Abstract:We present a neural radiance field (NeRF) based large-scale reconstruction system that fuses lidar and vision data to generate high-quality reconstructions that are geometrically accurate and capture photorealistic texture. Our system adopts the state-of-the-art NeRF representation to additionally incorporate lidar. Adding lidar data adds strong geometric constraints on the depth and surface normals, which is particularly useful when modelling uniform texture surfaces which contain ambiguous visual reconstruction cues. Furthermore, we estimate the epistemic uncertainty of the reconstruction as the spatial variance of each point location in the radiance field given the sensor observations from camera and lidar. This enables the identification of areas that are reliably reconstructed by each sensor modality, allowing the map to be filtered according to the estimated uncertainty. Our system can also exploit the trajectory produced by a real-time pose-graph lidar SLAM system during online mapping to bootstrap a (post-processed) Structure-from-Motion (SfM) reconstruction procedure reducing SfM training time by up to 70%. It also helps to properly constrain the overall metric scale which is essential for the lidar depth loss. The globally-consistent trajectory can then be divided into submaps using Spectral Clustering to group sets of co-visible images together. This submapping approach is more suitable for visual reconstruction than distance-based partitioning. Each submap is filtered according to point-wise uncertainty estimates and merged to obtain the final large-scale 3D reconstruction. We demonstrate the reconstruction system using a multi-camera, lidar sensor suite in experiments involving both robot-mounted and handheld scanning. Our test datasets cover a total area of more than 20,000 square metres, including multiple university buildings and an aerial survey of a multi-storey.
Abstract:3D open-vocabulary scene graph methods are a promising map representation for embodied agents, however many current approaches are computationally expensive. In this paper, we reexamine the critical design choices established in previous works to optimize both efficiency and performance. We propose a general scene graph framework and conduct three studies that focus on image pre-processing, feature fusion, and feature selection. Our findings reveal that commonly used image pre-processing techniques provide minimal performance improvement while tripling computation (on a per object view basis). We also show that averaging feature labels across different views significantly degrades performance. We study alternative feature selection strategies that enhance performance without adding unnecessary computational costs. Based on our findings, we introduce a computationally balanced approach for 3D point cloud segmentation with per-object features. The approach matches state-of-the-art classification accuracy while achieving a threefold reduction in computation.
Abstract:This paper introduces a large-scale multi-modal dataset captured in and around well-known landmarks in Oxford using a custom-built multi-sensor perception unit as well as a millimetre-accurate map from a Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner (TLS). The perception unit includes three synchronised global shutter colour cameras, an automotive 3D LiDAR scanner, and an inertial sensor - all precisely calibrated. We also establish benchmarks for tasks involving localisation, reconstruction, and novel-view synthesis, which enable the evaluation of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) methods, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-view Stereo (MVS) methods as well as radiance field methods such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting. To evaluate 3D reconstruction the TLS 3D models are used as ground truth. Localisation ground truth is computed by registering the mobile LiDAR scans to the TLS 3D models. Radiance field methods are evaluated not only with poses sampled from the input trajectory, but also from viewpoints that are from trajectories which are distant from the training poses. Our evaluation demonstrates a key limitation of state-of-the-art radiance field methods: we show that they tend to overfit to the training poses/images and do not generalise well to out-of-sequence poses. They also underperform in 3D reconstruction compared to MVS systems using the same visual inputs. Our dataset and benchmarks are intended to facilitate better integration of radiance field methods and SLAM systems. The raw and processed data, along with software for parsing and evaluation, can be accessed at https://dynamic.robots.ox.ac.uk/datasets/oxford-spires/.
Abstract:For biodiversity and forestry applications, end-users desire maps of forests that are fully detailed, from the forest floor to the canopy. Terrestrial laser scanning and aerial laser scanning are accurate and increasingly mature methods for scanning the forest. However, individually they are not able to estimate attributes such as tree height, trunk diameter and canopy density due to the inherent differences in their field-of-view and mapping processes. In this work, we present a pipeline that can automatically generate a single joint terrestrial and aerial forest reconstruction. The novelty of the approach is a marker-free registration pipeline, which estimates a set of relative transformation constraints between the aerial cloud and terrestrial sub-clouds without requiring any co-registration reflective markers to be physically placed in the scene. Our method then uses these constraints in a pose graph formulation, which enables us to finely align the respective clouds while respecting spatial constraints introduced by the terrestrial SLAM scanning process. We demonstrate that our approach can produce a fine-grained and complete reconstruction of large-scale natural environments, enabling multi-platform data capture for forestry applications without requiring external infrastructure.
Abstract:This paper introduces and assesses a cross-modal global visual localization system that can localize camera images within a color 3D map representation built using both visual and lidar sensing. We present three different state-of-the-art methods for creating the color 3D maps: point clouds, meshes, and neural radiance fields (NeRF). Our system constructs a database of synthetic RGB and depth image pairs from these representations. This database serves as the basis for global localization. We present an automatic approach that builds this database by synthesizing novel images of the scene and exploiting the 3D structure encoded in the different representations. Next, we present a global localization system that relies on the synthetic image database to accurately estimate the 6 DoF camera poses of monocular query images. Our localization approach relies on different learning-based global descriptors and feature detectors which enable robust image retrieval and matching despite the domain gap between (real) query camera images and the synthetic database images. We assess the system's performance through extensive real-world experiments in both indoor and outdoor settings, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of each map representation and the benefits against traditional structure-from-motion localization approaches. Our results show that all three map representations can achieve consistent localization success rates of 55% and higher across various environments. NeRF synthesized images show superior performance, localizing query images at an average success rate of 72%. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our synthesized database enables global localization even when the map creation data and the localization sequence are captured when travelling in opposite directions. Our system, operating in real-time on a mobile laptop equipped with a GPU, achieves a processing rate of 1Hz.
