Abstract:Domain randomization in reinforcement learning is an established technique for increasing the robustness of control policies trained in simulation. By randomizing environment properties during training, the learned policy can become robust to uncertainties along the randomized dimensions. While the environment distribution is typically specified by hand, in this paper we investigate automatically discovering a sampling distribution via entropy-regularized reward maximization of a normalizing-flow-based neural sampling distribution. We show that this architecture is more flexible and provides greater robustness than existing approaches that learn simpler, parameterized sampling distributions, as demonstrated in six simulated and one real-world robotics domain. Lastly, we explore how these learned sampling distributions, combined with a privileged value function, can be used for out-of-distribution detection in an uncertainty-aware multi-step manipulation planner.
Abstract:Generalizable long-horizon robotic assembly requires reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction. End-to-end imitation learning (IL) has been proven a promising approach, but it requires a large amount of demonstration data for training and often fails to meet the high-precision requirement of assembly tasks. Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches have succeeded in high-precision assembly tasks, but suffer from sample inefficiency and hence, are less competent at long-horizon tasks. To address these challenges, we propose a hierarchical modular approach, named ARCH (Adaptive Robotic Composition Hierarchy), which enables long-horizon high-precision assembly in contact-rich settings. ARCH employs a hierarchical planning framework, including a low-level primitive library of continuously parameterized skills and a high-level policy. The low-level primitive library includes essential skills for assembly tasks, such as grasping and inserting. These primitives consist of both RL and model-based controllers. The high-level policy, learned via imitation learning from a handful of demonstrations, selects the appropriate primitive skills and instantiates them with continuous input parameters. We extensively evaluate our approach on a real robot manipulation platform. We show that while trained on a single task, ARCH generalizes well to unseen tasks and outperforms baseline methods in terms of success rate and data efficiency. Videos can be found at https://long-horizon-assembly.github.io.
Abstract:When using sampling-based motion planners, such as PRMs, in configuration spaces, it is difficult to determine how many samples are required for the PRM to find a solution consistently. This is relevant in Task and Motion Planning (TAMP), where many motion planning problems must be solved in sequence. We attempt to solve this problem by proving an upper bound on the number of samples that are sufficient, with high probability, to find a solution by drawing on prior work in deterministic sampling and sample complexity theory. We also introduce a numerical algorithm to compute a tighter number of samples based on the proof of the sample complexity theorem we apply to derive our bound. Our experiments show that our numerical bounding algorithm is tight within two orders of magnitude on planar planning problems and becomes looser as the problem's dimensionality increases. When deployed as a heuristic to schedule samples in a TAMP planner, we also observe planning time improvements in planar problems. While our experiments show much work remains to tighten our bounds, the ideas presented in this paper are a step towards a practical sample bound.
Abstract:Recent developments in pretrained large language models (LLMs) applied to robotics have demonstrated their capacity for sequencing a set of discrete skills to achieve open-ended goals in simple robotic tasks. In this paper, we examine the topic of LLM planning for a set of continuously parameterized skills whose execution must avoid violations of a set of kinematic, geometric, and physical constraints. We prompt the LLM to output code for a function with open parameters, which, together with environmental constraints, can be viewed as a Continuous Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CCSP). This CCSP can be solved through sampling or optimization to find a skill sequence and continuous parameter settings that achieve the goal while avoiding constraint violations. Additionally, we consider cases where the LLM proposes unsatisfiable CCSPs, such as those that are kinematically infeasible, dynamically unstable, or lead to collisions, and re-prompt the LLM to form a new CCSP accordingly. Experiments across three different simulated 3D domains demonstrate that our proposed strategy, PRoC3S, is capable of solving a wide range of complex manipulation tasks with realistic constraints on continuous parameters much more efficiently and effectively than existing baselines.
