Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London UK, SW7 2AZ
Abstract:Exploration of unknown environments is crucial for autonomous robots; it allows them to actively reason and decide on what new data to acquire for tasks such as mapping, object discovery, and environmental assessment. Existing methods, such as frontier-based methods, rely heavily on 3D map operations, which are limited by map quality and often overlook valuable context from visual cues. This work aims at leveraging 2D visual cues for efficient autonomous exploration, addressing the limitations of extracting goal poses from a 3D map. We propose a image-only frontier-based exploration system, with FrontierNet as a core component developed in this work. FrontierNet is a learning-based model that (i) detects frontiers, and (ii) predicts their information gain, from posed RGB images enhanced by monocular depth priors. Our approach provides an alternative to existing 3D-dependent exploration systems, achieving a 16% improvement in early-stage exploration efficiency, as validated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments.
Abstract:Autonomous exploration of unknown space is an essential component for the deployment of mobile robots in the real world. Safe navigation is crucial for all robotics applications and requires accurate and consistent maps of the robot's surroundings. To achieve full autonomy and allow deployment in a wide variety of environments, the robot must rely on on-board state estimation which is prone to drift over time. We propose a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) exploration framework based on local submaps to allow retaining global consistency by applying loop-closure corrections to the relative submap poses. To enable large-scale exploration we efficiently compute global, environment-wide frontiers from the local submap frontiers and use a sampling-based next-best-view exploration planner. Our method seamlessly supports using either a LiDAR sensor or a depth camera, making it suitable for different kinds of MAV platforms. We perform comparative evaluations in simulation against a state-of-the-art submap-based exploration framework to showcase the efficiency and reconstruction quality of our approach. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our method to real-world MAVs, one equipped with a LiDAR and the other with a depth camera. Video available at .
Abstract:We propose visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping that tightly couples sparse reprojection errors, inertial measurement unit pre-integrals, and relative pose factors with dense volumetric occupancy mapping. Hereby depth predictions from a deep neural network are fused in a fully probabilistic manner. Specifically, our method is rigorously uncertainty-aware: first, we use depth and uncertainty predictions from a deep network not only from the robot's stereo rig, but we further probabilistically fuse motion stereo that provides depth information across a range of baselines, therefore drastically increasing mapping accuracy. Next, predicted and fused depth uncertainty propagates not only into occupancy probabilities but also into alignment factors between generated dense submaps that enter the probabilistic nonlinear least squares estimator. This submap representation offers globally consistent geometry at scale. Our method is thoroughly evaluated in two benchmark datasets, resulting in localization and mapping accuracy that exceeds the state of the art, while simultaneously offering volumetric occupancy directly usable for downstream robotic planning and control in real-time.
Abstract:This paper proposes SOLVR, a unified pipeline for learning based LiDAR-Visual re-localisation which performs place recognition and 6-DoF registration across sensor modalities. We propose a strategy to align the input sensor modalities by leveraging stereo image streams to produce metric depth predictions with pose information, followed by fusing multiple scene views from a local window using a probabilistic occupancy framework to expand the limited field-of-view of the camera. Additionally, SOLVR adopts a flexible definition of what constitutes positive examples for different training losses, allowing us to simultaneously optimise place recognition and registration performance. Furthermore, we replace RANSAC with a registration function that weights a simple least-squares fitting with the estimated inlier likelihood of sparse keypoint correspondences, improving performance in scenarios with a low inlier ratio between the query and retrieved place. Our experiments on the KITTI and KITTI360 datasets show that SOLVR achieves state-of-the-art performance for LiDAR-Visual place recognition and registration, particularly improving registration accuracy over larger distances between the query and retrieved place.
Abstract:Traditional volumetric fusion algorithms preserve the spatial structure of 3D scenes, which is beneficial for many tasks in computer vision and robotics. However, they often lack realism in terms of visualization. Emerging 3D Gaussian splatting bridges this gap, but existing Gaussian-based reconstruction methods often suffer from artifacts and inconsistencies with the underlying 3D structure, and struggle with real-time optimization, unable to provide users with immediate feedback in high quality. One of the bottlenecks arises from the massive amount of Gaussian parameters that need to be updated during optimization. Instead of using 3D Gaussian as a standalone map representation, we incorporate it into a volumetric mapping system to take advantage of geometric information and propose to use a quadtree data structure on images to drastically reduce the number of splats initialized. In this way, we simultaneously generate a compact 3D Gaussian map with fewer artifacts and a volumetric map on the fly. Our method, GSFusion, significantly enhances computational efficiency without sacrificing rendering quality, as demonstrated on both synthetic and real datasets. Code will be available at
Abstract:Current visual navigation systems often treat the environment as static, lacking the ability to adaptively interact with obstacles. This limitation leads to navigation failure when encountering unavoidable obstructions. In response, we introduce IN-Sight, a novel approach to self-supervised path planning, enabling more effective navigation strategies through interaction with obstacles. Utilizing RGB-D observations, IN-Sight calculates traversability scores and incorporates them into a semantic map, facilitating long-range path planning in complex, maze-like environments. To precisely navigate around obstacles, IN-Sight employs a local planner, trained imperatively on a differentiable costmap using representation learning techniques. The entire framework undergoes end-to-end training within the state-of-the-art photorealistic Intel SPEAR Simulator. We validate the effectiveness of IN-Sight through extensive benchmarking in a variety of simulated scenarios and ablation studies. Moreover, we demonstrate the system's real-world applicability with zero-shot sim-to-real transfer, deploying our planner on the legged robot platform ANYmal, showcasing its practical potential for interactive navigation in real environments.
