Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in recent years but are fundamentally limited by the underlying training data. To improve models beyond the training data, recent works have explored how LLMs can be used to generate synthetic data for autonomous self-improvement. However, successive steps of self-improvement can reach a point of diminishing returns. In this work, we propose a complementary approach towards self-improvement where finetuning is applied to a multiagent society of language models. A group of language models, all starting from the same base model, are independently specialized by updating each one using data generated through multiagent interactions among the models. By training each model on independent sets of data, we illustrate how this approach enables specialization across models and diversification over the set of models. As a result, our overall system is able to preserve diverse reasoning chains and autonomously improve over many more rounds of fine-tuning than single-agent self-improvement methods. We quantitatively illustrate the efficacy of the approach across a wide suite of reasoning tasks.
Abstract:Recent advancements in static feed-forward scene reconstruction have demonstrated significant progress in high-quality novel view synthesis. However, these models often struggle with generalizability across diverse environments and fail to effectively handle dynamic content. We present BTimer (short for BulletTimer), the first motion-aware feed-forward model for real-time reconstruction and novel view synthesis of dynamic scenes. Our approach reconstructs the full scene in a 3D Gaussian Splatting representation at a given target ('bullet') timestamp by aggregating information from all the context frames. Such a formulation allows BTimer to gain scalability and generalization by leveraging both static and dynamic scene datasets. Given a casual monocular dynamic video, BTimer reconstructs a bullet-time scene within 150ms while reaching state-of-the-art performance on both static and dynamic scene datasets, even compared with optimization-based approaches.
Abstract:We explore the question: "How much prior art knowledge is needed to create art?" To investigate this, we propose a text-to-image generation model trained without access to art-related content. We then introduce a simple yet effective method to learn an art adapter using only a few examples of selected artistic styles. Our experiments show that art generated using our method is perceived by users as comparable to art produced by models trained on large, art-rich datasets. Finally, through data attribution techniques, we illustrate how examples from both artistic and non-artistic datasets contributed to the creation of new artistic styles.
Abstract:Sketching serves as a versatile tool for externalizing ideas, enabling rapid exploration and visual communication that spans various disciplines. While artificial systems have driven substantial advances in content creation and human-computer interaction, capturing the dynamic and abstract nature of human sketching remains challenging. In this work, we introduce SketchAgent, a language-driven, sequential sketch generation method that enables users to create, modify, and refine sketches through dynamic, conversational interactions. Our approach requires no training or fine-tuning. Instead, we leverage the sequential nature and rich prior knowledge of off-the-shelf multimodal large language models (LLMs). We present an intuitive sketching language, introduced to the model through in-context examples, enabling it to "draw" using string-based actions. These are processed into vector graphics and then rendered to create a sketch on a pixel canvas, which can be accessed again for further tasks. By drawing stroke by stroke, our agent captures the evolving, dynamic qualities intrinsic to sketching. We demonstrate that SketchAgent can generate sketches from diverse prompts, engage in dialogue-driven drawing, and collaborate meaningfully with human users.
Abstract:Current vision systems typically assign fixed-length representations to images, regardless of the information content. This contrasts with human intelligence - and even large language models - which allocate varying representational capacities based on entropy, context and familiarity. Inspired by this, we propose an approach to learn variable-length token representations for 2D images. Our encoder-decoder architecture recursively processes 2D image tokens, distilling them into 1D latent tokens over multiple iterations of recurrent rollouts. Each iteration refines the 2D tokens, updates the existing 1D latent tokens, and adaptively increases representational capacity by adding new tokens. This enables compression of images into a variable number of tokens, ranging from 32 to 256. We validate our tokenizer using reconstruction loss and FID metrics, demonstrating that token count aligns with image entropy, familiarity and downstream task requirements. Recurrent token processing with increasing representational capacity in each iteration shows signs of token specialization, revealing potential for object / part discovery.
Abstract:Fine-tuning is a crucial paradigm for adapting pre-trained large language models to downstream tasks. Recently, methods like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) have been shown to match the performance of fully fine-tuned models on various tasks with an extreme reduction in the number of trainable parameters. Even in settings where both methods learn similarly accurate models, \emph{are their learned solutions really equivalent?} We study how different fine-tuning methods change pre-trained models by analyzing the model's weight matrices through the lens of their spectral properties. We find that full fine-tuning and LoRA yield weight matrices whose singular value decompositions exhibit very different structure; moreover, the fine-tuned models themselves show distinct generalization behaviors when tested outside the adaptation task's distribution. More specifically, we first show that the weight matrices trained with LoRA have new, high-ranking singular vectors, which we call \emph{intruder dimensions}. Intruder dimensions do not appear during full fine-tuning. Second, we show that LoRA models with intruder dimensions, despite achieving similar performance to full fine-tuning on the target task, become worse models of the pre-training distribution and adapt less robustly to multiple tasks sequentially. Higher-rank, rank-stabilized LoRA models closely mirror full fine-tuning, even when performing on par with lower-rank LoRA models on the same tasks. These results suggest that models updated with LoRA and full fine-tuning access different parts of parameter space, even when they perform equally on the fine-tuned distribution. We conclude by examining why intruder dimensions appear in LoRA fine-tuned models, why they are undesirable, and how their effects can be minimized.
