We present a neural radiance field (NeRF) based large-scale reconstruction system that fuses lidar and vision data to generate high-quality reconstructions that are geometrically accurate and capture photorealistic texture. Our system adopts the state-of-the-art NeRF representation to additionally incorporate lidar. Adding lidar data adds strong geometric constraints on the depth and surface normals, which is particularly useful when modelling uniform texture surfaces which contain ambiguous visual reconstruction cues. Furthermore, we estimate the epistemic uncertainty of the reconstruction as the spatial variance of each point location in the radiance field given the sensor observations from camera and lidar. This enables the identification of areas that are reliably reconstructed by each sensor modality, allowing the map to be filtered according to the estimated uncertainty. Our system can also exploit the trajectory produced by a real-time pose-graph lidar SLAM system during online mapping to bootstrap a (post-processed) Structure-from-Motion (SfM) reconstruction procedure reducing SfM training time by up to 70%. It also helps to properly constrain the overall metric scale which is essential for the lidar depth loss. The globally-consistent trajectory can then be divided into submaps using Spectral Clustering to group sets of co-visible images together. This submapping approach is more suitable for visual reconstruction than distance-based partitioning. Each submap is filtered according to point-wise uncertainty estimates and merged to obtain the final large-scale 3D reconstruction. We demonstrate the reconstruction system using a multi-camera, lidar sensor suite in experiments involving both robot-mounted and handheld scanning. Our test datasets cover a total area of more than 20,000 square metres, including multiple university buildings and an aerial survey of a multi-storey. View paper on