Abstract:Exploration of unknown environments is crucial for autonomous robots; it allows them to actively reason and decide on what new data to acquire for tasks such as mapping, object discovery, and environmental assessment. Existing methods, such as frontier-based methods, rely heavily on 3D map operations, which are limited by map quality and often overlook valuable context from visual cues. This work aims at leveraging 2D visual cues for efficient autonomous exploration, addressing the limitations of extracting goal poses from a 3D map. We propose a image-only frontier-based exploration system, with FrontierNet as a core component developed in this work. FrontierNet is a learning-based model that (i) detects frontiers, and (ii) predicts their information gain, from posed RGB images enhanced by monocular depth priors. Our approach provides an alternative to existing 3D-dependent exploration systems, achieving a 16% improvement in early-stage exploration efficiency, as validated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments.
Abstract:Recent approaches have successfully focused on the segmentation of static reconstructions, thereby equipping downstream applications with semantic 3D understanding. However, the world in which we live is dynamic, characterized by numerous interactions between the environment and humans or robotic agents. Static semantic maps are unable to capture this information, and the naive solution of rescanning the environment after every change is both costly and ineffective in tracking e.g. objects being stored away in drawers. With Lost & Found we present an approach that addresses this limitation. Based solely on egocentric recordings with corresponding hand position and camera pose estimates, we are able to track the 6DoF poses of the moving object within the detected interaction interval. These changes are applied online to a transformable scene graph that captures object-level relations. Compared to state-of-the-art object pose trackers, our approach is more reliable in handling the challenging egocentric viewpoint and the lack of depth information. It outperforms the second-best approach by 34% and 56% for translational and orientational error, respectively, and produces visibly smoother 6DoF object trajectories. In addition, we illustrate how the acquired interaction information in the dynamic scene graph can be employed in the context of robotic applications that would otherwise be unfeasible: We show how our method allows to command a mobile manipulator through teach & repeat, and how information about prior interaction allows a mobile manipulator to retrieve an object hidden in a drawer. Code, videos and corresponding data are accessible at https://behretj.github.io/LostAndFound.
Abstract:Gaussian splatting and single/multi-view depth estimation are typically studied in isolation. In this paper, we present DepthSplat to connect Gaussian splatting and depth estimation and study their interactions. More specifically, we first contribute a robust multi-view depth model by leveraging pre-trained monocular depth features, leading to high-quality feed-forward 3D Gaussian splatting reconstructions. We also show that Gaussian splatting can serve as an unsupervised pre-training objective for learning powerful depth models from large-scale unlabelled datasets. We validate the synergy between Gaussian splatting and depth estimation through extensive ablation and cross-task transfer experiments. Our DepthSplat achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet, RealEstate10K and DL3DV datasets in terms of both depth estimation and novel view synthesis, demonstrating the mutual benefits of connecting both tasks. Our code, models, and video results are available at https://haofeixu.github.io/depthsplat/.
Abstract:The performance of neural networks scales with both their size and the amount of data they have been trained on. This is shown in both language and image generation. However, this requires scaling-friendly network architectures as well as large-scale datasets. Even though scaling-friendly architectures like transformers have emerged for 3D vision tasks, the GPT-moment of 3D vision remains distant due to the lack of training data. In this paper, we introduce ARKit LabelMaker, the first large-scale, real-world 3D dataset with dense semantic annotations. Specifically, we complement ARKitScenes dataset with dense semantic annotations that are automatically generated at scale. To this end, we extend LabelMaker, a recent automatic annotation pipeline, to serve the needs of large-scale pre-training. This involves extending the pipeline with cutting-edge segmentation models as well as making it robust to the challenges of large-scale processing. Further, we push forward the state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet and ScanNet200 dataset with prevalent 3D semantic segmentation models, demonstrating the efficacy of our generated dataset.
