Abstract:With the recent surge in interest surrounding generative paradigms, generative recommendation has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers in the recommendation community. This paradigm generally consists of two stages. In the first stage, pretrained semantic embeddings or collaborative ID embeddings are quantized to create item codes, aiming to capture and preserve rich semantic or collaborative knowledge within these codes. The second stage involves utilizing these discrete codes to perform an autoregressive sequence generation task. Existing methods often either overlook collaborative or semantic knowledge, or combine the two roughly. In this paper, we observe that naively concatenating representations from semantic and collaborative modality leads to a semantic domination issue, where the resulting representation is overly influenced by semantic information, effectively overshadowing the collaborative representation. Consequently, downstream recommendation tasks fail to fully exploit the knowledge from both modalities, resulting in suboptimal performance. To address this, we propose a progressive collaborative and semantic knowledge fusion model for generative recommendation, named PRORec, which integrates semantic and collaborative knowledge with a unified code through a two-stage framework. Specifically, in the first stage, we propose a cross-modality knowledge alignment task, which integrates semantic knowledge into collaborative embeddings, enhancing their representational capability. In the second stage, we propose an in-modality knowledge distillation task, designed to effectively capture and integrate knowledge from both semantic and collaborative modalities. Extensive experiments on three widely used benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating its superiority compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as state-of-the-art methods to learn from graph-structured data for recommendation. However, most existing GNN-based recommendation methods focus on the optimization of model structures and learning strategies based on pre-defined graphs, neglecting the importance of the graph construction stage. Earlier works for graph construction usually rely on speciffic rules or crowdsourcing, which are either too simplistic or too labor-intensive. Recent works start to utilize large language models (LLMs) to automate the graph construction, in view of their abundant open-world knowledge and remarkable reasoning capabilities. Nevertheless, they generally suffer from two limitations: (1) invisibility of global view (e.g., overlooking contextual information) and (2) construction inefficiency. To this end, we introduce AutoGraph, an automatic graph construction framework based on LLMs for recommendation. Specifically, we first use LLMs to infer the user preference and item knowledge, which is encoded as semantic vectors. Next, we employ vector quantization to extract the latent factors from the semantic vectors. The latent factors are then incorporated as extra nodes to link the user/item nodes, resulting in a graph with in-depth global-view semantics. We further design metapath-based message aggregation to effectively aggregate the semantic and collaborative information. The framework is model-agnostic and compatible with different backbone models. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the efficacy and efffciency of AutoGraph compared to existing baseline methods. We have deployed AutoGraph in Huawei advertising platform, and gain a 2.69% improvement on RPM and a 7.31% improvement on eCPM in the online A/B test. Currently AutoGraph has been used as the main trafffc model, serving hundreds of millions of people.
Abstract:LLM-based agents have been widely applied as personal assistants, capable of memorizing information from user messages and responding to personal queries. However, there still lacks an objective and automatic evaluation on their memory capability, largely due to the challenges in constructing reliable questions and answers (QAs) according to user messages. In this paper, we propose MemSim, a Bayesian simulator designed to automatically construct reliable QAs from generated user messages, simultaneously keeping their diversity and scalability. Specifically, we introduce the Bayesian Relation Network (BRNet) and a causal generation mechanism to mitigate the impact of LLM hallucinations on factual information, facilitating the automatic creation of an evaluation dataset. Based on MemSim, we generate a dataset in the daily-life scenario, named MemDaily, and conduct extensive experiments to assess the effectiveness of our approach. We also provide a benchmark for evaluating different memory mechanisms in LLM-based agents with the MemDaily dataset. To benefit the research community, we have released our project at https://github.com/nuster1128/MemSim.