Abstract:Adversarially robust models are locally smooth around each data sample so that small perturbations cannot drastically change model outputs. In modern systems, such smoothness is usually obtained via Adversarial Training, which explicitly enforces models to perform well on perturbed examples. In this work, we show the surprising effectiveness of instead regularizing the gradient with respect to model inputs on natural examples only. Penalizing input Gradient Norm is commonly believed to be a much inferior approach. Our analyses identify that the performance of Gradient Norm regularization critically depends on the smoothness of activation functions, and are in fact extremely effective on modern vision transformers that adopt smooth activations over piecewise linear ones (eg, ReLU), contrary to prior belief. On ImageNet-1k, Gradient Norm training achieves > 90% the performance of state-of-the-art PGD-3 Adversarial Training} (52% vs.~56%), while using only 60% computation cost of the state-of-the-art without complex adversarial optimization. Our analyses also highlight the relationship between model robustness and properties of natural input gradients, such as asymmetric sample and channel statistics. Surprisingly, we find model robustness can be significantly improved by simply regularizing its gradients to concentrate on image edges without explicit conditioning on the gradient norm.
Abstract:Understanding and reasoning about objects' physical properties in the natural world is a fundamental challenge in artificial intelligence. While some properties like colors and shapes can be directly observed, others, such as mass and electric charge, are hidden from the objects' visual appearance. This paper addresses the unique challenge of inferring these hidden physical properties from objects' motion and interactions and predicting corresponding dynamics based on the inferred physical properties. We first introduce the Compositional Physical Reasoning (ComPhy) dataset. For a given set of objects, ComPhy includes limited videos of them moving and interacting under different initial conditions. The model is evaluated based on its capability to unravel the compositional hidden properties, such as mass and charge, and use this knowledge to answer a set of questions. Besides the synthetic videos from simulators, we also collect a real-world dataset to show further test physical reasoning abilities of different models. We evaluate state-of-the-art video reasoning models on ComPhy and reveal their limited ability to capture these hidden properties, which leads to inferior performance. We also propose a novel neuro-symbolic framework, Physical Concept Reasoner (PCR), that learns and reasons about both visible and hidden physical properties from question answering. After training, PCR demonstrates remarkable capabilities. It can detect and associate objects across frames, ground visible and hidden physical properties, make future and counterfactual predictions, and utilize these extracted representations to answer challenging questions.
Abstract:We present L4GM, the first 4D Large Reconstruction Model that produces animated objects from a single-view video input -- in a single feed-forward pass that takes only a second. Key to our success is a novel dataset of multiview videos containing curated, rendered animated objects from Objaverse. This dataset depicts 44K diverse objects with 110K animations rendered in 48 viewpoints, resulting in 12M videos with a total of 300M frames. We keep our L4GM simple for scalability and build directly on top of LGM, a pretrained 3D Large Reconstruction Model that outputs 3D Gaussian ellipsoids from multiview image input. L4GM outputs a per-frame 3D Gaussian Splatting representation from video frames sampled at a low fps and then upsamples the representation to a higher fps to achieve temporal smoothness. We add temporal self-attention layers to the base LGM to help it learn consistency across time, and utilize a per-timestep multiview rendering loss to train the model. The representation is upsampled to a higher framerate by training an interpolation model which produces intermediate 3D Gaussian representations. We showcase that L4GM that is only trained on synthetic data generalizes extremely well on in-the-wild videos, producing high quality animated 3D assets.
Abstract:This paper describes MAIA, a Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent. MAIA is a system that uses neural models to automate neural model understanding tasks like feature interpretation and failure mode discovery. It equips a pre-trained vision-language model with a set of tools that support iterative experimentation on subcomponents of other models to explain their behavior. These include tools commonly used by human interpretability researchers: for synthesizing and editing inputs, computing maximally activating exemplars from real-world datasets, and summarizing and describing experimental results. Interpretability experiments proposed by MAIA compose these tools to describe and explain system behavior. We evaluate applications of MAIA to computer vision models. We first characterize MAIA's ability to describe (neuron-level) features in learned representations of images. Across several trained models and a novel dataset of synthetic vision neurons with paired ground-truth descriptions, MAIA produces descriptions comparable to those generated by expert human experimenters. We then show that MAIA can aid in two additional interpretability tasks: reducing sensitivity to spurious features, and automatically identifying inputs likely to be mis-classified.