Abstract:Accurate positioning is crucial in the construction industry, where labor shortages highlight the need for automation. Robotic systems with long kinematic chains are required to reach complex workspaces, including floors, walls, and ceilings. These requirements significantly impact positioning accuracy due to effects such as deflection and backlash in various parts along the kinematic chain. In this work, we introduce a novel approach that integrates deflection and backlash compensation models with high-accuracy accelerometers, significantly enhancing position accuracy. Our method employs a modular framework based on a factor graph formulation to estimate the state of the kinematic chain, leveraging acceleration measurements to inform the model. Extensive testing on publicly released datasets, reflecting real-world construction disturbances, demonstrates the advantages of our approach. The proposed method reduces the $95\%$ error threshold in the xy-plane by $50\%$ compared to the state-of-the-art Virtual Joint Method, and by $31\%$ when incorporating base tilt compensation.
Abstract:Learning robust and generalizable world models is crucial for enabling efficient and scalable robotic control in real-world environments. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for learning world models that accurately capture complex, partially observable, and stochastic dynamics. The proposed method employs a dual-autoregressive mechanism and self-supervised training to achieve reliable long-horizon predictions without relying on domain-specific inductive biases, ensuring adaptability across diverse robotic tasks. We further propose a policy optimization framework that leverages world models for efficient training in imagined environments and seamless deployment in real-world systems. Through extensive experiments, our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating superior autoregressive prediction accuracy, robustness to noise, and generalization across manipulation and locomotion tasks. Notably, policies trained with our method are successfully deployed on ANYmal D hardware in a zero-shot transfer, achieving robust performance with minimal sim-to-real performance loss. This work advances model-based reinforcement learning by addressing the challenges of long-horizon prediction, error accumulation, and sim-to-real transfer. By providing a scalable and robust framework, the introduced methods pave the way for adaptive and efficient robotic systems in real-world applications.
Abstract:Accurate, efficient, and robust state estimation is more important than ever in robotics as the variety of platforms and complexity of tasks continue to grow. Historically, discrete-time filters and smoothers have been the dominant approach, in which the estimated variables are states at discrete sample times. The paradigm of continuous-time state estimation proposes an alternative strategy by estimating variables that express the state as a continuous function of time, which can be evaluated at any query time. Not only can this benefit downstream tasks such as planning and control, but it also significantly increases estimator performance and flexibility, as well as reduces sensor preprocessing and interfacing complexity. Despite this, continuous-time methods remain underutilized, potentially because they are less well-known within robotics. To remedy this, this work presents a unifying formulation of these methods and the most exhaustive literature review to date, systematically categorizing prior work by methodology, application, state variables, historical context, and theoretical contribution to the field. By surveying splines and Gaussian processes together and contextualizing works from other research domains, this work identifies and analyzes open problems in continuous-time state estimation and suggests new research directions.
Abstract:Differentiable simulators provide analytic gradients, enabling more sample-efficient learning algorithms and paving the way for data intensive learning tasks such as learning from images. In this work, we demonstrate that locomotion policies trained with analytic gradients from a differentiable simulator can be successfully transferred to the real world. Typically, simulators that offer informative gradients lack the physical accuracy needed for sim-to-real transfer, and vice-versa. A key factor in our success is a smooth contact model that combines informative gradients with physical accuracy, ensuring effective transfer of learned behaviors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a real quadrupedal robot is able to locomote after training exclusively in a differentiable simulation.
Abstract:Navigating efficiently to an object in an unexplored environment is a critical skill for general-purpose intelligent robots. Recent approaches to this object goal navigation problem have embraced a modular strategy, integrating classical exploration algorithms-notably frontier exploration-with a learned semantic mapping/exploration module. This paper introduces a novel informative path planning and 3D object probability mapping approach. The mapping module computes the probability of the object of interest through semantic segmentation and a Bayes filter. Additionally, it stores probabilities for common objects, which semantically guides the exploration based on common sense priors from a large language model. The planner terminates when the current viewpoint captures enough voxels identified with high confidence as the object of interest. Although our planner follows a zero-shot approach, it achieves state-of-the-art performance as measured by the Success weighted by Path Length (SPL) and Soft SPL in the Habitat ObjectNav Challenge 2023, outperforming other works by more than 20%. Furthermore, we validate its effectiveness on real robots. Project webpage: https://ippon-paper.github.io/
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) often necessitates a meticulous Markov Decision Process (MDP) design tailored to each task. This work aims to address this challenge by proposing a systematic approach to behavior synthesis and control for multi-contact loco-manipulation tasks, such as navigating spring-loaded doors and manipulating heavy dishwashers. We define a task-independent MDP to train RL policies using only a single demonstration per task generated from a model-based trajectory optimizer. Our approach incorporates an adaptive phase dynamics formulation to robustly track the demonstrations while accommodating dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. We compare our method against prior motion imitation RL works and show that the learned policies achieve higher success rates across all considered tasks. These policies learn recovery maneuvers that are not present in the demonstration, such as re-grasping objects during execution or dealing with slippages. Finally, we successfully transfer the policies to a real robot, demonstrating the practical viability of our approach.
