Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach to Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO), focusing on the initialization and feature matching modules. Existing methods for initialization often suffer from either poor stability in visual Structure from Motion (SfM) or fragility in solving a huge number of parameters simultaneously. To address these challenges, we propose a new pipeline for visual inertial initialization that robustly handles various complex scenarios. By tightly coupling gyroscope measurements, we enhance the robustness and accuracy of visual SfM. Our method demonstrates stable performance even with only four image frames, yielding competitive results. In terms of feature matching, we introduce a hybrid method that combines optical flow and descriptor-based matching. By leveraging the robustness of continuous optical flow tracking and the accuracy of descriptor matching, our approach achieves efficient, accurate, and robust tracking results. Through evaluation on multiple benchmarks, our method demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and success rate. Additionally, a video demonstration on mobile devices showcases the practical applicability of our approach in the field of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR).
Abstract:White Light Interferometry (WLI) is a precise optical tool for measuring the 3D topography of microstructures. However, conventional WLI cannot capture the natural color of a sample's surface, which is essential for many microscale research applications that require both 3D geometry and color information. Previous methods have attempted to overcome this limitation by modifying WLI hardware and analysis software, but these solutions are often costly. In this work, we address this challenge from a computer vision multi-modal reconstruction perspective for the first time. We introduce OpticFusion, a novel approach that uses an additional digital optical microscope (OM) to achieve 3D reconstruction with natural color textures using multi-view WLI and OM images. Our method employs a two-step data association process to obtain the poses of WLI and OM data. By leveraging the neural implicit representation, we fuse multi-modal data and apply color decomposition technology to extract the sample's natural color. Tested on our multi-modal dataset of various microscale samples, OpticFusion achieves detailed 3D reconstructions with color textures. Our method provides an effective tool for practical applications across numerous microscale research fields. The source code and our real-world dataset are available at https://github.com/zju3dv/OpticFusion.
Abstract:Targeting the notorious cumulative drift errors in NeRF SLAM, we propose a Semantic-guided Loop Closure with Shared Latent Code, dubbed SLC$^2$-SLAM. Especially, we argue that latent codes stored in many NeRF SLAM systems are not fully exploited, as they are only used for better reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective way to detect potential loops using the same latent codes as local features. To further improve the loop detection performance, we use the semantic information, which are also decoded from the same latent codes to guide the aggregation of local features. Finally, with the potential loops detected, we close them with a graph optimization followed by bundle adjustment to refine both the estimated poses and the reconstructed scene. To evaluate the performance of our SLC$^2$-SLAM, we conduct extensive experiments on Replica and ScanNet datasets. Our proposed semantic-guided loop closure significantly outperforms the pre-trained NetVLAD and ORB combined with Bag-of-Words, which are used in all the other NeRF SLAM with loop closure. As a result, our SLC$^2$-SLAM also demonstrated better tracking and reconstruction performance, especially in larger scenes with more loops, like ScanNet.
Abstract:Recent advances in large reconstruction and generative models have significantly improved scene reconstruction and novel view generation. However, due to compute limitations, each inference with these large models is confined to a small area, making long-range consistent scene generation challenging. To address this, we propose StarGen, a novel framework that employs a pre-trained video diffusion model in an autoregressive manner for long-range scene generation. The generation of each video clip is conditioned on the 3D warping of spatially adjacent images and the temporally overlapping image from previously generated clips, improving spatiotemporal consistency in long-range scene generation with precise pose control. The spatiotemporal condition is compatible with various input conditions, facilitating diverse tasks, including sparse view interpolation, perpetual view generation, and layout-conditioned city generation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate StarGen's superior scalability, fidelity, and pose accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has demonstrated impressive performance in scene reconstruction. However, most existing GS-based surface reconstruction methods focus on 3D objects or limited scenes. Directly applying these methods to large-scale scene reconstruction will pose challenges such as high memory costs, excessive time consumption, and lack of geometric detail, which makes it difficult to implement in practical applications. To address these issues, we propose a multi-agent collaborative fast 3DGS surface reconstruction framework based on distributed learning for large-scale surface reconstruction. Specifically, we develop local model compression (LMC) and model aggregation schemes (MAS) to achieve high-quality surface representation of large scenes while reducing GPU memory consumption. Extensive experiments on Urban3d, MegaNeRF, and BlendedMVS demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve fast and scalable high-fidelity surface reconstruction and photorealistic rendering. Our project page is available at \url{https://gyy456.github.io/CoSurfGS}.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently attracted wide attentions in various areas such as 3D navigation, Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D simulation, due to its photorealistic and efficient rendering performance. High-quality reconstrution of 3DGS relies on sufficient splats and a reasonable distribution of these splats to fit real geometric surface and texture details, which turns out to be a challenging problem. We present GeoTexDensifier, a novel geometry-texture-aware densification strategy to reconstruct high-quality Gaussian splats which better comply with the geometric structure and texture richness of the scene. Specifically, our GeoTexDensifier framework carries out an auxiliary texture-aware densification method to produce a denser distribution of splats in fully textured areas, while keeping sparsity in low-texture regions to maintain the quality of Gaussian point cloud. Meanwhile, a geometry-aware splitting strategy takes depth and normal priors to guide the splitting sampling and filter out the noisy splats whose initial positions are far from the actual geometric surfaces they aim to fit, under a Validation of Depth Ratio Change checking. With the help of relative monocular depth prior, such geometry-aware validation can effectively reduce the influence of scattered Gaussians to the final rendering quality, especially in regions with weak textures or without sufficient training views. The texture-aware densification and geometry-aware splitting strategies are fully combined to obtain a set of high-quality Gaussian splats. We experiment our GeoTexDensifier framework on various datasets and compare our Novel View Synthesis results to other state-of-the-art 3DGS approaches, with detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluations to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in producing more photorealistic 3DGS models.
