Abstract:We introduce Cloth-Splatting, a method for estimating 3D states of cloth from RGB images through a prediction-update framework. Cloth-Splatting leverages an action-conditioned dynamics model for predicting future states and uses 3D Gaussian Splatting to update the predicted states. Our key insight is that coupling a 3D mesh-based representation with Gaussian Splatting allows us to define a differentiable map between the cloth state space and the image space. This enables the use of gradient-based optimization techniques to refine inaccurate state estimates using only RGB supervision. Our experiments demonstrate that Cloth-Splatting not only improves state estimation accuracy over current baselines but also reduces convergence time.
Abstract:By incorporating physical consistency as inductive bias, deep neural networks display increased generalization capabilities and data efficiency in learning nonlinear dynamic models. However, the complexity of these models generally increases with the system dimensionality, requiring larger datasets, more complex deep networks, and significant computational effort. We propose a novel geometric network architecture to learn physically-consistent reduced-order dynamic parameters that accurately describe the original high-dimensional system behavior. This is achieved by building on recent advances in model-order reduction and by adopting a Riemannian perspective to jointly learn a structure-preserving latent space and the associated low-dimensional dynamics. Our approach enables accurate long-term predictions of the high-dimensional dynamics of rigid and deformable systems with increased data efficiency by inferring interpretable and physically plausible reduced Lagrangian models.
Abstract:We introduce DexDiffuser, a novel dexterous grasping method that generates, evaluates, and refines grasps on partial object point clouds. DexDiffuser includes the conditional diffusion-based grasp sampler DexSampler and the dexterous grasp evaluator DexEvaluator. DexSampler generates high-quality grasps conditioned on object point clouds by iterative denoising of randomly sampled grasps. We also introduce two grasp refinement strategies: Evaluator-Guided Diffusion (EGD) and Evaluator-based Sampling Refinement (ESR). Our simulation and real-world experiments on the Allegro Hand consistently demonstrate that DexDiffuser outperforms the state-of-the-art multi-finger grasp generation method FFHNet with an, on average, 21.71--22.20\% higher grasp success rate.
Abstract:We propose CAPGrasp, an $\mathbb{R}^3\times \text{SO(2)-equivariant}$ 6-DoF continuous approach-constrained generative grasp sampler. It includes a novel learning strategy for training CAPGrasp that eliminates the need to curate massive conditionally labeled datasets and a constrained grasp refinement technique that improves grasp poses while respecting the grasp approach directional constraints. The experimental results demonstrate that CAPGrasp is more than three times as sample efficient as unconstrained grasp samplers while achieving up to 38% grasp success rate improvement. CAPGrasp also achieves 4-10% higher grasp success rates than constrained but noncontinuous grasp samplers. Overall, CAPGrasp is a sample-efficient solution when grasps must originate from specific directions, such as grasping in confined spaces.
Abstract:Endowing robots with tactile capabilities opens up new possibilities for their interaction with the environment, including the ability to handle fragile and/or soft objects. In this work, we equip the robot gripper with low-cost vision-based tactile sensors and propose a manipulation algorithm that adapts to both rigid and soft objects without requiring any knowledge of their properties. The algorithm relies on a touch and slip detection method, which considers the variation in the tactile images with respect to reference ones. We validate the approach on seven different objects, with different properties in terms of rigidity and fragility, to perform unplugging and lifting tasks. Furthermore, to enhance applicability, we combine the manipulation algorithm with a grasp sampler for the task of finding and picking a grape from a bunch without damaging~it.
Abstract:Constraining the approach direction of grasps is important when picking objects in confined spaces, such as when emptying a shelf. Yet, such capabilities are not available in state-of-the-art data-driven grasp sampling methods that sample grasps all around the object. In this work, we address the specific problem of training approach-constrained data-driven grasp samplers and how to generate good grasping directions automatically. Our solution is GoNet: a generative grasp sampler that can constrain the grasp approach direction to lie close to a specified direction. This is achieved by discretizing SO(3) into bins and training GoNet to generate grasps from those bins. At run-time, the bin aligning with the second largest principal component of the observed point cloud is selected. GoNet is benchmarked against GraspNet, a state-of-the-art unconstrained grasp sampler, in an unconfined grasping experiment in simulation and on an unconfined and confined grasping experiment in the real world. The results demonstrate that GoNet achieves higher success-over-coverage in simulation and a 12%-18% higher success rate in real-world table-picking and shelf-picking tasks than the baseline.