Abstract:Integrated task and motion planning (TAMP) has proven to be a valuable approach to generalizable long-horizon robotic manipulation and navigation problems. However, the typical TAMP problem formulation assumes full observability and deterministic action effects. These assumptions limit the ability of the planner to gather information and make decisions that are risk-aware. We propose a strategy for TAMP with Uncertainty and Risk Awareness (TAMPURA) that is capable of efficiently solving long-horizon planning problems with initial-state and action outcome uncertainty, including problems that require information gathering and avoiding undesirable and irreversible outcomes. Our planner reasons under uncertainty at both the abstract task level and continuous controller level. Given a set of closed-loop goal-conditioned controllers operating in the primitive action space and a description of their preconditions and potential capabilities, we learn a high-level abstraction that can be solved efficiently and then refined to continuous actions for execution. We demonstrate our approach on several robotics problems where uncertainty is a crucial factor and show that reasoning under uncertainty in these problems outperforms previously proposed determinized planning, direct search, and reinforcement learning strategies. Lastly, we demonstrate our planner on two real-world robotics problems using recent advancements in probabilistic perception.
Abstract:Robots cannot yet match humans' ability to rapidly learn the shapes of novel 3D objects and recognize them robustly despite clutter and occlusion. We present Bayes3D, an uncertainty-aware perception system for structured 3D scenes, that reports accurate posterior uncertainty over 3D object shape, pose, and scene composition in the presence of clutter and occlusion. Bayes3D delivers these capabilities via a novel hierarchical Bayesian model for 3D scenes and a GPU-accelerated coarse-to-fine sequential Monte Carlo algorithm. Quantitative experiments show that Bayes3D can learn 3D models of novel objects from just a handful of views, recognizing them more robustly and with orders of magnitude less training data than neural baselines, and tracking 3D objects faster than real time on a single GPU. We also demonstrate that Bayes3D learns complex 3D object models and accurately infers 3D scene composition when used on a Panda robot in a tabletop scenario.
Abstract:Representing and reasoning about uncertainty is crucial for autonomous agents acting in partially observable environments with noisy sensors. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) serve as a general framework for representing problems in which uncertainty is an important factor. Online sample-based POMDP methods have emerged as efficient approaches to solving large POMDPs and have been shown to extend to continuous domains. However, these solutions struggle to find long-horizon plans in problems with significant uncertainty. Exploration heuristics can help guide planning, but many real-world settings contain significant task-irrelevant uncertainty that might distract from the task objective. In this paper, we propose STRUG, an online POMDP solver capable of handling domains that require long-horizon planning with significant task-relevant and task-irrelevant uncertainty. We demonstrate our solution on several temporally extended versions of toy POMDP problems as well as robotic manipulation of articulated objects using a neural perception frontend to construct a distribution of possible models. Our results show that STRUG outperforms the current sample-based online POMDP solvers on several tasks.
Abstract:In this paper, we examine the problem of visibility-aware robot navigation among movable obstacles (VANAMO). A variant of the well-known NAMO robotic planning problem, VANAMO puts additional visibility constraints on robot motion and object movability. This new problem formulation lifts the restrictive assumption that the map is fully visible and the object positions are fully known. We provide a formal definition of the VANAMO problem and propose the Look and Manipulate Backchaining (LaMB) algorithm for solving such problems. LaMB has a simple vision-based API that makes it more easily transferable to real-world robot applications and scales to the large 3D environments. To evaluate LaMB, we construct a set of tasks that illustrate the complex interplay between visibility and object movability that can arise in mobile base manipulation problems in unknown environments. We show that LaMB outperforms NAMO and visibility-aware motion planning approaches as well as simple combinations of them on complex manipulation problems with partial observability.
Abstract:A longstanding objective in classical planning is to synthesize policies that generalize across multiple problems from the same domain. In this work, we study generalized policy search-based methods with a focus on the score function used to guide the search over policies. We demonstrate limitations of two score functions and propose a new approach that overcomes these limitations. The main idea behind our approach, Policy-Guided Planning for Generalized Policy Generation (PG3), is that a candidate policy should be used to guide planning on training problems as a mechanism for evaluating that candidate. Theoretical results in a simplified setting give conditions under which PG3 is optimal or admissible. We then study a specific instantiation of policy search where planning problems are PDDL-based and policies are lifted decision lists. Empirical results in six domains confirm that PG3 learns generalized policies more efficiently and effectively than several baselines. Code: https://github.com/ryangpeixu/pg3
Abstract:In this project we present a framework for building generalizable manipulation controller policies that map from raw input point clouds and segmentation masks to joint velocities. We took a traditional robotics approach, using point cloud processing, end-effector trajectory calculation, inverse kinematics, closed-loop position controllers, and behavior trees. We demonstrate our framework on four manipulation skills on common household objects that comprise the SAPIEN ManiSkill Manipulation challenge.