Abstract:Visual anagrams are images that change appearance upon transformation, like flipping or rotation. With the advent of diffusion models, generating such optical illusions can be achieved by averaging noise across multiple views during the reverse denoising process. However, we observe two critical failure modes in this approach: (i) concept segregation, where concepts in different views are independently generated, which can not be considered a true anagram, and (ii) concept domination, where certain concepts overpower others. In this work, we cast the visual anagram generation problem in a multi-task learning setting, where different viewpoint prompts are analogous to different tasks,and derive denoising trajectories that align well across tasks simultaneously. At the core of our designed framework are two newly introduced techniques, where (i) an anti-segregation optimization strategy that promotes overlap in cross-attention maps between different concepts, and (ii) a noise vector balancing method that adaptively adjusts the influence of different tasks. Additionally, we observe that directly averaging noise predictions yields suboptimal performance because statistical properties may not be preserved, prompting us to derive a noise variance rectification method. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate our method's superior ability to generate visual anagrams spanning diverse concepts.
Abstract:In this paper, we focus on the task of conditional image generation, where an image is synthesized according to user instructions. The critical challenge underpinning this task is ensuring both the fidelity of the generated images and their semantic alignment with the provided conditions. To tackle this issue, previous studies have employed supervised perceptual losses derived from pre-trained models, i.e., reward models, to enforce alignment between the condition and the generated result. However, we observe one inherent shortcoming: considering the diversity of synthesized images, the reward model usually provides inaccurate feedback when encountering newly generated data, which can undermine the training process. To address this limitation, we propose an uncertainty-aware reward modeling, called Ctrl-U, including uncertainty estimation and uncertainty-aware regularization, designed to reduce the adverse effects of imprecise feedback from the reward model. Given the inherent cognitive uncertainty within reward models, even images generated under identical conditions often result in a relatively large discrepancy in reward loss. Inspired by the observation, we explicitly leverage such prediction variance as an uncertainty indicator. Based on the uncertainty estimation, we regularize the model training by adaptively rectifying the reward. In particular, rewards with lower uncertainty receive higher loss weights, while those with higher uncertainty are given reduced weights to allow for larger variability. The proposed uncertainty regularization facilitates reward fine-tuning through consistency construction. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our methodology in improving the controllability and generation quality, as well as its scalability across diverse conditional scenarios. Code will soon be available at https://grenoble-zhang.github.io/Ctrl-U-Page/.
Abstract:3D particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) is a key technique for analyzing turbulent flow, one of the most challenging computational problems of our century. At the core of 3D PTV is the dual-frame fluid motion estimation algorithm, which tracks particles across two consecutive frames. Recently, deep learning-based methods have achieved impressive accuracy in dual-frame fluid motion estimation; however, they heavily depend on large volumes of labeled data. In this paper, we introduce a new method that is completely self-supervised and notably outperforms its fully-supervised counterparts while requiring only 1% of the training samples (without labels) used by previous methods. Our method features a novel zero-divergence loss that is specific to the domain of turbulent flow. Inspired by the success of splat operation in high-dimensional filtering and random fields, we propose a splat-based implementation for this loss which is both efficient and effective. The self-supervised nature of our method naturally supports test-time optimization, leading to the development of a tailored Dynamic Velocimetry Enhancer (DVE) module. We demonstrate that strong cross-domain robustness is achieved through test-time optimization on unseen leave-one-out synthetic domains and real physical/biological domains. Code, data and models are available at https://github.com/Forrest-110/FluidMotionNet.
Abstract:The generation of high-quality 3D car assets is essential for various applications, including video games, autonomous driving, and virtual reality. Current 3D generation methods utilizing NeRF or 3D-GS as representations for 3D objects, generate a Lambertian object under fixed lighting and lack separated modelings for material and global illumination. As a result, the generated assets are unsuitable for relighting under varying lighting conditions, limiting their applicability in downstream tasks. To address this challenge, we propose a novel relightable 3D object generative framework that automates the creation of 3D car assets, enabling the swift and accurate reconstruction of a vehicle's geometry, texture, and material properties from a single input image. Our approach begins with introducing a large-scale synthetic car dataset comprising over 1,000 high-precision 3D vehicle models. We represent 3D objects using global illumination and relightable 3D Gaussian primitives integrating with BRDF parameters. Building on this representation, we introduce a feed-forward model that takes images as input and outputs both relightable 3D Gaussians and global illumination parameters. Experimental results demonstrate that our method produces photorealistic 3D car assets that can be seamlessly integrated into road scenes with different illuminations, which offers substantial practical benefits for industrial applications.
Abstract:End-to-end architectures in autonomous driving (AD) face a significant challenge in interpretability, impeding human-AI trust. Human-friendly natural language has been explored for tasks such as driving explanation and 3D captioning. However, previous works primarily focused on the paradigm of declarative interpretability, where the natural language interpretations are not grounded in the intermediate outputs of AD systems, making the interpretations only declarative. In contrast, aligned interpretability establishes a connection between language and the intermediate outputs of AD systems. Here we introduce Hint-AD, an integrated AD-language system that generates language aligned with the holistic perception-prediction-planning outputs of the AD model. By incorporating the intermediate outputs and a holistic token mixer sub-network for effective feature adaptation, Hint-AD achieves desirable accuracy, achieving state-of-the-art results in driving language tasks including driving explanation, 3D dense captioning, and command prediction. To facilitate further study on driving explanation task on nuScenes, we also introduce a human-labeled dataset, Nu-X. Codes, dataset, and models will be publicly available.
