Abstract:Recent video generation models have shown promising results in producing high-quality video clips lasting several seconds. However, these models face challenges in generating long sequences that convey clear and informative events, limiting their ability to support coherent narrations. In this paper, we present a large-scale cooking video dataset designed to advance long-form narrative generation in the cooking domain. We validate the quality of our proposed dataset in terms of visual fidelity and textual caption accuracy using state-of-the-art Vision-Language Models (VLMs) and video generation models, respectively. We further introduce a Long Narrative Video Director to enhance both visual and semantic coherence in generated videos and emphasize the role of aligning visual embeddings to achieve improved overall video quality. Our method demonstrates substantial improvements in generating visually detailed and semantically aligned keyframes, supported by finetuning techniques that integrate text and image embeddings within the video generation process. Project page: https://videoauteur.github.io/
Abstract:Video temporal grounding aims to localize relevant temporal boundaries in a video given a textual prompt. Recent work has focused on enabling Video LLMs to perform video temporal grounding via next-token prediction of temporal timestamps. However, accurately localizing timestamps in videos remains challenging for Video LLMs when relying solely on temporal token prediction. Our proposed TimeRefine addresses this challenge in two ways. First, instead of directly predicting the start and end timestamps, we reformulate the temporal grounding task as a temporal refining task: the model first makes rough predictions and then refines them by predicting offsets to the target segment. This refining process is repeated multiple times, through which the model progressively self-improves its temporal localization accuracy. Second, to enhance the model's temporal perception capabilities, we incorporate an auxiliary prediction head that penalizes the model more if a predicted segment deviates further from the ground truth, thus encouraging the model to make closer and more accurate predictions. Our plug-and-play method can be integrated into most LLM-based temporal grounding approaches. The experimental results demonstrate that TimeRefine achieves 3.6% and 5.0% mIoU improvements on the ActivityNet and Charades-STA datasets, respectively. Code and pretrained models will be released.
Abstract:The increasing popularity of deep learning models has created new opportunities for developing AI-based recommender systems. Designing recommender systems using deep neural networks requires careful architecture design, and further optimization demands extensive co-design efforts on jointly optimizing model architecture and hardware. Design automation, such as Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), is necessary to fully exploit the potential of recommender model design, including model choices and model-hardware co-design strategies. We introduce a novel paradigm that utilizes weight sharing to explore abundant solution spaces. Our paradigm creates a large supernet to search for optimal architectures and co-design strategies to address the challenges of data multi-modality and heterogeneity in the recommendation domain. From a model perspective, the supernet includes a variety of operators, dense connectivity, and dimension search options. From a co-design perspective, it encompasses versatile Processing-In-Memory (PIM) configurations to produce hardware-efficient models. Our solution space's scale, heterogeneity, and complexity pose several challenges, which we address by proposing various techniques for training and evaluating the supernet. Our crafted models show promising results on three Click-Through Rates (CTR) prediction benchmarks, outperforming both manually designed and AutoML-crafted models with state-of-the-art performance when focusing solely on architecture search. From a co-design perspective, we achieve 2x FLOPs efficiency, 1.8x energy efficiency, and 1.5x performance improvements in recommender models.
Abstract:The rapid development of large language models (LLMs) has significantly transformed the field of artificial intelligence, demonstrating remarkable capabilities in natural language processing and moving towards multi-modal functionality. These models are increasingly integrated into diverse applications, impacting both research and industry. However, their development and deployment present substantial challenges, including the need for extensive computational resources, high energy consumption, and complex software optimizations. Unlike traditional deep learning systems, LLMs require unique optimization strategies for training and inference, focusing on system-level efficiency. This paper surveys hardware and software co-design approaches specifically tailored to address the unique characteristics and constraints of large language models. This survey analyzes the challenges and impacts of LLMs on hardware and algorithm research, exploring algorithm optimization, hardware design, and system-level innovations. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the trade-offs and considerations in LLM-centric computing systems, guiding future advancements in AI. Finally, we summarize the existing efforts in this space and outline future directions toward realizing production-grade co-design methodologies for the next generation of large language models and AI systems.
Abstract:Semantic communication (SemCom) has emerged as a new paradigm for communication systems, with deep learning (DL) models being one of the key drives to shift from the accuracy of bit/symbol to the semantics and pragmatics of data. Nevertheless, DL-based SemCom systems often face performance bottlenecks due to overfitting, poor generalization, and sensitivity to outliers. Furthermore, the varying-fading gains and noises with uncertain signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) commonly present in wireless channels usually restrict the accuracy of semantic information transmission. Consequently, to address the aforementioned issues, this paper constructs a SemCom system based on the latent diffusion model, and proposes three improvements compared to existing works: i) To handle potential outliers in the source data, semantic errors obtained by projected gradient descent based on the vulnerabilities of DL models, are utilized to update the parameters and obtain an outlier-robust encoder. ii) A lightweight single-layer latent space transformation adapter completes one-shot learning at transmitter and is placed before the decoder at receiver, enabling adaptation for out-of-distribution data or enhancing human-perceptual quality. iii) An end-to-end consistency distillation (EECD) strategy is used to distill the diffusion models trained in latent space, enabling deterministic single or few-step real-time denoising in various noisy channels while maintaining high semantic quality. Extensive numerical experiments across different datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed SemCom system, consistently proving its robustness to outliers, the capability to transmit data with unknown distributions, and the ability to perform real-time channel denoising tasks while preserving high human perceptual quality, outperforming the existing denoising approaches in semantic metrics such as MS-SSIM and LPIPS.
