed. From here, we give concrete guidance for how best to deploy such a framework.
Abstract:High-resolution semantic segmentation requires substantial computational resources. Traditional approaches in the field typically downscale the input images before processing and then upscale the low-resolution outputs back to their original dimensions. While this strategy effectively identifies broad regions, it often misses finer details. In this study, we demonstrate that a streamlined model capable of directly producing high-resolution segmentations can match the performance of more complex systems that generate lower-resolution results. By simplifying the network architecture, we enable the processing of images at their native resolution. Our approach leverages a bottom-up information propagation technique across various scales, which we have empirically shown to enhance segmentation accuracy. We have rigorously tested our method using leading-edge semantic segmentation datasets. Specifically, for the Cityscapes dataset, we further boost accuracy by applying the Noisy Student Training technique.
Abstract:Diffusion models are generative models with impressive text-to-image synthesis capabilities and have spurred a new wave of creative methods for classical machine learning tasks. However, the best way to harness the perceptual knowledge of these generative models for visual tasks is still an open question. Specifically, it is unclear how to use the prompting interface when applying diffusion backbones to vision tasks. We find that automatically generated captions can improve text-image alignment and significantly enhance a model's cross-attention maps, leading to better perceptual performance. Our approach improves upon the current SOTA in diffusion-based semantic segmentation on ADE20K and the current overall SOTA in depth estimation on NYUv2. Furthermore, our method generalizes to the cross-domain setting; we use model personalization and caption modifications to align our model to the target domain and find improvements over unaligned baselines. Our object detection model, trained on Pascal VOC, achieves SOTA results on Watercolor2K. Our segmentation method, trained on Cityscapes, achieves SOTA results on Dark Zurich-val and Nighttime Driving. Project page: https://www.vision.caltech.edu/tadp/