Abstract:A widely used strategy to discover and understand language model mechanisms is circuit analysis. A circuit is a minimal subgraph of a model's computation graph that executes a specific task. We identify a gap in existing circuit discovery methods: they assume circuits are position-invariant, treating model components as equally relevant across input positions. This limits their ability to capture cross-positional interactions or mechanisms that vary across positions. To address this gap, we propose two improvements to incorporate positionality into circuits, even on tasks containing variable-length examples. First, we extend edge attribution patching, a gradient-based method for circuit discovery, to differentiate between token positions. Second, we introduce the concept of a dataset schema, which defines token spans with similar semantics across examples, enabling position-aware circuit discovery in datasets with variable length examples. We additionally develop an automated pipeline for schema generation and application using large language models. Our approach enables fully automated discovery of position-sensitive circuits, yielding better trade-offs between circuit size and faithfulness compared to prior work.
Abstract:We present SliderSpace, a framework for automatically decomposing the visual capabilities of diffusion models into controllable and human-understandable directions. Unlike existing control methods that require a user to specify attributes for each edit direction individually, SliderSpace discovers multiple interpretable and diverse directions simultaneously from a single text prompt. Each direction is trained as a low-rank adaptor, enabling compositional control and the discovery of surprising possibilities in the model's latent space. Through extensive experiments on state-of-the-art diffusion models, we demonstrate SliderSpace's effectiveness across three applications: concept decomposition, artistic style exploration, and diversity enhancement. Our quantitative evaluation shows that SliderSpace-discovered directions decompose the visual structure of model's knowledge effectively, offering insights into the latent capabilities encoded within diffusion models. User studies further validate that our method produces more diverse and useful variations compared to baselines. Our code, data and trained weights are available at https://sliderspace.baulab.info
Abstract:Mechanistic interpretability aims to understand the computational mechanisms underlying neural networks' capabilities in order to accomplish concrete scientific and engineering goals. Progress in this field thus promises to provide greater assurance over AI system behavior and shed light on exciting scientific questions about the nature of intelligence. Despite recent progress toward these goals, there are many open problems in the field that require solutions before many scientific and practical benefits can be realized: Our methods require both conceptual and practical improvements to reveal deeper insights; we must figure out how best to apply our methods in pursuit of specific goals; and the field must grapple with socio-technical challenges that influence and are influenced by our work. This forward-facing review discusses the current frontier of mechanistic interpretability and the open problems that the field may benefit from prioritizing.
Abstract:We articulate fundamental mismatches between technical methods for machine unlearning in Generative AI, and documented aspirations for broader impact that these methods could have for law and policy. These aspirations are both numerous and varied, motivated by issues that pertain to privacy, copyright, safety, and more. For example, unlearning is often invoked as a solution for removing the effects of targeted information from a generative-AI model's parameters, e.g., a particular individual's personal data or in-copyright expression of Spiderman that was included in the model's training data. Unlearning is also proposed as a way to prevent a model from generating targeted types of information in its outputs, e.g., generations that closely resemble a particular individual's data or reflect the concept of "Spiderman." Both of these goals--the targeted removal of information from a model and the targeted suppression of information from a model's outputs--present various technical and substantive challenges. We provide a framework for thinking rigorously about these challenges, which enables us to be clear about why unlearning is not a general-purpose solution for circumscribing generative-AI model behavior in service of broader positive impact. We aim for conceptual clarity and to encourage more thoughtful communication among machine learning (ML), law, and policy experts who seek to develop and apply technical methods for compliance with policy objectives.
Abstract:We explore the question: "How much prior art knowledge is needed to create art?" To investigate this, we propose a text-to-image generation model trained without access to art-related content. We then introduce a simple yet effective method to learn an art adapter using only a few examples of selected artistic styles. Our experiments show that art generated using our method is perceived by users as comparable to art produced by models trained on large, art-rich datasets. Finally, through data attribution techniques, we illustrate how examples from both artistic and non-artistic datasets contributed to the creation of new artistic styles.
