Abstract:Recovering camera poses from a set of images is a foundational task in 3D computer vision, which powers key applications such as 3D scene/object reconstructions. Classic methods often depend on feature correspondence, such as keypoints, which require the input images to have large overlap and small viewpoint changes. Such requirements present considerable challenges in scenarios with sparse views. Recent data-driven approaches aim to directly output camera poses, either through regressing the 6DoF camera poses or formulating rotation as a probability distribution. However, each approach has its limitations. On one hand, directly regressing the camera poses can be ill-posed, since it assumes a single mode, which is not true under symmetry and leads to sub-optimal solutions. On the other hand, probabilistic approaches are capable of modeling the symmetry ambiguity, yet they sample the entire space of rotation uniformly by brute-force. This leads to an inevitable trade-off between high sample density, which improves model precision, and sample efficiency that determines the runtime. In this paper, we propose ADen to unify the two frameworks by employing a generator and a discriminator: the generator is trained to output multiple hypotheses of 6DoF camera pose to represent a distribution and handle multi-mode ambiguity, and the discriminator is trained to identify the hypothesis that best explains the data. This allows ADen to combine the best of both worlds, achieving substantially higher precision as well as lower runtime than previous methods in empirical evaluations.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) exhibit remarkable performance for Novel View Synthesis (NVS) given a set of 2D images. However, NeRF training requires accurate camera pose for each input view, typically obtained by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) pipelines. Recent works have attempted to relax this constraint, but they still often rely on decent initial poses which they can refine. Here we aim at removing the requirement for pose initialization. We present Incremental CONfidence (ICON), an optimization procedure for training NeRFs from 2D video frames. ICON only assumes smooth camera motion to estimate initial guess for poses. Further, ICON introduces ``confidence": an adaptive measure of model quality used to dynamically reweight gradients. ICON relies on high-confidence poses to learn NeRF, and high-confidence 3D structure (as encoded by NeRF) to learn poses. We show that ICON, without prior pose initialization, achieves superior performance in both CO3D and HO3D versus methods which use SfM pose.
Abstract:Keypoint detection & descriptors are foundational tech-nologies for computer vision tasks like image matching, 3D reconstruction and visual odometry. Hand-engineered methods like Harris corners, SIFT, and HOG descriptors have been used for decades; more recently, there has been a trend to introduce learning in an attempt to improve keypoint detectors. On inspection however, the results are difficult to interpret; recent learning-based methods employ a vast diversity of experimental setups and design choices: empirical results are often reported using different backbones, protocols, datasets, types of supervisions or tasks. Since these differences are often coupled together, it raises a natural question on what makes a good learned keypoint detector. In this work, we revisit the design of existing keypoint detectors by deconstructing their methodologies and identifying the key components. We re-design each component from first-principle and propose Simple Learned Keypoints (SiLK) that is fully-differentiable, lightweight, and flexible. Despite its simplicity, SiLK advances new state-of-the-art on Detection Repeatability and Homography Estimation tasks on HPatches and 3D Point-Cloud Registration task on ScanNet, and achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art on camera pose estimation in 2022 Image Matching Challenge and ScanNet.