Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in recent years but are fundamentally limited by the underlying training data. To improve models beyond the training data, recent works have explored how LLMs can be used to generate synthetic data for autonomous self-improvement. However, successive steps of self-improvement can reach a point of diminishing returns. In this work, we propose a complementary approach towards self-improvement where finetuning is applied to a multiagent society of language models. A group of language models, all starting from the same base model, are independently specialized by updating each one using data generated through multiagent interactions among the models. By training each model on independent sets of data, we illustrate how this approach enables specialization across models and diversification over the set of models. As a result, our overall system is able to preserve diverse reasoning chains and autonomously improve over many more rounds of fine-tuning than single-agent self-improvement methods. We quantitatively illustrate the efficacy of the approach across a wide suite of reasoning tasks.
Abstract:The field of Machine Learning has changed significantly since the 1970s. However, its most basic principle, Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), remains unchanged. We propose Functional Risk Minimization~(FRM), a general framework where losses compare functions rather than outputs. This results in better performance in supervised, unsupervised, and RL experiments. In the FRM paradigm, for each data point $(x_i,y_i)$ there is function $f_{\theta_i}$ that fits it: $y_i = f_{\theta_i}(x_i)$. This allows FRM to subsume ERM for many common loss functions and to capture more realistic noise processes. We also show that FRM provides an avenue towards understanding generalization in the modern over-parameterized regime, as its objective can be framed as finding the simplest model that fits the training data.
Abstract:Studies of the functional role of the primate ventral visual stream have traditionally focused on object categorization, often ignoring -- despite much prior evidence -- its role in estimating "spatial" latents such as object position and pose. Most leading ventral stream models are derived by optimizing networks for object categorization, which seems to imply that the ventral stream is also derived under such an objective. Here, we explore an alternative hypothesis: Might the ventral stream be optimized for estimating spatial latents? And a closely related question: How different -- if at all -- are representations learned from spatial latent estimation compared to categorization? To ask these questions, we leveraged synthetic image datasets generated by a 3D graphic engine and trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to estimate different combinations of spatial and category latents. We found that models trained to estimate just a few spatial latents achieve neural alignment scores comparable to those trained on hundreds of categories, and the spatial latent performance of models strongly correlates with their neural alignment. Spatial latent and category-trained models have very similar -- but not identical -- internal representations, especially in their early and middle layers. We provide evidence that this convergence is partly driven by non-target latent variability in the training data, which facilitates the implicit learning of representations of those non-target latents. Taken together, these results suggest that many training objectives, such as spatial latents, can lead to similar models aligned neurally with the ventral stream. Thus, one should not assume that the ventral stream is optimized for object categorization only. As a field, we need to continue to sharpen our measures of comparing models to brains to better understand the functional roles of the ventral stream.
Abstract:Reconstructing compositional 3D representations of scenes, where each object is represented with its own 3D model, is a highly desirable capability in robotics and augmented reality. However, most existing methods rely heavily on strong appearance priors for object discovery, therefore only working on those classes of objects on which the method has been trained, or do not allow for object manipulation, which is necessary to scan objects fully and to guide object discovery in challenging scenarios. We address these limitations with a novel interaction-guided and class-agnostic method based on object displacements that allows a user to move around a scene with an RGB-D camera, hold up objects, and finally outputs one 3D model per held-up object. Our main contribution to this end is a novel approach to detecting user-object interactions and extracting the masks of manipulated objects. On a custom-captured dataset, our pipeline discovers manipulated objects with 78.3% precision at 100% recall and reconstructs them with a mean chamfer distance of 0.90cm. Compared to Co-Fusion, the only comparable interaction-based and class-agnostic baseline, this corresponds to a reduction in chamfer distance of 73% while detecting 99% fewer false positives.
Abstract:Broadly intelligent agents should form task-specific abstractions that selectively expose the essential elements of a task, while abstracting away the complexity of the raw sensorimotor space. In this work, we present Neuro-Symbolic Predicates, a first-order abstraction language that combines the strengths of symbolic and neural knowledge representations. We outline an online algorithm for inventing such predicates and learning abstract world models. We compare our approach to hierarchical reinforcement learning, vision-language model planning, and symbolic predicate invention approaches, on both in- and out-of-distribution tasks across five simulated robotic domains. Results show that our approach offers better sample complexity, stronger out-of-distribution generalization, and improved interpretability.
