Abstract:Recent advances in skill learning has propelled robot manipulation to new heights by enabling it to learn complex manipulation tasks from a practical number of demonstrations. However, these skills are often limited to the particular action, object, and environment \textit{instances} that are shown in the training data, and have trouble transferring to other instances of the same category. In this work we present an open-vocabulary Spatial-Semantic Diffusion policy (S$^2$-Diffusion) which enables generalization from instance-level training data to category-level, enabling skills to be transferable between instances of the same category. We show that functional aspects of skills can be captured via a promptable semantic module combined with a spatial representation. We further propose leveraging depth estimation networks to allow the use of only a single RGB camera. Our approach is evaluated and compared on a diverse number of robot manipulation tasks, both in simulation and in the real world. Our results show that S$^2$-Diffusion is invariant to changes in category-irrelevant factors as well as enables satisfying performance on other instances within the same category, even if it was not trained on that specific instance. Full videos of all real-world experiments are available in the supplementary material.
Abstract:The capability to efficiently search for objects in complex environments is fundamental for many real-world robot applications. Recent advances in open-vocabulary vision models have resulted in semantically-informed object navigation methods that allow a robot to search for an arbitrary object without prior training. However, these zero-shot methods have so far treated the environment as unknown for each consecutive query. In this paper we introduce a new benchmark for zero-shot multi-object navigation, allowing the robot to leverage information gathered from previous searches to more efficiently find new objects. To address this problem we build a reusable open-vocabulary feature map tailored for real-time object search. We further propose a probabilistic-semantic map update that mitigates common sources of errors in semantic feature extraction and leverage this semantic uncertainty for informed multi-object exploration. We evaluate our method on a set of object navigation tasks in both simulation as well as with a real robot, running in real-time on a Jetson Orin AGX. We demonstrate that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches both on single and multi-object navigation tasks. Additional videos, code and the multi-object navigation benchmark will be available on https://finnbsch.github.io/OneMap.
Abstract:Scene flow estimation predicts the 3D motion at each point in successive LiDAR scans. This detailed, point-level, information can help autonomous vehicles to accurately predict and understand dynamic changes in their surroundings. Current state-of-the-art methods require annotated data to train scene flow networks and the expense of labeling inherently limits their scalability. Self-supervised approaches can overcome the above limitations, yet face two principal challenges that hinder optimal performance: point distribution imbalance and disregard for object-level motion constraints. In this paper, we propose SeFlow, a self-supervised method that integrates efficient dynamic classification into a learning-based scene flow pipeline. We demonstrate that classifying static and dynamic points helps design targeted objective functions for different motion patterns. We also emphasize the importance of internal cluster consistency and correct object point association to refine the scene flow estimation, in particular on object details. Our real-time capable method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the self-supervised scene flow task on Argoverse 2 and Waymo datasets. The code is open-sourced at https://github.com/KTH-RPL/SeFlow along with trained model weights.
Abstract:Overactuated tilt-rotor platforms offer many advantages over traditional fixed-arm drones, allowing the decoupling of the applied force from the attitude of the robot. This expands their application areas to aerial interaction and manipulation, and allows them to overcome disturbances such as from ground or wall effects by exploiting the additional degrees of freedom available to their controllers. However, the overactuation also complicates the control problem, especially if the motors that tilt the arms have slower dynamics than those spinning the propellers. Instead of building a complex model-based controller that takes all of these subtleties into account, we attempt to learn an end-to-end pose controller using reinforcement learning, and show its superior behavior in the presence of inertial and force disturbances compared to a state-of-the-art traditional controller.
Abstract:We present COIN-LIO, a LiDAR Inertial Odometry pipeline that tightly couples information from LiDAR intensity with geometry-based point cloud registration. The focus of our work is to improve the robustness of LiDAR-inertial odometry in geometrically degenerate scenarios, like tunnels or flat fields. We project LiDAR intensity returns into an intensity image, and propose an image processing pipeline that produces filtered images with improved brightness consistency within the image as well as across different scenes. To effectively leverage intensity as an additional modality, we present a novel feature selection scheme that detects uninformative directions in the point cloud registration and explicitly selects patches with complementary image information. Photometric error minimization in the image patches is then fused with inertial measurements and point-to-plane registration in an iterated Extended Kalman Filter. The proposed approach improves accuracy and robustness on a public dataset. We additionally publish a new dataset, that captures five real-world environments in challenging, geometrically degenerate scenes. By using the additional photometric information, our approach shows drastically improved robustness against geometric degeneracy in environments where all compared baseline approaches fail.
