Abstract:This paper introduces a promising alternative method for training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on large-scale datasets with clear theoretical guarantees. GANs are typically learned through a minimax game between a generator and a discriminator, which is known to be empirically unstable. Previous learning paradigms have encountered mode collapse issues without a theoretical solution. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Lipschitz-constrained Functional Gradient GANs learning (Li-CFG) method to stabilize the training of GAN and provide a theoretical foundation for effectively increasing the diversity of synthetic samples by reducing the neighborhood size of the latent vector. Specifically, we demonstrate that the neighborhood size of the latent vector can be reduced by increasing the norm of the discriminator gradient, resulting in enhanced diversity of synthetic samples. To efficiently enlarge the norm of the discriminator gradient, we introduce a novel {\epsilon}-centered gradient penalty that amplifies the norm of the discriminator gradient using the hyper-parameter {\epsilon}. In comparison to other constraints, our method enlarging the discriminator norm, thus obtaining the smallest neighborhood size of the latent vector. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets for image generation demonstrate the efficacy of the Li-CFG method and the {\epsilon}-centered gradient penalty. The results showcase improved stability and increased diversity of synthetic samples.
Abstract:Large transformers have demonstrated remarkable success, making it necessary to compress these models to reduce inference costs while preserving their perfor-mance. Current compression algorithms prune transformers at fixed compression ratios, requiring a unique pruning process for each ratio, which results in high computational costs. In contrast, we propose pruning of pretrained transformers at any desired ratio within a single pruning stage, based on a differential inclusion for a mask parameter. This dynamic can generate the whole regularization solution path of the mask parameter, whose support set identifies the network structure. Therefore, the solution path identifies a Transformer weight family with various sparsity levels, offering greater flexibility and customization. In this paper, we introduce such an effective pruning method, termed SPP (Solution Path Pruning). To achieve effective pruning, we segment the transformers into paired modules, including query-key pairs, value-projection pairs, and sequential linear layers, and apply low-rank compression to these pairs, maintaining the output structure while enabling structural compression within the inner states. Extensive experiments conducted on various well-known transformer backbones have demonstrated the efficacy of SPP.
Abstract:Human motion generation is a long-standing problem, and scene-aware motion synthesis has been widely researched recently due to its numerous applications. Prevailing methods rely heavily on paired motion-scene data whose quantity is limited. Meanwhile, it is difficult to generalize to diverse scenes when trained only on a few specific ones. Thus, we propose a unified framework, termed Diffusion Implicit Policy (DIP), for scene-aware motion synthesis, where paired motion-scene data are no longer necessary. In this framework, we disentangle human-scene interaction from motion synthesis during training and then introduce an interaction-based implicit policy into motion diffusion during inference. Synthesized motion can be derived through iterative diffusion denoising and implicit policy optimization, thus motion naturalness and interaction plausibility can be maintained simultaneously. The proposed implicit policy optimizes the intermediate noised motion in a GAN Inversion manner to maintain motion continuity and control keyframe poses though the ControlNet branch and motion inpainting. For long-term motion synthesis, we introduce motion blending for stable transitions between multiple sub-tasks, where motions are fused in rotation power space and translation linear space. The proposed method is evaluated on synthesized scenes with ShapeNet furniture, and real scenes from PROX and Replica. Results show that our framework presents better motion naturalness and interaction plausibility than cutting-edge methods. This also indicates the feasibility of utilizing the DIP for motion synthesis in more general tasks and versatile scenes. https://jingyugong.github.io/DiffusionImplicitPolicy/
Abstract:Text-to-motion generation is a crucial task in computer vision, which generates the target 3D motion by the given text. The existing annotated datasets are limited in scale, resulting in most existing methods overfitting to the small datasets and unable to generalize to the motions of the open domain. Some methods attempt to solve the open-vocabulary motion generation problem by aligning to the CLIP space or using the Pretrain-then-Finetuning paradigm. However, the current annotated dataset's limited scale only allows them to achieve mapping from sub-text-space to sub-motion-space, instead of mapping between full-text-space and full-motion-space (full mapping), which is the key to attaining open-vocabulary motion generation. To this end, this paper proposes to leverage the atomic motion (simple body part motions over a short time period) as an intermediate representation, and leverage two orderly coupled steps, i.e., Textual Decomposition and Sub-motion-space Scattering, to address the full mapping problem. For Textual Decomposition, we design a fine-grained description conversion algorithm, and combine it with the generalization ability of a large language model to convert any given motion text into atomic texts. Sub-motion-space Scattering learns the compositional process from atomic motions to the target motions, to make the learned sub-motion-space scattered to form the full-motion-space. For a given motion of the open domain, it transforms the extrapolation into interpolation and thereby significantly improves generalization. Our network, $DSO$-Net, combines textual $d$ecomposition and sub-motion-space $s$cattering to solve the $o$pen-vocabulary motion generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our DSO-Net achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods on open-vocabulary motion generation. Code is available at https://vankouf.github.io/DSONet/.
