Abstract:Current methods for 3D scene reconstruction from sparse posed images employ intermediate 3D representations such as neural fields, voxel grids, or 3D Gaussians, to achieve multi-view consistent scene appearance and geometry. In this paper we introduce MVGD, a diffusion-based architecture capable of direct pixel-level generation of images and depth maps from novel viewpoints, given an arbitrary number of input views. Our method uses raymap conditioning to both augment visual features with spatial information from different viewpoints, as well as to guide the generation of images and depth maps from novel views. A key aspect of our approach is the multi-task generation of images and depth maps, using learnable task embeddings to guide the diffusion process towards specific modalities. We train this model on a collection of more than 60 million multi-view samples from publicly available datasets, and propose techniques to enable efficient and consistent learning in such diverse conditions. We also propose a novel strategy that enables the efficient training of larger models by incrementally fine-tuning smaller ones, with promising scaling behavior. Through extensive experiments, we report state-of-the-art results in multiple novel view synthesis benchmarks, as well as multi-view stereo and video depth estimation.
Abstract:Understanding the physical world is a fundamental challenge in embodied AI, critical for enabling agents to perform complex tasks and operate safely in real-world environments. While Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown great promise in reasoning and task planning for embodied agents, their ability to comprehend physical phenomena remains extremely limited. To close this gap, we introduce PhysBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate VLMs' physical world understanding capability across a diverse set of tasks. PhysBench contains 10,002 entries of interleaved video-image-text data, categorized into four major domains: physical object properties, physical object relationships, physical scene understanding, and physics-based dynamics, further divided into 19 subclasses and 8 distinct capability dimensions. Our extensive experiments, conducted on 75 representative VLMs, reveal that while these models excel in common-sense reasoning, they struggle with understanding the physical world -- likely due to the absence of physical knowledge in their training data and the lack of embedded physical priors. To tackle the shortfall, we introduce PhysAgent, a novel framework that combines the generalization strengths of VLMs with the specialized expertise of vision models, significantly enhancing VLMs' physical understanding across a variety of tasks, including an 18.4\% improvement on GPT-4o. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that enhancing VLMs' physical world understanding capabilities can help embodied agents such as MOKA. We believe that PhysBench and PhysAgent offer valuable insights and contribute to bridging the gap between VLMs and physical world understanding.
Abstract:Scalable learning of humanoid robots is crucial for their deployment in real-world applications. While traditional approaches primarily rely on reinforcement learning or teleoperation to achieve whole-body control, they are often limited by the diversity of simulated environments and the high costs of demonstration collection. In contrast, human videos are ubiquitous and present an untapped source of semantic and motion information that could significantly enhance the generalization capabilities of humanoid robots. This paper introduces Humanoid-X, a large-scale dataset of over 20 million humanoid robot poses with corresponding text-based motion descriptions, designed to leverage this abundant data. Humanoid-X is curated through a comprehensive pipeline: data mining from the Internet, video caption generation, motion retargeting of humans to humanoid robots, and policy learning for real-world deployment. With Humanoid-X, we further train a large humanoid model, UH-1, which takes text instructions as input and outputs corresponding actions to control a humanoid robot. Extensive simulated and real-world experiments validate that our scalable training approach leads to superior generalization in text-based humanoid control, marking a significant step toward adaptable, real-world-ready humanoid robots.
Abstract:Incorporating inductive bias by embedding geometric entities (such as rays) as input has proven successful in multi-view learning. However, the methods adopting this technique typically lack equivariance, which is crucial for effective 3D learning. Equivariance serves as a valuable inductive prior, aiding in the generation of robust multi-view features for 3D scene understanding. In this paper, we explore the application of equivariant multi-view learning to depth estimation, not only recognizing its significance for computer vision and robotics but also addressing the limitations of previous research. Most prior studies have either overlooked equivariance in this setting or achieved only approximate equivariance through data augmentation, which often leads to inconsistencies across different reference frames. To address this issue, we propose to embed $SE(3)$ equivariance into the Perceiver IO architecture. We employ Spherical Harmonics for positional encoding to ensure 3D rotation equivariance, and develop a specialized equivariant encoder and decoder within the Perceiver IO architecture. To validate our model, we applied it to the task of stereo depth estimation, achieving state of the art results on real-world datasets without explicit geometric constraints or extensive data augmentation.
Abstract:3D reconstruction from a single image is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Learning-based methods address its inherent scale ambiguity by leveraging increasingly large labeled and unlabeled datasets, to produce geometric priors capable of generating accurate predictions across domains. As a result, state of the art approaches show impressive performance in zero-shot relative and metric depth estimation. Recently, diffusion models have exhibited remarkable scalability and generalizable properties in their learned representations. However, because these models repurpose tools originally designed for image generation, they can only operate on dense ground-truth, which is not available for most depth labels, especially in real-world settings. In this paper we present GRIN, an efficient diffusion model designed to ingest sparse unstructured training data. We use image features with 3D geometric positional encodings to condition the diffusion process both globally and locally, generating depth predictions at a pixel-level. With comprehensive experiments across eight indoor and outdoor datasets, we show that GRIN establishes a new state of the art in zero-shot metric monocular depth estimation even when trained from scratch.
