Abstract:Open-Set Domain Generalization (OSDG) is a challenging task requiring models to accurately predict familiar categories while minimizing confidence for unknown categories to effectively reject them in unseen domains. While the OSDG field has seen considerable advancements, the impact of label noise--a common issue in real-world datasets--has been largely overlooked. Label noise can mislead model optimization, thereby exacerbating the challenges of open-set recognition in novel domains. In this study, we take the first step towards addressing Open-Set Domain Generalization under Noisy Labels (OSDG-NL) by constructing dedicated benchmarks derived from widely used OSDG datasets, including PACS and DigitsDG. We evaluate baseline approaches by integrating techniques from both label denoising and OSDG methodologies, highlighting the limitations of existing strategies in handling label noise effectively. To address these limitations, we propose HyProMeta, a novel framework that integrates hyperbolic category prototypes for label noise-aware meta-learning alongside a learnable new-category agnostic prompt designed to enhance generalization to unseen classes. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of HyProMeta compared to state-of-the-art methods across the newly established benchmarks. The source code of this work is released at https://github.com/KPeng9510/HyProMeta.
Abstract:In Open-Set Domain Generalization (OSDG), the model is exposed to both new variations of data appearance (domains) and open-set conditions, where both known and novel categories are present at test time. The challenges of this task arise from the dual need to generalize across diverse domains and accurately quantify category novelty, which is critical for applications in dynamic environments. Recently, meta-learning techniques have demonstrated superior results in OSDG, effectively orchestrating the meta-train and -test tasks by employing varied random categories and predefined domain partition strategies. These approaches prioritize a well-designed training schedule over traditional methods that focus primarily on data augmentation and the enhancement of discriminative feature learning. The prevailing meta-learning models in OSDG typically utilize a predefined sequential domain scheduler to structure data partitions. However, a crucial aspect that remains inadequately explored is the influence brought by strategies of domain schedulers during training. In this paper, we observe that an adaptive domain scheduler benefits more in OSDG compared with prefixed sequential and random domain schedulers. We propose the Evidential Bi-Level Hardest Domain Scheduler (EBiL-HaDS) to achieve an adaptive domain scheduler. This method strategically sequences domains by assessing their reliabilities in utilizing a follower network, trained with confidence scores learned in an evidential manner, regularized by max rebiasing discrepancy, and optimized in a bi-level manner. The results show that our method substantially improves OSDG performance and achieves more discriminative embeddings for both the seen and unseen categories. The source code will be available at https://github.com/KPeng9510/EBiL-HaDS.
Abstract:Optical chemical structure recognition (OCSR) systems aim to extract the molecular structure information, usually in the form of molecular graph or SMILES, from images of chemical molecules. While many tools have been developed for this purpose, challenges still exist due to different types of noises that might exist in the images. Specifically, we focus on the 'arrow-pushing' diagrams, a typical type of chemical images to demonstrate electron flow in mechanistic steps. We present Structural molecular identifier of Molecular images in Chemical Reaction Mechanisms (SMiCRM), a dataset designed to benchmark machine recognition capabilities of chemical molecules with arrow-pushing annotations. Comprising 453 images, it spans a broad array of organic chemical reactions, each illustrated with molecular structures and mechanistic arrows. SMiCRM offers a rich collection of annotated molecule images for enhancing the benchmarking process for OCSR methods. This dataset includes a machine-readable molecular identity for each image as well as mechanistic arrows showing electron flow during chemical reactions. It presents a more authentic and challenging task for testing molecular recognition technologies, and achieving this task can greatly enrich the mechanisitic information in computer-extracted chemical reaction data.
