Abstract:Being attentive to task-relevant features can improve task performance, but paying attention comes with its own metabolic cost. Therefore, strategic allocation of attention is crucial in performing the task efficiently. This work aims to understand this strategy. Recently, de Gee et al. conducted experiments involving mice performing an auditory sustained attention-value task. This task required the mice to exert attention to identify whether a high-order acoustic feature was present amid the noise. By varying the trial duration and reward magnitude, the task allows us to investigate how an agent should strategically deploy their attention to maximize their benefits and minimize their costs. In our work, we develop a reinforcement learning-based normative model of the mice to understand how it balances attention cost against its benefits. The model is such that at each moment the mice can choose between two levels of attention and decide when to take costly actions that could obtain rewards. Our model suggests that efficient use of attentional resources involves alternating blocks of high attention with blocks of low attention. In the extreme case where the agent disregards sensory input during low attention states, we see that high attention is used rhythmically. Our model provides evidence about how one should deploy attention as a function of task utility, signal statistics, and how attention affects sensory evidence.
Abstract:We present learning-based implicit shape representations designed for real-time avatar collision queries arising in the simulation of clothing. Signed distance functions (SDFs) have been used for such queries for many years due to their computational efficiency. Recently deep neural networks have been used for implicit shape representations (DeepSDFs) due to their ability to represent multiple shapes with modest memory requirements compared to traditional representations over dense grids. However, the computational expense of DeepSDFs prevents their use in real-time clothing simulation applications. We design a learning-based representation of SDFs for human avatars whoes bodies change shape kinematically due to joint-based skinning. Rather than using a single DeepSDF for the entire avatar, we use a collection of extremely computationally efficient (shallow) neural networks that represent localized deformations arising from changes in body shape induced by the variation of a single joint. This requires a stitching process to combine each shallow SDF in the collection together into one SDF representing the signed closest distance to the boundary of the entire body. To achieve this we augment each shallow SDF with an additional output that resolves whether or not the individual shallow SDF value is referring to a closest point on the boundary of the body, or to a point on the interior of the body (but on the boundary of the individual shallow SDF). Our model is extremely fast and accurate and we demonstrate its applicability with real-time simulation of garments driven by animated characters.
Abstract:Current exploration methods struggle to search for shops in unknown open-world environments due to a lack of prior knowledge and text recognition capabilities. Venue maps offer valuable information that can aid exploration planning by correlating scene signage with map data. However, the arbitrary shapes and styles of the text on signage, along with multi-view inconsistencies, pose significant challenges for accurate recognition by robots. Additionally, the discrepancies between real-world environments and venue maps hinder the incorporation of text information into planners. This paper introduces a novel signage-aware exploration system to address these challenges, enabling the robot to utilize venue maps effectively. We propose a signage understanding method that accurately detects and recognizes the text on signage using a diffusion-based text instance retrieval method combined with a 2D-to-3D semantic fusion strategy. Furthermore, we design a venue map-guided exploration-exploitation planner that balances exploration in unknown regions using a directional heuristic derived from venue maps with exploitation to get close and adjust orientation for better recognition. Experiments in large-scale shopping malls demonstrate our method's superior signage recognition accuracy and coverage efficiency, outperforming state-of-the-art scene text spotting methods and traditional exploration methods.
Abstract:Enabling robotic agents to perform complex long-horizon tasks has been a long-standing goal in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). Despite the potential shown by large language models (LLMs), their planning capabilities remain limited to short-horizon tasks and they are unable to replace the symbolic planning approach. Symbolic planners, on the other hand, may encounter execution errors due to their common assumption of complete domain knowledge which is hard to manually prepare for an open-world setting. In this paper, we introduce a Language-Augmented Symbolic Planner (LASP) that integrates pre-trained LLMs to enable conventional symbolic planners to operate in an open-world environment where only incomplete knowledge of action preconditions, objects, and properties is initially available. In case of execution errors, LASP can utilize the LLM to diagnose the cause of the error based on the observation and interact with the environment to incrementally build up its knowledge base necessary for accomplishing the given tasks. Experiments demonstrate that LASP is proficient in solving planning problems in the open-world setting, performing well even in situations where there are multiple gaps in the knowledge.
Abstract:Bimanual manipulation tasks typically involve multiple stages which require efficient interactions between two arms, posing step-wise and stage-wise challenges for imitation learning systems. Specifically, failure and delay of one step will broadcast through time, hinder success and efficiency of each sub-stage task, and thereby overall task performance. Although recent works have made strides in addressing certain challenges, few approaches explicitly consider the multi-stage nature of bimanual tasks while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of inference speed. In this paper, we introduce a novel keypose-conditioned consistency policy tailored for bimanual manipulation. It is a hierarchical imitation learning framework that consists of a high-level keypose predictor and a low-level trajectory generator. The predicted keyposes provide guidance for trajectory generation and also mark the completion of one sub-stage task. The trajectory generator is designed as a consistency model trained from scratch without distillation, which generates action sequences conditioning on current observations and predicted keyposes with fast inference speed. Simulated and real-world experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach surpasses baseline methods in terms of success rate and operational efficiency.
