Abstract:Point cloud registration approaches often fail when the overlap between point clouds is low due to noisy point correspondences. This work introduces a novel cross-attention mechanism tailored for Transformer-based architectures that tackles this problem, by fusing information from coordinates and features at the super-point level between point clouds. This formulation has remained unexplored primarily because it must guarantee rotation and translation invariance since point clouds reside in different and independent reference frames. We integrate the Gromov-Wasserstein distance into the cross-attention formulation to jointly compute distances between points across different point clouds and account for their geometric structure. By doing so, points from two distinct point clouds can attend to each other under arbitrary rigid transformations. At the point level, we also devise a self-attention mechanism that aggregates the local geometric structure information into point features for fine matching. Our formulation boosts the number of inlier correspondences, thereby yielding more precise registration results compared to state-of-the-art approaches. We have conducted an extensive evaluation on 3DMatch, 3DLoMatch, KITTI, and 3DCSR datasets.
Abstract:Source-free domain-adaptive object detection is an interesting but scarcely addressed topic. It aims at adapting a source-pretrained detector to a distinct target domain without resorting to source data during adaptation. So far, there is no data augmentation scheme tailored to source-free domain-adaptive object detection. To this end, this paper presents a novel data augmentation approach that cuts out target image regions where the detector is confident, augments them along with their respective pseudo-labels, and joins them into a challenging target image to adapt the detector. As the source data is out of reach during adaptation, we implement our approach within a teacher-student learning paradigm to ensure that the model does not collapse during the adaptation procedure. We evaluated our approach on three adaptation benchmarks of traffic scenes, scoring new state-of-the-art on two of them.
Abstract:Supervised 3D part segmentation models are tailored for a fixed set of objects and parts, limiting their transferability to open-set, real-world scenarios. Recent works have explored vision-language models (VLMs) as a promising alternative, using multi-view rendering and textual prompting to identify object parts. However, naively applying VLMs in this context introduces several drawbacks, such as the need for meticulous prompt engineering, and fails to leverage the 3D geometric structure of objects. To address these limitations, we propose COPS, a COmprehensive model for Parts Segmentation that blends the semantics extracted from visual concepts and 3D geometry to effectively identify object parts. COPS renders a point cloud from multiple viewpoints, extracts 2D features, projects them back to 3D, and uses a novel geometric-aware feature aggregation procedure to ensure spatial and semantic consistency. Finally, it clusters points into parts and labels them. We demonstrate that COPS is efficient, scalable, and achieves zero-shot state-of-the-art performance across five datasets, covering synthetic and real-world data, texture-less and coloured objects, as well as rigid and non-rigid shapes. The code is available at https://3d-cops.github.io.
Abstract:Enabling Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand the 3D physical world is an emerging yet challenging research direction. Current strategies for processing point clouds typically downsample the scene or divide it into smaller parts for separate analysis. However, both approaches risk losing key local details or global contextual information. In this paper, we introduce PerLA, a 3D language assistant designed to be more perceptive to both details and context, making visual representations more informative for the LLM. PerLA captures high-resolution (local) details in parallel from different point cloud areas and integrates them with (global) context obtained from a lower-resolution whole point cloud. We present a novel algorithm that preserves point cloud locality through the Hilbert curve and effectively aggregates local-to-global information via cross-attention and a graph neural network. Lastly, we introduce a novel loss for local representation consensus to promote training stability. PerLA outperforms state-of-the-art 3D language assistants, with gains of up to +1.34 CiDEr on ScanQA for question answering, and +4.22 on ScanRefer and +3.88 on Nr3D for dense captioning.\url{https://gfmei.github.io/PerLA/}
Abstract:Understanding functionalities in 3D scenes involves interpreting natural language descriptions to locate functional interactive objects, such as handles and buttons, in a 3D environment. Functionality understanding is highly challenging, as it requires both world knowledge to interpret language and spatial perception to identify fine-grained objects. For example, given a task like 'turn on the ceiling light', an embodied AI agent must infer that it needs to locate the light switch, even though the switch is not explicitly mentioned in the task description. To date, no dedicated methods have been developed for this problem. In this paper, we introduce Fun3DU, the first approach designed for functionality understanding in 3D scenes. Fun3DU uses a language model to parse the task description through Chain-of-Thought reasoning in order to identify the object of interest. The identified object is segmented across multiple views of the captured scene by using a vision and language model. The segmentation results from each view are lifted in 3D and aggregated into the point cloud using geometric information. Fun3DU is training-free, relying entirely on pre-trained models. We evaluate Fun3DU on SceneFun3D, the most recent and only dataset to benchmark this task, which comprises over 3000 task descriptions on 230 scenes. Our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art open-vocabulary 3D segmentation approaches. Project page: https://jcorsetti.github.io/fun3du
Abstract:Most recent 3D instance segmentation methods are open vocabulary, offering a greater flexibility than closed-vocabulary methods. Yet, they are limited to reasoning within a specific set of concepts, \ie the vocabulary, prompted by the user at test time. In essence, these models cannot reason in an open-ended fashion, i.e., answering ``List the objects in the scene.''. We introduce the first method to address 3D instance segmentation in a setting that is void of any vocabulary prior, namely a vocabulary-free setting. We leverage a large vision-language assistant and an open-vocabulary 2D instance segmenter to discover and ground semantic categories on the posed images. To form 3D instance mask, we first partition the input point cloud into dense superpoints, which are then merged into 3D instance masks. We propose a novel superpoint merging strategy via spectral clustering, accounting for both mask coherence and semantic coherence that are estimated from the 2D object instance masks. We evaluate our method using ScanNet200 and Replica, outperforming existing methods in both vocabulary-free and open-vocabulary settings. Code will be made available.