Abstract:We introduce a new task called Referring Atomic Video Action Recognition (RAVAR), aimed at identifying atomic actions of a particular person based on a textual description and the video data of this person. This task differs from traditional action recognition and localization, where predictions are delivered for all present individuals. In contrast, we focus on recognizing the correct atomic action of a specific individual, guided by text. To explore this task, we present the RefAVA dataset, containing 36,630 instances with manually annotated textual descriptions of the individuals. To establish a strong initial benchmark, we implement and validate baselines from various domains, e.g., atomic action localization, video question answering, and text-video retrieval. Since these existing methods underperform on RAVAR, we introduce RefAtomNet -- a novel cross-stream attention-driven method specialized for the unique challenges of RAVAR: the need to interpret a textual referring expression for the targeted individual, utilize this reference to guide the spatial localization and harvest the prediction of the atomic actions for the referring person. The key ingredients are: (1) a multi-stream architecture that connects video, text, and a new location-semantic stream, and (2) cross-stream agent attention fusion and agent token fusion which amplify the most relevant information across these streams and consistently surpasses standard attention-based fusion on RAVAR. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of RefAtomNet and its building blocks for recognizing the action of the described individual. The dataset and code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/KPeng9510/RAVAR.
Abstract:Panoramic images, capturing a 360{\deg} field of view (FoV), encompass omnidirectional spatial information crucial for scene understanding. However, it is not only costly to obtain training-sufficient dense-annotated panoramas but also application-restricted when training models in a close-vocabulary setting. To tackle this problem, in this work, we define a new task termed Open Panoramic Segmentation (OPS), where models are trained with FoV-restricted pinhole images in the source domain in an open-vocabulary setting while evaluated with FoV-open panoramic images in the target domain, enabling the zero-shot open panoramic semantic segmentation ability of models. Moreover, we propose a model named OOOPS with a Deformable Adapter Network (DAN), which significantly improves zero-shot panoramic semantic segmentation performance. To further enhance the distortion-aware modeling ability from the pinhole source domain, we propose a novel data augmentation method called Random Equirectangular Projection (RERP) which is specifically designed to address object deformations in advance. Surpassing other state-of-the-art open-vocabulary semantic segmentation approaches, a remarkable performance boost on three panoramic datasets, WildPASS, Stanford2D3D, and Matterport3D, proves the effectiveness of our proposed OOOPS model with RERP on the OPS task, especially +2.2% on outdoor WildPASS and +2.4% mIoU on indoor Stanford2D3D. The code will be available at https://junweizheng93.github.io/publications/OPS/OPS.html.
Abstract:Adapting Foundation Models (FMs) for downstream tasks through Federated Learning (FL) emerges a promising strategy for protecting data privacy and valuable FMs. Existing methods fine-tune FM by allocating sub-FM to clients in FL, however, leading to suboptimal performance due to insufficient tuning and inevitable error accumulations of gradients. In this paper, we propose Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning (FedPFT), a novel method enhancing FMs adaptation in downstream tasks through FL by two key modules. First, the sub-FM construction module employs a layer-wise compression approach, facilitating comprehensive FM fine-tuning across all layers by emphasizing those crucial neurons. Second, the sub-FM alignment module conducts a two-step distillations-layer-level and neuron-level-before and during FL fine-tuning respectively, to reduce error of gradient by accurately aligning sub-FM with FM under theoretical guarantees. Experimental results on seven commonly used datasets (i.e., four text and three vision) demonstrate the superiority of FedPFT.
Abstract:Before developing a Document Layout Analysis (DLA) model in real-world applications, conducting comprehensive robustness testing is essential. However, the robustness of DLA models remains underexplored in the literature. To address this, we are the first to introduce a robustness benchmark for DLA models, which includes 450K document images of three datasets. To cover realistic corruptions, we propose a perturbation taxonomy with 36 common document perturbations inspired by real-world document processing. Additionally, to better understand document perturbation impacts, we propose two metrics, Mean Perturbation Effect (mPE) for perturbation assessment and Mean Robustness Degradation (mRD) for robustness evaluation. Furthermore, we introduce a self-titled model, i.e., Robust Document Layout Analyzer (RoDLA), which improves attention mechanisms to boost extraction of robust features. Experiments on the proposed benchmarks (PubLayNet-P, DocLayNet-P, and M$^6$Doc-P) demonstrate that RoDLA obtains state-of-the-art mRD scores of 115.7, 135.4, and 150.4, respectively. Compared to previous methods, RoDLA achieves notable improvements in mAP of +3.8%, +7.1% and +12.1%, respectively.
