Abstract:The aim of multi-label few-shot image classification (ML-FSIC) is to assign semantic labels to images, in settings where only a small number of training examples are available for each label. A key feature of the multi-label setting is that images often have several labels, which typically refer to objects appearing in different regions of the image. When estimating label prototypes, in a metric-based setting, it is thus important to determine which regions are relevant for which labels, but the limited amount of training data and the noisy nature of local features make this highly challenging. As a solution, we propose a strategy in which label prototypes are gradually refined. First, we initialize the prototypes using word embeddings, which allows us to leverage prior knowledge about the meaning of the labels. Second, taking advantage of these initial prototypes, we then use a Loss Change Measurement~(LCM) strategy to select the local features from the training images (i.e.\ the support set) that are most likely to be representative of a given label. Third, we construct the final prototype of the label by aggregating these representative local features using a multi-modal cross-interaction mechanism, which again relies on the initial word embedding-based prototypes. Experiments on COCO, PASCAL VOC, NUS-WIDE, and iMaterialist show that our model substantially improves the current state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Understanding of video creativity and content often varies among individuals, with differences in focal points and cognitive levels across different ages, experiences, and genders. There is currently a lack of research in this area, and most existing benchmarks suffer from several drawbacks: 1) a limited number of modalities and answers with restrictive length; 2) the content and scenarios within the videos are excessively monotonous, transmitting allegories and emotions that are overly simplistic. To bridge the gap to real-world applications, we introduce a large-scale \textbf{S}ubjective \textbf{R}esponse \textbf{I}ndicators for \textbf{A}dvertisement \textbf{V}ideos dataset, namely SRI-ADV. Specifically, we collected real changes in Electroencephalographic (EEG) and eye-tracking regions from different demographics while they viewed identical video content. Utilizing this multi-modal dataset, we developed tasks and protocols to analyze and evaluate the extent of cognitive understanding of video content among different users. Along with the dataset, we designed a \textbf{H}ypergraph \textbf{M}ulti-modal \textbf{L}arge \textbf{L}anguage \textbf{M}odel (HMLLM) to explore the associations among different demographics, video elements, EEG and eye-tracking indicators. HMLLM could bridge semantic gaps across rich modalities and integrate information beyond different modalities to perform logical reasoning. Extensive experimental evaluations on SRI-ADV and other additional video-based generative performance benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The codes and dataset will be released at \url{https://github.com/suay1113/HMLLM}.
Abstract:Modern information querying systems are progressively incorporating multimodal inputs like vision and audio. However, the integration of gaze -- a modality deeply linked to user intent and increasingly accessible via gaze-tracking wearables -- remains underexplored. This paper introduces a novel gaze-facilitated information querying paradigm, named G-VOILA, which synergizes users' gaze, visual field, and voice-based natural language queries to facilitate a more intuitive querying process. In a user-enactment study involving 21 participants in 3 daily scenarios (p = 21, scene = 3), we revealed the ambiguity in users' query language and a gaze-voice coordination pattern in users' natural query behaviors with G-VOILA. Based on the quantitative and qualitative findings, we developed a design framework for the G-VOILA paradigm, which effectively integrates the gaze data with the in-situ querying context. Then we implemented a G-VOILA proof-of-concept using cutting-edge deep learning techniques. A follow-up user study (p = 16, scene = 2) demonstrates its effectiveness by achieving both higher objective score and subjective score, compared to a baseline without gaze data. We further conducted interviews and provided insights for future gaze-facilitated information querying systems.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce CheXOFA, a new pre-trained vision-language model (VLM) for the chest X-ray domain. Our model is initially pre-trained on various multimodal datasets within the general domain before being transferred to the chest X-ray domain. Following a prominent VLM, we unify various domain-specific tasks into a simple sequence-to-sequence schema. It enables the model to effectively learn the required knowledge and skills from limited resources in the domain. Demonstrating superior performance on the benchmark datasets provided by the BioNLP shared task, our model benefits from its training across multiple tasks and domains. With subtle techniques including ensemble and factual calibration, our system achieves first place on the RadSum23 leaderboard for the hidden test set.
Abstract:In this report, we present our champion solution for Ego4D Natural Language Queries (NLQ) Challenge in CVPR 2023. Essentially, to accurately ground in a video, an effective egocentric feature extractor and a powerful grounding model are required. Motivated by this, we leverage a two-stage pre-training strategy to train egocentric feature extractors and the grounding model on video narrations, and further fine-tune the model on annotated data. In addition, we introduce a novel grounding model GroundNLQ, which employs a multi-modal multi-scale grounding module for effective video and text fusion and various temporal intervals, especially for long videos. On the blind test set, GroundNLQ achieves 25.67 and 18.18 for R1@IoU=0.3 and R1@IoU=0.5, respectively, and surpasses all other teams by a noticeable margin. Our code will be released at\url{https://github.com/houzhijian/GroundNLQ}.