Abstract:This paper addresses the task of modeling Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs), such as ropes and cables, during dynamic motion over long time horizons. This task presents significant challenges due to the complex dynamics of DLOs. To address these challenges, this paper proposes differentiable Discrete Elastic Rods For deformable linear Objects with Real-time Modeling (DEFORM), a novel framework that combines a differentiable physics-based model with a learning framework to model DLOs accurately and in real-time. The performance of DEFORM is evaluated in an experimental setup involving two industrial robots and a variety of sensors. A comprehensive series of experiments demonstrate the efficacy of DEFORM in terms of accuracy, computational speed, and generalizability when compared to state-of-the-art alternatives. To further demonstrate the utility of DEFORM, this paper integrates it into a perception pipeline and illustrates its superior performance when compared to the state-of-the-art methods while tracking a DLO even in the presence of occlusions. Finally, this paper illustrates the superior performance of DEFORM when compared to state-of-the-art methods when it is applied to perform autonomous planning and control of DLOs.
Abstract:The reduced cost and computational and calibration requirements of monocular cameras make them ideal positioning sensors for mobile robots, albeit at the expense of any meaningful depth measurement. Solutions proposed by some scholars to this localization problem involve fusing pose estimates from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with pose estimates from geometric constraints on motion to generate accurate predictions of robot trajectories. However, the distribution of attitude estimation based on CNN is not uniform, resulting in certain translation problems in the prediction of robot trajectories. This paper proposes improving these CNN-based pose estimates by propagating a SE(3) uniform distribution driven by a particle filter. The particles utilize the same motion model used by the CNN, while updating their weights using CNN-based estimates. The results show that while the rotational component of pose estimation does not consistently improve relative to CNN-based estimation, the translational component is significantly more accurate. This factor combined with the superior smoothness of the filtered trajectories shows that the use of particle filters significantly improves the performance of CNN-based localization algorithms.
Abstract:Existing continual learning literature relies heavily on a strong assumption that tasks arrive with a balanced data stream, which is often unrealistic in real-world applications. In this work, we explore task-imbalanced continual learning (TICL) scenarios where the distribution of task data is non-uniform across the whole learning process. We find that imbalanced tasks significantly challenge the capability of models to control the trade-off between stability and plasticity from the perspective of recent prompt-based continual learning methods. On top of the above finding, we propose Dynamically Anchored Prompting (DAP), a prompt-based method that only maintains a single general prompt to adapt to the shifts within a task stream dynamically. This general prompt is regularized in the prompt space with two specifically designed prompt anchors, called boosting anchor and stabilizing anchor, to balance stability and plasticity in TICL. Remarkably, DAP achieves this balance by only storing a prompt across the data stream, therefore offering a substantial advantage in rehearsal-free CL. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed DAP results in 4.5% to 15% absolute improvements over state-of-the-art methods on benchmarks under task-imbalanced settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/chenxing6666/DAP
Abstract:Multi-robot systems have increasingly become instrumental in tackling search and coverage problems. However, the challenge of optimizing task efficiency without compromising task success still persists, particularly in expansive, unstructured environments with dense obstacles. This paper presents an innovative, decentralized Voronoi-based approach for search and coverage to reactively navigate these complexities while maintaining safety. This approach leverages the active sensing capabilities of multi-robot systems to supplement GIS (Geographic Information System), offering a more comprehensive and real-time understanding of the environment. Based on point cloud data, which is inherently non-convex and unstructured, this method efficiently generates collision-free Voronoi regions using only local sensing information through spatial decomposition and spherical mirroring techniques. Then, deadlock-aware guided map integrated with a gradient-optimized, centroid Voronoi-based coverage control policy, is constructed to improve efficiency by avoiding exhaustive searches and local sensing pitfalls. The effectiveness of our algorithm has been validated through extensive numerical simulations in high-fidelity environments, demonstrating significant improvements in both task success rate, coverage ratio, and task execution time compared with others.
Abstract:This article investigates the practical scenarios of chasing an adversarial evader in an unbounded environment with cluttered obstacles. We propose a Voronoi-based decentralized algorithm for multiple pursuers to encircle and capture the evader by reacting to collisions. An efficient approach is presented for constructing an obstacle-aware evader-centered bounded Voronoi cell (OA-ECBVC), which strictly ensures collision avoidance in various obstacle scenarios when pursuing the evader. The evader can be efficiently enclosed in a convex hull given random initial configurations. Furthermore, to cooperatively capture the evader, each pursuer continually compresses the boundary of its OA-ECBVC to quickly reduce the movement space of the evader while maintaining encirclement. Our OA-ECBVC algorithm is validated in various simulated environments with different dynamic systems of robots. Real-time performance of resisting uncertainties shows the superior reliability of our method for deployment on multiple robot platforms.