Abstract:Our aim is to learn to solve long-horizon decision-making problems in highly-variable, combinatorially-complex robotics domains given raw sensor input in the form of images. Previous work has shown that one way to achieve this aim is to learn a structured abstract transition model in the form of symbolic predicates and operators, and then plan within this model to solve novel tasks at test time. However, these learned models do not ground directly into pixels from just a handful of demonstrations. In this work, we propose to invent predicates that operate directly over input images by leveraging the capabilities of pretrained vision-language models (VLMs). Our key idea is that, given a set of demonstrations, a VLM can be used to propose a set of predicates that are potentially relevant for decision-making and then to determine the truth values of these predicates in both the given demonstrations and new image inputs. We build upon an existing framework for predicate invention, which generates feature-based predicates operating on object-centric states, to also generate visual predicates that operate on images. Experimentally, we show that our approach -- pix2pred -- is able to invent semantically meaningful predicates that enable generalization to novel, complex, and long-horizon tasks across two simulated robotic environments.
Abstract:The field of Machine Learning has changed significantly since the 1970s. However, its most basic principle, Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), remains unchanged. We propose Functional Risk Minimization~(FRM), a general framework where losses compare functions rather than outputs. This results in better performance in supervised, unsupervised, and RL experiments. In the FRM paradigm, for each data point $(x_i,y_i)$ there is function $f_{\theta_i}$ that fits it: $y_i = f_{\theta_i}(x_i)$. This allows FRM to subsume ERM for many common loss functions and to capture more realistic noise processes. We also show that FRM provides an avenue towards understanding generalization in the modern over-parameterized regime, as its objective can be framed as finding the simplest model that fits the training data.
Abstract:We present a novel approach, MAGIC (manipulation analogies for generalizable intelligent contacts), for one-shot learning of manipulation strategies with fast and extensive generalization to novel objects. By leveraging a reference action trajectory, MAGIC effectively identifies similar contact points and sequences of actions on novel objects to replicate a demonstrated strategy, such as using different hooks to retrieve distant objects of different shapes and sizes. Our method is based on a two-stage contact-point matching process that combines global shape matching using pretrained neural features with local curvature analysis to ensure precise and physically plausible contact points. We experiment with three tasks including scooping, hanging, and hooking objects. MAGIC demonstrates superior performance over existing methods, achieving significant improvements in runtime speed and generalization to different object categories. Website: https://magic-2024.github.io/ .
Abstract:Careful robot manipulation in every-day cluttered environments requires an accurate understanding of the 3D scene, in order to grasp and place objects stably and reliably and to avoid mistakenly colliding with other objects. In general, we must construct such a 3D interpretation of a complex scene based on limited input, such as a single RGB-D image. We describe SceneComplete, a system for constructing a complete, segmented, 3D model of a scene from a single view. It provides a novel pipeline for composing general-purpose pretrained perception modules (vision-language, segmentation, image-inpainting, image-to-3D, and pose-estimation) to obtain high-accuracy results. We demonstrate its accuracy and effectiveness with respect to ground-truth models in a large benchmark dataset and show that its accurate whole-object reconstruction enables robust grasp proposal generation, including for a dexterous hand.
Abstract:Generalization to novel object configurations and instances across diverse tasks and environments is a critical challenge in robotics. Keypoint-based representations have been proven effective as a succinct representation for capturing essential object features, and for establishing a reference frame in action prediction, enabling data-efficient learning of robot skills. However, their manual design nature and reliance on additional human labels limit their scalability. In this paper, we propose KALM, a framework that leverages large pre-trained vision-language models (LMs) to automatically generate task-relevant and cross-instance consistent keypoints. KALM distills robust and consistent keypoints across views and objects by generating proposals using LMs and verifies them against a small set of robot demonstration data. Based on the generated keypoints, we can train keypoint-conditioned policy models that predict actions in keypoint-centric frames, enabling robots to generalize effectively across varying object poses, camera views, and object instances with similar functional shapes. Our method demonstrates strong performance in the real world, adapting to different tasks and environments from only a handful of demonstrations while requiring no additional labels. Website: https://kalm-il.github.io/