Abstract:Previous works on video object segmentation (VOS) are trained on densely annotated videos. Nevertheless, acquiring annotations in pixel level is expensive and time-consuming. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of training a satisfactory VOS model on sparsely annotated videos-we merely require two labeled frames per training video while the performance is sustained. We term this novel training paradigm as two-shot video object segmentation, or two-shot VOS for short. The underlying idea is to generate pseudo labels for unlabeled frames during training and to optimize the model on the combination of labeled and pseudo-labeled data. Our approach is extremely simple and can be applied to a majority of existing frameworks. We first pre-train a VOS model on sparsely annotated videos in a semi-supervised manner, with the first frame always being a labeled one. Then, we adopt the pre-trained VOS model to generate pseudo labels for all unlabeled frames, which are subsequently stored in a pseudo-label bank. Finally, we retrain a VOS model on both labeled and pseudo-labeled data without any restrictions on the first frame. For the first time, we present a general way to train VOS models on two-shot VOS datasets. By using 7.3% and 2.9% labeled data of YouTube-VOS and DAVIS benchmarks, our approach achieves comparable results in contrast to the counterparts trained on fully labeled set. Code and models are available at https://github.com/yk-pku/Two-shot-Video-Object-Segmentation.
Abstract:This technical report describes the CONE approach for Ego4D Natural Language Queries (NLQ) Challenge in ECCV 2022. We leverage our model CONE, an efficient window-centric COarse-to-fiNE alignment framework. Specifically, CONE dynamically slices the long video into candidate windows via a sliding window approach. Centering at windows, CONE (1) learns the inter-window (coarse-grained) semantic variance through contrastive learning and speeds up inference by pre-filtering the candidate windows relevant to the NL query, and (2) conducts intra-window (fine-grained) candidate moments ranking utilizing the powerful multi-modal alignment ability of the contrastive vision-text pre-trained model EgoVLP. On the blind test set, CONE achieves 15.26 and 9.24 for R1@IoU=0.3 and R1@IoU=0.5, respectively.
Abstract:Panorama synthesis aims to generate a visual scene with all 360-degree views and enables an immersive virtual world. If the panorama synthesis process can be semantically controlled, we can then build an interactive virtual world and form an unprecedented human-computer interaction experience. Existing panoramic synthesis methods mainly focus on dealing with the inherent challenges brought by panoramas' spherical structure such as the projection distortion and the in-continuity problem when stitching edges, but is hard to effectively control semantics. The recent success of visual synthesis like DALL.E generates promising 2D flat images with semantic control, however, it is hard to directly be applied to panorama synthesis which inevitably generates distorted content. Besides, both of the above methods can not effectively synthesize high-resolution panoramas either because of quality or inference speed. In this work, we propose a new generation framework for high-resolution panorama images. The contributions include 1) alleviating the spherical distortion and edge in-continuity problem through spherical modeling, 2) supporting semantic control through both image and text hints, and 3) effectively generating high-resolution panoramas through parallel decoding. Our experimental results on a large-scale high-resolution Street View dataset validated the superiority of our approach quantitatively and qualitatively.
Abstract:Video temporal grounding (VTG) targets to localize temporal moments in an untrimmed video according to a natural language (NL) description. Since real-world applications provide a never-ending video stream, it raises demands for temporal grounding for long-form videos, which leads to two major challenges: (1) the long video length makes it difficult to process the entire video without decreasing sample rate and leads to high computational burden; (2) the accurate multi-modal alignment is more challenging as the number of moment candidates increases. To address these challenges, we propose CONE, an efficient window-centric COarse-to-fiNE alignment framework, which flexibly handles long-form video inputs with higher inference speed, and enhances the temporal grounding via our novel coarse-to-fine multi-modal alignment framework. Specifically, we dynamically slice the long video into candidate windows via a sliding window approach. Centering at windows, CONE (1) learns the inter-window (coarse-grained) semantic variance through contrastive learning and speeds up inference by pre-filtering the candidate windows relevant to the NL query, and (2) conducts intra-window (fine-grained) candidate moments ranking utilizing the powerful multi-modal alignment ability of a contrastive vision-text pre-trained model. Extensive experiments on two large-scale VTG benchmarks for long videos consistently show a substantial performance gain (from 3.13% to 6.87% on MAD and from 10.46% to 13.46% on Ego4d-NLQ) and CONE achieves the SOTA results on both datasets. Analysis reveals the effectiveness of components and higher efficiency in long video grounding as our system improves the inference speed by 2x on Ego4d-NLQ and 15x on MAD while keeping the SOTA performance of CONE.
Abstract:Multi-label few-shot image classification (ML-FSIC) is the task of assigning descriptive labels to previously unseen images, based on a small number of training examples. A key feature of the multi-label setting is that images often have multiple labels, which typically refer to different regions of the image. When estimating prototypes, in a metric-based setting, it is thus important to determine which regions are relevant for which labels, but the limited amount of training data makes this highly challenging. As a solution, in this paper we propose to use word embeddings as a form of prior knowledge about the meaning of the labels. In particular, visual prototypes are obtained by aggregating the local feature maps of the support images, using an attention mechanism that relies on the label embeddings. As an important advantage, our model can infer prototypes for unseen labels without the need for fine-tuning any model parameters, which demonstrates its strong generalization abilities. Experiments on COCO and PASCAL VOC furthermore show that our model substantially improves the current state-of-the-art.