Abstract:Large Reconstruction Models (LRMs) have recently become a popular method for creating 3D foundational models. Training 3D reconstruction models with 2D visual data traditionally requires prior knowledge of camera poses for the training samples, a process that is both time-consuming and prone to errors. Consequently, 3D reconstruction training has been confined to either synthetic 3D datasets or small-scale datasets with annotated poses. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of 3D reconstruction using unposed video data of various objects. We introduce UVRM, a novel 3D reconstruction model capable of being trained and evaluated on monocular videos without requiring any information about the pose. UVRM uses a transformer network to implicitly aggregate video frames into a pose-invariant latent feature space, which is then decoded into a tri-plane 3D representation. To obviate the need for ground-truth pose annotations during training, UVRM employs a combination of the score distillation sampling (SDS) method and an analysis-by-synthesis approach, progressively synthesizing pseudo novel-views using a pre-trained diffusion model. We qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate UVRM's performance on the G-Objaverse and CO3D datasets without relying on pose information. Extensive experiments show that UVRM is capable of effectively and efficiently reconstructing a wide range of 3D objects from unposed videos.
Abstract:Audio generation has achieved remarkable progress with the advance of sophisticated generative models, such as diffusion models (DMs) and autoregressive (AR) models. However, due to the naturally significant sequence length of audio, the efficiency of audio generation remains an essential issue to be addressed, especially for AR models that are incorporated in large language models (LLMs). In this paper, we analyze the token length of audio tokenization and propose a novel \textbf{S}cale-level \textbf{A}udio \textbf{T}okenizer (SAT), with improved residual quantization. Based on SAT, a scale-level \textbf{A}coustic \textbf{A}uto\textbf{R}egressive (AAR) modeling framework is further proposed, which shifts the next-token AR prediction to next-scale AR prediction, significantly reducing the training cost and inference time. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we comprehensively analyze design choices and demonstrate the proposed AAR framework achieves a remarkable \textbf{35}$\times$ faster inference speed and +\textbf{1.33} Fr\'echet Audio Distance (FAD) against baselines on the AudioSet benchmark. Code: \url{https://github.com/qiuk2/AAR}.
Abstract:Referring perception, which aims at grounding visual objects with multimodal referring guidance, is essential for bridging the gap between humans, who provide instructions, and the environment where intelligent systems perceive. Despite progress in this field, the robustness of referring perception models (RPMs) against disruptive perturbations is not well explored. This work thoroughly assesses the resilience of RPMs against various perturbations in both general and specific contexts. Recognizing the complex nature of referring perception tasks, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of perturbations, and then develop a versatile toolbox for synthesizing and evaluating the effects of composite disturbances. Employing this toolbox, we construct $\text{R}^2$-Bench, a benchmark for assessing the Robustness of Referring perception models under noisy conditions across five key tasks. Moreover, we propose the $\text{R}^2$-Agent, an LLM-based agent that simplifies and automates model evaluation via natural language instructions. Our investigation uncovers the vulnerabilities of current RPMs to various perturbations and provides tools for assessing model robustness, potentially promoting the safe and resilient integration of intelligent systems into complex real-world scenarios.
Abstract:Audiovisual segmentation (AVS) is a challenging task that aims to segment visual objects in videos based on their associated acoustic cues. With multiple sound sources involved, establishing robust correspondences between audio and visual contents poses unique challenges due to its (1) intricate entanglement across sound sources and (2) frequent shift among sound events. Assuming sound events occur independently, the multi-source semantic space (which encompasses all possible semantic categories) can be viewed as the Cartesian product of single-source sub-spaces. This motivates us to decompose the multi-source audio semantics into single-source semantics, allowing for more effective interaction with visual content. Specifically, we propose a semantic decomposition method based on product quantization, where the multi-source semantics can be decomposed and represented by several quantized single-source semantics. Furthermore, we introduce a global-to-local quantization mechanism that distills knowledge from stable global (clip-level) features into local (frame-level) ones to handle the constant shift of audio semantics. Extensive experiments demonstrate that semantically quantized and decomposed audio representation significantly improves AVS performance, e.g., +21.2% mIoU on the most challenging AVS-Semantic benchmark.
Abstract:Recent work on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has demonstrated significant advances in high-quality view synthesis. A major limitation of NeRF is its low rendering efficiency due to the need for multiple network forwardings to render a single pixel. Existing methods to improve NeRF either reduce the number of required samples or optimize the implementation to accelerate the network forwarding. Despite these efforts, the problem of multiple sampling persists due to the intrinsic representation of radiance fields. In contrast, Neural Light Fields (NeLF) reduce the computation cost of NeRF by querying only one single network forwarding per pixel. To achieve a close visual quality to NeRF, existing NeLF methods require significantly larger network capacities which limits their rendering efficiency in practice. In this work, we propose a new representation called Neural Radiance Distribution Field (NeRDF) that targets efficient view synthesis in real-time. Specifically, we use a small network similar to NeRF while preserving the rendering speed with a single network forwarding per pixel as in NeLF. The key is to model the radiance distribution along each ray with frequency basis and predict frequency weights using the network. Pixel values are then computed via volume rendering on radiance distributions. Experiments show that our proposed method offers a better trade-off among speed, quality, and network size than existing methods: we achieve a ~254x speed-up over NeRF with similar network size, with only a marginal performance decline. Our project page is at yushuang-wu.github.io/NeRDF.
