Abstract:Vision language models have achieved impressive results across various fields. However, adoption in remote sensing remains limited, largely due to the scarcity of paired image-text data. To bridge this gap, synthetic caption generation has gained interest, traditionally relying on rule-based methods that use metadata or bounding boxes. While these approaches provide some description, they often lack the depth needed to capture complex wide-area scenes. Large language models (LLMs) offer a promising alternative for generating more descriptive captions, yet they can produce generic outputs and are prone to hallucination. In this paper, we propose a new method to enhance vision-language datasets for remote sensing by integrating maps as external data sources, enabling the generation of detailed, context-rich captions. Additionally, we present methods to measure and mitigate hallucinations in LLM-generated text. We introduce fMoW-mm, a multimodal dataset incorporating satellite imagery, maps, metadata, and text annotations. We demonstrate its effectiveness for automatic target recognition in few-shot settings, achieving superior performance compared to other vision-language remote sensing datasets.
Abstract:We propose a method for generating fly-through videos of a scene, from a single image and a given camera trajectory. We build upon an image-to-video latent diffusion model. We condition its UNet denoiser on the camera trajectory, using four techniques. (1) We condition the UNet's temporal blocks on raw camera extrinsics, similar to MotionCtrl. (2) We use images containing camera rays and directions, similar to CameraCtrl. (3) We reproject the initial image to subsequent frames and use the resulting video as a condition. (4) We use 2D<=>3D transformers to introduce a global 3D representation, which implicitly conditions on the camera poses. We combine all conditions in a ContolNet-style architecture. We then propose a metric that evaluates overall video quality and the ability to preserve details with view changes, which we use to analyze the trade-offs of individual and combined conditions. Finally, we identify an optimal combination of conditions. We calibrate camera positions in our datasets for scale consistency across scenes, and we train our scene exploration model, CamCtrl3D, demonstrating state-of-theart results.
Abstract:Direct imaging of exoplanets is crucial for advancing our understanding of planetary systems beyond our solar system, but it faces significant challenges due to the high contrast between host stars and their planets. Wavefront aberrations introduce speckles in the telescope science images, which are patterns of diffracted starlight that can mimic the appearance of planets, complicating the detection of faint exoplanet signals. Traditional post-processing methods, operating primarily in the image intensity domain, do not integrate wavefront sensing data. These data, measured mainly for adaptive optics corrections, have been overlooked as a potential resource for post-processing, partly due to the challenge of the evolving nature of wavefront aberrations. In this paper, we present a differentiable rendering approach that leverages these wavefront sensing data to improve exoplanet detection. Our differentiable renderer models wave-based light propagation through a coronagraphic telescope system, allowing gradient-based optimization to significantly improve starlight subtraction and increase sensitivity to faint exoplanets. Simulation experiments based on the James Webb Space Telescope configuration demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving substantial improvements in contrast and planet detection limits. Our results showcase how the computational advancements enabled by differentiable rendering can revitalize previously underexploited wavefront data, opening new avenues for enhancing exoplanet imaging and characterization.
Abstract:Current video diffusion models achieve impressive generation quality but struggle in interactive applications due to bidirectional attention dependencies. The generation of a single frame requires the model to process the entire sequence, including the future. We address this limitation by adapting a pretrained bidirectional diffusion transformer to a causal transformer that generates frames on-the-fly. To further reduce latency, we extend distribution matching distillation (DMD) to videos, distilling 50-step diffusion model into a 4-step generator. To enable stable and high-quality distillation, we introduce a student initialization scheme based on teacher's ODE trajectories, as well as an asymmetric distillation strategy that supervises a causal student model with a bidirectional teacher. This approach effectively mitigates error accumulation in autoregressive generation, allowing long-duration video synthesis despite training on short clips. Our model supports fast streaming generation of high quality videos at 9.4 FPS on a single GPU thanks to KV caching. Our approach also enables streaming video-to-video translation, image-to-video, and dynamic prompting in a zero-shot manner. We will release the code based on an open-source model in the future.
Abstract:We introduce RandAR, a decoder-only visual autoregressive (AR) model capable of generating images in arbitrary token orders. Unlike previous decoder-only AR models that rely on a predefined generation order, RandAR removes this inductive bias, unlocking new capabilities in decoder-only generation. Our essential design enables random order by inserting a "position instruction token" before each image token to be predicted, representing the spatial location of the next image token. Trained on randomly permuted token sequences -- a more challenging task than fixed-order generation, RandAR achieves comparable performance to its conventional raster-order counterpart. More importantly, decoder-only transformers trained from random orders acquire new capabilities. For the efficiency bottleneck of AR models, RandAR adopts parallel decoding with KV-Cache at inference time, enjoying 2.5x acceleration without sacrificing generation quality. Additionally, RandAR supports inpainting, outpainting and resolution extrapolation in a zero-shot manner. We hope RandAR inspires new directions for decoder-only visual generation models and broadens their applications across diverse scenarios. Our project page is at https://rand-ar.github.io/.
