Abstract:Brain tumor segmentation is important for diagnosis of the tumor, and current deep-learning methods rely on a large set of annotated images for training, with high annotation costs. Unsupervised segmentation is promising to avoid human annotations while the performance is often limited. In this study, we present a novel unsupervised segmentation approach that leverages the capabilities of foundation models, and it consists of three main steps: (1) A vision-language model (i.e., CLIP) is employed to obtain image-level pseudo-labels for training a classification network. Class Activation Mapping (CAM) is then employed to extract Regions of Interest (ROIs), where an adaptive masking-based data augmentation is used to enhance ROI identification.(2) The ROIs are used to generate bounding box and point prompts for the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to obtain segmentation pseudo-labels. (3) A 3D segmentation network is trained with the SAM-derived pseudo-labels, where low-quality pseudo-labels are filtered out in a self-learning process based on the similarity between the SAM's output and the network's prediction. Evaluation on the BraTS2020 dataset demonstrates that our approach obtained an average Dice Similarity Score (DSC) of 85.60%, outperforming five state-of-the-art unsupervised segmentation methods by more than 10 percentage points. Besides, our approach outperforms directly using SAM for zero-shot inference, and its performance is close to fully supervised learning.
Abstract:In the ever-evolving adversarial machine learning landscape, developing effective defenses against patch attacks has become a critical challenge, necessitating reliable solutions to safeguard real-world AI systems. Although diffusion models have shown remarkable capacity in image synthesis and have been recently utilized to counter $\ell_p$-norm bounded attacks, their potential in mitigating localized patch attacks remains largely underexplored. In this work, we propose DiffPAD, a novel framework that harnesses the power of diffusion models for adversarial patch decontamination. DiffPAD first performs super-resolution restoration on downsampled input images, then adopts binarization, dynamic thresholding scheme and sliding window for effective localization of adversarial patches. Such a design is inspired by the theoretically derived correlation between patch size and diffusion restoration error that is generalized across diverse patch attack scenarios. Finally, DiffPAD applies inpainting techniques to the original input images with the estimated patch region being masked. By integrating closed-form solutions for super-resolution restoration and image inpainting into the conditional reverse sampling process of a pre-trained diffusion model, DiffPAD obviates the need for text guidance or fine-tuning. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that DiffPAD not only achieves state-of-the-art adversarial robustness against patch attacks but also excels in recovering naturalistic images without patch remnants.
Abstract:In Open-Set Domain Generalization (OSDG), the model is exposed to both new variations of data appearance (domains) and open-set conditions, where both known and novel categories are present at test time. The challenges of this task arise from the dual need to generalize across diverse domains and accurately quantify category novelty, which is critical for applications in dynamic environments. Recently, meta-learning techniques have demonstrated superior results in OSDG, effectively orchestrating the meta-train and -test tasks by employing varied random categories and predefined domain partition strategies. These approaches prioritize a well-designed training schedule over traditional methods that focus primarily on data augmentation and the enhancement of discriminative feature learning. The prevailing meta-learning models in OSDG typically utilize a predefined sequential domain scheduler to structure data partitions. However, a crucial aspect that remains inadequately explored is the influence brought by strategies of domain schedulers during training. In this paper, we observe that an adaptive domain scheduler benefits more in OSDG compared with prefixed sequential and random domain schedulers. We propose the Evidential Bi-Level Hardest Domain Scheduler (EBiL-HaDS) to achieve an adaptive domain scheduler. This method strategically sequences domains by assessing their reliabilities in utilizing a follower network, trained with confidence scores learned in an evidential manner, regularized by max rebiasing discrepancy, and optimized in a bi-level manner. The results show that our method substantially improves OSDG performance and achieves more discriminative embeddings for both the seen and unseen categories. The source code will be available at https://github.com/KPeng9510/EBiL-HaDS.
Abstract:We introduce a new task called Referring Atomic Video Action Recognition (RAVAR), aimed at identifying atomic actions of a particular person based on a textual description and the video data of this person. This task differs from traditional action recognition and localization, where predictions are delivered for all present individuals. In contrast, we focus on recognizing the correct atomic action of a specific individual, guided by text. To explore this task, we present the RefAVA dataset, containing 36,630 instances with manually annotated textual descriptions of the individuals. To establish a strong initial benchmark, we implement and validate baselines from various domains, e.g., atomic action localization, video question answering, and text-video retrieval. Since these existing methods underperform on RAVAR, we introduce RefAtomNet -- a novel cross-stream attention-driven method specialized for the unique challenges of RAVAR: the need to interpret a textual referring expression for the targeted individual, utilize this reference to guide the spatial localization and harvest the prediction of the atomic actions for the referring person. The key ingredients are: (1) a multi-stream architecture that connects video, text, and a new location-semantic stream, and (2) cross-stream agent attention fusion and agent token fusion which amplify the most relevant information across these streams and consistently surpasses standard attention-based fusion on RAVAR. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of RefAtomNet and its building blocks for recognizing the action of the described individual. The dataset and code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/KPeng9510/RAVAR.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Large Language Models have transformed ML/AI development, necessitating a reevaluation of AutoML principles for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. To address the challenges of hyper-parameter optimization and online adaptation in RAG, we propose the AutoRAG-HP framework, which formulates the hyper-parameter tuning as an online multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem and introduces a novel two-level Hierarchical MAB (Hier-MAB) method for efficient exploration of large search spaces. We conduct extensive experiments on tuning hyper-parameters, such as top-k retrieved documents, prompt compression ratio, and embedding methods, using the ALCE-ASQA and Natural Questions datasets. Our evaluation from jointly optimization all three hyper-parameters demonstrate that MAB-based online learning methods can achieve Recall@5 $\approx 0.8$ for scenarios with prominent gradients in search space, using only $\sim20\%$ of the LLM API calls required by the Grid Search approach. Additionally, the proposed Hier-MAB approach outperforms other baselines in more challenging optimization scenarios. The code will be made available at https://aka.ms/autorag.
