Abstract:Human-robot collaboration (HRC) relies on accurate and timely recognition of human intentions to ensure seamless interactions. Among common HRC tasks, human-to-robot object handovers have been studied extensively for planning the robot's actions during object reception, assuming the human intention for object handover. However, distinguishing handover intentions from other actions has received limited attention. Most research on handovers has focused on visually detecting motion trajectories, which often results in delays or false detections when trajectories overlap. This paper investigates whether human intentions for object handovers are reflected in non-movement-based physiological signals. We conduct a multimodal analysis comparing three data modalities: electroencephalogram (EEG), gaze, and hand-motion signals. Our study aims to distinguish between handover-intended human motions and non-handover motions in an HRC setting, evaluating each modality's performance in predicting and classifying these actions before and after human movement initiation. We develop and evaluate human intention detectors based on these modalities, comparing their accuracy and timing in identifying handover intentions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically develop and test intention detectors across multiple modalities within the same experimental context of human-robot handovers. Our analysis reveals that handover intention can be detected from all three modalities. Nevertheless, gaze signals are the earliest as well as the most accurate to classify the motion as intended for handover or non-handover.
Abstract:The integration of robotics and augmented reality (AR) presents transformative opportunities for advancing human-robot interaction (HRI) by improving usability, intuitiveness, and accessibility. This work introduces a controller-free, LLM-driven voice-commanded AR puppeteering system, enabling users to teleoperate a robot by manipulating its virtual counterpart in real time. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and AR technologies, our system -- prototyped using Meta Quest 3 -- eliminates the need for physical controllers, enhancing ease of use while minimizing potential safety risks associated with direct robot operation. A preliminary user demonstration successfully validated the system's functionality, demonstrating its potential for safer, more intuitive, and immersive robotic control.
Abstract:Recent advances in skill learning has propelled robot manipulation to new heights by enabling it to learn complex manipulation tasks from a practical number of demonstrations. However, these skills are often limited to the particular action, object, and environment \textit{instances} that are shown in the training data, and have trouble transferring to other instances of the same category. In this work we present an open-vocabulary Spatial-Semantic Diffusion policy (S$^2$-Diffusion) which enables generalization from instance-level training data to category-level, enabling skills to be transferable between instances of the same category. We show that functional aspects of skills can be captured via a promptable semantic module combined with a spatial representation. We further propose leveraging depth estimation networks to allow the use of only a single RGB camera. Our approach is evaluated and compared on a diverse number of robot manipulation tasks, both in simulation and in the real world. Our results show that S$^2$-Diffusion is invariant to changes in category-irrelevant factors as well as enables satisfying performance on other instances within the same category, even if it was not trained on that specific instance. Full videos of all real-world experiments are available in the supplementary material.
Abstract:Modern embodied artificial agents excel in static, predefined tasks but fall short in dynamic and long-term interactions with humans. On the other hand, humans can adapt and evolve continuously, exploiting the situated knowledge embedded in their environment and other agents, thus contributing to meaningful interactions. We introduce the concept of co-existence for embodied artificial agents and argues that it is a prerequisite for meaningful, long-term interaction with humans. We take inspiration from biology and design theory to understand how human and non-human organisms foster entities that co-exist within their specific niches. Finally, we propose key research directions for the machine learning community to foster co-existing embodied agents, focusing on the principles, hardware and learning methods responsible for shaping them.
Abstract:Decoding visual images from brain activity has significant potential for advancing brain-computer interaction and enhancing the understanding of human perception. Recent approaches align the representation spaces of images and brain activity to enable visual decoding. In this paper, we introduce the use of human-aligned image encoders to map brain signals to images. We hypothesize that these models more effectively capture perceptual attributes associated with the rapid visual stimuli presentations commonly used in visual brain data recording experiments. Our empirical results support this hypothesis, demonstrating that this simple modification improves image retrieval accuracy by up to 21% compared to state-of-the-art methods. Comprehensive experiments confirm consistent performance improvements across diverse EEG architectures, image encoders, alignment methods, participants, and brain imaging modalities.
