Abstract:Humanoid robots hold the potential for unparalleled versatility in performing human-like, whole-body skills. However, achieving agile and coordinated whole-body motions remains a significant challenge due to the dynamics mismatch between simulation and the real world. Existing approaches, such as system identification (SysID) and domain randomization (DR) methods, often rely on labor-intensive parameter tuning or result in overly conservative policies that sacrifice agility. In this paper, we present ASAP (Aligning Simulation and Real-World Physics), a two-stage framework designed to tackle the dynamics mismatch and enable agile humanoid whole-body skills. In the first stage, we pre-train motion tracking policies in simulation using retargeted human motion data. In the second stage, we deploy the policies in the real world and collect real-world data to train a delta (residual) action model that compensates for the dynamics mismatch. Then, ASAP fine-tunes pre-trained policies with the delta action model integrated into the simulator to align effectively with real-world dynamics. We evaluate ASAP across three transfer scenarios: IsaacGym to IsaacSim, IsaacGym to Genesis, and IsaacGym to the real-world Unitree G1 humanoid robot. Our approach significantly improves agility and whole-body coordination across various dynamic motions, reducing tracking error compared to SysID, DR, and delta dynamics learning baselines. ASAP enables highly agile motions that were previously difficult to achieve, demonstrating the potential of delta action learning in bridging simulation and real-world dynamics. These results suggest a promising sim-to-real direction for developing more expressive and agile humanoids.
Abstract:A critical goal of adaptive control is enabling robots to rapidly adapt in dynamic environments. Recent studies have developed a meta-learning-based adaptive control scheme, which uses meta-learning to extract nonlinear features (represented by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)) from offline data, and uses adaptive control to update linear coefficients online. However, such a scheme is fundamentally limited by the linear parameterization of uncertainties and does not fully unleash the capability of DNNs. This paper introduces a novel learning-based adaptive control framework that pretrains a DNN via self-supervised meta-learning (SSML) from offline trajectories and online adapts the full DNN via composite adaptation. In particular, the offline SSML stage leverages the time consistency in trajectory data to train the DNN to predict future disturbances from history, in a self-supervised manner without environment condition labels. The online stage carefully designs a control law and an adaptation law to update the full DNN with stability guarantees. Empirically, the proposed framework significantly outperforms (19-39%) various classic and learning-based adaptive control baselines, in challenging real-world quadrotor tracking problems under large dynamic wind disturbance.
Abstract:Aerial manipulation has gained interest in completing high-altitude tasks that are challenging for human workers, such as contact inspection and defect detection, etc. Previous research has focused on maintaining static contact points or forces. This letter addresses a more general and dynamic task: simultaneously tracking time-varying contact force in the surface normal direction and motion trajectories on tangential surfaces. We propose a pipeline that includes a contact-aware trajectory planner to generate dynamically feasible trajectories, and a hybrid motion-force controller to track such trajectories. We demonstrate the approach in an aerial calligraphy task using a novel sponge pen design as the end-effector, whose stroke width is proportional to the contact force. Additionally, we develop a touchscreen interface for flexible user input. Experiments show our method can effectively draw diverse letters, achieving an IoU of 0.59 and an end-effector position (force) tracking RMSE of 2.9 cm (0.7 N). Website: https://xiaofeng-guo.github.io/flying-calligrapher/
Abstract:Legged robots navigating cluttered environments must be jointly agile for efficient task execution and safe to avoid collisions with obstacles or humans. Existing studies either develop conservative controllers (< 1.0 m/s) to ensure safety, or focus on agility without considering potentially fatal collisions. This paper introduces Agile But Safe (ABS), a learning-based control framework that enables agile and collision-free locomotion for quadrupedal robots. ABS involves an agile policy to execute agile motor skills amidst obstacles and a recovery policy to prevent failures, collaboratively achieving high-speed and collision-free navigation. The policy switch in ABS is governed by a learned control-theoretic reach-avoid value network, which also guides the recovery policy as an objective function, thereby safeguarding the robot in a closed loop. The training process involves the learning of the agile policy, the reach-avoid value network, the recovery policy, and an exteroception representation network, all in simulation. These trained modules can be directly deployed in the real world with onboard sensing and computation, leading to high-speed and collision-free navigation in confined indoor and outdoor spaces with both static and dynamic obstacles.
