Abstract:The aim of multi-label few-shot image classification (ML-FSIC) is to assign semantic labels to images, in settings where only a small number of training examples are available for each label. A key feature of the multi-label setting is that images often have several labels, which typically refer to objects appearing in different regions of the image. When estimating label prototypes, in a metric-based setting, it is thus important to determine which regions are relevant for which labels, but the limited amount of training data and the noisy nature of local features make this highly challenging. As a solution, we propose a strategy in which label prototypes are gradually refined. First, we initialize the prototypes using word embeddings, which allows us to leverage prior knowledge about the meaning of the labels. Second, taking advantage of these initial prototypes, we then use a Loss Change Measurement~(LCM) strategy to select the local features from the training images (i.e.\ the support set) that are most likely to be representative of a given label. Third, we construct the final prototype of the label by aggregating these representative local features using a multi-modal cross-interaction mechanism, which again relies on the initial word embedding-based prototypes. Experiments on COCO, PASCAL VOC, NUS-WIDE, and iMaterialist show that our model substantially improves the current state-of-the-art.
Abstract:With the introduction of (large) language models, there has been significant concern about the unintended bias such models may inherit from their training data. A number of studies have shown that such models propagate gender stereotypes, as well as geographical and racial bias, among other biases. While existing works tackle this issue by preprocessing data and debiasing embeddings, the proposed methods require a lot of computational resources and annotation effort while being limited to certain types of biases. To address these issues, we introduce REFINE-LM, a debiasing method that uses reinforcement learning to handle different types of biases without any fine-tuning. By training a simple model on top of the word probability distribution of a LM, our bias agnostic reinforcement learning method enables model debiasing without human annotations or significant computational resources. Experiments conducted on a wide range of models, including several LMs, show that our method (i) significantly reduces stereotypical biases while preserving LMs performance; (ii) is applicable to different types of biases, generalizing across contexts such as gender, ethnicity, religion, and nationality-based biases; and (iii) it is not expensive to train.
Abstract:We consider the problem of finding plausible knowledge that is missing from a given ontology, as a generalisation of the well-studied taxonomy expansion task. One line of work treats this task as a Natural Language Inference (NLI) problem, thus relying on the knowledge captured by language models to identify the missing knowledge. Another line of work uses concept embeddings to identify what different concepts have in common, taking inspiration from cognitive models for category based induction. These two approaches are intuitively complementary, but their effectiveness has not yet been compared. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark for evaluating ontology completion methods and thoroughly analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. We find that both approaches are indeed complementary, with hybrid strategies achieving the best overall results. We also find that the task is highly challenging for Large Language Models, even after fine-tuning.
Abstract:Concept embeddings offer a practical and efficient mechanism for injecting commonsense knowledge into downstream tasks. Their core purpose is often not to predict the commonsense properties of concepts themselves, but rather to identify commonalities, i.e.\ sets of concepts which share some property of interest. Such commonalities are the basis for inductive generalisation, hence high-quality concept embeddings can make learning easier and more robust. Unfortunately, standard embeddings primarily reflect basic taxonomic categories, making them unsuitable for finding commonalities that refer to more specific aspects (e.g.\ the colour of objects or the materials they are made of). In this paper, we address this limitation by explicitly modelling the different facets of interest when learning concept embeddings. We show that this leads to embeddings which capture a more diverse range of commonsense properties, and consistently improves results in downstream tasks such as ultra-fine entity typing and ontology completion.
Abstract:Discovering crystal structures with specific chemical properties has become an increasingly important focus in material science. However, current models are limited in their ability to generate new crystal lattices, as they only consider atomic positions or chemical composition. To address this issue, we propose a probabilistic diffusion model that utilizes a geometrically equivariant GNN to consider atomic positions and crystal lattices jointly. To evaluate the effectiveness of our model, we introduce a new generation metric inspired by Frechet Inception Distance, but based on GNN energy prediction rather than InceptionV3 used in computer vision. In addition to commonly used metrics like validity, which assesses the plausibility of a structure, this new metric offers a more comprehensive evaluation of our model's capabilities. Our experiments on existing benchmarks show the significance of our diffusion model. We also show that our method can effectively learn meaningful representations.
