Abstract:We present a deep learning model, dubbed Glissando-Net, to simultaneously estimate the pose and reconstruct the 3D shape of objects at the category level from a single RGB image. Previous works predominantly focused on either estimating poses(often at the instance level), or reconstructing shapes, but not both. Glissando-Net is composed of two auto-encoders that are jointly trained, one for RGB images and the other for point clouds. We embrace two key design choices in Glissando-Net to achieve a more accurate prediction of the 3D shape and pose of the object given a single RGB image as input. First, we augment the feature maps of the point cloud encoder and decoder with transformed feature maps from the image decoder, enabling effective 2D-3D interaction in both training and prediction. Second, we predict both the 3D shape and pose of the object in the decoder stage. This way, we better utilize the information in the 3D point clouds presented only in the training stage to train the network for more accurate prediction. We jointly train the two encoder-decoders for RGB and point cloud data to learn how to pass latent features to the point cloud decoder during inference. In testing, the encoder of the 3D point cloud is discarded. The design of Glissando-Net is inspired by codeSLAM. Unlike codeSLAM, which targets 3D reconstruction of scenes, we focus on pose estimation and shape reconstruction of objects, and directly predict the object pose and a pose invariant 3D reconstruction without the need of the code optimization step. Extensive experiments, involving both ablation studies and comparison with competing methods, demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method, and compare favorably with the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Large language model (LLM) inference demands significant amount of computation and memory, especially in the key attention mechanism. While techniques, such as quantization and acceleration algorithms, like FlashAttention, have improved efficiency of the overall inference, they address different aspects of the problem: quantization focuses on weight-activation operations, while FlashAttention improves execution but requires high-precision formats. Recent Key-value (KV) cache quantization reduces memory bandwidth but still needs floating-point dequantization for attention operation. We present TurboAttention, a comprehensive approach to enable quantized execution of attention that simultaneously addresses both memory and computational efficiency. Our solution introduces two key innovations: FlashQ, a headwise attention quantization technique that enables both compression of KV cache and quantized execution of activation-activation multiplication, and Sparsity-based Softmax Approximation (SAS), which eliminates the need for dequantization to FP32 during exponentiation operation in attention. Experimental results demonstrate that TurboAttention achieves 1.2-1.8x speedup in attention, reduces the KV cache size by over 4.4x, and enables up to 2.37x maximum throughput over the FP16 baseline while outperforming state-of-the-art quantization and compression techniques across various datasets and models.
Abstract:With more advanced natural language understanding and reasoning capabilities, large language model (LLM)-powered agents are increasingly developed in simulated environments to perform complex tasks, interact with other agents, and exhibit emergent behaviors relevant to social science and gaming. However, current multi-agent simulations frequently suffer from inefficiencies due to the limited parallelism caused by false dependencies, resulting in performance bottlenecks. In this paper, we introduce AI Metropolis, a simulation engine that improves the efficiency of LLM agent simulations by incorporating out-of-order execution scheduling. By dynamically tracking real dependencies between agents, AI Metropolis minimizes false dependencies, enhancing parallelism and enabling efficient hardware utilization. Our evaluations demonstrate that AI Metropolis achieves speedups from 1.3x to 4.15x over standard parallel simulation with global synchronization, approaching optimal performance as the number of agents increases.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable performance across various tasks in natural language processing. Nevertheless, challenges still arise when these tasks demand domain-specific expertise and advanced analytical skills, such as conducting research surveys on a designated topic. In this research, we develop ResearchArena, a benchmark that measures LLM agents' ability to conduct academic surveys, an initial step of academic research process. Specifically, we deconstructs the surveying process into three stages 1) information discovery: locating relevant papers, 2) information selection: assessing papers' importance to the topic, and 3) information organization: organizing papers into meaningful structures. In particular, we establish an offline environment comprising 12.0M full-text academic papers and 7.9K survey papers, which evaluates agents' ability to locate supporting materials for composing the survey on a topic, rank the located papers based on their impact, and organize these into a hierarchical knowledge mind-map. With this benchmark, we conduct preliminary evaluations of existing techniques and find that all LLM-based methods under-performing when compared to basic keyword-based retrieval techniques, highlighting substantial opportunities for future research.
Abstract:Key-value (KV) caching has become the de-facto to accelerate generation speed for large language models (LLMs) inference. However, the growing cache demand with increasing sequence length has transformed LLM inference to be a memory bound problem, significantly constraining the system throughput. Existing methods rely on dropping unimportant tokens or quantizing all entries uniformly. Such methods, however, often incur high approximation errors to represent the compressed matrices. The autoregressive decoding process further compounds the error of each step, resulting in critical deviation in model generation and deterioration of performance. To tackle this challenge, we propose GEAR, an efficient KV cache compression framework that achieves near-lossless high-ratio compression. GEAR first applies quantization to majority of entries of similar magnitudes to ultra-low precision. It then employs a low rank matrix to approximate the quantization error, and a sparse matrix to remedy individual errors from outlier entries. By adeptly integrating three techniques, GEAR is able to fully exploit their synergistic potentials. Our experiments demonstrate that compared to alternatives, GEAR achieves near-lossless 4-bit KV cache compression with up to 2.38x throughput improvement, while reducing peak-memory size up to 2.29x. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/HaoKang-Timmy/GEAR.