Abstract:Traditional recommendation models often rely on unique item identifiers (IDs) to distinguish between items, which can hinder their ability to effectively leverage item content information and generalize to long-tail or cold-start items. Recently, semantic tokenization has been proposed as a promising solution that aims to tokenize each item's semantic representation into a sequence of discrete tokens. In this way, it preserves the item's semantics within these tokens and ensures that semantically similar items are represented by similar tokens. These semantic tokens have become fundamental in training generative recommendation models. However, existing generative recommendation methods typically involve multiple sub-models for embedding, quantization, and recommendation, leading to an overly complex system. In this paper, we propose to streamline the semantic tokenization and generative recommendation process with a unified framework, dubbed STORE, which leverages a single large language model (LLM) for both tasks. Specifically, we formulate semantic tokenization as a text-to-token task and generative recommendation as a token-to-token task, supplemented by a token-to-text reconstruction task and a text-to-token auxiliary task. All these tasks are framed in a generative manner and trained using a single LLM backbone. Extensive experiments have been conducted to validate the effectiveness of our STORE framework across various recommendation tasks and datasets. We will release the source code and configurations for reproducible research.
Abstract:Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated great zero-shot performance on visual question answering (VQA). However, when it comes to knowledge-based VQA (KB-VQA), MLLMs may lack human commonsense or specialized domain knowledge to answer such questions and require obtaining necessary information from external knowledge sources. Previous works like Retrival-Augmented VQA-v2 (RAVQA-v2) focus on utilizing as much input information, such as image-based textual descriptions and retrieved knowledge, as possible to improve performance, but they all overlook the issue that with the number of input tokens increasing, inference efficiency significantly decreases, which contradicts the demands of practical applications. To address this issue, we propose Retrieval-Augmented MLLM with Compressed Contexts (RACC). RACC learns to compress and aggregate retrieved contexts, from which it generates a compact modulation in the form of Key-Value (KV) cache. This modulation is then used to adapt the downstream frozen MLLM, thereby achieving effective and efficient inference. RACC achieves a state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of 62.9% on OK-VQA. Moreover, it significantly reduces inference latency by 22.0%-59.7% compared to the prominent RAVQA-v2. Abundant experiments show RACC's broad applicability. It is compatible with various off-the-shelf MLLMs and can also handle different knowledge sources including textual and multimodal documents.
Abstract:Recommender systems (RSs) play a pervasive role in today's online services, yet their closed-loop nature constrains their access to open-world knowledge. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in bridging this gap. However, previous attempts to directly implement LLMs as recommenders fall short in meeting the requirements of industrial RSs, particularly in terms of online inference latency and offline resource efficiency. Thus, we propose REKI to acquire two types of external knowledge about users and items from LLMs. Specifically, we introduce factorization prompting to elicit accurate knowledge reasoning on user preferences and items. We develop individual knowledge extraction and collective knowledge extraction tailored for different scales of scenarios, effectively reducing offline resource consumption. Subsequently, generated knowledge undergoes efficient transformation and condensation into augmented vectors through a hybridized expert-integrated network, ensuring compatibility. The obtained vectors can then be used to enhance any conventional recommendation model. We also ensure efficient inference by preprocessing and prestoring the knowledge from LLMs. Experiments demonstrate that REKI outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and is compatible with lots of recommendation algorithms and tasks. Now, REKI has been deployed to Huawei's news and music recommendation platforms and gained a 7% and 1.99% improvement during the online A/B test.
Abstract:We primarily focus on the field of large language models (LLMs) for recommendation, which has been actively explored recently and poses a significant challenge in effectively enhancing recommender systems with logical reasoning abilities and open-world knowledge. Current mainstream efforts mainly center around injecting personalized information from recommendation models into LLMs by customizing input templates or aligning representations between semantic and recommendation spaces at the prediction layer. However, they face three significant limitations: (1) LoRA is mostly used as a core component in existing works, but personalization is not well established in LoRA parameters as the LoRA matrix shared by every user may not cater to different users' characteristics, leading to suboptimal performance. (2) Although lifelong personalized behavior sequences are ideal for personalization, their use raises effectiveness and efficiency issues since LLMs require escalating training and inference time to extend text lengths. (3) Existing approaches aren't scalable for large datasets due to training efficiency constraints. Thus, LLMs only see a small fraction of the datasets (e.g., less than 10%) instead of the whole datasets, limiting their exposure to the full training space. To address these problems, we propose RecLoRA. This model incorporates a Personalized LoRA module that maintains independent LoRAs for different users and a Long-Short Modality Retriever that retrieves different history lengths for different modalities, significantly improving performance while adding minimal time cost. Furthermore, we design a Few2Many Learning Strategy, using a conventional recommendation model as a lens to magnify small training spaces to full spaces. Extensive experiments on public datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our RecLoRA compared to existing baseline models.
