Abstract:Despite the groundbreaking success of diffusion models in generating high-fidelity images, their latent space remains relatively under-explored, even though it holds significant promise for enabling versatile and interpretable image editing capabilities. The complicated denoising trajectory and high dimensionality of the latent space make it extremely challenging to interpret. Existing methods mainly explore the feature space of U-Net in Diffusion Models (DMs) instead of the latent space itself. In contrast, we directly investigate the latent space via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and discover three useful properties that can be used to control generation results without the requirements of data collection and maintain identity fidelity generated images. Based on these properties, we propose a novel image editing framework that is capable of learning arbitrary attributes from one pair of latent codes destined by text prompts in Stable Diffusion Models. To validate our approach, extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness and flexibility in image editing. We will release our codes soon to foster further research and applications in this area.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has shown remarkable performance in novel view synthesis. However, its rendering quality deteriorates with sparse inphut views, leading to distorted content and reduced details. This limitation hinders its practical application. To address this issue, we propose a sparse-view 3DGS method. Given the inherently ill-posed nature of sparse-view rendering, incorporating prior information is crucial. We propose a semantic regularization technique, using features extracted from the pretrained DINO-ViT model, to ensure multi-view semantic consistency. Additionally, we propose local depth regularization, which constrains depth values to improve generalization on unseen views. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art novel view synthesis approaches, achieving up to 0.4dB improvement in terms of PSNR on the LLFF dataset, with reduced distortion and enhanced visual quality.
Abstract:Audio-visual video segmentation (AVVS) aims to generate pixel-level maps of sound-producing objects that accurately align with the corresponding audio. However, existing methods often face temporal misalignment, where audio cues and segmentation results are not temporally coordinated. Audio provides two critical pieces of information: i) target object-level details and ii) the timing of when objects start and stop producing sounds. Current methods focus more on object-level information but neglect the boundaries of audio semantic changes, leading to temporal misalignment. To address this issue, we propose a Collaborative Hybrid Propagator Framework~(Co-Prop). This framework includes two main steps: Preliminary Audio Boundary Anchoring and Frame-by-Frame Audio-Insert Propagation. To Anchor the audio boundary, we employ retrieval-assist prompts with Qwen large language models to identify control points of audio semantic changes. These control points split the audio into semantically consistent audio portions. After obtaining the control point lists, we propose the Audio Insertion Propagator to process each audio portion using a frame-by-frame audio insertion propagation and matching approach. We curated a compact dataset comprising diverse source conversion cases and devised a metric to assess alignment rates. Compared to traditional simultaneous processing methods, our approach reduces memory requirements and facilitates frame alignment. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across three datasets and two backbones. Furthermore, our method can be integrated with existing AVVS approaches, offering plug-and-play functionality to enhance their performance.
Abstract:With the advance of diffusion models, today's video generation has achieved impressive quality. To extend the generation length and facilitate real-world applications, a majority of video diffusion models (VDMs) generate videos in an autoregressive manner, i.e., generating subsequent clips conditioned on the last frame(s) of the previous clip. However, existing autoregressive VDMs are highly inefficient and redundant: The model must re-compute all the conditional frames that are overlapped between adjacent clips. This issue is exacerbated when the conditional frames are extended autoregressively to provide the model with long-term context. In such cases, the computational demands increase significantly (i.e., with a quadratic complexity w.r.t. the autoregression step). In this paper, we propose Ca2-VDM, an efficient autoregressive VDM with Causal generation and Cache sharing. For causal generation, it introduces unidirectional feature computation, which ensures that the cache of conditional frames can be precomputed in previous autoregression steps and reused in every subsequent step, eliminating redundant computations. For cache sharing, it shares the cache across all denoising steps to avoid the huge cache storage cost. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our Ca2-VDM achieves state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative video generation results and significantly improves the generation speed. Code is available at https://github.com/Dawn-LX/CausalCache-VDM
Abstract:Point cloud processing (PCP) encompasses tasks like reconstruction, denoising, registration, and segmentation, each often requiring specialized models to address unique task characteristics. While in-context learning (ICL) has shown promise across tasks by using a single model with task-specific demonstration prompts, its application to PCP reveals significant limitations. We identify inter-task and intra-task sensitivity issues in current ICL methods for PCP, which we attribute to inflexible sampling strategies lacking context adaptation at the point and prompt levels. To address these challenges, we propose MICAS, an advanced ICL framework featuring a multi-grained adaptive sampling mechanism tailored for PCP. MICAS introduces two core components: task-adaptive point sampling, which leverages inter-task cues for point-level sampling, and query-specific prompt sampling, which selects optimal prompts per query to mitigate intra-task sensitivity. To our knowledge, this is the first approach to introduce adaptive sampling tailored to the unique requirements of point clouds within an ICL framework. Extensive experiments show that MICAS not only efficiently handles various PCP tasks but also significantly outperforms existing methods. Notably, it achieves a remarkable $4.1\%$ improvement in the part segmentation task and delivers consistent gains across various PCP applications.