Abstract:We have witnessed significant progress in deep learning-based 3D vision, ranging from neural radiance field (NeRF) based 3D representation learning to applications in novel view synthesis (NVS). However, existing scene-level datasets for deep learning-based 3D vision, limited to either synthetic environments or a narrow selection of real-world scenes, are quite insufficient. This insufficiency not only hinders a comprehensive benchmark of existing methods but also caps what could be explored in deep learning-based 3D analysis. To address this critical gap, we present DL3DV-10K, a large-scale scene dataset, featuring 51.2 million frames from 10,510 videos captured from 65 types of point-of-interest (POI) locations, covering both bounded and unbounded scenes, with different levels of reflection, transparency, and lighting. We conducted a comprehensive benchmark of recent NVS methods on DL3DV-10K, which revealed valuable insights for future research in NVS. In addition, we have obtained encouraging results in a pilot study to learn generalizable NeRF from DL3DV-10K, which manifests the necessity of a large-scale scene-level dataset to forge a path toward a foundation model for learning 3D representation. Our DL3DV-10K dataset, benchmark results, and models will be publicly accessible at https://dl3dv-10k.github.io/DL3DV-10K/.
Abstract:Dexterous grasping aims to produce diverse grasping postures with a high grasping success rate. Regression-based methods that directly predict grasping parameters given the object may achieve a high success rate but often lack diversity. Generation-based methods that generate grasping postures conditioned on the object can often produce diverse grasping, but they are insufficient for high grasping success due to lack of discriminative information. To mitigate, we introduce a unified diffusion-based dexterous grasp generation model, dubbed the name UGG, which operates within the object point cloud and hand parameter spaces. Our all-transformer architecture unifies the information from the object, the hand, and the contacts, introducing a novel representation of contact points for improved contact modeling. The flexibility and quality of our model enable the integration of a lightweight discriminator, benefiting from simulated discriminative data, which pushes for a high success rate while preserving high diversity. Beyond grasp generation, our model can also generate objects based on hand information, offering valuable insights into object design and studying how the generative model perceives objects. Our model achieves state-of-the-art dexterous grasping on the large-scale DexGraspNet dataset while facilitating human-centric object design, marking a significant advancement in dexterous grasping research. Our project page is https://jiaxin-lu.github.io/ugg/ .
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel approach for identifying the possible large language models (LLMs) involved in text generation. Instead of adding an additional classification layer to a base LM, we reframe the classification task as a next-token prediction task and directly fine-tune the base LM to perform it. We utilize the Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model as the backbone for our experiments. We compared our approach to the more direct approach of utilizing hidden states for classification. Evaluation shows the exceptional performance of our method in the text classification task, highlighting its simplicity and efficiency. Furthermore, interpretability studies on the features extracted by our model reveal its ability to differentiate distinctive writing styles among various LLMs even in the absence of an explicit classifier. We also collected a dataset named OpenLLMText, containing approximately 340k text samples from human and LLMs, including GPT3.5, PaLM, LLaMA, and GPT2.
Abstract:To improve the efficiency and sustainability of learning deep models, we propose CREST, the first scalable framework with rigorous theoretical guarantees to identify the most valuable examples for training non-convex models, particularly deep networks. To guarantee convergence to a stationary point of a non-convex function, CREST models the non-convex loss as a series of quadratic functions and extracts a coreset for each quadratic sub-region. In addition, to ensure faster convergence of stochastic gradient methods such as (mini-batch) SGD, CREST iteratively extracts multiple mini-batch coresets from larger random subsets of training data, to ensure nearly-unbiased gradients with small variances. Finally, to further improve scalability and efficiency, CREST identifies and excludes the examples that are learned from the coreset selection pipeline. Our extensive experiments on several deep networks trained on vision and NLP datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, TinyImageNet, and SNLI, confirm that CREST speeds up training deep networks on very large datasets, by 1.7x to 2.5x with minimum loss in the performance. By analyzing the learning difficulty of the subsets selected by CREST, we show that deep models benefit the most by learning from subsets of increasing difficulty levels.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach for detecting ChatGPT-generated vs. human-written text using language models. To this end, we first collected and released a pre-processed dataset named OpenGPTText, which consists of rephrased content generated using ChatGPT. We then designed, implemented, and trained two different models for text classification, using Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach (RoBERTa) and Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5), respectively. Our models achieved remarkable results, with an accuracy of over 97% on the test dataset, as evaluated through various metrics. Furthermore, we conducted an interpretability study to showcase our model's ability to extract and differentiate key features between human-written and ChatGPT-generated text. Our findings provide important insights into the effective use of language models to detect generated text.