Abstract:While just-in-time interventions (JITIs) have effectively targeted common health behaviors, individuals often have unique needs to intervene in personal undesirable actions that can negatively affect physical, mental, and social well-being. We present WatchGuardian, a smartwatch-based JITI system that empowers users to define custom interventions for these personal actions with a small number of samples. For the model to detect new actions based on limited new data samples, we developed a few-shot learning pipeline that finetuned a pre-trained inertial measurement unit (IMU) model on public hand-gesture datasets. We then designed a data augmentation and synthesis process to train additional classification layers for customization. Our offline evaluation with 26 participants showed that with three, five, and ten examples, our approach achieved an average accuracy of 76.8%, 84.7%, and 87.7%, and an F1 score of 74.8%, 84.2%, and 87.2% We then conducted a four-hour intervention study to compare WatchGuardian against a rule-based intervention. Our results demonstrated that our system led to a significant reduction by 64.0 +- 22.6% in undesirable actions, substantially outperforming the baseline by 29.0%. Our findings underscore the effectiveness of a customizable, AI-driven JITI system for individuals in need of behavioral intervention in personal undesirable actions. We envision that our work can inspire broader applications of user-defined personalized intervention with advanced AI solutions.
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of AI systems, their abilities to store, retrieve, and utilize information over the long term - referred to as long-term memory - have become increasingly significant. These capabilities are crucial for enhancing the performance of AI systems across a wide range of tasks. However, there is currently no comprehensive survey that systematically investigates AI's long-term memory capabilities, formulates a theoretical framework, and inspires the development of next-generation AI long-term memory systems. This paper begins by systematically introducing the mechanisms of human long-term memory, then explores AI long-term memory mechanisms, establishing a mapping between the two. Based on the mapping relationships identified, we extend the current cognitive architectures and propose the Cognitive Architecture of Self-Adaptive Long-term Memory (SALM). SALM provides a theoretical framework for the practice of AI long-term memory and holds potential for guiding the creation of next-generation long-term memory driven AI systems. Finally, we delve into the future directions and application prospects of AI long-term memory.
Abstract:Medical Decision-Making (MDM) is a multi-faceted process that requires clinicians to assess complex multi-modal patient data patient, often collaboratively. Large Language Models (LLMs) promise to streamline this process by synthesizing vast medical knowledge and multi-modal health data. However, single-agent are often ill-suited for nuanced medical contexts requiring adaptable, collaborative problem-solving. Our MDAgents addresses this need by dynamically assigning collaboration structures to LLMs based on task complexity, mimicking real-world clinical collaboration and decision-making. This framework improves diagnostic accuracy and supports adaptive responses in complex, real-world medical scenarios, making it a valuable tool for clinicians in various healthcare settings, and at the same time, being more efficient in terms of computing cost than static multi-agent decision making methods.
Abstract:Wearable sensors have become ubiquitous thanks to a variety of health tracking features. The resulting continuous and longitudinal measurements from everyday life generate large volumes of data; however, making sense of these observations for scientific and actionable insights is non-trivial. Inspired by the empirical success of generative modeling, where large neural networks learn powerful representations from vast amounts of text, image, video, or audio data, we investigate the scaling properties of sensor foundation models across compute, data, and model size. Using a dataset of up to 40 million hours of in-situ heart rate, heart rate variability, electrodermal activity, accelerometer, skin temperature, and altimeter per-minute data from over 165,000 people, we create LSM, a multimodal foundation model built on the largest wearable-signals dataset with the most extensive range of sensor modalities to date. Our results establish the scaling laws of LSM for tasks such as imputation, interpolation and extrapolation, both across time and sensor modalities. Moreover, we highlight how LSM enables sample-efficient downstream learning for tasks like exercise and activity recognition.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are already being piloted for clinical use in hospital systems like NYU Langone, Dana-Farber and the NHS. A proposed deployment use case is psychotherapy, where a LLM-powered chatbot can treat a patient undergoing a mental health crisis. Deployment of LLMs for mental health response could hypothetically broaden access to psychotherapy and provide new possibilities for personalizing care. However, recent high-profile failures, like damaging dieting advice offered by the Tessa chatbot to patients with eating disorders, have led to doubt about their reliability in high-stakes and safety-critical settings. In this work, we develop an evaluation framework for determining whether LLM response is a viable and ethical path forward for the automation of mental health treatment. Using human evaluation with trained clinicians and automatic quality-of-care metrics grounded in psychology research, we compare the responses provided by peer-to-peer responders to those provided by a state-of-the-art LLM. We show that LLMs like GPT-4 use implicit and explicit cues to infer patient demographics like race. We then show that there are statistically significant discrepancies between patient subgroups: Responses to Black posters consistently have lower empathy than for any other demographic group (2%-13% lower than the control group). Promisingly, we do find that the manner in which responses are generated significantly impacts the quality of the response. We conclude by proposing safety guidelines for the potential deployment of LLMs for mental health response.