Abstract:We present a Real-Time Operator Takeover (RTOT) paradigm enabling operators to seamlessly take control of a live visuomotor diffusion policy, guiding the system back into desirable states or reinforcing specific demonstrations. We presents new insights in using the Mahalonobis distance to automaicaly identify undesirable states. Once the operator has intervened and redirected the system, the control is seamlessly returned to the policy, which resumes generating actions until further intervention is required. We demonstrate that incorporating the targeted takeover demonstrations significantly improves policy performance compared to training solely with an equivalent number of, but longer, initial demonstrations. We provide an in-depth analysis of using the Mahalanobis distance to detect out-of-distribution states, illustrating its utility for identifying critical failure points during execution. Supporting materials, including videos of initial and takeover demonstrations and all rice-scooping experiments, are available on the project website: https://operator-takeover.github.io/
Abstract:We introduce Cloth-Splatting, a method for estimating 3D states of cloth from RGB images through a prediction-update framework. Cloth-Splatting leverages an action-conditioned dynamics model for predicting future states and uses 3D Gaussian Splatting to update the predicted states. Our key insight is that coupling a 3D mesh-based representation with Gaussian Splatting allows us to define a differentiable map between the cloth state space and the image space. This enables the use of gradient-based optimization techniques to refine inaccurate state estimates using only RGB supervision. Our experiments demonstrate that Cloth-Splatting not only improves state estimation accuracy over current baselines but also reduces convergence time.
Abstract:We present Robot-centric Pooling (RcP), a novel pooling method designed to enhance end-to-end visuomotor policies by enabling differentiation between the robots and similar entities or their surroundings. Given an image-proprioception pair, RcP guides the aggregation of image features by highlighting image regions correlating with the robot's proprioceptive states, thereby extracting robot-centric image representations for policy learning. Leveraging contrastive learning techniques, RcP integrates seamlessly with existing visuomotor policy learning frameworks and is trained jointly with the policy using the same dataset, requiring no extra data collection involving self-distractors. We evaluate the proposed method with reaching tasks in both simulated and real-world settings. The results demonstrate that RcP significantly enhances the policies' robustness against various unseen distractors, including self-distractors, positioned at different locations. Additionally, the inherent robot-centric characteristic of RcP enables the learnt policy to be far more resilient to aggressive pixel shifts compared to the baselines.
Abstract:The human brain encodes stimuli from the environment into representations that form a sensory perception of the world. Despite recent advances in understanding visual and auditory perception, olfactory perception remains an under-explored topic in the machine learning community due to the lack of large-scale datasets annotated with labels of human olfactory perception. In this work, we ask the question of whether pre-trained transformer models of chemical structures encode representations that are aligned with human olfactory perception, i.e., can transformers smell like humans? We demonstrate that representations encoded from transformers pre-trained on general chemical structures are highly aligned with human olfactory perception. We use multiple datasets and different types of perceptual representations to show that the representations encoded by transformer models are able to predict: (i) labels associated with odorants provided by experts; (ii) continuous ratings provided by human participants with respect to pre-defined descriptors; and (iii) similarity ratings between odorants provided by human participants. Finally, we evaluate the extent to which this alignment is associated with physicochemical features of odorants known to be relevant for olfactory decoding.
Abstract:By incorporating physical consistency as inductive bias, deep neural networks display increased generalization capabilities and data efficiency in learning nonlinear dynamic models. However, the complexity of these models generally increases with the system dimensionality, requiring larger datasets, more complex deep networks, and significant computational effort. We propose a novel geometric network architecture to learn physically-consistent reduced-order dynamic parameters that accurately describe the original high-dimensional system behavior. This is achieved by building on recent advances in model-order reduction and by adopting a Riemannian perspective to jointly learn a structure-preserving latent space and the associated low-dimensional dynamics. Our approach enables accurate long-term predictions of the high-dimensional dynamics of rigid and deformable systems with increased data efficiency by inferring interpretable and physically plausible reduced Lagrangian models.