Abstract:Generalization to novel object configurations and instances across diverse tasks and environments is a critical challenge in robotics. Keypoint-based representations have been proven effective as a succinct representation for capturing essential object features, and for establishing a reference frame in action prediction, enabling data-efficient learning of robot skills. However, their manual design nature and reliance on additional human labels limit their scalability. In this paper, we propose KALM, a framework that leverages large pre-trained vision-language models (LMs) to automatically generate task-relevant and cross-instance consistent keypoints. KALM distills robust and consistent keypoints across views and objects by generating proposals using LMs and verifies them against a small set of robot demonstration data. Based on the generated keypoints, we can train keypoint-conditioned policy models that predict actions in keypoint-centric frames, enabling robots to generalize effectively across varying object poses, camera views, and object instances with similar functional shapes. Our method demonstrates strong performance in the real world, adapting to different tasks and environments from only a handful of demonstrations while requiring no additional labels. Website:
Abstract:Previous research has explored the computational expressivity of Transformer models in simulating Boolean circuits or Turing machines. However, the learnability of these simulators from observational data has remained an open question. Our study addresses this gap by providing the first polynomial-time learnability results (specifically strong, agnostic PAC learning) for single-layer Transformers with linear attention. We show that linear attention may be viewed as a linear predictor in a suitably defined RKHS. As a consequence, the problem of learning any linear transformer may be converted into the problem of learning an ordinary linear predictor in an expanded feature space, and any such predictor may be converted back into a multiheaded linear transformer. Moving to generalization, we show how to efficiently identify training datasets for which every empirical risk minimizer is equivalent (up to trivial symmetries) to the linear Transformer that generated the data, thereby guaranteeing the learned model will correctly generalize across all inputs. Finally, we provide examples of computations expressible via linear attention and therefore polynomial-time learnable, including associative memories, finite automata, and a class of Universal Turing Machine (UTMs) with polynomially bounded computation histories. We empirically validate our theoretical findings on three tasks: learning random linear attention networks, key--value associations, and learning to execute finite automata. Our findings bridge a critical gap between theoretical expressivity and learnability of Transformers, and show that flexible and general models of computation are efficiently learnable.
Abstract:Spoken language instructions are ubiquitous in agent collaboration. However, in human-robot collaboration, recognition accuracy for human speech is often influenced by various speech and environmental factors, such as background noise, the speaker's accents, and mispronunciation. When faced with noisy or unfamiliar auditory inputs, humans use context and prior knowledge to disambiguate the stimulus and take pragmatic actions, a process referred to as top-down processing in cognitive science. We present a cognitively inspired model, Speech Instruction Following through Theory of Mind (SIFToM), to enable robots to pragmatically follow human instructions under diverse speech conditions by inferring the human's goal and joint plan as prior for speech perception and understanding. We test SIFToM in simulated home experiments (VirtualHome 2). Results show that the SIFToM model outperforms state-of-the-art speech and language models, approaching human-level accuracy on challenging speech instruction following tasks. We then demonstrate its ability at the task planning level on a mobile manipulator for breakfast preparation tasks.
Abstract:A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
Abstract:We introduce a benchmark to directly evaluate the alignment between human observers and vision models on a 3D shape inference task. We leverage an experimental design from the cognitive sciences which requires zero-shot visual inferences about object shape: given a set of images, participants identify which contain the same/different objects, despite considerable viewpoint variation. We draw from a diverse range of images that include common objects (e.g., chairs) as well as abstract shapes (i.e., procedurally generated `nonsense' objects). After constructing over 2000 unique image sets, we administer these tasks to human participants, collecting 35K trials of behavioral data from over 500 participants. This includes explicit choice behaviors as well as intermediate measures, such as reaction time and gaze data. We then evaluate the performance of common vision models (e.g., DINOv2, MAE, CLIP). We find that humans outperform all models by a wide margin. Using a multi-scale evaluation approach, we identify underlying similarities and differences between models and humans: while human-model performance is correlated, humans allocate more time/processing on challenging trials. All images, data, and code can be accessed via our project page.