Abstract:Synthesizing natural human motion that adapts to complex environments while allowing creative control remains a fundamental challenge in motion synthesis. Existing models often fall short, either by assuming flat terrain or lacking the ability to control motion semantics through text. To address these limitations, we introduce SCENIC, a diffusion model designed to generate human motion that adapts to dynamic terrains within virtual scenes while enabling semantic control through natural language. The key technical challenge lies in simultaneously reasoning about complex scene geometry while maintaining text control. This requires understanding both high-level navigation goals and fine-grained environmental constraints. The model must ensure physical plausibility and precise navigation across varied terrain, while also preserving user-specified text control, such as ``carefully stepping over obstacles" or ``walking upstairs like a zombie." Our solution introduces a hierarchical scene reasoning approach. At its core is a novel scene-dependent, goal-centric canonicalization that handles high-level goal constraint, and is complemented by an ego-centric distance field that captures local geometric details. This dual representation enables our model to generate physically plausible motion across diverse 3D scenes. By implementing frame-wise text alignment, our system achieves seamless transitions between different motion styles while maintaining scene constraints. Experiments demonstrate our novel diffusion model generates arbitrarily long human motions that both adapt to complex scenes with varying terrain surfaces and respond to textual prompts. Additionally, we show SCENIC can generalize to four real-scene datasets. Our code, dataset, and models will be released at \url{https://virtualhumans.mpi-inf.mpg.de/scenic/}.
Abstract:Traditionally, 3d indoor datasets have generally prioritized scale over ground-truth accuracy in order to obtain improved generalization. However, using these datasets to evaluate dense geometry tasks, such as depth rendering, can be problematic as the meshes of the dataset are often incomplete and may produce wrong ground truth to evaluate the details. In this paper, we propose SCRREAM, a dataset annotation framework that allows annotation of fully dense meshes of objects in the scene and registers camera poses on the real image sequence, which can produce accurate ground truth for both sparse 3D as well as dense 3D tasks. We show the details of the dataset annotation pipeline and showcase four possible variants of datasets that can be obtained from our framework with example scenes, such as indoor reconstruction and SLAM, scene editing & object removal, human reconstruction and 6d pose estimation. Recent pipelines for indoor reconstruction and SLAM serve as new benchmarks. In contrast to previous indoor dataset, our design allows to evaluate dense geometry tasks on eleven sample scenes against accurately rendered ground truth depth maps.
Abstract:Co-speech gestures, if presented in the lively form of videos, can achieve superior visual effects in human-machine interaction. While previous works mostly generate structural human skeletons, resulting in the omission of appearance information, we focus on the direct generation of audio-driven co-speech gesture videos in this work. There are two main challenges: 1) A suitable motion feature is needed to describe complex human movements with crucial appearance information. 2) Gestures and speech exhibit inherent dependencies and should be temporally aligned even of arbitrary length. To solve these problems, we present a novel motion-decoupled framework to generate co-speech gesture videos. Specifically, we first introduce a well-designed nonlinear TPS transformation to obtain latent motion features preserving essential appearance information. Then a transformer-based diffusion model is proposed to learn the temporal correlation between gestures and speech, and performs generation in the latent motion space, followed by an optimal motion selection module to produce long-term coherent and consistent gesture videos. For better visual perception, we further design a refinement network focusing on missing details of certain areas. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed framework significantly outperforms existing approaches in both motion and video-related evaluations. Our code, demos, and more resources are available at https://github.com/thuhcsi/S2G-MDDiffusion.
Abstract:For image super-resolution (SR), bridging the gap between the performance on synthetic datasets and real-world degradation scenarios remains a challenge. This work introduces a novel "Low-Res Leads the Way" (LWay) training framework, merging Supervised Pre-training with Self-supervised Learning to enhance the adaptability of SR models to real-world images. Our approach utilizes a low-resolution (LR) reconstruction network to extract degradation embeddings from LR images, merging them with super-resolved outputs for LR reconstruction. Leveraging unseen LR images for self-supervised learning guides the model to adapt its modeling space to the target domain, facilitating fine-tuning of SR models without requiring paired high-resolution (HR) images. The integration of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) further refines the focus on high-frequency details. Extensive evaluations show that our method significantly improves the generalization and detail restoration capabilities of SR models on unseen real-world datasets, outperforming existing methods. Our training regime is universally compatible, requiring no network architecture modifications, making it a practical solution for real-world SR applications.
