Abstract:Dense 3D correspondence can enhance robotic manipulation by enabling the generalization of spatial, functional, and dynamic information from one object to an unseen counterpart. Compared to shape correspondence, semantic correspondence is more effective in generalizing across different object categories. To this end, we present DenseMatcher, a method capable of computing 3D correspondences between in-the-wild objects that share similar structures. DenseMatcher first computes vertex features by projecting multiview 2D features onto meshes and refining them with a 3D network, and subsequently finds dense correspondences with the obtained features using functional map. In addition, we craft the first 3D matching dataset that contains colored object meshes across diverse categories. In our experiments, we show that DenseMatcher significantly outperforms prior 3D matching baselines by 43.5%. We demonstrate the downstream effectiveness of DenseMatcher in (i) robotic manipulation, where it achieves cross-instance and cross-category generalization on long-horizon complex manipulation tasks from observing only one demo; (ii) zero-shot color mapping between digital assets, where appearance can be transferred between different objects with relatable geometry.
Abstract:Visual imitation learning methods demonstrate strong performance, yet they lack generalization when faced with visual input perturbations, including variations in lighting and textures, impeding their real-world application. We propose Stem-OB that utilizes pretrained image diffusion models to suppress low-level visual differences while maintaining high-level scene structures. This image inversion process is akin to transforming the observation into a shared representation, from which other observations stem, with extraneous details removed. Stem-OB contrasts with data-augmentation approaches as it is robust to various unspecified appearance changes without the need for additional training. Our method is a simple yet highly effective plug-and-play solution. Empirical results confirm the effectiveness of our approach in simulated tasks and show an exceptionally significant improvement in real-world applications, with an average increase of 22.2% in success rates compared to the best baseline. See https://hukz18.github.io/Stem-Ob/ for more info.
Abstract:The pre-training of visual representations has enhanced the efficiency of robot learning. Due to the lack of large-scale in-domain robotic datasets, prior works utilize in-the-wild human videos to pre-train robotic visual representation. Despite their promising results, representations from human videos are inevitably subject to distribution shifts and lack the dynamics information crucial for task completion. We first evaluate various pre-trained representations in terms of their correlation to the downstream robotic manipulation tasks (i.e., manipulation centricity). Interestingly, we find that the "manipulation centricity" is a strong indicator of success rates when applied to downstream tasks. Drawing from these findings, we propose Manipulation Centric Representation (MCR), a foundation representation learning framework capturing both visual features and the dynamics information such as actions and proprioceptions of manipulation tasks to improve manipulation centricity. Specifically, we pre-train a visual encoder on the DROID robotic dataset and leverage motion-relevant data such as robot proprioceptive states and actions. We introduce a novel contrastive loss that aligns visual observations with the robot's proprioceptive state-action dynamics, combined with a behavior cloning (BC)-like actor loss to predict actions during pre-training, along with a time contrastive loss. Empirical results across 4 simulation domains with 20 tasks verify that MCR outperforms the strongest baseline method by 14.8%. Moreover, MCR boosts the performance of data-efficient learning with a UR5e arm on 3 real-world tasks by 76.9%. Project website: https://robots-pretrain-robots.github.io/.
Abstract:Visual deep reinforcement learning (RL) enables robots to acquire skills from visual input for unstructured tasks. However, current algorithms suffer from low sample efficiency, limiting their practical applicability. In this work, we present MENTOR, a method that improves both the architecture and optimization of RL agents. Specifically, MENTOR replaces the standard multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a mixture-of-experts (MoE) backbone, enhancing the agent's ability to handle complex tasks by leveraging modular expert learning to avoid gradient conflicts. Furthermore, MENTOR introduces a task-oriented perturbation mechanism, which heuristically samples perturbation candidates containing task-relevant information, leading to more targeted and effective optimization. MENTOR outperforms state-of-the-art methods across three simulation domains -- DeepMind Control Suite, Meta-World, and Adroit. Additionally, MENTOR achieves an average of 83% success rate on three challenging real-world robotic manipulation tasks including peg insertion, cable routing, and tabletop golf, which significantly surpasses the success rate of 32% from the current strongest model-free visual RL algorithm. These results underscore the importance of sample efficiency in advancing visual RL for real-world robotics. Experimental videos are available at https://suninghuang19.github.io/mentor_page.
Abstract:The development of vision-based tactile sensors has significantly enhanced robots' perception and manipulation capabilities, especially for tasks requiring contact-rich interactions with objects. In this work, we present DTactive, a novel vision-based tactile sensor with active surfaces. DTactive inherits and modifies the tactile 3D shape reconstruction method of DTact while integrating a mechanical transmission mechanism that facilitates the mobility of its surface. Thanks to this design, the sensor is capable of simultaneously performing tactile perception and in-hand manipulation with surface movement. Leveraging the high-resolution tactile images from the sensor and the magnetic encoder data from the transmission mechanism, we propose a learning-based method to enable precise angular trajectory control during in-hand manipulation. In our experiments, we successfully achieved accurate rolling manipulation within the range of [ -180{\deg},180{\deg} ] on various objects, with the root mean square error between the desired and actual angular trajectories being less than 12{\deg} on nine trained objects and less than 19{\deg} on three novel objects. The results demonstrate the potential of DTactive for in-hand object manipulation in terms of effectiveness, robustness and precision.