Abstract:Blind image restoration remains a significant challenge in low-level vision tasks. Recently, denoising diffusion models have shown remarkable performance in image synthesis. Guided diffusion models, leveraging the potent generative priors of pre-trained models along with a differential guidance loss, have achieved promising results in blind image restoration. However, these models typically consider data consistency solely in the spatial domain, often resulting in distorted image content. In this paper, we propose a novel frequency-aware guidance loss that can be integrated into various diffusion models in a plug-and-play manner. Our proposed guidance loss, based on 2D discrete wavelet transform, simultaneously enforces content consistency in both the spatial and frequency domains. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in three blind restoration tasks: blind image deblurring, imaging through turbulence, and blind restoration for multiple degradations. Notably, our method achieves a significant improvement in PSNR score, with a remarkable enhancement of 3.72\,dB in image deblurring. Moreover, our method exhibits superior capability in generating images with rich details and reduced distortion, leading to the best visual quality.
Abstract:The stylization of 3D scenes is an increasingly attractive topic in 3D vision. Although image style transfer has been extensively researched with promising results, directly applying 2D style transfer methods to 3D scenes often fails to preserve the structural and multi-view properties of 3D environments, resulting in unpleasant distortions in images from different viewpoints. To address these issues, we leverage the remarkable generative prior of diffusion-based models and propose a novel style transfer method, OSDiffST, based on a pre-trained one-step diffusion model (i.e., SD-Turbo) for rendering diverse styles in multi-view images of 3D scenes. To efficiently adapt the pre-trained model for multi-view style transfer on small datasets, we introduce a vision condition module to extract style information from the reference style image to serve as conditional input for the diffusion model and employ LoRA in diffusion model for adaptation. Additionally, we consider color distribution alignment and structural similarity between the stylized and content images using two specific loss functions. As a result, our method effectively preserves the structural information and multi-view consistency in stylized images without any 3D information. Experiments show that our method surpasses other promising style transfer methods in synthesizing various styles for multi-view images of 3D scenes. Stylized images from different viewpoints generated by our method achieve superior visual quality, with better structural integrity and less distortion. The source code is available at https://github.com/YushenZuo/OSDiffST.
Abstract:Image style transfer has attracted widespread attention in the past few years. Despite its remarkable results, it requires additional style images available as references, making it less flexible and inconvenient. Using text is the most natural way to describe the style. More importantly, text can describe implicit abstract styles, like styles of specific artists or art movements. In this paper, we propose a Contrastive Learning for Artistic Style Transfer (CLAST) that leverages advanced image-text encoders to control arbitrary style transfer. We introduce a supervised contrastive training strategy to effectively extract style descriptions from the image-text model (i.e., CLIP), which aligns stylization with the text description. To this end, we also propose a novel and efficient adaLN based state space models that explore style-content fusion. Finally, we achieve a text-driven image style transfer. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in artistic style transfer. More importantly, it does not require online fine-tuning and can render a 512x512 image in 0.03s.
Abstract:Customized Image Generation, generating customized images with user-specified concepts, has raised significant attention due to its creativity and novelty. With impressive progress achieved in subject customization, some pioneer works further explored the customization of action and interaction beyond entity (i.e., human, animal, and object) appearance. However, these approaches only focus on basic actions and interactions between two entities, and their effects are limited by insufficient ''exactly same'' reference images. To extend customized image generation to more complex scenes for general real-world applications, we propose a new task: event-customized image generation. Given a single reference image, we define the ''event'' as all specific actions, poses, relations, or interactions between different entities in the scene. This task aims at accurately capturing the complex event and generating customized images with various target entities. To solve this task, we proposed a novel training-free event customization method: FreeEvent. Specifically, FreeEvent introduces two extra paths alongside the general diffusion denoising process: 1) Entity switching path: it applies cross-attention guidance and regulation for target entity generation. 2) Event transferring path: it injects the spatial feature and self-attention maps from the reference image to the target image for event generation. To further facilitate this new task, we collected two evaluation benchmarks: SWiG-Event and Real-Event. Extensive experiments and ablations have demonstrated the effectiveness of FreeEvent.
Abstract:Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection (MIAD), utilizing 3D point clouds and 2D RGB images to identify the abnormal region of products, plays a crucial role in industrial quality inspection. However, the conventional MIAD setting presupposes that all 2D and 3D modalities are paired, overlooking the fact that multimodal data collected from the real world is often imperfect due to missing modalities. Consequently, MIAD models that demonstrate robustness against modal-incomplete data are highly desirable in practice. To address this practical challenge, we introduce a first-of-its-kind study that comprehensively investigates Modality-Incomplete Industrial Anomaly Detection (MIIAD), to consider the imperfect learning environment in which the multimodal information may be incomplete. Not surprisingly, we discovered that most existing MIAD approaches are inadequate for addressing MIIAD challenges, leading to significant performance degradation on the MIIAD benchmark we developed. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage Robust modAlity-imcomplete fusing and Detecting frAmewoRk, abbreviated as RADAR. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to enhance two stages in MIIAD, improving the robustness of the Multimodal Transformer: i) In feature fusion, we first explore learning modality-incomplete instruction, guiding the pre-trained Multimodal Transformer to robustly adapt to various modality-incomplete scenarios, and implement adaptive parameter learning based on a HyperNetwork; ii) In anomaly detection, we construct a real-pseudo hybrid module to highlight the distinctiveness of modality combinations, further enhancing the robustness of the MIIAD model. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RADAR significantly surpasses conventional MIAD methods in terms of effectiveness and robustness on our newly created MIIAD dataset, underscoring its practical application value.