Abstract:We present a deep learning model, dubbed Glissando-Net, to simultaneously estimate the pose and reconstruct the 3D shape of objects at the category level from a single RGB image. Previous works predominantly focused on either estimating poses(often at the instance level), or reconstructing shapes, but not both. Glissando-Net is composed of two auto-encoders that are jointly trained, one for RGB images and the other for point clouds. We embrace two key design choices in Glissando-Net to achieve a more accurate prediction of the 3D shape and pose of the object given a single RGB image as input. First, we augment the feature maps of the point cloud encoder and decoder with transformed feature maps from the image decoder, enabling effective 2D-3D interaction in both training and prediction. Second, we predict both the 3D shape and pose of the object in the decoder stage. This way, we better utilize the information in the 3D point clouds presented only in the training stage to train the network for more accurate prediction. We jointly train the two encoder-decoders for RGB and point cloud data to learn how to pass latent features to the point cloud decoder during inference. In testing, the encoder of the 3D point cloud is discarded. The design of Glissando-Net is inspired by codeSLAM. Unlike codeSLAM, which targets 3D reconstruction of scenes, we focus on pose estimation and shape reconstruction of objects, and directly predict the object pose and a pose invariant 3D reconstruction without the need of the code optimization step. Extensive experiments, involving both ablation studies and comparison with competing methods, demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method, and compare favorably with the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:We propose an accurate and robust initialization approach for stereo visual-inertial SLAM systems. Unlike the current state-of-the-art method, which heavily relies on the accuracy of a pure visual SLAM system to estimate inertial variables without updating camera poses, potentially compromising accuracy and robustness, our approach offers a different solution. We realize the crucial impact of precise gyroscope bias estimation on rotation accuracy. This, in turn, affects trajectory accuracy due to the accumulation of translation errors. To address this, we first independently estimate the gyroscope bias and use it to formulate a maximum a posteriori problem for further refinement. After this refinement, we proceed to update the rotation estimation by performing IMU integration with gyroscope bias removed from gyroscope measurements. We then leverage robust and accurate rotation estimates to enhance translation estimation via 3-DoF bundle adjustment. Moreover, we introduce a novel approach for determining the success of the initialization by evaluating the residual of the normal epipolar constraint. Extensive evaluations on the EuRoC dataset illustrate that our method excels in accuracy and robustness. It outperforms ORB-SLAM3, the current leading stereo visual-inertial initialization method, in terms of absolute trajectory error and relative rotation error, while maintaining competitive computational speed. Notably, even with 5 keyframes for initialization, our method consistently surpasses the state-of-the-art approach using 10 keyframes in rotation accuracy.
Abstract:We introduce a learning-based depth map fusion framework that accepts a set of depth and confidence maps generated by a Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithm as input and improves them. This is accomplished by integrating volumetric visibility constraints that encode long-range surface relationships across different views into an end-to-end trainable architecture. We also introduce a depth search window estimation sub-network trained jointly with the larger fusion sub-network to reduce the depth hypothesis search space along each ray. Our method learns to model depth consensus and violations of visibility constraints directly from the data; effectively removing the necessity of fine-tuning fusion parameters. Extensive experiments on MVS datasets show substantial improvements in the accuracy of the output fused depth and confidence maps.
Abstract:Visual-inertial initialization can be classified into joint and disjoint approaches. Joint approaches tackle both the visual and the inertial parameters together by aligning observations from feature-bearing points based on IMU integration then use a closed-form solution with visual and acceleration observations to find initial velocity and gravity. In contrast, disjoint approaches independently solve the Structure from Motion (SFM) problem and determine inertial parameters from up-to-scale camera poses obtained from pure monocular SLAM. However, previous disjoint methods have limitations, like assuming negligible acceleration bias impact or accurate rotation estimation by pure monocular SLAM. To address these issues, we propose EDI, a novel approach for fast, accurate, and robust visual-inertial initialization. Our method incorporates an Error-state Kalman Filter (ESKF) to estimate gyroscope bias and correct rotation estimates from monocular SLAM, overcoming dependence on pure monocular SLAM for rotation estimation. To estimate the scale factor without prior information, we offer a closed-form solution for initial velocity, scale, gravity, and acceleration bias estimation. To address gravity and acceleration bias coupling, we introduce weights in the linear least-squares equations, ensuring acceleration bias observability and handling outliers. Extensive evaluation on the EuRoC dataset shows that our method achieves an average scale error of 5.8% in less than 3 seconds, outperforming other state-of-the-art disjoint visual-inertial initialization approaches, even in challenging environments and with artificial noise corruption.