Abstract:Due to the difficulty of acquiring extensive real-world data, robot simulation has become crucial for parallel training and sim-to-real transfer, highlighting the importance of scalable simulated robotic tasks. Foundation models have demonstrated impressive capacities in autonomously generating feasible robotic tasks. However, this new paradigm underscores the challenge of adequately evaluating these autonomously generated tasks. To address this, we propose a comprehensive evaluation framework tailored to generative simulations. Our framework segments evaluation into three core aspects: quality, diversity, and generalization. For single-task quality, we evaluate the realism of the generated task and the completeness of the generated trajectories using large language models and vision-language models. In terms of diversity, we measure both task and data diversity through text similarity of task descriptions and world model loss trained on collected task trajectories. For task-level generalization, we assess the zero-shot generalization ability on unseen tasks of a policy trained with multiple generated tasks. Experiments conducted on three representative task generation pipelines demonstrate that the results from our framework are highly consistent with human evaluations, confirming the feasibility and validity of our approach. The findings reveal that while metrics of quality and diversity can be achieved through certain methods, no single approach excels across all metrics, suggesting a need for greater focus on balancing these different metrics. Additionally, our analysis further highlights the common challenge of low generalization capability faced by current works. Our anonymous website: https://sites.google.com/view/evaltasks.
Abstract:Robotic simulation today remains challenging to scale up due to the human efforts required to create diverse simulation tasks and scenes. Simulation-trained policies also face scalability issues as many sim-to-real methods focus on a single task. To address these challenges, this work proposes GenSim2, a scalable framework that leverages coding LLMs with multi-modal and reasoning capabilities for complex and realistic simulation task creation, including long-horizon tasks with articulated objects. To automatically generate demonstration data for these tasks at scale, we propose planning and RL solvers that generalize within object categories. The pipeline can generate data for up to 100 articulated tasks with 200 objects and reduce the required human efforts. To utilize such data, we propose an effective multi-task language-conditioned policy architecture, dubbed proprioceptive point-cloud transformer (PPT), that learns from the generated demonstrations and exhibits strong sim-to-real zero-shot transfer. Combining the proposed pipeline and the policy architecture, we show a promising usage of GenSim2 that the generated data can be used for zero-shot transfer or co-train with real-world collected data, which enhances the policy performance by 20% compared with training exclusively on limited real data.
Abstract:Detecting 3D keypoints with semantic consistency is widely used in many scenarios such as pose estimation, shape registration and robotics. Currently, most unsupervised 3D keypoint detection methods focus on the rigid-body objects. However, when faced with deformable objects, the keypoints they identify do not preserve semantic consistency well. In this paper, we introduce an innovative unsupervised keypoint detector Key-Grid for both the rigid-body and deformable objects, which is an autoencoder framework. The encoder predicts keypoints and the decoder utilizes the generated keypoints to reconstruct the objects. Unlike previous work, we leverage the identified keypoint in formation to form a 3D grid feature heatmap called grid heatmap, which is used in the decoder section. Grid heatmap is a novel concept that represents the latent variables for grid points sampled uniformly in the 3D cubic space, where these variables are the shortest distance between the grid points and the skeleton connected by keypoint pairs. Meanwhile, we incorporate the information from each layer of the encoder into the decoder section. We conduct an extensive evaluation of Key-Grid on a list of benchmark datasets. Key-Grid achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the semantic consistency and position accuracy of keypoints. Moreover, we demonstrate the robustness of Key-Grid to noise and downsampling. In addition, we achieve SE-(3) invariance of keypoints though generalizing Key-Grid to a SE(3)-invariant backbone.
Abstract:Catching objects in flight (i.e., thrown objects) is a common daily skill for humans, yet it presents a significant challenge for robots. This task requires a robot with agile and accurate motion, a large spatial workspace, and the ability to interact with diverse objects. In this paper, we build a mobile manipulator composed of a mobile base, a 6-DoF arm, and a 12-DoF dexterous hand to tackle such a challenging task. We propose a two-stage reinforcement learning framework to efficiently train a whole-body-control catching policy for this high-DoF system in simulation. The objects' throwing configurations, shapes, and sizes are randomized during training to enhance policy adaptivity to various trajectories and object characteristics in flight. The results show that our trained policy catches diverse objects with randomly thrown trajectories, at a high success rate of about 80\% in simulation, with a significant improvement over the baselines. The policy trained in simulation can be directly deployed in the real world with onboard sensing and computation, which achieves catching sandbags in various shapes, randomly thrown by humans. Our project page is available at https://mobile-dex-catch.github.io/.
Abstract:Can we endow visuomotor robots with generalization capabilities to operate in diverse open-world scenarios? In this paper, we propose \textbf{Maniwhere}, a generalizable framework tailored for visual reinforcement learning, enabling the trained robot policies to generalize across a combination of multiple visual disturbance types. Specifically, we introduce a multi-view representation learning approach fused with Spatial Transformer Network (STN) module to capture shared semantic information and correspondences among different viewpoints. In addition, we employ a curriculum-based randomization and augmentation approach to stabilize the RL training process and strengthen the visual generalization ability. To exhibit the effectiveness of Maniwhere, we meticulously design 8 tasks encompassing articulate objects, bi-manual, and dexterous hand manipulation tasks, demonstrating Maniwhere's strong visual generalization and sim2real transfer abilities across 3 hardware platforms. Our experiments show that Maniwhere significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Videos are provided at https://gemcollector.github.io/maniwhere/.