Abstract:Patellofemoral joint (PFJ) issues affect one in four people, with 20% experiencing chronic knee pain despite treatment. Poor outcomes and pain after knee replacement surgery are often linked to patellar mal-tracking. Traditional imaging methods like CT and MRI face challenges, including cost and metal artefacts, and there's currently no ideal way to observe joint motion without issues such as soft tissue artefacts or radiation exposure. A new system to monitor joint motion could significantly improve understanding of PFJ dynamics, aiding in better patient care and outcomes. Combining 2D ultrasound with motion tracking for 3D reconstruction of the joint using semantic segmentation and position registration can be a solution. However, the need for expensive external infrastructure to estimate the trajectories of the scanner remains the main limitation to implementing 3D bone reconstruction from handheld ultrasound scanning clinically. We proposed the Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) and the deep learning-based inertial-only odometry methods as alternatives to motion capture for tracking a handheld ultrasound scanner. The 3D reconstruction generated by these methods has demonstrated potential for assessing the PFJ and for further measurements from free-hand ultrasound scans. The results show that the VIO method performs as well as the motion capture method, with average reconstruction errors of 1.25 mm and 1.21 mm, respectively. The VIO method is the first infrastructure-free method for 3D reconstruction of bone from wireless handheld ultrasound scanning with an accuracy comparable to methods that require external infrastructure.
Abstract:We present a solution for autonomous forest inventory with a legged robotic platform. Compared to their wheeled and aerial counterparts, legged platforms offer an attractive balance of endurance and low soil impact for forest applications. In this paper, we present the complete system architecture of our forest inventory solution which includes state estimation, navigation, mission planning, and real-time tree segmentation and trait estimation. We present preliminary results for three campaigns in forests in Finland and the UK and summarize the main outcomes, lessons, and challenges. Our UK experiment at the Forest of Dean with the ANYmal D legged platform, achieved an autonomous survey of a 0.96 hectare plot in 20 min, identifying over 100 trees with typical DBH accuracy of 2 cm.
Abstract:We give an overview of AutoInspect, a ROS-based software system for robust and extensible mission-level autonomy. Over the past three years AutoInspect has been deployed in a variety of environments, including at a mine, a chemical plant, a mock oil rig, decommissioned nuclear power plants, and a fusion reactor for durations ranging from hours to weeks. The system combines robust mapping and localisation with graph-based autonomous navigation, mission execution, and scheduling to achieve a complete autonomous inspection system. The time from arrival at a new site to autonomous mission execution can be under an hour. It is deployed on a Boston Dynamics Spot robot using a custom sensing and compute payload called Frontier. In this work we go into detail of the system's performance in two long-term deployments of 49 days at a robotics test facility, and 35 days at the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion reactor in Oxfordshire, UK.
Abstract:Natural environments such as forests and grasslands are challenging for robotic navigation because of the false perception of rigid obstacles from high grass, twigs, or bushes. In this work, we present Wild Visual Navigation (WVN), an online self-supervised learning system for visual traversability estimation. The system is able to continuously adapt from a short human demonstration in the field, only using onboard sensing and computing. One of the key ideas to achieve this is the use of high-dimensional features from pre-trained self-supervised models, which implicitly encode semantic information that massively simplifies the learning task. Further, the development of an online scheme for supervision generator enables concurrent training and inference of the learned model in the wild. We demonstrate our approach through diverse real-world deployments in forests, parks, and grasslands. Our system is able to bootstrap the traversable terrain segmentation in less than 5 min of in-field training time, enabling the robot to navigate in complex, previously unseen outdoor terrains. Code: https://bit.ly/498b0CV - Project page:https://bit.ly/3M6nMHH
Abstract:Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is the standard technique used to create accurate point clouds for digital forest inventories. However, the measurement process is demanding, requiring up to two days per hectare for data collection, significant data storage, as well as resource-heavy post-processing of 3D data. In this work, we present a real-time mapping and analysis system that enables online generation of forest inventories using mobile laser scanners that can be mounted e.g. on mobile robots. Given incrementally created and locally accurate submaps-data payloads-our approach extracts tree candidates using a custom, Voronoi-inspired clustering algorithm. Tree candidates are reconstructed using an adapted Hough algorithm, which enables robust modeling of the tree stem. Further, we explicitly incorporate the incremental nature of the data collection by consistently updating the database using a pose graph LiDAR SLAM system. This enables us to refine our estimates of the tree traits if an area is revisited later during a mission. We demonstrate competitive accuracy to TLS or manual measurements using laser scanners that we mounted on backpacks or mobile robots operating in conifer, broad-leaf and mixed forests. Our results achieve RMSE of 1.93 cm, a bias of 0.65 cm and a standard deviation of 1.81 cm (averaged across these sequences)-with no post-processing required after the mission is complete.