Abstract:While large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in natural language processing, they struggle with complex, multi-step reasoning tasks involving knowledge graphs (KGs). Existing approaches that integrate LLMs and KGs either underutilize the reasoning abilities of LLMs or suffer from prohibitive computational costs due to tight coupling. To address these limitations, we propose a novel collaborative framework named EffiQA that can strike a balance between performance and efficiency via an iterative paradigm. EffiQA consists of three stages: global planning, efficient KG exploration, and self-reflection. Specifically, EffiQA leverages the commonsense capability of LLMs to explore potential reasoning pathways through global planning. Then, it offloads semantic pruning to a small plug-in model for efficient KG exploration. Finally, the exploration results are fed to LLMs for self-reflection to further improve the global planning and efficient KG exploration. Empirical evidence on multiple KBQA benchmarks shows EffiQA's effectiveness, achieving an optimal balance between reasoning accuracy and computational costs. We hope the proposed new framework will pave the way for efficient, knowledge-intensive querying by redefining the integration of LLMs and KGs, fostering future research on knowledge-based question answering.
Abstract:Segmentation is a critical step in analyzing the developing human fetal brain. There have been vast improvements in automatic segmentation methods in the past several years, and the Fetal Brain Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge 2021 helped to establish an excellent standard of fetal brain segmentation. However, FeTA 2021 was a single center study, and the generalizability of algorithms across different imaging centers remains unsolved, limiting real-world clinical applicability. The multi-center FeTA Challenge 2022 focuses on advancing the generalizability of fetal brain segmentation algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In FeTA 2022, the training dataset contained images and corresponding manually annotated multi-class labels from two imaging centers, and the testing data contained images from these two imaging centers as well as two additional unseen centers. The data from different centers varied in many aspects, including scanners used, imaging parameters, and fetal brain super-resolution algorithms applied. 16 teams participated in the challenge, and 17 algorithms were evaluated. Here, a detailed overview and analysis of the challenge results are provided, focusing on the generalizability of the submissions. Both in- and out of domain, the white matter and ventricles were segmented with the highest accuracy, while the most challenging structure remains the cerebral cortex due to anatomical complexity. The FeTA Challenge 2022 was able to successfully evaluate and advance generalizability of multi-class fetal brain tissue segmentation algorithms for MRI and it continues to benchmark new algorithms. The resulting new methods contribute to improving the analysis of brain development in utero.
Abstract:Radiation therapy is a primary and effective NasoPharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) treatment strategy. The precise delineation of Gross Tumor Volumes (GTVs) and Organs-At-Risk (OARs) is crucial in radiation treatment, directly impacting patient prognosis. Previously, the delineation of GTVs and OARs was performed by experienced radiation oncologists. Recently, deep learning has achieved promising results in many medical image segmentation tasks. However, for NPC OARs and GTVs segmentation, few public datasets are available for model development and evaluation. To alleviate this problem, the SegRap2023 challenge was organized in conjunction with MICCAI2023 and presented a large-scale benchmark for OAR and GTV segmentation with 400 Computed Tomography (CT) scans from 200 NPC patients, each with a pair of pre-aligned non-contrast and contrast-enhanced CT scans. The challenge's goal was to segment 45 OARs and 2 GTVs from the paired CT scans. In this paper, we detail the challenge and analyze the solutions of all participants. The average Dice similarity coefficient scores for all submissions ranged from 76.68\% to 86.70\%, and 70.42\% to 73.44\% for OARs and GTVs, respectively. We conclude that the segmentation of large-size OARs is well-addressed, and more efforts are needed for GTVs and small-size or thin-structure OARs. The benchmark will remain publicly available here: https://segrap2023.grand-challenge.org
Abstract:Accurate segmentation of the fetal brain from Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) is important for prenatal assessment of fetal development. Although deep learning has shown the potential to achieve this task, it requires a large fine annotated dataset that is difficult to collect. To address this issue, weakly-supervised segmentation methods with image-level labels have gained attention, which are commonly based on class activation maps from a classification network trained with image tags. However, most of these methods suffer from incomplete activation regions, due to the low-resolution localization without detailed boundary cues. To this end, we propose a novel weakly-supervised method with image-level labels based on semantic features and context information exploration. We first propose an Uncertainty-weighted Multi-resolution Class Activation Map (UM-CAM) to generate high-quality pixel-level supervision. Then, we design a Geodesic distance-based Seed Expansion (GSE) method to provide context information for rectifying the ambiguous boundaries of UM-CAM. Extensive experiments on a fetal brain dataset show that our UM-CAM can provide more accurate activation regions with fewer false positive regions than existing CAM variants, and our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods with image-level labels.
Abstract:Panoramic images have advantages in information capacity and scene stability due to their large field of view (FoV). In this paper, we propose a method to synthesize a new dataset of panoramic image. We managed to stitch the images taken from different directions into panoramic images, together with their labeled images, to yield the panoramic semantic segmentation dataset denominated as SYNTHIA-PANO. For the purpose of finding out the effect of using panoramic images as training dataset, we designed and performed a comprehensive set of experiments. Experimental results show that using panoramic images as training data is beneficial to the segmentation result. In addition, it has been shown that by using panoramic images with a 180 degree FoV as training data the model has better performance. Furthermore, the model trained with panoramic images also has a better capacity to resist the image distortion.