Abstract:This paper addresses real-time dense 3D reconstruction for a resource-constrained Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Underwater vision-guided operations are among the most challenging as they combine 3D motion in the presence of external forces, limited visibility, and absence of global positioning. Obstacle avoidance and effective path planning require online dense reconstructions of the environment. Autonomous operation is central to environmental monitoring, marine archaeology, resource utilization, and underwater cave exploration. To address this problem, we propose to use SVIn2, a robust VIO method, together with a real-time 3D reconstruction pipeline. We provide extensive evaluation on four challenging underwater datasets. Our pipeline produces comparable reconstruction with that of COLMAP, the state-of-the-art offline 3D reconstruction method, at high frame rates on a single CPU.
Abstract:We present a new loss function for joint disparity and uncertainty estimation in deep stereo matching. Our work is motivated by the need for precise uncertainty estimates and the observation that multi-task learning often leads to improved performance in all tasks. We show that this can be achieved by requiring the distribution of uncertainty to match the distribution of disparity errors via a KL divergence term in the network's loss function. A differentiable soft-histogramming technique is used to approximate the distributions so that they can be used in the loss. We experimentally assess the effectiveness of our approach and observe significant improvements in both disparity and uncertainty prediction on large datasets.
Abstract:We address the problem of estimating the shape of a person's head, defined as the geometry of the complete head surface, from a video taken with a single moving camera, and determining the alignment of the fitted 3D head for all video frames, irrespective of the person's pose. 3D head reconstructions commonly tend to focus on perfecting the face reconstruction, leaving the scalp to a statistical approximation. Our goal is to reconstruct the head model of each person to enable future mixed reality applications. To do this, we recover a dense 3D reconstruction and camera information via structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo. These are then used in a new two-stage fitting process to recover the 3D head shape by iteratively fitting a 3D morphable model of the head with the dense reconstruction in canonical space and fitting it to each person's head, using both traditional facial landmarks and scalp features extracted from the head's segmentation mask. Our approach recovers consistent geometry for varying head shapes, from videos taken by different people, with different smartphones, and in a variety of environments from living rooms to outdoor spaces.
Abstract:Deep networks for stereo matching typically leverage 2D or 3D convolutional encoder-decoder architectures to aggregate cost and regularize the cost volume for accurate disparity estimation. Due to content-insensitive convolutions and down-sampling and up-sampling operations, these cost aggregation mechanisms do not take full advantage of the information available in the images. Disparity maps suffer from over-smoothing near occlusion boundaries, and erroneous predictions in thin structures. In this paper, we show how deep adaptive filtering and differentiable semi-global aggregation can be integrated in existing 2D and 3D convolutional networks for end-to-end stereo matching, leading to improved accuracy. The improvements are due to utilizing RGB information from the images as a signal to dynamically guide the matching process, in addition to being the signal we attempt to match across the images. We show extensive experimental results on the KITTI 2015 and Virtual KITTI 2 datasets comparing four stereo networks (DispNetC, GCNet, PSMNet and GANet) after integrating four adaptive filters (segmentation-aware bilateral filtering, dynamic filtering networks, pixel adaptive convolution and semi-global aggregation) into their architectures. Our code is available at https://github.com/ccj5351/DAFStereoNets.
Abstract:End-to-end deep networks represent the state of the art for stereo matching. While excelling on images framing environments similar to the training set, major drops in accuracy occur in unseen domains (e.g., when moving from synthetic to real scenes). In this paper we introduce a novel family of architectures, namely Matching-Space Networks (MS-Nets), with improved generalization properties. By replacing learning-based feature extraction from image RGB values with matching functions and confidence measures from conventional wisdom, we move the learning process from the color space to the Matching Space, avoiding over-specialization to domain specific features. Extensive experimental results on four real datasets highlight that our proposal leads to superior generalization to unseen environments over conventional deep architectures, keeping accuracy on the source domain almost unaltered. Our code is available at https://github.com/ccj5351/MS-Nets.
Abstract:Stereo matching is one of the longest-standing problems in computer vision with close to 40 years of studies and research. Throughout the years the paradigm has shifted from local, pixel-level decision to various forms of discrete and continuous optimization to data-driven, learning-based methods. Recently, the rise of machine learning and the rapid proliferation of deep learning enhanced stereo matching with new exciting trends and applications unthinkable until a few years ago. Interestingly, the relationship between these two worlds is two-way. While machine, and especially deep, learning advanced the state-of-the-art in stereo matching, stereo matching enabled new ground-breaking methodologies such as self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on deep neural networks. In this paper, we review recent research in the field of learning-based depth estimation from images highlighting the synergies, the successes achieved so far and the open challenges the community is going to face in the immediate future.