Abstract:Sampling-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been a practical and effective approach in many domains, notably model-based reinforcement learning, thanks to its flexibility and parallelizability. Despite its appealing empirical performance, the theoretical understanding, particularly in terms of convergence analysis and hyperparameter tuning, remains absent. In this paper, we characterize the convergence property of a widely used sampling-based MPC method, Model Predictive Path Integral Control (MPPI). We show that MPPI enjoys at least linear convergence rates when the optimization is quadratic, which covers time-varying LQR systems. We then extend to more general nonlinear systems. Our theoretical analysis directly leads to a novel sampling-based MPC algorithm, CoVariance-Optimal MPC (CoVo-MPC) that optimally schedules the sampling covariance to optimize the convergence rate. Empirically, CoVo-MPC significantly outperforms standard MPPI by 43-54% in both simulations and real-world quadrotor agile control tasks. Videos and Appendices are available at \url{https://lecar-lab.github.io/CoVO-MPC/}.
Abstract:While autonomous Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have grown rapidly, most applications only focus on passive visual tasks. Aerial interaction aims to execute tasks involving physical interactions, which offers a way to assist humans in high-risk, high-altitude operations, thereby reducing cost, time, and potential hazards. The coupled dynamics between the aerial vehicle and manipulator, however, pose challenges for precision control. Previous research has typically employed either position control, which often fails to meet mission accuracy, or force control using expensive, heavy, and cumbersome force/torque sensors that also lack local semantic information. Conversely, tactile sensors, being both cost-effective and lightweight, are capable of sensing contact information including force distribution, as well as recognizing local textures. Existing work on tactile sensing mainly focuses on tabletop manipulation tasks within a quasi-static process. In this paper, we pioneer the use of vision-based tactile sensors on a fully-actuated UAV to improve the accuracy of the more dynamic aerial manipulation tasks. We introduce a pipeline utilizing tactile feedback for real-time force tracking via a hybrid motion-force controller and a method for wall texture detection during aerial interactions. Our experiments demonstrate that our system can effectively replace or complement traditional force/torque sensors, improving flight performance by approximately 16% in position tracking error when using the fused force estimate compared to relying on a single sensor. Our tactile sensor achieves 93.4% accuracy in real-time texture recognition and 100% post-contact. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to incorporate a vision-based tactile sensor into aerial interaction tasks.
Abstract:Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to perform high-altitude manipulation tasks beyond just passive visual application can reduce the time, cost, and risk of human workers. Prior research on aerial manipulation has relied on either ground truth state estimate or GPS/total station with some Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms, which may not be practical for many applications close to infrastructure with degraded GPS signal or featureless environments. Visual servo can avoid the need to estimate robot pose. Existing works on visual servo for aerial manipulation either address solely end-effector position control or rely on precise velocity measurement and pre-defined visual visual marker with known pattern. Furthermore, most of previous work used under-actuated UAVs, resulting in complicated mechanical and hence control design for the end-effector. This paper develops an image-based visual servo control strategy for bridge maintenance using a fully-actuated UAV. The main components are (1) a visual line detection and tracking system, (2) a hybrid impedance force and motion control system. Our approach does not rely on either robot pose/velocity estimation from an external localization system or pre-defined visual markers. The complexity of the mechanical system and controller architecture is also minimized due to the fully-actuated nature. Experiments show that the system can effectively execute motion tracking and force holding using only the visual guidance for the bridge painting. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first studies on aerial manipulation using visual servo that is capable of achieving both motion and force control without the need of external pose/velocity information or pre-defined visual guidance.