Abstract:Human-human motion generation is essential for understanding humans as social beings. Although several transformer-based methods have been proposed, they typically model each individual separately and overlook the causal relationships in temporal motion sequences. Furthermore, the attention mechanism in transformers exhibits quadratic computational complexity, significantly reducing their efficiency when processing long sequences. In this paper, we introduce TIM (Temporal and Interactive Modeling), an efficient and effective approach that presents the pioneering human-human motion generation model utilizing RWKV. Specifically, we first propose Causal Interactive Injection to leverage the temporal properties of motion sequences and avoid non-causal and cumbersome modeling. Then we present Role-Evolving Mixing to adjust to the ever-evolving roles throughout the interaction. Finally, to generate smoother and more rational motion, we design Localized Pattern Amplification to capture short-term motion patterns. Extensive experiments on InterHuman demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance. Notably, TIM has achieved state-of-the-art results using only 32% of InterGen's trainable parameters. Code will be available soon. Homepage: https://aigc-explorer.github.io/TIM-page/
Abstract:Object-centric learning (OCL) extracts the representation of objects with slots, offering an exceptional blend of flexibility and interpretability for abstracting low-level perceptual features. A widely adopted method within OCL is slot attention, which utilizes attention mechanisms to iteratively refine slot representations. However, a major drawback of most object-centric models, including slot attention, is their reliance on predefining the number of slots. This not only necessitates prior knowledge of the dataset but also overlooks the inherent variability in the number of objects present in each instance. To overcome this fundamental limitation, we present a novel complexity-aware object auto-encoder framework. Within this framework, we introduce an adaptive slot attention (AdaSlot) mechanism that dynamically determines the optimal number of slots based on the content of the data. This is achieved by proposing a discrete slot sampling module that is responsible for selecting an appropriate number of slots from a candidate list. Furthermore, we introduce a masked slot decoder that suppresses unselected slots during the decoding process. Our framework, tested extensively on object discovery tasks with various datasets, shows performance matching or exceeding top fixed-slot models. Moreover, our analysis substantiates that our method exhibits the capability to dynamically adapt the slot number according to each instance's complexity, offering the potential for further exploration in slot attention research. Project will be available at https://kfan21.github.io/AdaSlot/
Abstract:Text-to-motion synthesis is a crucial task in computer vision. Existing methods are limited in their universality, as they are tailored for single-person or two-person scenarios and can not be applied to generate motions for more individuals. To achieve the number-free motion synthesis, this paper reconsiders motion generation and proposes to unify the single and multi-person motion by the conditional motion distribution. Furthermore, a generation module and an interaction module are designed for our FreeMotion framework to decouple the process of conditional motion generation and finally support the number-free motion synthesis. Besides, based on our framework, the current single-person motion spatial control method could be seamlessly integrated, achieving precise control of multi-person motion. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our method and our capability to infer single and multi-human motions simultaneously.
Abstract:Face meshes in consistent topology serve as the foundation for many face-related applications, such as 3DMM constrained face reconstruction and expression retargeting. Traditional methods commonly acquire topology uniformed face meshes by two separate steps: multi-view stereo (MVS) to reconstruct shapes followed by non-rigid registration to align topology, but struggles with handling noise and non-lambertian surfaces. Recently neural volume rendering techniques have been rapidly evolved and shown great advantages in 3D reconstruction or novel view synthesis. Our goal is to leverage the superiority of neural volume rendering into multi-view reconstruction of face mesh with consistent topology. We propose a mesh volume rendering method that enables directly optimizing mesh geometry while preserving topology, and learning implicit features to model complex facial appearance from multi-view images. The key innovation lies in spreading sparse mesh features into the surrounding space to simulate radiance field required for volume rendering, which facilitates backpropagation of gradients from images to mesh geometry and implicit appearance features. Our proposed feature spreading module exhibits deformation invariance, enabling photorealistic rendering seamlessly after mesh editing. We conduct experiments on multi-view face image dataset to evaluate the reconstruction and implement an application for photorealistic rendering of animated face mesh.
Abstract:Recently, transformer-based methods have achieved state-of-the-art prediction quality on human pose estimation(HPE). Nonetheless, most of these top-performing transformer-based models are too computation-consuming and storage-demanding to deploy on edge computing platforms. Those transformer-based models that require fewer resources are prone to under-fitting due to their smaller scale and thus perform notably worse than their larger counterparts. Given this conundrum, we introduce SDPose, a new self-distillation method for improving the performance of small transformer-based models. To mitigate the problem of under-fitting, we design a transformer module named Multi-Cycled Transformer(MCT) based on multiple-cycled forwards to more fully exploit the potential of small model parameters. Further, in order to prevent the additional inference compute-consuming brought by MCT, we introduce a self-distillation scheme, extracting the knowledge from the MCT module to a naive forward model. Specifically, on the MSCOCO validation dataset, SDPose-T obtains 69.7% mAP with 4.4M parameters and 1.8 GFLOPs. Furthermore, SDPose-S-V2 obtains 73.5% mAP on the MSCOCO validation dataset with 6.2M parameters and 4.7 GFLOPs, achieving a new state-of-the-art among predominant tiny neural network methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/MartyrPenink/SDPose.
Abstract:Creating and animating 3D biped cartoon characters is crucial and valuable in various applications. Compared with geometry, the diverse texture design plays an important role in making 3D biped cartoon characters vivid and charming. Therefore, we focus on automatic texture design for cartoon characters based on input instructions. This is challenging for domain-specific requirements and a lack of high-quality data. To address this challenge, we propose Make-It-Vivid, the first attempt to enable high-quality texture generation from text in UV space. We prepare a detailed text-texture paired data for 3D characters by using vision-question-answering agents. Then we customize a pretrained text-to-image model to generate texture map with template structure while preserving the natural 2D image knowledge. Furthermore, to enhance fine-grained details, we propose a novel adversarial learning scheme to shorten the domain gap between original dataset and realistic texture domain. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms current texture generation methods, resulting in efficient character texturing and faithful generation with prompts. Besides, we showcase various applications such as out of domain generation and texture stylization. We also provide an efficient generation system for automatic text-guided textured character generation and animation.