Abstract:Previous works on voice-face matching and voice-guided face synthesis demonstrate strong correlations between voice and face, but mainly rely on coarse semantic cues such as gender, age, and emotion. In this paper, we aim to investigate the capability of reconstructing the 3D facial shape from voice from a geometry perspective without any semantic information. We propose a voice-anthropometric measurement (AM)-face paradigm, which identifies predictable facial AMs from the voice and uses them to guide 3D face reconstruction. By leveraging AMs as a proxy to link the voice and face geometry, we can eliminate the influence of unpredictable AMs and make the face geometry tractable. Our approach is evaluated on our proposed dataset with ground-truth 3D face scans and corresponding voice recordings, and we find significant correlations between voice and specific parts of the face geometry, such as the nasal cavity and cranium. Our work offers a new perspective on voice-face correlation and can serve as a good empirical study for anthropometry science.
Abstract:The paper introduces PaintSeg, a new unsupervised method for segmenting objects without any training. We propose an adversarial masked contrastive painting (AMCP) process, which creates a contrast between the original image and a painted image in which a masked area is painted using off-the-shelf generative models. During the painting process, inpainting and outpainting are alternated, with the former masking the foreground and filling in the background, and the latter masking the background while recovering the missing part of the foreground object. Inpainting and outpainting, also referred to as I-step and O-step, allow our method to gradually advance the target segmentation mask toward the ground truth without supervision or training. PaintSeg can be configured to work with a variety of prompts, e.g. coarse masks, boxes, scribbles, and points. Our experimental results demonstrate that PaintSeg outperforms existing approaches in coarse mask-prompt, box-prompt, and point-prompt segmentation tasks, providing a training-free solution suitable for unsupervised segmentation.
Abstract:Talking head generation is to generate video based on a given source identity and target motion. However, current methods face several challenges that limit the quality and controllability of the generated videos. First, the generated face often has unexpected deformation and severe distortions. Second, the driving image does not explicitly disentangle movement-relevant information, such as poses and expressions, which restricts the manipulation of different attributes during generation. Third, the generated videos tend to have flickering artifacts due to the inconsistency of the extracted landmarks between adjacent frames. In this paper, we propose a novel model that produces high-fidelity talking head videos with free control over head pose and expression. Our method leverages both self-supervised learned landmarks and 3D face model-based landmarks to model the motion. We also introduce a novel motion-aware multi-scale feature alignment module to effectively transfer the motion without face distortion. Furthermore, we enhance the smoothness of the synthesized talking head videos with a feature context adaptation and propagation module. We evaluate our model on challenging datasets and demonstrate its state-of-the-art performance. More information is available at https://yuegao.me/PECHead.
Abstract:Previous works on video object segmentation (VOS) are trained on densely annotated videos. Nevertheless, acquiring annotations in pixel level is expensive and time-consuming. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of training a satisfactory VOS model on sparsely annotated videos-we merely require two labeled frames per training video while the performance is sustained. We term this novel training paradigm as two-shot video object segmentation, or two-shot VOS for short. The underlying idea is to generate pseudo labels for unlabeled frames during training and to optimize the model on the combination of labeled and pseudo-labeled data. Our approach is extremely simple and can be applied to a majority of existing frameworks. We first pre-train a VOS model on sparsely annotated videos in a semi-supervised manner, with the first frame always being a labeled one. Then, we adopt the pre-trained VOS model to generate pseudo labels for all unlabeled frames, which are subsequently stored in a pseudo-label bank. Finally, we retrain a VOS model on both labeled and pseudo-labeled data without any restrictions on the first frame. For the first time, we present a general way to train VOS models on two-shot VOS datasets. By using 7.3% and 2.9% labeled data of YouTube-VOS and DAVIS benchmarks, our approach achieves comparable results in contrast to the counterparts trained on fully labeled set. Code and models are available at https://github.com/yk-pku/Two-shot-Video-Object-Segmentation.
Abstract:The Multiplane Image (MPI), containing a set of fronto-parallel RGBA layers, is an effective and efficient representation for view synthesis from sparse inputs. Yet, its fixed structure limits the performance, especially for surfaces imaged at oblique angles. We introduce the Structural MPI (S-MPI), where the plane structure approximates 3D scenes concisely. Conveying RGBA contexts with geometrically-faithful structures, the S-MPI directly bridges view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. It can not only overcome the critical limitations of MPI, i.e., discretization artifacts from sloped surfaces and abuse of redundant layers, and can also acquire planar 3D reconstruction. Despite the intuition and demand of applying S-MPI, great challenges are introduced, e.g., high-fidelity approximation for both RGBA layers and plane poses, multi-view consistency, non-planar regions modeling, and efficient rendering with intersected planes. Accordingly, we propose a transformer-based network based on a segmentation model. It predicts compact and expressive S-MPI layers with their corresponding masks, poses, and RGBA contexts. Non-planar regions are inclusively handled as a special case in our unified framework. Multi-view consistency is ensured by sharing global proxy embeddings, which encode plane-level features covering the complete 3D scenes with aligned coordinates. Intensive experiments show that our method outperforms both previous state-of-the-art MPI-based view synthesis methods and planar reconstruction methods.