Abstract:The field of aerial manipulation has seen rapid advances, transitioning from push-and-slide tasks to interaction with articulated objects. So far, when more complex actions are performed, the motion trajectory is usually handcrafted or a result of online optimization methods like Model Predictive Control (MPC) or Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control. However, these methods rely on heuristics or model simplifications to efficiently run on onboard hardware, producing results in acceptable amounts of time. Moreover, they can be sensitive to disturbances and differences between the real environment and its simulated counterpart. In this work, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to learn motion behaviors for a manipulation task while producing policies that are robust to disturbances and modeling errors. Specifically, we train a policy to perform a door-opening task with an Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicle (OMAV). The policy is trained in a physics simulator and experiments are presented both in simulation and running onboard the real platform, investigating the simulation to real world transfer. We compare our method against a state-of-the-art MPPI solution, showing a considerable increase in robustness and speed.
Abstract:Real-time detection of moving objects is an essential capability for robots acting autonomously in dynamic environments. We thus propose Dynablox, a novel online mapping-based approach for robust moving object detection in complex environments. The central idea of our approach is to incrementally estimate high confidence free-space areas by modeling and accounting for sensing, state estimation, and mapping limitations during online robot operation. The spatio-temporally conservative free space estimate enables robust detection of moving objects without making any assumptions on the appearance of objects or environments. This allows deployment in complex scenes such as multi-storied buildings or staircases, and for diverse moving objects such as people carrying various items, doors swinging or even balls rolling around. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on real-world data sets, achieving 86% IoU at 17 FPS in typical robotic settings. The method outperforms a recent appearance-based classifier and approaches the performance of offline methods. We demonstrate its generality on a novel data set with rare moving objects in complex environments. We make our efficient implementation and the novel data set available as open-source.
Abstract:From construction materials, such as sand or asphalt, to kitchen ingredients, like rice, sugar, or salt; the world is full of granular materials. Despite impressive progress in robotic manipulation, manipulating and interacting with granular material remains a challenge due to difficulties in perceiving, representing, modelling, and planning for these variable materials that have complex internal dynamics. While some prior work has looked into estimating or learning accurate dynamics models for granular materials, the literature is still missing a more abstract planning method that can be used for planning manipulation actions for granular materials with unknown material properties. In this work, we leverage tools from optimal transport and connect them to robot motion planning. We propose a heuristics-based sweep planner that does not require knowledge of the material's properties and directly uses a height map representation to generate promising sweeps. These sweeps transform granular material from arbitrary start shapes into arbitrary target shapes. We apply the sweep planner in a fast and reactive feedback loop and avoid the need for model-based planning over multiple time steps. We validate our approach with a large set of simulation and hardware experiments where we show that our method is capable of efficiently solving several complex tasks, including gathering, separating, and shaping of several types of granular materials into different target shapes.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel method for using Riemannian Motion Policies on volumetric maps, shown in the example of obstacle avoidance for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). While sampling or optimization-based planners are widely used for obstacle avoidance with volumetric maps, they are computationally expensive and often have inflexible monolithic architectures. Riemannian Motion Policies are a modular, parallelizable, and efficient navigation paradigm but are challenging to use with the widely used voxel-based environment representations. We propose using GPU raycasting and a large number of concurrent policies to provide direct obstacle avoidance using Riemannian Motion Policies in voxelized maps without the need for smoothing or pre-processing of the map. Additionally, we present how the same method can directly plan on LiDAR scans without the need for an intermediate map. We show how this reactive approach compares favorably to traditional planning methods and is able to plan using thousands of rays at kilohertz rates. We demonstrate the planner successfully on a real MAV for static and dynamic obstacles. The presented planner is made available as an open-source software package.
Abstract:Micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) hold the potential for performing autonomous and contactless land surveys for the detection of landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). Metal detectors are the standard tool, but have to be operated close to and parallel to the terrain. As this requires advanced flight capabilities, they have not been successfully combined with MAVs before. To this end, we present a full system to autonomously survey challenging undulated terrain using a metal detector mounted on a 5 degrees of freedom (DOF) MAV. Based on an online estimate of the terrain, our receding-horizon planner efficiently covers the area, aligning the detector to the surface while considering the kinematic and visibility constraints of the platform. For resilient localization, we propose a factor-graph approach for online fusion of GNSS, IMU and LiDAR measurements. A simulated ablation study shows that the proposed planner reduces coverage duration and improves trajectory smoothness. Real-world flight experiments showcase autonomous mapping of buried metallic objects in undulated and obstructed terrain. The proposed localization approach is resilient to individual sensor degeneracy.