Abstract:Concepts play a central role in many applications. This includes settings where concepts have to be modelled in the absence of sentence context. Previous work has therefore focused on distilling decontextualised concept embeddings from language models. But concepts can be modelled from different perspectives, whereas concept embeddings typically mostly capture taxonomic structure. To address this issue, we propose a strategy for identifying what different concepts, from a potentially large concept vocabulary, have in common with others. We then represent concepts in terms of the properties they share with the other concepts. To demonstrate the practical usefulness of this way of modelling concepts, we consider the task of ultra-fine entity typing, which is a challenging multi-label classification problem. We show that by augmenting the label set with shared properties, we can improve the performance of the state-of-the-art models for this task.
Abstract:One of the greatest challenges facing our society is the discovery of new innovative crystal materials with specific properties. Recently, the problem of generating crystal materials has received increasing attention, however, it remains unclear to what extent, or in what way, we can develop generative models that consider both the periodicity and equivalence geometric of crystal structures. To alleviate this issue, we propose two unified models that act at the same time on crystal lattice and atomic positions using periodic equivariant architectures. Our models are capable to learn any arbitrary crystal lattice deformation by lowering the total energy to reach thermodynamic stability. Code and data are available at https://github.com/aklipf/GemsNet.
Abstract:Ultra-fine entity typing (UFET) is the task of inferring the semantic types, from a large set of fine-grained candidates, that apply to a given entity mention. This task is especially challenging because we only have a small number of training examples for many of the types, even with distant supervision strategies. State-of-the-art models, therefore, have to rely on prior knowledge about the type labels in some way. In this paper, we show that the performance of existing methods can be improved using a simple technique: we use pre-trained label embeddings to cluster the labels into semantic domains and then treat these domains as additional types. We show that this strategy consistently leads to improved results, as long as high-quality label embeddings are used. We furthermore use the label clusters as part of a simple post-processing technique, which results in further performance gains. Both strategies treat the UFET model as a black box and can thus straightforwardly be used to improve a wide range of existing models.
Abstract:Learning vectors that capture the meaning of concepts remains a fundamental challenge. Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, pre-trained language models have thus far only enabled modest improvements to the quality of such concept embeddings. Current strategies for using language models typically represent a concept by averaging the contextualised representations of its mentions in some corpus. This is potentially sub-optimal for at least two reasons. First, contextualised word vectors have an unusual geometry, which hampers downstream tasks. Second, concept embeddings should capture the semantic properties of concepts, whereas contextualised word vectors are also affected by other factors. To address these issues, we propose two contrastive learning strategies, based on the view that whenever two sentences reveal similar properties, the corresponding contextualised vectors should also be similar. One strategy is fully unsupervised, estimating the properties which are expressed in a sentence from the neighbourhood structure of the contextualised word embeddings. The second strategy instead relies on a distant supervision signal from ConceptNet. Our experimental results show that the resulting vectors substantially outperform existing concept embeddings in predicting the semantic properties of concepts, with the ConceptNet-based strategy achieving the best results. These findings are furthermore confirmed in a clustering task and in the downstream task of ontology completion.
Abstract:Automatic material discovery with desired properties is a fundamental challenge for material sciences. Considerable attention has recently been devoted to generating stable crystal structures. While existing work has shown impressive success on supervised tasks such as property prediction, the progress on unsupervised tasks such as material generation is still hampered by the limited extent to which the equivalent geometric representations of the same crystal are considered. To address this challenge, we propose EMPNN a periodic equivariant message-passing neural network that learns crystal lattice deformation in an unsupervised fashion. Our model equivalently acts on lattice according to the deformation action that must be performed, making it suitable for crystal generation, relaxation and optimisation. We present experimental evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.