Johns Hopkins University
Abstract:We investigate the approximation and estimation rates of conditional diffusion transformers (DiTs) with classifier-free guidance. We present a comprehensive analysis for ``in-context'' conditional DiTs under four common data assumptions. We show that both conditional DiTs and their latent variants lead to the minimax optimality of unconditional DiTs under identified settings. Specifically, we discretize the input domains into infinitesimal grids and then perform a term-by-term Taylor expansion on the conditional diffusion score function under H\"older smooth data assumption. This enables fine-grained use of transformers' universal approximation through a more detailed piecewise constant approximation and hence obtains tighter bounds. Additionally, we extend our analysis to the latent setting under the linear latent subspace assumption. We not only show that latent conditional DiTs achieve lower bounds than conditional DiTs both in approximation and estimation, but also show the minimax optimality of latent unconditional DiTs. Our findings establish statistical limits for conditional and unconditional DiTs, and offer practical guidance toward developing more efficient and accurate DiT models.
Abstract:We investigate the statistical and computational limits of prompt tuning for transformer-based foundation models. Our key contributions are prompt tuning on \textit{single-head} transformers with only a \textit{single} self-attention layer: (i) is universal, and (ii) supports efficient (even almost-linear time) algorithms under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Statistically, we prove that prompt tuning on such simplest possible transformers are universal approximators for sequence-to-sequence Lipschitz functions. In addition, we provide an exponential-in-$dL$ and -in-$(1/\epsilon)$ lower bound on the required soft-prompt tokens for prompt tuning to memorize any dataset with 1-layer, 1-head transformers. Computationally, we identify a phase transition in the efficiency of prompt tuning, determined by the norm of the \textit{soft-prompt-induced} keys and queries, and provide an upper bound criterion. Beyond this criterion, no sub-quadratic (efficient) algorithm for prompt tuning exists under SETH. Within this criterion, we showcase our theory by proving the existence of almost-linear time prompt tuning inference algorithms. These fundamental limits provide important necessary conditions for designing expressive and efficient prompt tuning methods for practitioners.
Abstract:We investigate the transformer's capability for in-context learning (ICL) to simulate the training process of deep models. Our key contribution is providing a positive example of using a transformer to train a deep neural network by gradient descent in an implicit fashion via ICL. Specifically, we provide an explicit construction of a $(2N+4)L$-layer transformer capable of simulating $L$ gradient descent steps of an $N$-layer ReLU network through ICL. We also give the theoretical guarantees for the approximation within any given error and the convergence of the ICL gradient descent. Additionally, we extend our analysis to the more practical setting using Softmax-based transformers. We validate our findings on synthetic datasets for 3-layer, 4-layer, and 6-layer neural networks. The results show that ICL performance matches that of direct training.
Abstract:Transformers have achieved great success in recent years. Interestingly, transformers have shown particularly strong in-context learning capability -- even without fine-tuning, they are still able to solve unseen tasks well purely based on task-specific prompts. In this paper, we study the capability of one-layer transformers in learning one of the most classical nonparametric estimators, the one-nearest neighbor prediction rule. Under a theoretical framework where the prompt contains a sequence of labeled training data and unlabeled test data, we show that, although the loss function is nonconvex when trained with gradient descent, a single softmax attention layer can successfully learn to behave like a one-nearest neighbor classifier. Our result gives a concrete example of how transformers can be trained to implement nonparametric machine learning algorithms, and sheds light on the role of softmax attention in transformer models.