Abstract:Large-scale visuomotor policy learning is a promising approach toward developing generalizable manipulation systems. Yet, policies that can be deployed on diverse embodiments, environments, and observational modalities remain elusive. In this work, we investigate how knowledge from large-scale visual data of the world may be used to address one axis of variation for generalizable manipulation: observational viewpoint. Specifically, we study single-image novel view synthesis models, which learn 3D-aware scene-level priors by rendering images of the same scene from alternate camera viewpoints given a single input image. For practical application to diverse robotic data, these models must operate zero-shot, performing view synthesis on unseen tasks and environments. We empirically analyze view synthesis models within a simple data-augmentation scheme that we call View Synthesis Augmentation (VISTA) to understand their capabilities for learning viewpoint-invariant policies from single-viewpoint demonstration data. Upon evaluating the robustness of policies trained with our method to out-of-distribution camera viewpoints, we find that they outperform baselines in both simulated and real-world manipulation tasks. Videos and additional visualizations are available at https://s-tian.github.io/projects/vista.
Abstract:Synthesizing accurate geometry and photo-realistic appearance of small scenes is an active area of research with compelling use cases in gaming, virtual reality, robotic-manipulation, autonomous driving, convenient product capture, and consumer-level photography. When applying scene geometry and appearance estimation techniques to robotics, we found that the narrow cone of possible viewpoints due to the limited range of robot motion and scene clutter caused current estimation techniques to produce poor quality estimates or even fail. On the other hand, in robotic applications, dense metric depth can often be measured directly using stereo and illumination can be controlled. Depth can provide a good initial estimate of the object geometry to improve reconstruction, while multi-illumination images can facilitate relighting. In this work we demonstrate a method to incorporate dense metric depth into the training of neural 3D representations and address an artifact observed while jointly refining geometry and appearance by disambiguating between texture and geometry edges. We also discuss a multi-flash stereo camera system developed to capture the necessary data for our pipeline and show results on relighting and view synthesis with a few training views.
Abstract:Monocular visual odometry is a key technology in a wide variety of autonomous systems. Relative to traditional feature-based methods, that suffer from failures due to poor lighting, insufficient texture, large motions, etc., recent learning-based SLAM methods exploit iterative dense bundle adjustment to address such failure cases and achieve robust accurate localization in a wide variety of real environments, without depending on domain-specific training data. However, despite its potential, learning-based SLAM still struggles with scenarios involving large motion and object dynamics. In this paper, we diagnose key weaknesses in a popular learning-based SLAM model (DROID-SLAM) by analyzing major failure cases on outdoor benchmarks and exposing various shortcomings of its optimization process. We then propose the use of self-supervised priors leveraging a frozen large-scale pre-trained monocular depth estimation to initialize the dense bundle adjustment process, leading to robust visual odometry without the need to fine-tune the SLAM backbone. Despite its simplicity, our proposed method demonstrates significant improvements on KITTI odometry, as well as the challenging DDAD benchmark. Code and pre-trained models will be released upon publication.
Abstract:If robots are to work effectively alongside people, they must be able to interpret natural language references to objects in their 3D environment. Understanding 3D referring expressions is challenging -- it requires the ability to both parse the 3D structure of the scene and correctly ground free-form language in the presence of distraction and clutter. We introduce Transcrib3D, an approach that brings together 3D detection methods and the emergent reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs). Transcrib3D uses text as the unifying medium, which allows us to sidestep the need to learn shared representations connecting multi-modal inputs, which would require massive amounts of annotated 3D data. As a demonstration of its effectiveness, Transcrib3D achieves state-of-the-art results on 3D reference resolution benchmarks, with a great leap in performance from previous multi-modality baselines. To improve upon zero-shot performance and facilitate local deployment on edge computers and robots, we propose self-correction for fine-tuning that trains smaller models, resulting in performance close to that of large models. We show that our method enables a real robot to perform pick-and-place tasks given queries that contain challenging referring expressions. Project site is at https://ripl.github.io/Transcrib3D.
Abstract:Neural fields excel in computer vision and robotics due to their ability to understand the 3D visual world such as inferring semantics, geometry, and dynamics. Given the capabilities of neural fields in densely representing a 3D scene from 2D images, we ask the question: Can we scale their self-supervised pretraining, specifically using masked autoencoders, to generate effective 3D representations from posed RGB images. Owing to the astounding success of extending transformers to novel data modalities, we employ standard 3D Vision Transformers to suit the unique formulation of NeRFs. We leverage NeRF's volumetric grid as a dense input to the transformer, contrasting it with other 3D representations such as pointclouds where the information density can be uneven, and the representation is irregular. Due to the difficulty of applying masked autoencoders to an implicit representation, such as NeRF, we opt for extracting an explicit representation that canonicalizes scenes across domains by employing the camera trajectory for sampling. Our goal is made possible by masking random patches from NeRF's radiance and density grid and employing a standard 3D Swin Transformer to reconstruct the masked patches. In doing so, the model can learn the semantic and spatial structure of complete scenes. We pretrain this representation at scale on our proposed curated posed-RGB data, totaling over 1.6 million images. Once pretrained, the encoder is used for effective 3D transfer learning. Our novel self-supervised pretraining for NeRFs, NeRF-MAE, scales remarkably well and improves performance on various challenging 3D tasks. Utilizing unlabeled posed 2D data for pretraining, NeRF-MAE significantly outperforms self-supervised 3D pretraining and NeRF scene understanding baselines on Front3D and ScanNet datasets with an absolute performance improvement of over 20% AP50 and 8% AP25 for 3D object detection.