Abstract:3D spatial reasoning is the ability to analyze and interpret the positions, orientations, and spatial relationships of objects within the 3D space. This allows models to develop a comprehensive understanding of the 3D scene, enabling their applicability to a broader range of areas, such as autonomous navigation, robotics, and AR/VR. While large multi-modal models (LMMs) have achieved remarkable progress in a wide range of image and video understanding tasks, their capabilities to perform 3D spatial reasoning on diverse natural images are less studied. In this work we present the first comprehensive 3D spatial reasoning benchmark, 3DSRBench, with 2,772 manually annotated visual question-answer pairs across 12 question types. We conduct robust and thorough evaluation of 3D spatial reasoning capabilities by balancing the data distribution and adopting a novel FlipEval strategy. To further study the robustness of 3D spatial reasoning w.r.t. camera 3D viewpoints, our 3DSRBench includes two subsets with 3D spatial reasoning questions on paired images with common and uncommon viewpoints. We benchmark a wide range of open-sourced and proprietary LMMs, uncovering their limitations in various aspects of 3D awareness, such as height, orientation, location, and multi-object reasoning, as well as their degraded performance on images with uncommon camera viewpoints. Our 3DSRBench provide valuable findings and insights about the future development of LMMs with strong 3D reasoning capabilities. Our project page and dataset is available https://3dsrbench.github.io.
Abstract:This paper proposes a concise, elegant, and robust pipeline to estimate smooth camera trajectories and obtain dense point clouds for casual videos in the wild. Traditional frameworks, such as ParticleSfM~\cite{zhao2022particlesfm}, address this problem by sequentially computing the optical flow between adjacent frames to obtain point trajectories. They then remove dynamic trajectories through motion segmentation and perform global bundle adjustment. However, the process of estimating optical flow between two adjacent frames and chaining the matches can introduce cumulative errors. Additionally, motion segmentation combined with single-view depth estimation often faces challenges related to scale ambiguity. To tackle these challenges, we propose a dynamic-aware tracking any point (DATAP) method that leverages consistent video depth and point tracking. Specifically, our DATAP addresses these issues by estimating dense point tracking across the video sequence and predicting the visibility and dynamics of each point. By incorporating the consistent video depth prior, the performance of motion segmentation is enhanced. With the integration of DATAP, it becomes possible to estimate and optimize all camera poses simultaneously by performing global bundle adjustments for point tracking classified as static and visible, rather than relying on incremental camera registration. Extensive experiments on dynamic sequences, e.g., Sintel and TUM RGBD dynamic sequences, and on the wild video, e.g., DAVIS, demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of camera pose estimation even in complex dynamic challenge scenes.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view stereo (MVS) framework that gets rid of the depth range prior. Unlike recent prior-free MVS methods that work in a pair-wise manner, our method simultaneously considers all the source images. Specifically, we introduce a Multi-view Disparity Attention (MDA) module to aggregate long-range context information within and across multi-view images. Considering the asymmetry of the epipolar disparity flow, the key to our method lies in accurately modeling multi-view geometric constraints. We integrate pose embedding to encapsulate information such as multi-view camera poses, providing implicit geometric constraints for multi-view disparity feature fusion dominated by attention. Additionally, we construct corresponding hidden states for each source image due to significant differences in the observation quality of the same pixel in the reference frame across multiple source frames. We explicitly estimate the quality of the current pixel corresponding to sampled points on the epipolar line of the source image and dynamically update hidden states through the uncertainty estimation module. Extensive results on the DTU dataset and Tanks&Temple benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The code is available at our project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/GD-PoseMVS/.
Abstract:Diffusion-based methods have achieved remarkable achievements in 2D image or 3D object generation, however, the generation of 3D scenes and even $360^{\circ}$ images remains constrained, due to the limited number of scene datasets, the complexity of 3D scenes themselves, and the difficulty of generating consistent multi-view images. To address these issues, we first establish a large-scale panoramic video-text dataset containing millions of consecutive panoramic keyframes with corresponding panoramic depths, camera poses, and text descriptions. Then, we propose a novel text-driven panoramic generation framework, termed DiffPano, to achieve scalable, consistent, and diverse panoramic scene generation. Specifically, benefiting from the powerful generative capabilities of stable diffusion, we fine-tune a single-view text-to-panorama diffusion model with LoRA on the established panoramic video-text dataset. We further design a spherical epipolar-aware multi-view diffusion model to ensure the multi-view consistency of the generated panoramic images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiffPano can generate scalable, consistent, and diverse panoramic images with given unseen text descriptions and camera poses.