Abstract:Accurate positioning is crucial in the construction industry, where labor shortages highlight the need for automation. Robotic systems with long kinematic chains are required to reach complex workspaces, including floors, walls, and ceilings. These requirements significantly impact positioning accuracy due to effects such as deflection and backlash in various parts along the kinematic chain. In this work, we introduce a novel approach that integrates deflection and backlash compensation models with high-accuracy accelerometers, significantly enhancing position accuracy. Our method employs a modular framework based on a factor graph formulation to estimate the state of the kinematic chain, leveraging acceleration measurements to inform the model. Extensive testing on publicly released datasets, reflecting real-world construction disturbances, demonstrates the advantages of our approach. The proposed method reduces the $95\%$ error threshold in the xy-plane by $50\%$ compared to the state-of-the-art Virtual Joint Method, and by $31\%$ when incorporating base tilt compensation.
Abstract:Exploration of unknown environments is crucial for autonomous robots; it allows them to actively reason and decide on what new data to acquire for tasks such as mapping, object discovery, and environmental assessment. Existing methods, such as frontier-based methods, rely heavily on 3D map operations, which are limited by map quality and often overlook valuable context from visual cues. This work aims at leveraging 2D visual cues for efficient autonomous exploration, addressing the limitations of extracting goal poses from a 3D map. We propose a image-only frontier-based exploration system, with FrontierNet as a core component developed in this work. FrontierNet is a learning-based model that (i) detects frontiers, and (ii) predicts their information gain, from posed RGB images enhanced by monocular depth priors. Our approach provides an alternative to existing 3D-dependent exploration systems, achieving a 16% improvement in early-stage exploration efficiency, as validated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments.
Abstract:Accurate, efficient, and robust state estimation is more important than ever in robotics as the variety of platforms and complexity of tasks continue to grow. Historically, discrete-time filters and smoothers have been the dominant approach, in which the estimated variables are states at discrete sample times. The paradigm of continuous-time state estimation proposes an alternative strategy by estimating variables that express the state as a continuous function of time, which can be evaluated at any query time. Not only can this benefit downstream tasks such as planning and control, but it also significantly increases estimator performance and flexibility, as well as reduces sensor preprocessing and interfacing complexity. Despite this, continuous-time methods remain underutilized, potentially because they are less well-known within robotics. To remedy this, this work presents a unifying formulation of these methods and the most exhaustive literature review to date, systematically categorizing prior work by methodology, application, state variables, historical context, and theoretical contribution to the field. By surveying splines and Gaussian processes together and contextualizing works from other research domains, this work identifies and analyzes open problems in continuous-time state estimation and suggests new research directions.
Abstract:Navigating efficiently to an object in an unexplored environment is a critical skill for general-purpose intelligent robots. Recent approaches to this object goal navigation problem have embraced a modular strategy, integrating classical exploration algorithms-notably frontier exploration-with a learned semantic mapping/exploration module. This paper introduces a novel informative path planning and 3D object probability mapping approach. The mapping module computes the probability of the object of interest through semantic segmentation and a Bayes filter. Additionally, it stores probabilities for common objects, which semantically guides the exploration based on common sense priors from a large language model. The planner terminates when the current viewpoint captures enough voxels identified with high confidence as the object of interest. Although our planner follows a zero-shot approach, it achieves state-of-the-art performance as measured by the Success weighted by Path Length (SPL) and Soft SPL in the Habitat ObjectNav Challenge 2023, outperforming other works by more than 20%. Furthermore, we validate its effectiveness on real robots. Project webpage: https://ippon-paper.github.io/
Abstract:The ICP registration algorithm has been a preferred method for LiDAR-based robot localization for nearly a decade. However, even in modern SLAM solutions, ICP can degrade and become unreliable in geometrically ill-conditioned environments. Current solutions primarily focus on utilizing additional sources of information, such as external odometry, to either replace the degenerate directions of the optimization solution or add additional constraints in a sensor-fusion setup afterward. In response, this work investigates and compares new and existing degeneracy mitigation methods for robust LiDAR-based localization and analyzes the efficacy of these approaches in degenerate environments for the first time in the literature at this scale. Specifically, this work proposes and investigates i) the incorporation of different types of constraints into the ICP algorithm, ii) the effect of using active or passive degeneracy mitigation techniques, and iii) the choice of utilizing global point cloud registration methods on the ill-conditioned ICP problem in LiDAR degenerate environments. The study results are validated through multiple real-world field and simulated experiments. The analysis shows that active optimization degeneracy mitigation is necessary and advantageous in the absence of reliable external estimate assistance for LiDAR-SLAM. Furthermore, introducing degeneracy-aware hard constraints in the optimization before or during the optimization is shown to perform better in the wild than by including the constraints after. Moreover, with heuristic fine-tuned parameters, soft constraints can provide equal or better results in complex ill-conditioned scenarios. The implementations used in the analysis of this work are made publicly available to the community.
