Abstract:While recent low-cost radar-camera approaches have shown promising results in multi-modal 3D object detection, both sensors face challenges from environmental and intrinsic disturbances. Poor lighting or adverse weather conditions degrade camera performance, while radar suffers from noise and positional ambiguity. Achieving robust radar-camera 3D object detection requires consistent performance across varying conditions, a topic that has not yet been fully explored. In this work, we first conduct a systematic analysis of robustness in radar-camera detection on five kinds of noises and propose RobuRCDet, a robust object detection model in BEV. Specifically, we design a 3D Gaussian Expansion (3DGE) module to mitigate inaccuracies in radar points, including position, Radar Cross-Section (RCS), and velocity. The 3DGE uses RCS and velocity priors to generate a deformable kernel map and variance for kernel size adjustment and value distribution. Additionally, we introduce a weather-adaptive fusion module, which adaptively fuses radar and camera features based on camera signal confidence. Extensive experiments on the popular benchmark, nuScenes, show that our model achieves competitive results in regular and noisy conditions.
Abstract:Open-world autonomous driving encompasses domain generalization and open-vocabulary. Domain generalization refers to the capabilities of autonomous driving systems across different scenarios and sensor parameter configurations. Open vocabulary pertains to the ability to recognize various semantic categories not encountered during training. In this paper, we introduce OpenAD, the first real-world open-world autonomous driving benchmark for 3D object detection. OpenAD is built on a corner case discovery and annotation pipeline integrating with a multimodal large language model (MLLM). The proposed pipeline annotates corner case objects in a unified format for five autonomous driving perception datasets with 2000 scenarios. In addition, we devise evaluation methodologies and evaluate various 2D and 3D open-world and specialized models. Moreover, we propose a vision-centric 3D open-world object detection baseline and further introduce an ensemble method by fusing general and specialized models to address the issue of lower precision in existing open-world methods for the OpenAD benchmark. Annotations, toolkit code, and all evaluation codes will be released.
Abstract:As a novel 3D scene representation, semantic occupancy has gained much attention in autonomous driving. However, existing occupancy prediction methods mainly focus on designing better occupancy representations, such as tri-perspective view or neural radiance fields, while ignoring the advantages of using long-temporal information. In this paper, we propose a radar-camera multi-modal temporal enhanced occupancy prediction network, dubbed TEOcc. Our method is inspired by the success of utilizing temporal information in 3D object detection. Specifically, we introduce a temporal enhancement branch to learn temporal occupancy prediction. In this branch, we randomly discard the t-k input frame of the multi-view camera and predict its 3D occupancy by long-term and short-term temporal decoders separately with the information from other adjacent frames and multi-modal inputs. Besides, to reduce computational costs and incorporate multi-modal inputs, we specially designed 3D convolutional layers for long-term and short-term temporal decoders. Furthermore, since the lightweight occupancy prediction head is a dense classification head, we propose to use a shared occupancy prediction head for the temporal enhancement and main branches. It is worth noting that the temporal enhancement branch is only performed during training and is discarded during inference. Experiment results demonstrate that TEOcc achieves state-of-the-art occupancy prediction on nuScenes benchmarks. In addition, the proposed temporal enhancement branch is a plug-and-play module that can be easily integrated into existing occupancy prediction methods to improve the performance of occupancy prediction. The code and models will be released at https://github.com/VDIGPKU/TEOcc.
Abstract:Existing perception models achieve great success by learning from large amounts of labeled data, but they still struggle with open-world scenarios. To alleviate this issue, researchers introduce open-set perception tasks to detect or segment unseen objects in the training set. However, these models require predefined object categories as inputs during inference, which are not available in real-world scenarios. Recently, researchers pose a new and more practical problem, \textit{i.e.}, open-ended object detection, which discovers unseen objects without any object categories as inputs. In this paper, we present VL-SAM, a training-free framework that combines the generalized object recognition model (\textit{i.e.,} Vision-Language Model) with the generalized object localization model (\textit{i.e.,} Segment-Anything Model), to address the open-ended object detection and segmentation task. Without additional training, we connect these two generalized models with attention maps as the prompts. Specifically, we design an attention map generation module by employing head aggregation and a regularized attention flow to aggregate and propagate attention maps across all heads and layers in VLM, yielding high-quality attention maps. Then, we iteratively sample positive and negative points from the attention maps with a prompt generation module and send the sampled points to SAM to segment corresponding objects. Experimental results on the long-tail instance segmentation dataset (LVIS) show that our method surpasses the previous open-ended method on the object detection task and can provide additional instance segmentation masks. Besides, VL-SAM achieves favorable performance on the corner case object detection dataset (CODA), demonstrating the effectiveness of VL-SAM in real-world applications. Moreover, VL-SAM exhibits good model generalization that can incorporate various VLMs and SAMs.