Abstract:Video-language understanding tasks have focused on short video clips, often struggling with long-form video understanding tasks. Recently, many long video-language understanding approaches have leveraged the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform long video QA, transforming videos into densely sampled frame captions, and asking LLMs to respond to text queries over captions. However, the frames used for captioning are often redundant and contain irrelevant information, making dense sampling inefficient, and ignoring the fact that video QA requires varying levels of granularity, with some video segments being highly relevant to the question (needing more fine-grained detail) while others being less relevant. Thus, these LLM-based approaches are prone to missing information and operate on large numbers of irrelevant captions, lowering both performance and efficiency. To address these issues, we introduce VideoTree, a query-adaptive and hierarchical framework for long-video understanding with LLMs. VideoTree dynamically extracts query-related information from a video and builds a tree-based representation for LLM reasoning. First, VideoTree adaptively selects frames for captioning by iteratively clustering frames based on their visual features and scoring clusters using their relevance to the query. Second, it organizes visual clusters into a query-adaptive and hierarchical tree structure; the tree encodes varying levels of granularity, with higher resolution on relevant segments. Finally, VideoTree produces an answer by traversing the tree's keyframes and passing their captions to an LLM answerer. Our method improves both reasoning accuracy and efficiency compared to existing methods: VideoTree achieves a 7.0%, 2.2%, and 2.7% accuracy gain over baselines on the EgoSchema, NExT-QA, and IntentQA benchmarks, respectively, while reducing inference time by 40%.
Abstract:We present a parameter-efficient method for continual video question-answering (VidQA) learning. Our method, named DAM, uses the proposed Dynamic Adapter Merging to (i) mitigate catastrophic forgetting, (ii) enable efficient adaptation to continually arriving datasets, (iii) handle inputs from unknown datasets during inference, and (iv) enable knowledge sharing across similar dataset domains. Given a set of continually streaming VidQA datasets, we sequentially train dataset-specific adapters for each dataset while freezing the parameters of a large pretrained video-language backbone. During inference, given a video-question sample from an unknown domain, our method first uses the proposed non-parametric router function to compute a probability for each adapter, reflecting how relevant that adapter is to the current video-question input instance. Subsequently, the proposed dynamic adapter merging scheme aggregates all the adapter weights into a new adapter instance tailored for that particular test sample to compute the final VidQA prediction, mitigating the impact of inaccurate router predictions and facilitating knowledge sharing across domains. Our DAM model outperforms prior state-of-the-art continual learning approaches by 9.1% while exhibiting 1.9% less forgetting on 6 VidQA datasets spanning various domains. We further extend DAM to continual image classification and image QA and outperform prior methods by a large margin. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/klauscc/DAM
Abstract:The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized our comprehension of intelligence bringing us closer to Artificial Intelligence. Since their introduction, researchers have actively explored the applications of LLMs across diverse fields, significantly elevating capabilities. Cybersecurity, traditionally resistant to data-driven solutions and slow to embrace machine learning, stands out as a domain. This study examines the existing literature, providing a thorough characterization of both defensive and adversarial applications of LLMs within the realm of cybersecurity. Our review not only surveys and categorizes the current landscape but also identifies critical research gaps. By evaluating both offensive and defensive applications, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of the potential risks and opportunities associated with LLM-driven cybersecurity.
Abstract:We present Ego-Exo4D, a diverse, large-scale multimodal multiview video dataset and benchmark challenge. Ego-Exo4D centers around simultaneously-captured egocentric and exocentric video of skilled human activities (e.g., sports, music, dance, bike repair). More than 800 participants from 13 cities worldwide performed these activities in 131 different natural scene contexts, yielding long-form captures from 1 to 42 minutes each and 1,422 hours of video combined. The multimodal nature of the dataset is unprecedented: the video is accompanied by multichannel audio, eye gaze, 3D point clouds, camera poses, IMU, and multiple paired language descriptions -- including a novel "expert commentary" done by coaches and teachers and tailored to the skilled-activity domain. To push the frontier of first-person video understanding of skilled human activity, we also present a suite of benchmark tasks and their annotations, including fine-grained activity understanding, proficiency estimation, cross-view translation, and 3D hand/body pose. All resources will be open sourced to fuel new research in the community.
Abstract:The canonical approach to video-text retrieval leverages a coarse-grained or fine-grained alignment between visual and textual information. However, retrieving the correct video according to the text query is often challenging as it requires the ability to reason about both high-level (scene) and low-level (object) visual clues and how they relate to the text query. To this end, we propose a Unified Coarse-to-fine Alignment model, dubbed UCoFiA. Specifically, our model captures the cross-modal similarity information at different granularity levels. To alleviate the effect of irrelevant visual clues, we also apply an Interactive Similarity Aggregation module (ISA) to consider the importance of different visual features while aggregating the cross-modal similarity to obtain a similarity score for each granularity. Finally, we apply the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm to normalize the similarities of each level before summing them, alleviating over- and under-representation issues at different levels. By jointly considering the crossmodal similarity of different granularity, UCoFiA allows the effective unification of multi-grained alignments. Empirically, UCoFiA outperforms previous state-of-the-art CLIP-based methods on multiple video-text retrieval benchmarks, achieving 2.4%, 1.4% and 1.3% improvements in text-to-video retrieval R@1 on MSR-VTT, Activity-Net, and DiDeMo, respectively. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Ziyang412/UCoFiA.