Abstract:We introduce a method for composing object-level visual prompts within a text-to-image diffusion model. Our approach addresses the task of generating semantically coherent compositions across diverse scenes and styles, similar to the versatility and expressiveness offered by text prompts. A key challenge in this task is to preserve the identity of the objects depicted in the input visual prompts, while also generating diverse compositions across different images. To address this challenge, we introduce a new KV-mixed cross-attention mechanism, in which keys and values are learned from distinct visual representations. The keys are derived from an encoder with a small bottleneck for layout control, whereas the values come from a larger bottleneck encoder that captures fine-grained appearance details. By mixing keys and values from these complementary sources, our model preserves the identity of the visual prompts while supporting flexible variations in object arrangement, pose, and composition. During inference, we further propose object-level compositional guidance to improve the method's identity preservation and layout correctness. Results show that our technique produces diverse scene compositions that preserve the unique characteristics of each visual prompt, expanding the creative potential of text-to-image generation.
Abstract:Synthesizing accurate geometry and photo-realistic appearance of small scenes is an active area of research with compelling use cases in gaming, virtual reality, robotic-manipulation, autonomous driving, convenient product capture, and consumer-level photography. When applying scene geometry and appearance estimation techniques to robotics, we found that the narrow cone of possible viewpoints due to the limited range of robot motion and scene clutter caused current estimation techniques to produce poor quality estimates or even fail. On the other hand, in robotic applications, dense metric depth can often be measured directly using stereo and illumination can be controlled. Depth can provide a good initial estimate of the object geometry to improve reconstruction, while multi-illumination images can facilitate relighting. In this work we demonstrate a method to incorporate dense metric depth into the training of neural 3D representations and address an artifact observed while jointly refining geometry and appearance by disambiguating between texture and geometry edges. We also discuss a multi-flash stereo camera system developed to capture the necessary data for our pipeline and show results on relighting and view synthesis with a few training views.
Abstract:As factories continue to evolve into collaborative spaces with multiple robots working together with human supervisors in the loop, ensuring safety for all actors involved becomes critical. Currently, laser-based light curtain sensors are widely used in factories for safety monitoring. While these conventional safety sensors meet high accuracy standards, they are difficult to reconfigure and can only monitor a fixed user-defined region of space. Furthermore, they are typically expensive. Instead, we leverage a controllable depth sensor, programmable light curtains (PLC), to develop an inexpensive and flexible real-time safety monitoring system for collaborative robot workspaces. Our system projects virtual dynamic safety envelopes that tightly envelop the moving robot at all times and detect any objects that intrude the envelope. Furthermore, we develop an instrumentation algorithm that optimally places (multiple) PLCs in a workspace to maximize the visibility coverage of robots. Our work enables fence-less human-robot collaboration, while scaling to monitor multiple robots with few sensors. We analyze our system in a real manufacturing testbed with four robot arms and demonstrate its capabilities as a fast, accurate, and inexpensive safety monitoring solution.
Abstract:In this work, we address two limitations of existing conditional diffusion models: their slow inference speed due to the iterative denoising process and their reliance on paired data for model fine-tuning. To tackle these issues, we introduce a general method for adapting a single-step diffusion model to new tasks and domains through adversarial learning objectives. Specifically, we consolidate various modules of the vanilla latent diffusion model into a single end-to-end generator network with small trainable weights, enhancing its ability to preserve the input image structure while reducing overfitting. We demonstrate that, for unpaired settings, our model CycleGAN-Turbo outperforms existing GAN-based and diffusion-based methods for various scene translation tasks, such as day-to-night conversion and adding/removing weather effects like fog, snow, and rain. We extend our method to paired settings, where our model pix2pix-Turbo is on par with recent works like Control-Net for Sketch2Photo and Edge2Image, but with a single-step inference. This work suggests that single-step diffusion models can serve as strong backbones for a range of GAN learning objectives. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/GaParmar/img2img-turbo.
Abstract:To navigate in an environment safely and autonomously, robots must accurately estimate where obstacles are and how they move. Instead of using expensive traditional 3D sensors, we explore the use of a much cheaper, faster, and higher resolution alternative: programmable light curtains. Light curtains are a controllable depth sensor that sense only along a surface that the user selects. We adapt a probabilistic method based on particle filters and occupancy grids to explicitly estimate the position and velocity of 3D points in the scene using partial measurements made by light curtains. The central challenge is to decide where to place the light curtain to accurately perform this task. We propose multiple curtain placement strategies guided by maximizing information gain and verifying predicted object locations. Then, we combine these strategies using an online learning framework. We propose a novel self-supervised reward function that evaluates the accuracy of current velocity estimates using future light curtain placements. We use a multi-armed bandit framework to intelligently switch between placement policies in real time, outperforming fixed policies. We develop a full-stack navigation system that uses position and velocity estimates from light curtains for downstream tasks such as localization, mapping, path-planning, and obstacle avoidance. This work paves the way for controllable light curtains to accurately, efficiently, and purposefully perceive and navigate complex and dynamic environments. Project website: https://siddancha.github.io/projects/active-velocity-estimation/
Abstract:We present a data-driven approach for 4D space-time visualization of dynamic events from videos captured by hand-held multiple cameras. Key to our approach is the use of self-supervised neural networks specific to the scene to compose static and dynamic aspects of an event. Though captured from discrete viewpoints, this model enables us to move around the space-time of the event continuously. This model allows us to create virtual cameras that facilitate: (1) freezing the time and exploring views; (2) freezing a view and moving through time; and (3) simultaneously changing both time and view. We can also edit the videos and reveal occluded objects for a given view if it is visible in any of the other views. We validate our approach on challenging in-the-wild events captured using up to 15 mobile cameras.
Abstract:Depth sensing is crucial for 3D reconstruction and scene understanding. Active depth sensors provide dense metric measurements, but often suffer from limitations such as restricted operating ranges, low spatial resolution, sensor interference, and high power consumption. In this paper, we propose a deep learning (DL) method to estimate per-pixel depth and its uncertainty continuously from a monocular video stream, with the goal of effectively turning an RGB camera into an RGB-D camera. Unlike prior DL-based methods, we estimate a depth probability distribution for each pixel rather than a single depth value, leading to an estimate of a 3D depth probability volume for each input frame. These depth probability volumes are accumulated over time under a Bayesian filtering framework as more incoming frames are processed sequentially, which effectively reduces depth uncertainty and improves accuracy, robustness, and temporal stability. Compared to prior work, the proposed approach achieves more accurate and stable results, and generalizes better to new datasets. Experimental results also show the output of our approach can be directly fed into classical RGB-D based 3D scanning methods for 3D scene reconstruction.
Abstract:Reliable markerless motion tracking of multiple people participating in complex group activity from multiple handheld cameras is challenging due to frequent occlusions, strong viewpoint and appearance variations, and asynchronous video streams. The key to solving this problem is to reliably associate the same person across distant viewpoint and temporal instances. In this work, we combine motion tracking, mutual exclusion constraints, and multiview geometry in a multitask learning framework to automatically adapt a generic person appearance descriptor to the domain videos. Tracking is formulated as a spatiotemporally constrained clustering using the adapted person descriptor. Physical human constraints are exploited to reconstruct accurate and consistent 3D skeletons for every person across the entire sequence. We show significant improvement in association accuracy (up to 18%) in events with up to 60 people and 3D human skeleton reconstruction (5 to 10 times) over the baseline for events captured "in the wild".