Abstract:Modern information querying systems are progressively incorporating multimodal inputs like vision and audio. However, the integration of gaze -- a modality deeply linked to user intent and increasingly accessible via gaze-tracking wearables -- remains underexplored. This paper introduces a novel gaze-facilitated information querying paradigm, named G-VOILA, which synergizes users' gaze, visual field, and voice-based natural language queries to facilitate a more intuitive querying process. In a user-enactment study involving 21 participants in 3 daily scenarios (p = 21, scene = 3), we revealed the ambiguity in users' query language and a gaze-voice coordination pattern in users' natural query behaviors with G-VOILA. Based on the quantitative and qualitative findings, we developed a design framework for the G-VOILA paradigm, which effectively integrates the gaze data with the in-situ querying context. Then we implemented a G-VOILA proof-of-concept using cutting-edge deep learning techniques. A follow-up user study (p = 16, scene = 2) demonstrates its effectiveness by achieving both higher objective score and subjective score, compared to a baseline without gaze data. We further conducted interviews and provided insights for future gaze-facilitated information querying systems.
Abstract:Foundation models have become invaluable in advancing the medical field. Despite their promise, the strategic deployment of LLMs for effective utility in complex medical tasks remains an open question. Our novel framework, Medical Decision-making Agents (MDAgents) aims to address this gap by automatically assigning the effective collaboration structure for LLMs. Assigned solo or group collaboration structure is tailored to the complexity of the medical task at hand, emulating real-world medical decision making processes. We evaluate our framework and baseline methods with state-of-the-art LLMs across a suite of challenging medical benchmarks: MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, DDXPlus, PMC-VQA, Path-VQA, and MedVidQA, achieving the best performance in 5 out of 7 benchmarks that require an understanding of multi-modal medical reasoning. Ablation studies reveal that MDAgents excels in adapting the number of collaborating agents to optimize efficiency and accuracy, showcasing its robustness in diverse scenarios. We also explore the dynamics of group consensus, offering insights into how collaborative agents could behave in complex clinical team dynamics. Our code can be found at https://github.com/mitmedialab/MDAgents.
Abstract:Training a real-time gesture recognition model heavily relies on annotated data. However, manual data annotation is costly and demands substantial human effort. In order to address this challenge, we propose a novel annotation model that can automatically annotate gesture classes and identify their temporal ranges. Our ablation study demonstrates that our annotation model design surpasses the baseline in terms of both gesture classification accuracy (3-4\% improvement) and localization accuracy (71-75\% improvement). We believe that this annotation model has immense potential to improve the training of downstream gesture recognition models using unlabeled datasets.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are capable of many natural language tasks, yet they are far from perfect. In health applications, grounding and interpreting domain-specific and non-linguistic data is important. This paper investigates the capacity of LLMs to deliver multi-modal health predictions based on contextual information (e.g. user demographics, health knowledge) and physiological data (e.g. resting heart rate, sleep minutes). We present a comprehensive evaluation of eight state-of-the-art LLMs with diverse prompting and fine-tuning techniques on six public health datasets (PM-Data, LifeSnaps, GLOBEM, AW_FB, MIT-BIH & MIMIC-III). Our experiments cover thirteen consumer health prediction tasks in mental health, activity, metabolic, sleep, and cardiac assessment. Our fine-tuned model, Health-Alpaca exhibits comparable performance to larger models (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4), achieving the best performance in 5 out of 13 tasks. Ablation studies highlight the effectiveness of context enhancement strategies, and generalization capability of the fine-tuned models across training datasets and the size of training samples. Notably, we observe that our context enhancement can yield up to 23.8% improvement in performance. While constructing contextually rich prompts (combining user context, health knowledge and temporal information) exhibits synergistic improvement, the inclusion of health knowledge context in prompts significantly enhances overall performance.
Abstract:Problematic smartphone use negatively affects physical and mental health. Despite the wide range of prior research, existing persuasive techniques are not flexible enough to provide dynamic persuasion content based on users' physical contexts and mental states. We first conduct a Wizard-of-Oz study (N=12) and an interview study (N=10) to summarize the mental states behind problematic smartphone use: boredom, stress, and inertia. This informs our design of four persuasion strategies: understanding, comforting, evoking, and scaffolding habits. We leverage large language models (LLMs) to enable the automatic and dynamic generation of effective persuasion content. We develop MindShift, a novel LLM-powered problematic smartphone use intervention technique. MindShift takes users' in-the-moment physical contexts, mental states, app usage behaviors, users' goals & habits as input, and generates high-quality and flexible persuasive content with appropriate persuasion strategies. We conduct a 5-week field experiment (N=25) to compare MindShift with baseline techniques. The results show that MindShift significantly improves intervention acceptance rates by 17.8-22.5% and reduces smartphone use frequency by 12.1-14.4%. Moreover, users have a significant drop in smartphone addiction scale scores and a rise in self-efficacy. Our study sheds light on the potential of leveraging LLMs for context-aware persuasion in other behavior change domains.