Abstract:Concept erasure in language models has traditionally lacked a comprehensive evaluation framework, leading to incomplete assessments of effectiveness of erasure methods. We propose an evaluation paradigm centered on three critical criteria: innocence (complete knowledge removal), seamlessness (maintaining conditional fluent generation), and specificity (preserving unrelated task performance). Our evaluation metrics naturally motivate the development of Erasure of Language Memory (ELM), a new method designed to address all three dimensions. ELM employs targeted low-rank updates to alter output distributions for erased concepts while preserving overall model capabilities including fluency when prompted for an erased concept. We demonstrate ELM's efficacy on biosecurity, cybersecurity, and literary domain erasure tasks. Comparative analysis shows that ELM achieves superior performance across our proposed metrics, including near-random scores on erased topic assessments, generation fluency, maintained accuracy on unrelated benchmarks, and robustness under adversarial attacks. Our code, data, and trained models are available at https://elm.baulab.info
Abstract:Interpretability provides a toolset for understanding how and why neural networks behave in certain ways. However, there is little unity in the field: most studies employ ad-hoc evaluations and do not share theoretical foundations, making it difficult to measure progress and compare the pros and cons of different techniques. Furthermore, while mechanistic understanding is frequently discussed, the basic causal units underlying these mechanisms are often not explicitly defined. In this paper, we propose a perspective on interpretability research grounded in causal mediation analysis. Specifically, we describe the history and current state of interpretability taxonomized according to the types of causal units (mediators) employed, as well as methods used to search over mediators. We discuss the pros and cons of each mediator, providing insights as to when particular kinds of mediators and search methods are most appropriate depending on the goals of a given study. We argue that this framing yields a more cohesive narrative of the field, as well as actionable insights for future work. Specifically, we recommend a focus on discovering new mediators with better trade-offs between human-interpretability and compute-efficiency, and which can uncover more sophisticated abstractions from neural networks than the primarily linear mediators employed in current work. We also argue for more standardized evaluations that enable principled comparisons across mediator types, such that we can better understand when particular causal units are better suited to particular use cases.
Abstract:What latent features are encoded in language model (LM) representations? Recent work on training sparse autoencoders (SAEs) to disentangle interpretable features in LM representations has shown significant promise. However, evaluating the quality of these SAEs is difficult because we lack a ground-truth collection of interpretable features that we expect good SAEs to recover. We thus propose to measure progress in interpretable dictionary learning by working in the setting of LMs trained on chess and Othello transcripts. These settings carry natural collections of interpretable features -- for example, "there is a knight on F3" -- which we leverage into $\textit{supervised}$ metrics for SAE quality. To guide progress in interpretable dictionary learning, we introduce a new SAE training technique, $\textit{p-annealing}$, which improves performance on prior unsupervised metrics as well as our new metrics.
Abstract:The enormous scale of state-of-the-art foundation models has limited their accessibility to scientists, because customized experiments at large model sizes require costly hardware and complex engineering that is impractical for most researchers. To alleviate these problems, we introduce NNsight, an open-source Python package with a simple, flexible API that can express interventions on any PyTorch model by building computation graphs. We also introduce NDIF, a collaborative research platform providing researchers access to foundation-scale LLMs via the NNsight API. Code, documentation, and tutorials are available at https://www.nnsight.net.
Abstract:LLMs process text as sequences of tokens that roughly correspond to words, where less common words are represented by multiple tokens. However, individual tokens are often semantically unrelated to the meanings of the words/concepts they comprise. For example, Llama-2-7b's tokenizer splits the word "northeastern" into the tokens ['_n', 'ort', 'he', 'astern'], none of which correspond to semantically meaningful units like "north" or "east." Similarly, the overall meanings of named entities like "Neil Young" and multi-word expressions like "break a leg" cannot be directly inferred from their constituent tokens. Mechanistically, how do LLMs convert such arbitrary groups of tokens into useful higher-level representations? In this work, we find that last token representations of named entities and multi-token words exhibit a pronounced "erasure" effect, where information about previous and current tokens is rapidly forgotten in early layers. Using this observation, we propose a method to "read out" the implicit vocabulary of an autoregressive LLM by examining differences in token representations across layers, and present results of this method for Llama-2-7b and Llama-3-8B. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to probe the implicit vocabulary of an LLM.