Abstract:Reconstructing the 3D shape of a deformable environment from the information captured by a moving depth camera is highly relevant to surgery. The underlying challenge is the fact that simultaneously estimating camera motion and tissue deformation in a fully deformable scene is an ill-posed problem, especially from a single arbitrarily moving viewpoint. Current solutions are often organ-specific and lack the robustness required to handle large deformations. Here we propose a multi-viewpoint global optimization framework that can flexibly integrate the output of low-level perception modules (data association, depth, and relative scene flow) with kinematic and scene-modeling priors to jointly estimate multiple camera motions and absolute scene flow. We use simulated noisy data to show three practical examples that successfully constrain the convergence to a unique solution. Overall, our method shows robustness to combined noisy input measures and can process hundreds of points in a few milliseconds. MultiViPerFrOG builds a generalized learning-free scaffolding for spatio-temporal encoding that can unlock advanced surgical scene representations and will facilitate the development of the computer-assisted-surgery technologies of the future.
Abstract:We present a framework for intuitive robot programming by non-experts, leveraging natural language prompts and contextual information from the Robot Operating System (ROS). Our system integrates large language models (LLMs), enabling non-experts to articulate task requirements to the system through a chat interface. Key features of the framework include: integration of ROS with an AI agent connected to a plethora of open-source and commercial LLMs, automatic extraction of a behavior from the LLM output and execution of ROS actions/services, support for three behavior modes (sequence, behavior tree, state machine), imitation learning for adding new robot actions to the library of possible actions, and LLM reflection via human and environment feedback. Extensive experiments validate the framework, showcasing robustness, scalability, and versatility in diverse scenarios, including long-horizon tasks, tabletop rearrangements, and remote supervisory control. To facilitate the adoption of our framework and support the reproduction of our results, we have made our code open-source. You can access it at: https://github.com/huawei-noah/HEBO/tree/master/ROSLLM.
Abstract:Natural environments such as forests and grasslands are challenging for robotic navigation because of the false perception of rigid obstacles from high grass, twigs, or bushes. In this work, we present Wild Visual Navigation (WVN), an online self-supervised learning system for visual traversability estimation. The system is able to continuously adapt from a short human demonstration in the field, only using onboard sensing and computing. One of the key ideas to achieve this is the use of high-dimensional features from pre-trained self-supervised models, which implicitly encode semantic information that massively simplifies the learning task. Further, the development of an online scheme for supervision generator enables concurrent training and inference of the learned model in the wild. We demonstrate our approach through diverse real-world deployments in forests, parks, and grasslands. Our system is able to bootstrap the traversable terrain segmentation in less than 5 min of in-field training time, enabling the robot to navigate in complex, previously unseen outdoor terrains. Code: https://bit.ly/498b0CV - Project page:https://bit.ly/3M6nMHH
Abstract:Autonomous mobile robots are an increasingly integral part of modern factory and warehouse operations. Obstacle detection, avoidance and path planning are critical safety-relevant tasks, which are often solved using expensive LiDAR sensors and depth cameras. We propose to use cost-effective low-resolution ranging sensors, such as ultrasonic and infrared time-of-flight sensors by developing VIRUS-NeRF - Vision, InfraRed, and UltraSonic based Neural Radiance Fields. Building upon Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding (Instant-NGP), VIRUS-NeRF incorporates depth measurements from ultrasonic and infrared sensors and utilizes them to update the occupancy grid used for ray marching. Experimental evaluation in 2D demonstrates that VIRUS-NeRF achieves comparable mapping performance to LiDAR point clouds regarding coverage. Notably, in small environments, its accuracy aligns with that of LiDAR measurements, while in larger ones, it is bounded by the utilized ultrasonic sensors. An in-depth ablation study reveals that adding ultrasonic and infrared sensors is highly effective when dealing with sparse data and low view variation. Further, the proposed occupancy grid of VIRUS-NeRF improves the mapping capabilities and increases the training speed by 46% compared to Instant-NGP. Overall, VIRUS-NeRF presents a promising approach for cost-effective local mapping in mobile robotics, with potential applications in safety and navigation tasks. The code can be found at https://github.com/ethz-asl/virus nerf.
Abstract:Autonomous robots must navigate reliably in unknown environments even under compromised exteroceptive perception, or perception failures. Such failures often occur when harsh environments lead to degraded sensing, or when the perception algorithm misinterprets the scene due to limited generalization. In this paper, we model perception failures as invisible obstacles and pits, and train a reinforcement learning (RL) based local navigation policy to guide our legged robot. Unlike previous works relying on heuristics and anomaly detection to update navigational information, we train our navigation policy to reconstruct the environment information in the latent space from corrupted perception and react to perception failures end-to-end. To this end, we incorporate both proprioception and exteroception into our policy inputs, thereby enabling the policy to sense collisions on different body parts and pits, prompting corresponding reactions. We validate our approach in simulation and on the real quadruped robot ANYmal running in real-time (<10 ms CPU inference). In a quantitative comparison with existing heuristic-based locally reactive planners, our policy increases the success rate over 30% when facing perception failures. Project Page: https://bit.ly/45NBTuh.