Abstract:The precise and safe control of heavy material handling machines presents numerous challenges due to the hard-to-model hydraulically actuated joints and the need for collision-free trajectory planning with a free-swinging end-effector tool. In this work, we propose an RL-based controller that commands the cabin joint and the arm simultaneously. It is trained in a simulation combining data-driven modeling techniques with first-principles modeling. On the one hand, we employ a neural network model to capture the highly nonlinear dynamics of the upper carriage turn hydraulic motor, incorporating explicit pressure prediction to handle delays better. On the other hand, we model the arm as velocity-controllable and the free-swinging end-effector tool as a damped pendulum using first principles. This combined model enhances our simulation environment, enabling the training of RL controllers that can be directly transferred to the real machine. Designed to reach steady-state Cartesian targets, the RL controller learns to leverage the hydraulic dynamics to improve accuracy, maintain high speeds, and minimize end-effector tool oscillations. Our controller, tested on a mid-size prototype material handler, is more accurate than an inexperienced operator and causes fewer tool oscillations. It demonstrates competitive performance even compared to an experienced professional driver.
Abstract:Construction sites are challenging environments for autonomous systems due to their unstructured nature and the presence of dynamic actors, such as workers and machinery. This work presents a comprehensive panoptic scene understanding solution designed to handle the complexities of such environments by integrating 2D panoptic segmentation with 3D LiDAR mapping. Our system generates detailed environmental representations in real-time by combining semantic and geometric data, supported by Kalman Filter-based tracking for dynamic object detection. We introduce a fine-tuning method that adapts large pre-trained panoptic segmentation models for construction site applications using a limited number of domain-specific samples. For this use case, we release a first-of-its-kind dataset of 502 hand-labeled sample images with panoptic annotations from construction sites. In addition, we propose a dynamic panoptic mapping technique that enhances scene understanding in unstructured environments. As a case study, we demonstrate the system's application for autonomous navigation, utilizing real-time RRT* for reactive path planning in dynamic scenarios. The dataset (https://leggedrobotics.github.io/panoptic-scene-understanding.github.io/) and code (https://github.com/leggedrobotics/rsl_panoptic_mapping) for training and deployment are publicly available to support future research.
Abstract:First-order Policy Gradient (FoPG) algorithms such as Backpropagation through Time and Analytical Policy Gradients leverage local simulation physics to accelerate policy search, significantly improving sample efficiency in robot control compared to standard model-free reinforcement learning. However, FoPG algorithms can exhibit poor learning dynamics in contact-rich tasks like locomotion. Previous approaches address this issue by alleviating contact dynamics via algorithmic or simulation innovations. In contrast, we propose guiding the policy search by learning a residual over a simple baseline policy. For quadruped locomotion, we find that the role of residual policy learning in FoPG-based training (FoPG RPL) is primarily to improve asymptotic rewards, compared to improving sample efficiency for model-free RL. Additionally, we provide insights on applying FoPG's to pixel-based local navigation, training a point-mass robot to convergence within seconds. Finally, we showcase the versatility of FoPG RPL by using it to train locomotion and perceptive navigation end-to-end on a quadruped in minutes.
Abstract:Personal mobile robotic assistants are expected to find wide applications in industry and healthcare. For example, people with limited mobility can benefit from robots helping with daily tasks, or construction workers can have robots perform precision monitoring tasks on-site. However, manually steering a robot while in motion requires significant concentration from the operator, especially in tight or crowded spaces. This reduces walking speed, and the constant need for vigilance increases fatigue and, thus, the risk of accidents. This work presents a virtual leash with which a robot can naturally follow an operator. We use a sensor fusion based on a custom-built RF transponder, RGB cameras, and a LiDAR. In addition, we customize a local avoidance planner for legged platforms, which enables us to navigate dynamic and narrow environments. We successfully validate on the ANYmal platform the robustness and performance of our entire pipeline in real-world experiments.