Abstract:We introduce Cloth-Splatting, a method for estimating 3D states of cloth from RGB images through a prediction-update framework. Cloth-Splatting leverages an action-conditioned dynamics model for predicting future states and uses 3D Gaussian Splatting to update the predicted states. Our key insight is that coupling a 3D mesh-based representation with Gaussian Splatting allows us to define a differentiable map between the cloth state space and the image space. This enables the use of gradient-based optimization techniques to refine inaccurate state estimates using only RGB supervision. Our experiments demonstrate that Cloth-Splatting not only improves state estimation accuracy over current baselines but also reduces convergence time.
Abstract:We present Robot-centric Pooling (RcP), a novel pooling method designed to enhance end-to-end visuomotor policies by enabling differentiation between the robots and similar entities or their surroundings. Given an image-proprioception pair, RcP guides the aggregation of image features by highlighting image regions correlating with the robot's proprioceptive states, thereby extracting robot-centric image representations for policy learning. Leveraging contrastive learning techniques, RcP integrates seamlessly with existing visuomotor policy learning frameworks and is trained jointly with the policy using the same dataset, requiring no extra data collection involving self-distractors. We evaluate the proposed method with reaching tasks in both simulated and real-world settings. The results demonstrate that RcP significantly enhances the policies' robustness against various unseen distractors, including self-distractors, positioned at different locations. Additionally, the inherent robot-centric characteristic of RcP enables the learnt policy to be far more resilient to aggressive pixel shifts compared to the baselines.
Abstract:The human brain encodes stimuli from the environment into representations that form a sensory perception of the world. Despite recent advances in understanding visual and auditory perception, olfactory perception remains an under-explored topic in the machine learning community due to the lack of large-scale datasets annotated with labels of human olfactory perception. In this work, we ask the question of whether pre-trained transformer models of chemical structures encode representations that are aligned with human olfactory perception, i.e., can transformers smell like humans? We demonstrate that representations encoded from transformers pre-trained on general chemical structures are highly aligned with human olfactory perception. We use multiple datasets and different types of perceptual representations to show that the representations encoded by transformer models are able to predict: (i) labels associated with odorants provided by experts; (ii) continuous ratings provided by human participants with respect to pre-defined descriptors; and (iii) similarity ratings between odorants provided by human participants. Finally, we evaluate the extent to which this alignment is associated with physicochemical features of odorants known to be relevant for olfactory decoding.
Abstract:By incorporating physical consistency as inductive bias, deep neural networks display increased generalization capabilities and data efficiency in learning nonlinear dynamic models. However, the complexity of these models generally increases with the system dimensionality, requiring larger datasets, more complex deep networks, and significant computational effort. We propose a novel geometric network architecture to learn physically-consistent reduced-order dynamic parameters that accurately describe the original high-dimensional system behavior. This is achieved by building on recent advances in model-order reduction and by adopting a Riemannian perspective to jointly learn a structure-preserving latent space and the associated low-dimensional dynamics. Our approach enables accurate long-term predictions of the high-dimensional dynamics of rigid and deformable systems with increased data efficiency by inferring interpretable and physically plausible reduced Lagrangian models.
Abstract:Given a finite set of sample points, meta-learning algorithms aim to learn an optimal adaptation strategy for new, unseen tasks. Often, this data can be ambiguous as it might belong to different tasks concurrently. This is particularly the case in meta-regression tasks. In such cases, the estimated adaptation strategy is subject to high variance due to the limited amount of support data for each task, which often leads to sub-optimal generalization performance. In this work, we address the problem of variance reduction in gradient-based meta-learning and formalize the class of problems prone to this, a condition we refer to as \emph{task overlap}. Specifically, we propose a novel approach that reduces the variance of the gradient estimate by weighing each support point individually by the variance of its posterior over the parameters. To estimate the posterior, we utilize the Laplace approximation, which allows us to express the variance in terms of the curvature of the loss landscape of our meta-learner. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and highlight the importance of variance reduction in meta-learning.
Abstract:An end-to-end (E2E) visuomotor policy is typically treated as a unified whole, but recent approaches using out-of-domain (OOD) data to pretrain the visual encoder have cleanly separated the visual encoder from the network, with the remainder referred to as the policy. We propose Visual Alignment Testing, an experimental framework designed to evaluate the validity of this functional separation. Our results indicate that in E2E-trained models, visual encoders actively contribute to decision-making resulting from motor data supervision, contradicting the assumed functional separation. In contrast, OOD-pretrained models, where encoders lack this capability, experience an average performance drop of 42% in our benchmark results, compared to the state-of-the-art performance achieved by E2E policies. We believe this initial exploration of visual encoders' role can provide a first step towards guiding future pretraining methods to address their decision-making ability, such as developing task-conditioned or context-aware encoders.
Abstract:The workshop is affiliated with 33nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024) August 26~30, 2023 / Pasadena, CA, USA. It is designed as a half-day event, extending over four hours from 9:00 to 12:30 PST time. It accommodates both in-person and virtual attendees (via Zoom), ensuring a flexible participation mode. The agenda is thoughtfully crafted to include a diverse range of sessions: two keynote speeches that promise to provide insightful perspectives, two dedicated paper presentation sessions, an interactive panel discussion to foster dialogue among experts which facilitates deeper dives into specific topics, and a 15-minute coffee break. The workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/interaiworkshops/home.
Abstract:Relative representations are an established approach to zero-shot model stitching, consisting of a non-trainable transformation of the latent space of a deep neural network. Based on insights of topological and geometric nature, we propose two improvements to relative representations. First, we introduce a normalization procedure in the relative transformation, resulting in invariance to non-isotropic rescalings and permutations. The latter coincides with the symmetries in parameter space induced by common activation functions. Second, we propose to deploy topological densification when fine-tuning relative representations, a topological regularization loss encouraging clustering within classes. We provide an empirical investigation on a natural language task, where both the proposed variations yield improved performance on zero-shot model stitching.
Abstract:High-quality demonstrations are necessary when learning complex and challenging manipulation tasks. In this work, we introduce an approach to puppeteer a robot by controlling a virtual robot in an augmented reality setting. Our system allows for retaining the advantages of being intuitive from a physical leader-follower side while avoiding the unnecessary use of expensive physical setup. In addition, the user is endowed with additional information using augmented reality. We validate our system with a pilot study n=10 on a block stacking and rice scooping tasks where the majority rates the system favorably. Oculus App and corresponding ROS code are available on the project website: https://ar-puppeteer.github.io/
Abstract:The realm of textiles spans clothing, households, healthcare, sports, and industrial applications. The deformable nature of these objects poses unique challenges that prior work on rigid objects cannot fully address. The increasing interest within the community in textile perception and manipulation has led to new methods that aim to address challenges in modeling, perception, and control, resulting in significant progress. However, this progress is often tailored to one specific textile or a subcategory of these textiles. To understand what restricts these methods and hinders current approaches from generalizing to a broader range of real-world textiles, this review provides an overview of the field, focusing specifically on how and to what extent textile variations are addressed in modeling, perception, benchmarking, and manipulation of textiles. We finally conclude by identifying key open problems and outlining grand challenges that will drive future advancements in the field.