Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for continuous control tasks require accurate sampling-based action selection. Many tasks, such as robotic manipulation, contain inherent problem symmetries. However, correctly incorporating symmetry into sampling-based approaches remains a challenge. This work addresses the challenge of preserving symmetry in sampling-based planning and control, a key component for enhancing decision-making efficiency in RL. We introduce an action sampling approach that enforces the desired symmetry. We apply our proposed method to a coordinate regression problem and show that the symmetry aware sampling method drastically outperforms the naive sampling approach. We furthermore develop a general framework for sampling-based model-based planning with Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI). We compare our MPPI approach with standard sampling methods on several continuous control tasks. Empirical demonstrations across multiple continuous control environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing the importance of symmetry preservation in sampling-based action selection.
Abstract:Learning navigation capabilities in different environments has long been one of the major challenges in decision-making. In this work, we focus on zero-shot navigation ability using given abstract $2$-D top-down maps. Like human navigation by reading a paper map, the agent reads the map as an image when navigating in a novel layout, after learning to navigate on a set of training maps. We propose a model-based reinforcement learning approach for this multi-task learning problem, where it jointly learns a hypermodel that takes top-down maps as input and predicts the weights of the transition network. We use the DeepMind Lab environment and customize layouts using generated maps. Our method can adapt better to novel environments in zero-shot and is more robust to noise.
Abstract:Equivariant neural networks have shown great success in reinforcement learning, improving sample efficiency and generalization when there is symmetry in the task. However, in many problems, only approximate symmetry is present, which makes imposing exact symmetry inappropriate. Recently, approximately equivariant networks have been proposed for supervised classification and modeling physical systems. In this work, we develop approximately equivariant algorithms in reinforcement learning (RL). We define approximately equivariant MDPs and theoretically characterize the effect of approximate equivariance on the optimal Q function. We propose novel RL architectures using relaxed group convolutions and experiment on several continuous control domains and stock trading with real financial data. Our results demonstrate that approximate equivariance matches prior work when exact symmetries are present, and outperforms them when domains exhibit approximate symmetry. As an added byproduct of these techniques, we observe increased robustness to noise at test time.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) has the potential to enable robots to learn from their own actions in the real world. Unfortunately, RL can be prohibitively expensive, in terms of on-robot runtime, due to inefficient exploration when learning from a sparse reward signal. Designing dense reward functions is labour-intensive and requires domain expertise. In our work, we propose GCR (Goal-Contrastive Rewards), a dense reward function learning method that can be trained on passive video demonstrations. By using videos without actions, our method is easier to scale, as we can use arbitrary videos. GCR combines two loss functions, an implicit value loss function that models how the reward increases when traversing a successful trajectory, and a goal-contrastive loss that discriminates between successful and failed trajectories. We perform experiments in simulated manipulation environments across RoboMimic and MimicGen tasks, as well as in the real world using a Franka arm and a Spot quadruped. We find that GCR leads to a more-sample efficient RL, enabling model-free RL to solve about twice as many tasks as our baseline reward learning methods. We also demonstrate positive cross-embodiment transfer from videos of people and of other robots performing a task. Appendix: \url{https://tinyurl.com/gcr-appendix-2}.
Abstract:We study the task of locating a user in a mapped indoor environment using natural language queries and images from the environment. Building on recent pretrained vision-language models, we learn a similarity score between text descriptions and images of locations in the environment. This score allows us to identify locations that best match the language query, estimating the user's location. Our approach is capable of localizing on environments, text, and images that were not seen during training. One model, finetuned CLIP, outperformed humans in our evaluation.
Abstract:Data over non-Euclidean manifolds, often discretized as surface meshes, naturally arise in computer graphics and biological and physical systems. In particular, solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) over manifolds depend critically on the underlying geometry. While graph neural networks have been successfully applied to PDEs, they do not incorporate surface geometry and do not consider local gauge symmetries of the manifold. Alternatively, recent works on gauge equivariant convolutional and attentional architectures on meshes leverage the underlying geometry but underperform in modeling surface PDEs with complex nonlinear dynamics. To address these issues, we introduce a new gauge equivariant architecture using nonlinear message passing. Our novel architecture achieves higher performance than either convolutional or attentional networks on domains with highly complex and nonlinear dynamics. However, similar to the non-mesh case, design trade-offs favor convolutional, attentional, or message passing networks for different tasks; we investigate in which circumstances our message passing method provides the most benefit.
Abstract:Navigating in unseen environments is crucial for mobile robots. Enhancing them with the ability to follow instructions in natural language will further improve navigation efficiency in unseen cases. However, state-of-the-art (SOTA) vision-and-language navigation (VLN) methods are mainly evaluated in simulation, neglecting the complex and noisy real world. Directly transferring SOTA navigation policies trained in simulation to the real world is challenging due to the visual domain gap and the absence of prior knowledge about unseen environments. In this work, we propose a novel navigation framework to address the VLN task in the real world. Utilizing the powerful foundation models, the proposed framework includes four key components: (1) an LLMs-based instruction parser that converts the language instruction into a sequence of pre-defined macro-action descriptions, (2) an online visual-language mapper that builds a real-time visual-language map to maintain a spatial and semantic understanding of the unseen environment, (3) a language indexing-based localizer that grounds each macro-action description into a waypoint location on the map, and (4) a DD-PPO-based local controller that predicts the action. We evaluate the proposed pipeline on an Interbotix LoCoBot WX250 in an unseen lab environment. Without any fine-tuning, our pipeline significantly outperforms the SOTA VLN baseline in the real world.
Abstract:Learning for robot navigation presents a critical and challenging task. The scarcity and costliness of real-world datasets necessitate efficient learning approaches. In this letter, we exploit Euclidean symmetry in planning for 2D navigation, which originates from Euclidean transformations between reference frames and enables parameter sharing. To address the challenges of unstructured environments, we formulate the navigation problem as planning on a geometric graph and develop an equivariant message passing network to perform value iteration. Furthermore, to handle multi-camera input, we propose a learnable equivariant layer to lift features to a desired space. We conduct comprehensive evaluations across five diverse tasks encompassing structured and unstructured environments, along with maps of known and unknown, given point goals or semantic goals. Our experiments confirm the substantial benefits on training efficiency, stability, and generalization.
Abstract:In robotic tasks, changes in reference frames typically do not influence the underlying physical properties of the system, which has been known as invariance of physical laws.These changes, which preserve distance, encompass isometric transformations such as translations, rotations, and reflections, collectively known as the Euclidean group. In this work, we delve into the design of improved learning algorithms for reinforcement learning and planning tasks that possess Euclidean group symmetry. We put forth a theory on that unify prior work on discrete and continuous symmetry in reinforcement learning, planning, and optimal control. Algorithm side, we further extend the 2D path planning with value-based planning to continuous MDPs and propose a pipeline for constructing equivariant sampling-based planning algorithms. Our work is substantiated with empirical evidence and illustrated through examples that explain the benefits of equivariance to Euclidean symmetry in tackling natural control problems.
Abstract:Imitation learning of robot policies from few demonstrations is crucial in open-ended applications. We propose a new method, Interaction Warping, for learning SE(3) robotic manipulation policies from a single demonstration. We infer the 3D mesh of each object in the environment using shape warping, a technique for aligning point clouds across object instances. Then, we represent manipulation actions as keypoints on objects, which can be warped with the shape of the object. We show successful one-shot imitation learning on three simulated and real-world object re-arrangement tasks. We also demonstrate the ability of our method to predict object meshes and robot grasps in the wild.