Abstract:Most Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to date are trained predominantly on English data, which makes them struggle to understand non-English input and fail to generate output in the desired target language. Existing efforts mitigate these issues by adding multilingual training data, but do so in a largely ad-hoc manner, lacking insight into how different training mixes tip the scale for different groups of languages. In this work, we present a comprehensive investigation into the training strategies for massively multilingual LVLMs. First, we conduct a series of multi-stage experiments spanning 13 downstream vision-language tasks and 43 languages, systematically examining: (1) the number of training languages that can be included without degrading English performance and (2) optimal language distributions of pre-training as well as (3) instruction-tuning data. Further, we (4) investigate how to improve multilingual text-in-image understanding, and introduce a new benchmark for the task. Surprisingly, our analysis reveals that one can (i) include as many as 100 training languages simultaneously (ii) with as little as 25-50\% of non-English data, to greatly improve multilingual performance while retaining strong English performance. We further find that (iii) including non-English OCR data in pre-training and instruction-tuning is paramount for improving multilingual text-in-image understanding. Finally, we put all our findings together and train Centurio, a 100-language LVLM, offering state-of-the-art performance in an evaluation covering 14 tasks and 56 languages.
Abstract:Accurate 3D objects relighting in diverse unseen environments is crucial for realistic virtual object placement. Due to the albedo-lighting ambiguity, existing methods often fall short in producing faithful relights. Without proper constraints, observed training views can be explained by numerous combinations of lighting and material attributes, lacking physical correspondence with the actual environment maps used for relighting. In this work, we present ReCap, treating cross-environment captures as multi-task target to provide the missing supervision that cuts through the entanglement. Specifically, ReCap jointly optimizes multiple lighting representations that share a common set of material attributes. This naturally harmonizes a coherent set of lighting representations around the mutual material attributes, exploiting commonalities and differences across varied object appearances. Such coherence enables physically sound lighting reconstruction and robust material estimation - both essential for accurate relighting. Together with a streamlined shading function and effective post-processing, ReCap outperforms the leading competitor by 3.4 dB in PSNR on an expanded relighting benchmark.
Abstract:Professional photo editing remains challenging, requiring extensive knowledge of imaging pipelines and significant expertise. With the ubiquity of smartphone photography, there is an increasing demand for accessible yet sophisticated image editing solutions. While recent deep learning approaches, particularly style transfer methods, have attempted to automate this process, they often struggle with output fidelity, editing control, and complex retouching capabilities. We propose a novel retouch transfer approach that learns from professional edits through before-after image pairs, enabling precise replication of complex editing operations. To facilitate this research direction, we introduce a comprehensive Photo Retouching Dataset comprising 100,000 high-quality images edited using over 170 professional Adobe Lightroom presets. We develop a context-aware Implicit Neural Representation that learns to apply edits adaptively based on image content and context, requiring no pretraining and capable of learning from a single example. Our method extracts implicit transformations from reference edits and adaptively applies them to new images. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate that our approach not only surpasses existing methods in photo retouching but also enhances performance in related image reconstruction tasks like Gamut Mapping and Raw Reconstruction. By bridging the gap between professional editing capabilities and automated solutions, our work presents a significant step toward making sophisticated photo editing more accessible while maintaining high-fidelity results. Check the $\href{https://omaralezaby.github.io/inretouch}{Project\ Page}$ for more Results and information about Code and Dataset availability.
Abstract:Recent advancements in all-in-one image restoration models have revolutionized the ability to address diverse degradations through a unified framework. However, parameters tied to specific tasks often remain inactive for other tasks, making mixture-of-experts (MoE) architectures a natural extension. Despite this, MoEs often show inconsistent behavior, with some experts unexpectedly generalizing across tasks while others struggle within their intended scope. This hinders leveraging MoEs' computational benefits by bypassing irrelevant experts during inference. We attribute this undesired behavior to the uniform and rigid architecture of traditional MoEs. To address this, we introduce ``complexity experts" -- flexible expert blocks with varying computational complexity and receptive fields. A key challenge is assigning tasks to each expert, as degradation complexity is unknown in advance. Thus, we execute tasks with a simple bias toward lower complexity. To our surprise, this preference effectively drives task-specific allocation, assigning tasks to experts with the appropriate complexity. Extensive experiments validate our approach, demonstrating the ability to bypass irrelevant experts during inference while maintaining superior performance. The proposed MoCE-IR model outperforms state-of-the-art methods, affirming its efficiency and practical applicability. The source will be publicly made available at \href{https://eduardzamfir.github.io/moceir/}{\texttt{eduardzamfir.github.io/MoCE-IR/}}
Abstract:Image super-resolution methods have made significant strides with deep learning techniques and ample training data. However, they face challenges due to inherent misalignment between low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) pairs in real-world datasets. In this study, we propose a novel plug-and-play module designed to mitigate these misalignment issues by aligning LR inputs with HR images during training. Specifically, our approach involves mimicking a novel LR sample that aligns with HR while preserving the degradation characteristics of the original LR samples. This module seamlessly integrates with any SR model, enhancing robustness against misalignment. Importantly, it can be easily removed during inference, therefore without introducing any parameters on the conventional SR models. We comprehensively evaluate our method on synthetic and real-world datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness across a spectrum of SR models, including traditional CNNs and state-of-the-art Transformers. The source codes will be publicly made available at https://github.com/omarAlezaby/Mimicked_Ali .