Abstract:Manipulation of large objects over long horizons (such as carts in a warehouse) is an essential skill for deployable robotic systems. Large objects require mobile manipulation which involves simultaneous manipulation, navigation, and movement with the object in tow. In many real-world situations, object dynamics are incredibly complex, such as the interaction of an office chair (with a rotating base and five caster wheels) and the ground. We present a hierarchical algorithm for long-horizon robot manipulation problems in which the dynamics are partially unknown. We observe that diffusion-based behavior cloning is highly effective for short-horizon problems with unknown dynamics, so we decompose the problem into an abstract high-level, obstacle-aware motion-planning problem that produces a waypoint sequence. We use a short-horizon, relative-motion diffusion policy to achieve the waypoints in sequence. We train mobile manipulation policies on a Spot robot that has to push and pull an office chair. Our hierarchical manipulation policy performs consistently better, especially when the horizon increases, compared to a diffusion policy trained on long-horizon demonstrations or motion planning assuming a rigidly-attached object (success rate of 8 (versus 0 and 5 respectively) out of 10 runs). Importantly, our learned policy generalizes to new layouts, grasps, chairs, and flooring that induces more friction, without any further training, showing promise for other complex mobile manipulation problems. Project Page: https://yravan.github.io/plannerorderedpolicy/
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLM) can generate plausible high-level plans when prompted with a goal, the context, an image of the scene, and any planning constraints. However, there is no guarantee that the predicted actions are geometrically and kinematically feasible for a particular robot embodiment. As a result, many prerequisite steps such as opening drawers to access objects are often omitted in their plans. Robot task and motion planners can generate motion trajectories that respect the geometric feasibility of actions and insert physically necessary actions, but do not scale to everyday problems that require common-sense knowledge and involve large state spaces comprised of many variables. We propose VLM-TAMP, a hierarchical planning algorithm that leverages a VLM to generate goth semantically-meaningful and horizon-reducing intermediate subgoals that guide a task and motion planner. When a subgoal or action cannot be refined, the VLM is queried again for replanning. We evaluate VLM- TAMP on kitchen tasks where a robot must accomplish cooking goals that require performing 30-50 actions in sequence and interacting with up to 21 objects. VLM-TAMP substantially outperforms baselines that rigidly and independently execute VLM-generated action sequences, both in terms of success rates (50 to 100% versus 0%) and average task completion percentage (72 to 100% versus 15 to 45%). See project site https://zt-yang.github.io/vlm-tamp-robot/ for more information.
Abstract:We introduce uncertainty-aware object instance segmentation (UncOS) and demonstrate its usefulness for embodied interactive segmentation. To deal with uncertainty in robot perception, we propose a method for generating a hypothesis distribution of object segmentation. We obtain a set of region-factored segmentation hypotheses together with confidence estimates by making multiple queries of large pre-trained models. This process can produce segmentation results that achieve state-of-the-art performance on unseen object segmentation problems. The output can also serve as input to a belief-driven process for selecting robot actions to perturb the scene to reduce ambiguity. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in real-robot experiments. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/embodied-uncertain-seg
Abstract:When using sampling-based motion planners, such as PRMs, in configuration spaces, it is difficult to determine how many samples are required for the PRM to find a solution consistently. This is relevant in Task and Motion Planning (TAMP), where many motion planning problems must be solved in sequence. We attempt to solve this problem by proving an upper bound on the number of samples that are sufficient, with high probability, to find a solution by drawing on prior work in deterministic sampling and sample complexity theory. We also introduce a numerical algorithm to compute a tighter number of samples based on the proof of the sample complexity theorem we apply to derive our bound. Our experiments show that our numerical bounding algorithm is tight within two orders of magnitude on planar planning problems and becomes looser as the problem's dimensionality increases. When deployed as a heuristic to schedule samples in a TAMP planner, we also observe planning time improvements in planar problems. While our experiments show much work remains to tighten our bounds, the ideas presented in this paper are a step towards a practical sample bound.
Abstract:We consider large-scale, implicit-search-based solutions to the Shortest Path Problems on Graphs of Convex Sets (GCS). We propose GCS*, a forward heuristic search algorithm that generalizes A* search to the GCS setting, where a continuous-valued decision is made at each graph vertex, and constraints across graph edges couple these decisions, influencing costs and feasibility. Such mixed discrete-continuous planning is needed in many domains, including motion planning around obstacles and planning through contact. This setting provides a unique challenge for best-first search algorithms: the cost and feasibility of a path depend on continuous-valued points chosen along the entire path. We show that by pruning paths that are cost-dominated over their entire terminal vertex, GCS* can search efficiently while still guaranteeing cost optimality and completeness. To find satisficing solutions quickly, we also present a complete but suboptimal variation, pruning instead reachability-dominated paths. We implement these checks using polyhedral-containment or sampling-based methods. The sampling-based implementation is probabilistically complete and asymptotically cost optimal, and performs effectively even with minimal samples in practice. We demonstrate GCS* on planar pushing tasks where the combinatorial explosion of contact modes renders prior methods intractable and show it performs favorably compared to the state-of-the-art. Project website: https://shaoyuan.cc/research/gcs-star/