Abstract:Human-robot interaction through mixed reality (MR) technologies enables novel, intuitive interfaces to control robots in remote operations. Such interfaces facilitate operations in hazardous environments, where human presence is risky, yet human oversight remains crucial. Potential environments include disaster response scenarios and areas with high radiation or toxic chemicals. In this paper we present an interface system projecting a 3D representation of a scanned room as a scaled-down 'dollhouse' hologram, allowing users to select and manipulate objects using a straightforward drag-and-drop interface. We then translate these drag-and-drop user commands into real-time robot actions based on the recent Spot-Compose framework. The Unity-based application provides an interactive tutorial and a user-friendly experience, ensuring ease of use. Through comprehensive end-to-end testing, we validate the system's capability in executing pick-and-place tasks and a complementary user study affirms the interface's intuitive controls. Our findings highlight the advantages of this interface in improving user experience and operational efficiency. This work lays the groundwork for a robust framework that advances the potential for seamless human-robot collaboration in diverse applications. Paper website: https://holospot.github.io/
Abstract:Despite increasing research efforts on household robotics, robots intended for deployment in domestic settings still struggle with more complex tasks such as interacting with functional elements like drawers or light switches, largely due to limited task-specific understanding and interaction capabilities. These tasks require not only detection and pose estimation but also an understanding of the affordances these elements provide. To address these challenges and enhance robotic scene understanding, we introduce SpotLight: A comprehensive framework for robotic interaction with functional elements, specifically light switches. Furthermore, this framework enables robots to improve their environmental understanding through interaction. Leveraging VLM-based affordance prediction to estimate motion primitives for light switch interaction, we achieve up to 84% operation success in real world experiments. We further introduce a specialized dataset containing 715 images as well as a custom detection model for light switch detection. We demonstrate how the framework can facilitate robot learning through physical interaction by having the robot explore the environment and discover previously unknown relationships in a scene graph representation. Lastly, we propose an extension to the framework to accommodate other functional interactions such as swing doors, showcasing its flexibility. Videos and Code: timengelbracht.github.io/SpotLight/
Abstract:Accurate localization in diverse environments is a fundamental challenge in computer vision and robotics. The task involves determining a sensor's precise position and orientation, typically a camera, within a given space. Traditional localization methods often rely on passive sensing, which may struggle in scenarios with limited features or dynamic environments. In response, this paper explores the domain of active localization, emphasizing the importance of viewpoint selection to enhance localization accuracy. Our contributions involve using a data-driven approach with a simple architecture designed for real-time operation, a self-supervised data training method, and the capability to consistently integrate our map into a planning framework tailored for real-world robotics applications. Our results demonstrate that our method performs better than the existing one, targeting similar problems and generalizing on synthetic and real data. We also release an open-source implementation to benefit the community.
Abstract:State-of-the-art approaches for 6D object pose estimation assume the availability of CAD models and require the user to manually set up physically-based rendering (PBR) pipelines for synthetic training data generation. Both factors limit the application of these methods in real-world scenarios. In this work, we present a pipeline that does not require CAD models and allows training a state-of-the-art pose estimator requiring only a small set of real images as input. Our method is based on a NeuS2 object representation, that we learn through a semi-automated procedure based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and object-agnostic segmentation. We exploit the novel-view synthesis ability of NeuS2 and simple cut-and-paste augmentation to automatically generate photorealistic object renderings, which we use to train the correspondence-based SurfEmb pose estimator. We evaluate our method on the LINEMOD-Occlusion dataset, extensively studying the impact of its individual components and showing competitive performance with respect to approaches based on CAD models and PBR data. We additionally demonstrate the ease of use and effectiveness of our pipeline on self-collected real-world objects, showing that our method outperforms state-of-the-art CAD-model-free approaches, with better accuracy and robustness to mild occlusions. To allow the robotics community to benefit from this system, we will publicly release it at https://www.github.com/ethz-asl/neusurfemb.
Abstract:The advent of Vision Language Models (VLMs) transformed image understanding from closed-set classifications to dynamic image-language interactions, enabling open-vocabulary segmentation. Despite this flexibility, VLMs often fall behind closed-set classifiers in accuracy due to their reliance on ambiguous image captions and lack of domain-specific knowledge. We, therefore, introduce a new task domain adaptation for open-vocabulary segmentation, enhancing VLMs with domain-specific priors while preserving their open-vocabulary nature. Existing adaptation methods, when applied to segmentation tasks, improve performance on training queries but can reduce VLM performance on zero-shot text inputs. To address this shortcoming, we propose an approach that combines parameter-efficient prompt tuning with a triplet-loss-based training strategy. This strategy is designed to enhance open-vocabulary generalization while adapting to the visual domain. Our results outperform other parameter-efficient adaptation strategies in open-vocabulary segment classification tasks across indoor and outdoor datasets. Notably, our approach is the only one that consistently surpasses the original VLM on zero-shot queries. Our adapted VLMs can be plug-and-play integrated into existing open-vocabulary segmentation pipelines, improving OV-Seg by +6.0% mIoU on ADE20K, and OpenMask3D by +4.1% AP on ScanNet++ Offices without any changes to the methods.
Abstract:Natural language interfaces to embodied AI are becoming more ubiquitous in our daily lives. This opens further opportunities for language-based interaction with embodied agents, such as a user instructing an agent to execute some task in a specific location. For example, "put the bowls back in the cupboard next to the fridge" or "meet me at the intersection under the red sign." As such, we need methods that interface between natural language and map representations of the environment. To this end, we explore the question of whether we can use an open-set natural language query to identify a scene represented by a 3D scene graph. We define this task as "language-based scene-retrieval" and it is closely related to "coarse-localization," but we are instead searching for a match from a collection of disjoint scenes and not necessarily a large-scale continuous map. Therefore, we present Text2SceneGraphMatcher, a "scene-retrieval" pipeline that learns joint embeddings between text descriptions and scene graphs to determine if they are matched. The code, trained models, and datasets will be made public.