Abstract:We propose 6DGS to estimate the camera pose of a target RGB image given a 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) model representing the scene. 6DGS avoids the iterative process typical of analysis-by-synthesis methods (e.g. iNeRF) that also require an initialization of the camera pose in order to converge. Instead, our method estimates a 6DoF pose by inverting the 3DGS rendering process. Starting from the object surface, we define a radiant Ellicell that uniformly generates rays departing from each ellipsoid that parameterize the 3DGS model. Each Ellicell ray is associated with the rendering parameters of each ellipsoid, which in turn is used to obtain the best bindings between the target image pixels and the cast rays. These pixel-ray bindings are then ranked to select the best scoring bundle of rays, which their intersection provides the camera center and, in turn, the camera rotation. The proposed solution obviates the necessity of an "a priori" pose for initialization, and it solves 6DoF pose estimation in closed form, without the need for iterations. Moreover, compared to the existing Novel View Synthesis (NVS) baselines for pose estimation, 6DGS can improve the overall average rotational accuracy by 12% and translation accuracy by 22% on real scenes, despite not requiring any initialization pose. At the same time, our method operates near real-time, reaching 15fps on consumer hardware.
Abstract:The generalisation to unseen objects in the 6D pose estimation task is very challenging. While Vision-Language Models (VLMs) enable using natural language descriptions to support 6D pose estimation of unseen objects, these solutions underperform compared to model-based methods. In this work we present Horyon, an open-vocabulary VLM-based architecture that addresses relative pose estimation between two scenes of an unseen object, described by a textual prompt only. We use the textual prompt to identify the unseen object in the scenes and then obtain high-resolution multi-scale features. These features are used to extract cross-scene matches for registration. We evaluate our model on a benchmark with a large variety of unseen objects across four datasets, namely REAL275, Toyota-Light, Linemod, and YCB-Video. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on all datasets, outperforming by 12.6 in Average Recall the previous best-performing approach.
Abstract:Berry picking has long-standing traditions in Finland, yet it is challenging and can potentially be dangerous. The integration of drones equipped with advanced imaging techniques represents a transformative leap forward, optimising harvests and promising sustainable practices. We propose WildBe, the first image dataset of wild berries captured in peatlands and under the canopy of Finnish forests using drones. Unlike previous and related datasets, WildBe includes new varieties of berries, such as bilberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, and crowberries, captured under severe light variations and in cluttered environments. WildBe features 3,516 images, including a total of 18,468 annotated bounding boxes. We carry out a comprehensive analysis of WildBe using six popular object detectors, assessing their effectiveness in berry detection across different forest regions and camera types. We will release WildBe publicly.
Abstract:Automatic retinal layer segmentation with medical images, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, serves as an important tool for diagnosing ophthalmic diseases. However, it is challenging to achieve accurate segmentation due to low contrast and blood flow noises presented in the images. In addition, the algorithm should be light-weight to be deployed for practical clinical applications. Therefore, it is desired to design a light-weight network with high performance for retinal layer segmentation. In this paper, we propose LightReSeg for retinal layer segmentation which can be applied to OCT images. Specifically, our approach follows an encoder-decoder structure, where the encoder part employs multi-scale feature extraction and a Transformer block for fully exploiting the semantic information of feature maps at all scales and making the features have better global reasoning capabilities, while the decoder part, we design a multi-scale asymmetric attention (MAA) module for preserving the semantic information at each encoder scale. The experiments show that our approach achieves a better segmentation performance compared to the current state-of-the-art method TransUnet with 105.7M parameters on both our collected dataset and two other public datasets, with only 3.3M parameters.