Abstract:Given a database of bit strings $A_1,\ldots,A_m\in \{0,1\}^n$, a fundamental data structure task is to estimate the distances between a given query $B\in \{0,1\}^n$ with all the strings in the database. In addition, one might further want to ensure the integrity of the database by releasing these distance statistics in a secure manner. In this work, we propose differentially private (DP) data structures for this type of tasks, with a focus on Hamming and edit distance. On top of the strong privacy guarantees, our data structures are also time- and space-efficient. In particular, our data structure is $\epsilon$-DP against any sequence of queries of arbitrary length, and for any query $B$ such that the maximum distance to any string in the database is at most $k$, we output $m$ distance estimates. Moreover, - For Hamming distance, our data structure answers any query in $\widetilde O(mk+n)$ time and each estimate deviates from the true distance by at most $\widetilde O(k/e^{\epsilon/\log k})$; - For edit distance, our data structure answers any query in $\widetilde O(mk^2+n)$ time and each estimate deviates from the true distance by at most $\widetilde O(k/e^{\epsilon/(\log k \log n)})$. For moderate $k$, both data structures support sublinear query operations. We obtain these results via a novel adaptation of the randomized response technique as a bit flipping procedure, applied to the sketched strings.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce Hunyuan-Large, which is currently the largest open-source Transformer-based mixture of experts model, with a total of 389 billion parameters and 52 billion activation parameters, capable of handling up to 256K tokens. We conduct a thorough evaluation of Hunyuan-Large's superior performance across various benchmarks including language understanding and generation, logical reasoning, mathematical problem-solving, coding, long-context, and aggregated tasks, where it outperforms LLama3.1-70B and exhibits comparable performance when compared to the significantly larger LLama3.1-405B model. Key practice of Hunyuan-Large include large-scale synthetic data that is orders larger than in previous literature, a mixed expert routing strategy, a key-value cache compression technique, and an expert-specific learning rate strategy. Additionally, we also investigate the scaling laws and learning rate schedule of mixture of experts models, providing valuable insights and guidances for future model development and optimization. The code and checkpoints of Hunyuan-Large are released to facilitate future innovations and applications. Codes: Models:
Abstract:Lifelong reinforcement learning (RL) has been developed as a paradigm for extending single-task RL to more realistic, dynamic settings. In lifelong RL, the "life" of an RL agent is modeled as a stream of tasks drawn from a task distribution. We propose EPIC (\underline{E}mpirical \underline{P}AC-Bayes that \underline{I}mproves \underline{C}ontinuously), a novel algorithm designed for lifelong RL using PAC-Bayes theory. EPIC learns a shared policy distribution, referred to as the \textit{world policy}, which enables rapid adaptation to new tasks while retaining valuable knowledge from previous experiences. Our theoretical analysis establishes a relationship between the algorithm's generalization performance and the number of prior tasks preserved in memory. We also derive the sample complexity of EPIC in terms of RL regret. Extensive experiments on a variety of environments demonstrate that EPIC significantly outperforms existing methods in lifelong RL, offering both theoretical guarantees and practical efficacy through the use of the world policy.
Abstract:Despite the widespread success of Transformers across various domains, their optimization guarantees in large-scale model settings are not well-understood. This paper rigorously analyzes the convergence properties of gradient flow in training Transformers with weight decay regularization. First, we construct the mean-field limit of large-scale Transformers, showing that as the model width and depth go to infinity, gradient flow converges to the Wasserstein gradient flow, which is represented by a partial differential equation. Then, we demonstrate that the gradient flow reaches a global minimum consistent with the PDE solution when the weight decay regularization parameter is sufficiently small. Our analysis is based on a series of novel mean-field techniques that adapt to Transformers. Compared with existing tools for deep networks (Lu et al., 2020) that demand homogeneity and global Lipschitz smoothness, we utilize a refined analysis assuming only $\textit{partial homogeneity}$ and $\textit{local Lipschitz smoothness}$. These new techniques may be of independent interest.
Abstract:We study the optimal memorization capacity of modern Hopfield models and Kernelized Hopfield Models (KHMs), a transformer-compatible class of Dense Associative Memories. We present a tight analysis by establishing a connection between the memory configuration of KHMs and spherical codes from information theory. Specifically, we treat the stored memory set as a specialized spherical code. This enables us to cast the memorization problem in KHMs into a point arrangement problem on a hypersphere. We show that the optimal capacity of KHMs occurs when the feature space allows memories to form an optimal spherical code. This unique perspective leads to: (i) An analysis of how KHMs achieve optimal memory capacity, and identify corresponding necessary conditions. Importantly, we establish an upper capacity bound that matches the well-known exponential lower bound in the literature. This provides the first tight and optimal asymptotic memory capacity for modern Hopfield models. (ii) A sub-linear time algorithm $\mathtt{U}\text{-}\mathtt{Hop}$+ to reach KHMs' optimal capacity. (iii) An analysis of the scaling behavior of the required feature dimension relative to the number of stored memories. These efforts improve both the retrieval capability of KHMs and the representation learning of corresponding transformers. Experimentally, we provide thorough numerical results to back up theoretical findings.
Abstract:The fashion industry is one of the leading domains in the global e-commerce sector, prompting major online retailers to employ recommendation systems for product suggestions and customer convenience. While recommendation systems have been widely studied, most are designed for general e-commerce problems and struggle with the unique challenges of the fashion domain. To address these issues, we propose a sequential fashion recommendation framework that leverages a pre-trained large language model (LLM) enhanced with recommendation-specific prompts. Our framework employs parameter-efficient fine-tuning with extensive fashion data and introduces a novel mix-up-based retrieval technique for translating text into relevant product suggestions. Extensive experiments show our proposed framework significantly enhances fashion recommendation performance.