Abstract:Capturing and preserving motion semantics is essential to motion retargeting between animation characters. However, most of the previous works neglect the semantic information or rely on human-designed joint-level representations. Here, we present a novel Semantics-aware Motion reTargeting (SMT) method with the advantage of vision-language models to extract and maintain meaningful motion semantics. We utilize a differentiable module to render 3D motions. Then the high-level motion semantics are incorporated into the motion retargeting process by feeding the vision-language model with the rendered images and aligning the extracted semantic embeddings. To ensure the preservation of fine-grained motion details and high-level semantics, we adopt a two-stage pipeline consisting of skeleton-aware pre-training and fine-tuning with semantics and geometry constraints. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in producing high-quality motion retargeting results while accurately preserving motion semantics. Project page can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/smtnet.
Abstract:The automatic co-speech gesture generation draws much attention in computer animation. Previous works designed network structures on individual datasets, which resulted in a lack of data volume and generalizability across different motion capture standards. In addition, it is a challenging task due to the weak correlation between speech and gestures. To address these problems, we present UnifiedGesture, a novel diffusion model-based speech-driven gesture synthesis approach, trained on multiple gesture datasets with different skeletons. Specifically, we first present a retargeting network to learn latent homeomorphic graphs for different motion capture standards, unifying the representations of various gestures while extending the dataset. We then capture the correlation between speech and gestures based on a diffusion model architecture using cross-local attention and self-attention to generate better speech-matched and realistic gestures. To further align speech and gesture and increase diversity, we incorporate reinforcement learning on the discrete gesture units with a learned reward function. Extensive experiments show that UnifiedGesture outperforms recent approaches on speech-driven gesture generation in terms of CCA, FGD, and human-likeness. All code, pre-trained models, databases, and demos are available to the public at https://github.com/YoungSeng/UnifiedGesture.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the DiffuseStyleGesture+, our solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behavior for Embodied Agents (GENEA) Challenge 2023, which aims to foster the development of realistic, automated systems for generating conversational gestures. Participants are provided with a pre-processed dataset and their systems are evaluated through crowdsourced scoring. Our proposed model, DiffuseStyleGesture+, leverages a diffusion model to generate gestures automatically. It incorporates a variety of modalities, including audio, text, speaker ID, and seed gestures. These diverse modalities are mapped to a hidden space and processed by a modified diffusion model to produce the corresponding gesture for a given speech input. Upon evaluation, the DiffuseStyleGesture+ demonstrated performance on par with the top-tier models in the challenge, showing no significant differences with those models in human-likeness, appropriateness for the interlocutor, and achieving competitive performance with the best model on appropriateness for agent speech. This indicates that our model is competitive and effective in generating realistic and appropriate gestures for given speech. The code, pre-trained models, and demos are available at https://github.com/YoungSeng/DiffuseStyleGesture/tree/DiffuseStyleGesturePlus/BEAT-TWH-main.
Abstract:Speech-driven gesture generation is highly challenging due to the random jitters of human motion. In addition, there is an inherent asynchronous relationship between human speech and gestures. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel quantization-based and phase-guided motion-matching framework. Specifically, we first present a gesture VQ-VAE module to learn a codebook to summarize meaningful gesture units. With each code representing a unique gesture, random jittering problems are alleviated effectively. We then use Levenshtein distance to align diverse gestures with different speech. Levenshtein distance based on audio quantization as a similarity metric of corresponding speech of gestures helps match more appropriate gestures with speech, and solves the alignment problem of speech and gestures well. Moreover, we introduce phase to guide the optimal gesture matching based on the semantics of context or rhythm of audio. Phase guides when text-based or speech-based gestures should be performed to make the generated gestures more natural. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms recent approaches on speech-driven gesture generation. Our code, database, pre-trained models, and demos are available at https://github.com/YoungSeng/QPGesture.
Abstract:Top-down methods dominate the field of 3D human pose and shape estimation, because they are decoupled from human detection and allow researchers to focus on the core problem. However, cropping, their first step, discards the location information from the very beginning, which makes themselves unable to accurately predict the global rotation in the original camera coordinate system. To address this problem, we propose to Carry Location Information in Full Frames (CLIFF) into this task. Specifically, we feed more holistic features to CLIFF by concatenating the cropped-image feature with its bounding box information. We calculate the 2D reprojection loss with a broader view of the full frame, taking a projection process similar to that of the person projected in the image. Fed and supervised by global-location-aware information, CLIFF directly predicts the global rotation along with more accurate articulated poses. Besides, we propose a pseudo-ground-truth annotator based on CLIFF, which provides high-quality 3D annotations for in-the-wild 2D datasets and offers crucial full supervision for regression-based methods. Extensive experiments on popular benchmarks show that CLIFF outperforms prior arts by a significant margin, and reaches the first place on the AGORA leaderboard (the SMPL-Algorithms track). The code and data are available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/noah-research/tree/master/CLIFF.