Abstract:Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is the standard technique used to create accurate point clouds for digital forest inventories. However, the measurement process is demanding, requiring up to two days per hectare for data collection, significant data storage, as well as resource-heavy post-processing of 3D data. In this work, we present a real-time mapping and analysis system that enables online generation of forest inventories using mobile laser scanners that can be mounted e.g. on mobile robots. Given incrementally created and locally accurate submaps-data payloads-our approach extracts tree candidates using a custom, Voronoi-inspired clustering algorithm. Tree candidates are reconstructed using an adapted Hough algorithm, which enables robust modeling of the tree stem. Further, we explicitly incorporate the incremental nature of the data collection by consistently updating the database using a pose graph LiDAR SLAM system. This enables us to refine our estimates of the tree traits if an area is revisited later during a mission. We demonstrate competitive accuracy to TLS or manual measurements using laser scanners that we mounted on backpacks or mobile robots operating in conifer, broad-leaf and mixed forests. Our results achieve RMSE of 1.93 cm, a bias of 0.65 cm and a standard deviation of 1.81 cm (averaged across these sequences)-with no post-processing required after the mission is complete.
Abstract:The assumption of a static environment is common in many geometric computer vision tasks like SLAM but limits their applicability in highly dynamic scenes. Since these tasks rely on identifying point correspondences between input images within the static part of the environment, we propose a graph neural network-based sparse feature matching network designed to perform robust matching under challenging conditions while excluding keypoints on moving objects. We employ a similar scheme of attentional aggregation over graph edges to enhance keypoint representations as state-of-the-art feature-matching networks but augment the graph with epipolar and temporal information and vastly reduce the number of graph edges. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised training scheme to extract pseudo labels for image pairs in dynamic environments from exclusively unprocessed visual-inertial data. A series of experiments show the superior performance of our network as it excludes keypoints on moving objects compared to state-of-the-art feature matching networks while still achieving similar results regarding conventional matching metrics. When integrated into a SLAM system, our network significantly improves performance, especially in highly dynamic scenes.
Abstract:Forestry constitutes a key element for a sustainable future, while it is supremely challenging to introduce digital processes to improve efficiency. The main limitation is the difficulty of obtaining accurate maps at high temporal and spatial resolution as a basis for informed forestry decision-making, due to the vast area forests extend over and the sheer number of trees. To address this challenge, we present an autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) system which purely relies on cost-effective and light-weight passive visual and inertial sensors to perform under-canopy autonomous navigation. We leverage visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (VI-SLAM) for accurate MAV state estimates and couple it with a volumetric occupancy submapping system to achieve a scalable mapping framework which can be directly used for path planning. As opposed to a monolithic map, submaps inherently deal with inevitable drift and corrections from VI-SLAM, since they move with pose estimates as they are updated. To ensure the safety of the MAV during navigation, we also propose a novel reference trajectory anchoring scheme that moves and deforms the reference trajectory the MAV is tracking upon state updates from the VI-SLAM system in a consistent way, even upon large changes in state estimates due to loop-closures. We thoroughly validate our system in both real and simulated forest environments with high tree densities in excess of 400 trees per hectare and at speeds up to 3 m/s - while not encountering a single collision or system failure. To the best of our knowledge this is the first system which achieves this level of performance in such unstructured environment using low-cost passive visual sensors and fully on-board computation including VI-SLAM.
Abstract:In this paper, we consider a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) system teleoperated by a non-expert and introduce a perceptive safety filter that leverages Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) in conjunction with Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VI-SLAM) and dense 3D occupancy mapping to guarantee safe navigation in complex and unstructured environments. Our system relies solely on onboard IMU measurements, stereo infrared images, and depth images and autonomously corrects teleoperated inputs when they are deemed unsafe. We define a point in 3D space as unsafe if it satisfies either of two conditions: (i) it is occupied by an obstacle, or (ii) it remains unmapped. At each time step, an occupancy map of the environment is updated by the VI-SLAM by fusing the onboard measurements, and a CBF is constructed to parameterize the (un)safe region in the 3D space. Given the CBF and state feedback from the VI-SLAM module, a safety filter computes a certified reference that best matches the teleoperation input while satisfying the safety constraint encoded by the CBF. In contrast to existing perception-based safe control frameworks, we directly close the perception-action loop and demonstrate the full capability of safe control in combination with real-time VI-SLAM without any external infrastructure or prior knowledge of the environment. We verify the efficacy of the perceptive safety filter in real-time MAV experiments using exclusively onboard sensing and computation and show that the teleoperated MAV is able to safely navigate through unknown environments despite arbitrary inputs sent by the teleoperator.