Abstract:This paper presents the Video Super-Resolution (SR) Quality Assessment (QA) Challenge that was part of the Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM) workshop, held in conjunction with ECCV 2024. The task of this challenge was to develop an objective QA method for videos upscaled 2x and 4x by modern image- and video-SR algorithms. QA methods were evaluated by comparing their output with aggregate subjective scores collected from >150,000 pairwise votes obtained through crowd-sourced comparisons across 52 SR methods and 1124 upscaled videos. The goal was to advance the state-of-the-art in SR QA, which had proven to be a challenging problem with limited applicability of traditional QA methods. The challenge had 29 registered participants, and 5 teams had submitted their final results, all outperforming the current state-of-the-art. All data, including the private test subset, has been made publicly available on the challenge homepage at https://challenges.videoprocessing.ai/challenges/super-resolution-metrics-challenge.html
Abstract:Autonomous racing has rapidly gained research attention. Traditionally, racing cars rely on 2D LiDAR as their primary visual system. In this work, we explore the integration of an event camera with the existing system to provide enhanced temporal information. Our goal is to fuse the 2D LiDAR data with event data in an end-to-end learning framework for steering prediction, which is crucial for autonomous racing. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study addressing this challenging research topic. We start by creating a multisensor dataset specifically for steering prediction. Using this dataset, we establish a benchmark by evaluating various SOTA fusion methods. Our observations reveal that existing methods often incur substantial computational costs. To address this, we apply low-rank techniques to propose a novel, efficient, and effective fusion design. We introduce a new fusion learning policy to guide the fusion process, enhancing robustness against misalignment. Our fusion architecture provides better steering prediction than LiDAR alone, significantly reducing the RMSE from 7.72 to 1.28. Compared to the second-best fusion method, our work represents only 11% of the learnable parameters while achieving better accuracy. The source code, dataset, and benchmark will be released to promote future research.
Abstract:Multiple low-vision tasks such as denoising, deblurring and super-resolution depart from RGB images and further reduce the degradations, improving the quality. However, modeling the degradations in the sRGB domain is complicated because of the Image Signal Processor (ISP) transformations. Despite of this known issue, very few methods in the literature work directly with sensor RAW images. In this work we tackle image restoration directly in the RAW domain. We design a new realistic degradation pipeline for training deep blind RAW restoration models. Our pipeline considers realistic sensor noise, motion blur, camera shake, and other common degradations. The models trained with our pipeline and data from multiple sensors, can successfully reduce noise and blur, and recover details in RAW images captured from different cameras. To the best of our knowledge, this is the most exhaustive analysis on RAW image restoration. Code available at https://github.com/mv-lab/AISP
Abstract:Video super-resolution (VSR) is a critical task for enhancing low-bitrate and low-resolution videos, particularly in streaming applications. While numerous solutions have been developed, they often suffer from high computational demands, resulting in low frame rates (FPS) and poor power efficiency, especially on mobile platforms. In this work, we compile different methods to address these challenges, the solutions are end-to-end real-time video super-resolution frameworks optimized for both high performance and low runtime. We also introduce a new test set of high-quality 4K videos to further validate the approaches. The proposed solutions tackle video up-scaling for two applications: 540p to 4K (x4) as a general case, and 360p to 1080p (x3) more tailored towards mobile devices. In both tracks, the solutions have a reduced number of parameters and operations (MACs), allow high FPS, and improve VMAF and PSNR over interpolation baselines. This report gauges some of the most efficient video super-resolution methods to date.
Abstract:This paper summarizes the 3rd NTIRE challenge on stereo image super-resolution (SR) with a focus on new solutions and results. The task of this challenge is to super-resolve a low-resolution stereo image pair to a high-resolution one with a magnification factor of x4 under a limited computational budget. Compared with single image SR, the major challenge of this challenge lies in how to exploit additional information in another viewpoint and how to maintain stereo consistency in the results. This challenge has 2 tracks, including one track on bicubic degradation and one track on real degradations. In total, 108 and 70 participants were successfully registered for each track, respectively. In the test phase, 14 and 13 teams successfully submitted valid results with PSNR (RGB) scores better than the baseline. This challenge establishes a new benchmark for stereo image SR.