Abstract:The discriminative feature is crucial for point cloud registration. Recent methods improve the feature discriminative by distinguishing between non-overlapping and overlapping region points. However, they still face challenges in distinguishing the ambiguous structures in the overlapping regions. Therefore, the ambiguous features they extracted resulted in a significant number of outlier matches from overlapping regions. To solve this problem, we propose a prior-guided SMoE-based registration method to improve the feature distinctiveness by dispatching the potential correspondences to the same experts. Specifically, we propose a prior-guided SMoE module by fusing prior overlap and potential correspondence embeddings for routing, assigning tokens to the most suitable experts for processing. In addition, we propose a registration framework by a specific combination of Transformer layer and prior-guided SMoE module. The proposed method not only pays attention to the importance of locating the overlapping areas of point clouds, but also commits to finding more accurate correspondences in overlapping areas. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving state-of-the-art registration recall (95.7\%/79.3\%) on the 3DMatch/3DLoMatch benchmark. Moreover, we also test the performance on ModelNet40 and demonstrate excellent performance.
Abstract:Talking head video generation aims to generate a realistic talking head video that preserves the person's identity from a source image and the motion from a driving video. Despite the promising progress made in the field, it remains a challenging and critical problem to generate videos with accurate poses and fine-grained facial details simultaneously. Essentially, facial motion is often highly complex to model precisely, and the one-shot source face image cannot provide sufficient appearance guidance during generation due to dynamic pose changes. To tackle the problem, we propose to jointly learn motion and appearance codebooks and perform multi-scale codebook compensation to effectively refine both the facial motion conditions and appearance features for talking face image decoding. Specifically, the designed multi-scale motion and appearance codebooks are learned simultaneously in a unified framework to store representative global facial motion flow and appearance patterns. Then, we present a novel multi-scale motion and appearance compensation module, which utilizes a transformer-based codebook retrieval strategy to query complementary information from the two codebooks for joint motion and appearance compensation. The entire process produces motion flows of greater flexibility and appearance features with fewer distortions across different scales, resulting in a high-quality talking head video generation framework. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrate superior generation results from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives when compared to state-of-the-art competitors.
Abstract:Existing conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) with a Noise-Conditional Framework (NCF) remain challenging for 3D scene understanding tasks, as the complex geometric details in scenes increase the difficulty of fitting the gradients of the data distribution (the scores) from semantic labels. This also results in longer training and inference time for DDPMs compared to non-DDPMs. From a different perspective, we delve deeply into the model paradigm dominated by the Conditional Network. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end robust semantic \textbf{Seg}mentation \textbf{Net}work based on a \textbf{C}onditional-Noise Framework (CNF) of D\textbf{D}PMs, named \textbf{CDSegNet}. Specifically, CDSegNet models the Noise Network (NN) as a learnable noise-feature generator. This enables the Conditional Network (CN) to understand 3D scene semantics under multi-level feature perturbations, enhancing the generalization in unseen scenes. Meanwhile, benefiting from the noise system of DDPMs, CDSegNet exhibits strong noise and sparsity robustness in experiments. Moreover, thanks to CNF, CDSegNet can generate the semantic labels in a single-step inference like non-DDPMs, due to avoiding directly fitting the scores from semantic labels in the dominant network of CDSegNet. On public indoor and outdoor benchmarks, CDSegNet significantly outperforms existing methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:This paper proposes a concise, elegant, and robust pipeline to estimate smooth camera trajectories and obtain dense point clouds for casual videos in the wild. Traditional frameworks, such as ParticleSfM~\cite{zhao2022particlesfm}, address this problem by sequentially computing the optical flow between adjacent frames to obtain point trajectories. They then remove dynamic trajectories through motion segmentation and perform global bundle adjustment. However, the process of estimating optical flow between two adjacent frames and chaining the matches can introduce cumulative errors. Additionally, motion segmentation combined with single-view depth estimation often faces challenges related to scale ambiguity. To tackle these challenges, we propose a dynamic-aware tracking any point (DATAP) method that leverages consistent video depth and point tracking. Specifically, our DATAP addresses these issues by estimating dense point tracking across the video sequence and predicting the visibility and dynamics of each point. By incorporating the consistent video depth prior, the performance of motion segmentation is enhanced. With the integration of DATAP, it becomes possible to estimate and optimize all camera poses simultaneously by performing global bundle adjustments for point tracking classified as static and visible, rather than relying on incremental camera registration. Extensive experiments on dynamic sequences, e.g., Sintel and TUM RGBD dynamic sequences, and on the wild video, e.g., DAVIS, demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of camera pose estimation even in complex dynamic challenge scenes.
Abstract:Diffusion-based methods have achieved remarkable achievements in 2D image or 3D object generation, however, the generation of 3D scenes and even $360^{\circ}$ images remains constrained, due to the limited number of scene datasets, the complexity of 3D scenes themselves, and the difficulty of generating consistent multi-view images. To address these issues, we first establish a large-scale panoramic video-text dataset containing millions of consecutive panoramic keyframes with corresponding panoramic depths, camera poses, and text descriptions. Then, we propose a novel text-driven panoramic generation framework, termed DiffPano, to achieve scalable, consistent, and diverse panoramic scene generation. Specifically, benefiting from the powerful generative capabilities of stable diffusion, we fine-tune a single-view text-to-panorama diffusion model with LoRA on the established panoramic video-text dataset. We further design a spherical epipolar-aware multi-view diffusion model to ensure the multi-view consistency of the generated panoramic images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiffPano can generate scalable, consistent, and diverse panoramic images with given unseen text descriptions and camera poses.