Abstract:Understanding human actions from body poses is critical for assistive robots sharing space with humans in order to make informed and safe decisions about the next interaction. However, precise temporal localization and annotation of activity sequences is time-consuming and the resulting labels are often noisy. If not effectively addressed, label noise negatively affects the model's training, resulting in lower recognition quality. Despite its importance, addressing label noise for skeleton-based action recognition has been overlooked so far. In this study, we bridge this gap by implementing a framework that augments well-established skeleton-based human action recognition methods with label-denoising strategies from various research areas to serve as the initial benchmark. Observations reveal that these baselines yield only marginal performance when dealing with sparse skeleton data. Consequently, we introduce a novel methodology, NoiseEraSAR, which integrates global sample selection, co-teaching, and Cross-Modal Mixture-of-Experts (CM-MOE) strategies, aimed at mitigating the adverse impacts of label noise. Our proposed approach demonstrates better performance on the established benchmark, setting new state-of-the-art standards. The source code for this study will be made accessible at https://github.com/xuyizdby/NoiseEraSAR.
Abstract:In the field of chemical structure recognition, the task of converting molecular images into graph structures and SMILES string stands as a significant challenge, primarily due to the varied drawing styles and conventions prevalent in chemical literature. To bridge this gap, we proposed MolNexTR, a novel image-to-graph deep learning model that collaborates to fuse the strengths of ConvNext, a powerful Convolutional Neural Network variant, and Vision-TRansformer. This integration facilitates a more nuanced extraction of both local and global features from molecular images. MolNexTR can predict atoms and bonds simultaneously and understand their layout rules. It also excels at flexibly integrating symbolic chemistry principles to discern chirality and decipher abbreviated structures. We further incorporate a series of advanced algorithms, including improved data augmentation module, image contamination module, and a post-processing module to get the final SMILES output. These modules synergistically enhance the model's robustness against the diverse styles of molecular imagery found in real literature. In our test sets, MolNexTR has demonstrated superior performance, achieving an accuracy rate of 81-97%, marking a significant advancement in the domain of molecular structure recognition. Scientific contribution: MolNexTR is a novel image-to-graph model that incorporates a unique dual-stream encoder to extract complex molecular image features, and combines chemical rules to predict atoms and bonds while understanding atom and bond layout rules. In addition, it employs a series of novel augmentation algorithms to significantly enhance the robustness and performance of the model.
Abstract:Integrating information from multiple modalities enhances the robustness of scene perception systems in autonomous vehicles, providing a more comprehensive and reliable sensory framework. However, the modality incompleteness in multi-modal segmentation remains under-explored. In this work, we establish a task called Modality-Incomplete Scene Segmentation (MISS), which encompasses both system-level modality absence and sensor-level modality errors. To avoid the predominant modality reliance in multi-modal fusion, we introduce a Missing-aware Modal Switch (MMS) strategy to proactively manage missing modalities during training. Utilizing bit-level batch-wise sampling enhances the model's performance in both complete and incomplete testing scenarios. Furthermore, we introduce the Fourier Prompt Tuning (FPT) method to incorporate representative spectral information into a limited number of learnable prompts that maintain robustness against all MISS scenarios. Akin to fine-tuning effects but with fewer tunable parameters (1.1%). Extensive experiments prove the efficacy of our proposed approach, showcasing an improvement of 5.84% mIoU over the prior state-of-the-art parameter-efficient methods in modality missing. The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/RuipingL/MISS.