Abstract:Generative retrieval, which has demonstrated effectiveness in text-to-text retrieval, utilizes a sequence-to-sequence model to directly generate candidate identifiers based on natural language queries. Without explicitly computing the similarity between queries and candidates, generative retrieval surpasses dual-tower models in both speed and accuracy on large-scale corpora, providing new insights for cross-modal retrieval. However, constructing identifiers for multimodal data remains an untapped problem, and the modality gap between natural language queries and multimodal candidates hinders retrieval performance due to the absence of additional encoders. To this end, we propose a pioneering generAtive Cross-modal rEtrieval framework (ACE), which is a comprehensive framework for end-to-end cross-modal retrieval based on coarse-to-fine semantic modeling. We propose combining K-Means and RQ-VAE to construct coarse and fine tokens, serving as identifiers for multimodal data. Correspondingly, we design the coarse-to-fine feature fusion strategy to efficiently align natural language queries and candidate identifiers. ACE is the first work to comprehensively demonstrate the feasibility of generative approach on text-to-image/audio/video retrieval, challenging the dominance of the embedding-based dual-tower architecture. Extensive experiments show that ACE achieves state-of-the-art performance in cross-modal retrieval and outperforms the strong baselines on Recall@1 by 15.27% on average.
Abstract:Generative retrieval has recently emerged as a promising approach to sequential recommendation, framing candidate item retrieval as an autoregressive sequence generation problem. However, existing generative methods typically focus solely on either behavioral or semantic aspects of item information, neglecting their complementary nature and thus resulting in limited effectiveness. To address this limitation, we introduce EAGER, a novel generative recommendation framework that seamlessly integrates both behavioral and semantic information. Specifically, we identify three key challenges in combining these two types of information: a unified generative architecture capable of handling two feature types, ensuring sufficient and independent learning for each type, and fostering subtle interactions that enhance collaborative information utilization. To achieve these goals, we propose (1) a two-stream generation architecture leveraging a shared encoder and two separate decoders to decode behavior tokens and semantic tokens with a confidence-based ranking strategy; (2) a global contrastive task with summary tokens to achieve discriminative decoding for each type of information; and (3) a semantic-guided transfer task designed to implicitly promote cross-interactions through reconstruction and estimation objectives. We validate the effectiveness of EAGER on four public benchmarks, demonstrating its superior performance compared to existing methods.
Abstract:In video recommendation, an ongoing effort is to satisfy users' personalized information needs by leveraging their logged watch time. However, watch time prediction suffers from duration bias, hindering its ability to reflect users' interests accurately. Existing label-correction approaches attempt to uncover user interests through grouping and normalizing observed watch time according to video duration. Although effective to some extent, we found that these approaches regard completely played records (i.e., a user watches the entire video) as equally high interest, which deviates from what we observed on real datasets: users have varied explicit feedback proportion when completely playing videos. In this paper, we introduce the counterfactual watch time(CWT), the potential watch time a user would spend on the video if its duration is sufficiently long. Analysis shows that the duration bias is caused by the truncation of CWT due to the video duration limitation, which usually occurs on those completely played records. Besides, a Counterfactual Watch Model (CWM) is proposed, revealing that CWT equals the time users get the maximum benefit from video recommender systems. Moreover, a cost-based transform function is defined to transform the CWT into the estimation of user interest, and the model can be learned by optimizing a counterfactual likelihood function defined over observed user watch times. Extensive experiments on three real video recommendation datasets and online A/B testing demonstrated that CWM effectively enhanced video recommendation accuracy and counteracted the duration bias.