Abstract:Most state-of-the-art data-driven grasp sampling methods propose stable and collision-free grasps uniformly on the target object. For bin-picking, executing any of those grasps is sufficient. However, for completing specific tasks, such as squeezing out liquid from a bottle, we want the grasp to be on a specific part on the object body while avoiding other locations, such as the cap. In this work, we present a generative grasp sampling network, VCGS, capable of constrained 6-Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) grasp sampling. In addition, we also curate a new dataset designed to train and evaluate methods for constrained grasping. The new dataset, called CONG, consists of over 14 million training samples of synthetically rendered point clouds and grasps at random target areas on 2889 objects. VCGS is benchmarked against GraspNet, a state-of-the-art unconstrained grasp sampler, in simulation and on a real robot. The results demonstrate that VCGS achieves a 10-15% higher grasp success rate than the baseline while being 2-3 times as sample efficient.
Abstract:Evaluation of grasps on deformable 3D objects is a little-studied problem, even if the applicability of rigid object grasp quality measures for deformable ones is an open question. A central issue with most quality measures is their dependence on contact points which for deformable objects depend on the deformations. This paper proposes a grasp quality measure for deformable objects that uses information about object deformation to calculate the grasp quality. Grasps are evaluated by simulating the deformations during grasping and predicting the contacts between the gripper and the grasped object. The contact information is then used as input for a new grasp quality metric to quantify the grasp quality. The approach is benchmarked against two classical rigid-body quality metrics on over 600 grasps in the Isaac gym simulation and over 50 real-world grasps. Experimental results show an average improvement of 18\% in the grasp success rate for deformable objects compared to the classical rigid-body quality metrics.
Abstract:Recent advancements in object shape completion have enabled impressive object reconstructions using only visual input. However, due to self-occlusion, the reconstructions have high uncertainty in the occluded object parts, which negatively impacts the performance of downstream robotic tasks such as grasping. In this work, we propose an active visuo-haptic shape completion method called Act-VH that actively computes where to touch the objects based on the reconstruction uncertainty. Act-VH reconstructs objects from point clouds and calculates the reconstruction uncertainty using IGR, a recent state-of-the-art implicit surface deep neural network. We experimentally evaluate the reconstruction accuracy of Act-VH against five baselines in simulation and in the real world. We also propose a new simulation environment for this purpose. The results show that Act-VH outperforms all baselines and that an uncertainty-driven haptic exploration policy leads to higher reconstruction accuracy than a random policy and a policy driven by Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces. As a final experiment, we evaluate Act-VH and the best reconstruction baseline on grasping 10 novel objects. The results show that Act-VH reaches a significantly higher grasp success rate than the baseline on all objects. Together, this work opens up the door for using active visuo-haptic shape completion in more complex cluttered scenes.
Abstract:Grasp synthesis for 3D deformable objects remains a little-explored topic, most works aiming to minimize deformations. However, deformations are not necessarily harmful -- humans are, for example, able to exploit deformations to generate new potential grasps. How to achieve that on a robot is though an open question. This paper proposes an approach that uses object stiffness information in addition to depth images for synthesizing high-quality grasps. We achieve this by incorporating object stiffness as an additional input to a state-of-the-art deep grasp planning network. We also curate a new synthetic dataset of grasps on objects of varying stiffness using the Isaac Gym simulator for training the network. We experimentally validate and compare our proposed approach against the case where we do not incorporate object stiffness on a total of 2800 grasps in simulation and 420 grasps on a real Franka Emika Panda. The experimental results show significant improvement in grasp success rate using the proposed approach on a wide range of objects with varying shapes, sizes, and stiffness. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the approach can generate different grasping strategies for different stiffness values, such as pinching for soft objects and caging for hard objects. Together, the results clearly show the value of incorporating stiffness information when grasping objects of varying stiffness.