Abstract:Current vision systems typically assign fixed-length representations to images, regardless of the information content. This contrasts with human intelligence - and even large language models - which allocate varying representational capacities based on entropy, context and familiarity. Inspired by this, we propose an approach to learn variable-length token representations for 2D images. Our encoder-decoder architecture recursively processes 2D image tokens, distilling them into 1D latent tokens over multiple iterations of recurrent rollouts. Each iteration refines the 2D tokens, updates the existing 1D latent tokens, and adaptively increases representational capacity by adding new tokens. This enables compression of images into a variable number of tokens, ranging from 32 to 256. We validate our tokenizer using reconstruction loss and FID metrics, demonstrating that token count aligns with image entropy, familiarity and downstream task requirements. Recurrent token processing with increasing representational capacity in each iteration shows signs of token specialization, revealing potential for object / part discovery.
Abstract:We propose RelitLRM, a Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) for generating high-quality Gaussian splatting representations of 3D objects under novel illuminations from sparse (4-8) posed images captured under unknown static lighting. Unlike prior inverse rendering methods requiring dense captures and slow optimization, often causing artifacts like incorrect highlights or shadow baking, RelitLRM adopts a feed-forward transformer-based model with a novel combination of a geometry reconstructor and a relightable appearance generator based on diffusion. The model is trained end-to-end on synthetic multi-view renderings of objects under varying known illuminations. This architecture design enables to effectively decompose geometry and appearance, resolve the ambiguity between material and lighting, and capture the multi-modal distribution of shadows and specularity in the relit appearance. We show our sparse-view feed-forward RelitLRM offers competitive relighting results to state-of-the-art dense-view optimization-based baselines while being significantly faster. Our project page is available at: https://relit-lrm.github.io/.
Abstract:The human visual system is well-tuned to detect faces of all shapes and sizes. While this brings obvious survival advantages, such as a better chance of spotting unknown predators in the bush, it also leads to spurious face detections. ``Face pareidolia'' describes the perception of face-like structure among otherwise random stimuli: seeing faces in coffee stains or clouds in the sky. In this paper, we study face pareidolia from a computer vision perspective. We present an image dataset of ``Faces in Things'', consisting of five thousand web images with human-annotated pareidolic faces. Using this dataset, we examine the extent to which a state-of-the-art human face detector exhibits pareidolia, and find a significant behavioral gap between humans and machines. We find that the evolutionary need for humans to detect animal faces, as well as human faces, may explain some of this gap. Finally, we propose a simple statistical model of pareidolia in images. Through studies on human subjects and our pareidolic face detectors we confirm a key prediction of our model regarding what image conditions are most likely to induce pareidolia. Dataset and Website: https://aka.ms/faces-in-things
Abstract:We present WonderWorld, a novel framework for interactive 3D scene extrapolation that enables users to explore and shape virtual environments based on a single input image and user-specified text. While significant improvements have been made to the visual quality of scene generation, existing methods are run offline, taking tens of minutes to hours to generate a scene. By leveraging Fast Gaussian Surfels and a guided diffusion-based depth estimation method, WonderWorld generates geometrically consistent extrapolation while significantly reducing computational time. Our framework generates connected and diverse 3D scenes in less than 10 seconds on a single A6000 GPU, enabling real-time user interaction and exploration. We demonstrate the potential of WonderWorld for applications in virtual reality, gaming, and creative design, where users can quickly generate and navigate immersive, potentially infinite virtual worlds from a single image. Our approach represents a significant advancement in interactive 3D scene generation, opening up new possibilities for user-driven content creation and exploration in virtual environments. We will release full code and software for reproducibility. Project website: https://WonderWorld-2024.github.io/
Abstract:We present DenseAV, a novel dual encoder grounding architecture that learns high-resolution, semantically meaningful, and audio-visually aligned features solely through watching videos. We show that DenseAV can discover the ``meaning'' of words and the ``location'' of sounds without explicit localization supervision. Furthermore, it automatically discovers and distinguishes between these two types of associations without supervision. We show that DenseAV's localization abilities arise from a new multi-head feature aggregation operator that directly compares dense image and audio representations for contrastive learning. In contrast, many other systems that learn ``global'' audio and video representations cannot localize words and sound. Finally, we contribute two new datasets to improve the evaluation of AV representations through speech and sound prompted semantic segmentation. On these and other datasets we show DenseAV dramatically outperforms the prior art on speech and sound prompted semantic segmentation. DenseAV outperforms the previous state-of-the-art, ImageBind, on cross-modal retrieval using fewer than half of the parameters. Project Page: \href{https://aka.ms/denseav}{https://aka.ms/denseav}