Abstract:This paper presents an advanced mathematical problem-solving framework, LLaMA-Berry, for enhancing the mathematical reasoning ability of Large Language Models (LLMs). The framework combines Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with iterative Self-Refine to optimize the reasoning path and utilizes a pairwise reward model to evaluate different paths globally. By leveraging the self-critic and rewriting capabilities of LLMs, Self-Refine applied to MCTS (SR-MCTS) overcomes the inefficiencies and limitations of conventional step-wise and greedy search algorithms by fostering a more efficient exploration of solution spaces. Pairwise Preference Reward Model~(PPRM), inspired by Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), is then used to model pairwise preferences between solutions, utilizing an Enhanced Borda Count (EBC) method to synthesize these preferences into a global ranking score to find better answers. This approach addresses the challenges of scoring variability and non-independent distributions in mathematical reasoning tasks. The framework has been tested on general and advanced benchmarks, showing superior performance in terms of search efficiency and problem-solving capability compared to existing methods like ToT and rStar, particularly in complex Olympiad-level benchmarks, including GPQA, AIME24 and AMC23.
Abstract:Compared to single-modal knowledge distillation, cross-modal knowledge distillation faces more severe challenges due to domain gaps between modalities. Although various methods have proposed various solutions to overcome these challenges, there is still limited research on how domain gaps affect cross-modal knowledge distillation. This paper provides an in-depth analysis and evaluation of this issue. We first introduce the Non-Target Divergence Hypothesis (NTDH) to reveal the impact of domain gaps on cross-modal knowledge distillation. Our key finding is that domain gaps between modalities lead to distribution differences in non-target classes, and the smaller these differences, the better the performance of cross-modal knowledge distillation. Subsequently, based on Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory, we derive the upper and lower bounds of the approximation error for cross-modal knowledge distillation, thereby theoretically validating the NTDH. Finally, experiments on five cross-modal datasets further confirm the validity, generalisability, and applicability of the NTDH.
Abstract:The controllability of 3D object generation methods is achieved through input text. Existing text-to-3D object generation methods primarily focus on generating a single object based on a single object description. However, these methods often face challenges in producing results that accurately correspond to our desired positions when the input text involves multiple objects. To address the issue of controllability in generating multiple objects, this paper introduces COMOGen, a COntrollable text-to-3D Multi-Object Generation framework. COMOGen enables the simultaneous generation of multiple 3D objects by the distillation of layout and multi-view prior knowledge. The framework consists of three modules: the layout control module, the multi-view consistency control module, and the 3D content enhancement module. Moreover, to integrate these three modules as an integral framework, we propose Layout Multi-view Score Distillation, which unifies two prior knowledge and further enhances the diversity and quality of generated 3D content. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods, which represents a significant step forward in enabling more controlled and versatile text-based 3D content generation.
Abstract:Training deep models for LiDAR semantic segmentation is challenging due to the inherent sparsity of point clouds. Utilizing temporal data is a natural remedy against the sparsity problem as it makes the input signal denser. However, previous multi-frame fusion algorithms fall short in utilizing sufficient temporal information due to the memory constraint, and they also ignore the informative temporal images. To fully exploit rich information hidden in long-term temporal point clouds and images, we present the Temporal Aggregation Network, termed TASeg. Specifically, we propose a Temporal LiDAR Aggregation and Distillation (TLAD) algorithm, which leverages historical priors to assign different aggregation steps for different classes. It can largely reduce memory and time overhead while achieving higher accuracy. Besides, TLAD trains a teacher injected with gt priors to distill the model, further boosting the performance. To make full use of temporal images, we design a Temporal Image Aggregation and Fusion (TIAF) module, which can greatly expand the camera FOV and enhance the present features. Temporal LiDAR points in the camera FOV are used as mediums to transform temporal image features to the present coordinate for temporal multi-modal fusion. Moreover, we develop a Static-Moving Switch Augmentation (SMSA) algorithm, which utilizes sufficient temporal information to enable objects to switch their motion states freely, thus greatly increasing static and moving training samples. Our TASeg ranks 1st on three challenging tracks, i.e., SemanticKITTI single-scan track, multi-scan track and nuScenes LiDAR segmentation track, strongly demonstrating the superiority of our method. Codes are available at https://github.com/LittlePey/TASeg.
Abstract:This paper introduces the MCT Self-Refine (MCTSr) algorithm, an innovative integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), designed to enhance performance in complex mathematical reasoning tasks. Addressing the challenges of accuracy and reliability in LLMs, particularly in strategic and mathematical reasoning, MCTSr leverages systematic exploration and heuristic self-refine mechanisms to improve decision-making frameworks within LLMs. The algorithm constructs a Monte Carlo search tree through iterative processes of Selection, self-refine, self-evaluation, and Backpropagation, utilizing an improved Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) formula to optimize the exploration-exploitation balance. Extensive experiments demonstrate MCTSr's efficacy in solving Olympiad-level mathematical problems, significantly improving success rates across multiple datasets, including GSM8K, GSM Hard, MATH, and Olympiad-level benchmarks, including Math Odyssey, AIME, and OlympiadBench. The study advances the application of LLMs in complex reasoning tasks and sets a foundation for future AI integration, enhancing decision-making accuracy and reliability in LLM-driven applications.