Abstract:In this paper, we study multi-target domain adaptation of scene understanding models. While previous methods achieved commendable results through inter-domain consistency losses, they often assumed unrealistic simultaneous access to images from all target domains, overlooking constraints such as data transfer bandwidth limitations and data privacy concerns. Given these challenges, we pose the question: How to merge models adapted independently on distinct domains while bypassing the need for direct access to training data? Our solution to this problem involves two components, merging model parameters and merging model buffers (i.e., normalization layer statistics). For merging model parameters, empirical analyses of mode connectivity surprisingly reveal that linear merging suffices when employing the same pretrained backbone weights for adapting separate models. For merging model buffers, we model the real-world distribution with a Gaussian prior and estimate new statistics from the buffers of separately trained models. Our method is simple yet effective, achieving comparable performance with data combination training baselines, while eliminating the need for accessing training data. Project page: https://air-discover.github.io/ModelMerging
Abstract:Fairness is an important topic for medical image analysis, driven by the challenge of unbalanced training data among diverse target groups and the societal demand for equitable medical quality. In response to this issue, our research adopts a data-driven strategy-enhancing data balance by integrating synthetic images. However, in terms of generating synthetic images, previous works either lack paired labels or fail to precisely control the boundaries of synthetic images to be aligned with those labels. To address this, we formulate the problem in a joint optimization manner, in which three networks are optimized towards the goal of empirical risk minimization and fairness maximization. On the implementation side, our solution features an innovative Point-Image Diffusion architecture, which leverages 3D point clouds for improved control over mask boundaries through a point-mask-image synthesis pipeline. This method outperforms significantly existing techniques in synthesizing scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) fundus images. By combining synthetic data with real data during the training phase using a proposed Equal Scale approach, our model achieves superior fairness segmentation performance compared to the state-of-the-art fairness learning models. Code is available at https://github.com/wenyi-li/FairDiff.
Abstract:Understanding alignment techniques begins with comprehending zero-shot generalization brought by instruction tuning, but little of the mechanism has been understood. Existing work has largely been confined to the task level, without considering that tasks are artificially defined and, to LLMs, merely consist of tokens and representations. This line of research has been limited to examining transfer between tasks from a task-pair perspective, with few studies focusing on understanding zero-shot generalization from the perspective of the data itself. To bridge this gap, we first demonstrate through multiple metrics that zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning happens very early. Next, we investigate the facilitation of zero-shot generalization from both data similarity and granularity perspectives, confirming that encountering highly similar and fine-grained training data earlier during instruction tuning, without the constraints of defined "tasks", enables better generalization. Finally, we propose a more grounded training data arrangement method, Test-centric Multi-turn Arrangement, and show its effectiveness in promoting continual learning and further loss reduction. For the first time, we show that zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning is a form of similarity-based generalization between training and test data at the instance level. We hope our analysis will advance the understanding of zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning and contribute to the development of more aligned LLMs. Our code is released at https://github.com/HBX-hbx/dynamics_of_zero-shot_generalization.
Abstract:Despite significant advancements in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), the renderings may still suffer from aliasing and blurring artifacts, since it remains a fundamental challenge to effectively and efficiently characterize anisotropic areas induced by the cone-casting procedure. This paper introduces a Ripmap-Encoded Platonic Solid representation to precisely and efficiently featurize 3D anisotropic areas, achieving high-fidelity anti-aliasing renderings. Central to our approach are two key components: Platonic Solid Projection and Ripmap encoding. The Platonic Solid Projection factorizes the 3D space onto the unparalleled faces of a certain Platonic solid, such that the anisotropic 3D areas can be projected onto planes with distinguishable characterization. Meanwhile, each face of the Platonic solid is encoded by the Ripmap encoding, which is constructed by anisotropically pre-filtering a learnable feature grid, to enable featurzing the projected anisotropic areas both precisely and efficiently by the anisotropic area-sampling. Extensive experiments on both well-established synthetic datasets and a newly captured real-world dataset demonstrate that our Rip-NeRF attains state-of-the-art rendering quality, particularly excelling in the fine details of repetitive structures and textures, while maintaining relatively swift training times.
Abstract:Robotic manipulation of ungraspable objects with two-finger grippers presents significant challenges due to the paucity of graspable features, while traditional pre-grasping techniques, which rely on repositioning objects and leveraging external aids like table edges, lack the adaptability across object categories and scenes. Addressing this, we introduce PreAfford, a novel pre-grasping planning framework that utilizes a point-level affordance representation and a relay training approach to enhance adaptability across a broad range of environments and object types, including those previously unseen. Demonstrated on the ShapeNet-v2 dataset, PreAfford significantly improves grasping success rates by 69% and validates its practicality through real-world experiments. This work offers a robust and adaptable solution for manipulating ungraspable objects.