Abstract:Singing voice conversion (SVC) is hindered by noise sensitivity due to the use of non-robust methods for extracting pitch and energy during the inference. As clean signals are key for the source audio in SVC, music source separation preprocessing offers a viable solution for handling noisy audio, like singing with background music (BGM). However, current separating methods struggle to fully remove noise or excessively suppress signal components, affecting the naturalness and similarity of the processed audio. To tackle this, our study introduces RobustSVC, a novel any-to-one SVC framework that converts noisy vocals into clean vocals sung by the target singer. We replace the non-robust feature with a HuBERT-based melody extractor and use adversarial training mechanisms with three discriminators to reduce information leakage in self-supervised representations. Experimental results show that RobustSVC is noise-robust and achieves higher similarity and naturalness than baseline methods in both noisy and clean vocal conditions.
Abstract:Perceiving the surrounding environment is a fundamental task in autonomous driving. To obtain highly accurate perception results, modern autonomous driving systems typically employ multi-modal sensors to collect comprehensive environmental data. Among these, the radar-camera multi-modal perception system is especially favored for its excellent sensing capabilities and cost-effectiveness. However, the substantial modality differences between radar and camera sensors pose challenges in fusing information. To address this problem, this paper presents RCBEVDet, a radar-camera fusion 3D object detection framework. Specifically, RCBEVDet is developed from an existing camera-based 3D object detector, supplemented by a specially designed radar feature extractor, RadarBEVNet, and a Cross-Attention Multi-layer Fusion (CAMF) module. Firstly, RadarBEVNet encodes sparse radar points into a dense bird's-eye-view (BEV) feature using a dual-stream radar backbone and a Radar Cross Section aware BEV encoder. Secondly, the CAMF module utilizes a deformable attention mechanism to align radar and camera BEV features and adopts channel and spatial fusion layers to fuse them. To further enhance RCBEVDet's capabilities, we introduce RCBEVDet++, which advances the CAMF through sparse fusion, supports query-based multi-view camera perception models, and adapts to a broader range of perception tasks. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes show that our method integrates seamlessly with existing camera-based 3D perception models and improves their performance across various perception tasks. Furthermore, our method achieves state-of-the-art radar-camera fusion results in 3D object detection, BEV semantic segmentation, and 3D multi-object tracking tasks. Notably, with ViT-L as the image backbone, RCBEVDet++ achieves 72.73 NDS and 67.34 mAP in 3D object detection without test-time augmentation or model ensembling.
Abstract:Co-speech gestures, if presented in the lively form of videos, can achieve superior visual effects in human-machine interaction. While previous works mostly generate structural human skeletons, resulting in the omission of appearance information, we focus on the direct generation of audio-driven co-speech gesture videos in this work. There are two main challenges: 1) A suitable motion feature is needed to describe complex human movements with crucial appearance information. 2) Gestures and speech exhibit inherent dependencies and should be temporally aligned even of arbitrary length. To solve these problems, we present a novel motion-decoupled framework to generate co-speech gesture videos. Specifically, we first introduce a well-designed nonlinear TPS transformation to obtain latent motion features preserving essential appearance information. Then a transformer-based diffusion model is proposed to learn the temporal correlation between gestures and speech, and performs generation in the latent motion space, followed by an optimal motion selection module to produce long-term coherent and consistent gesture videos. For better visual perception, we further design a refinement network focusing on missing details of certain areas. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed framework significantly outperforms existing approaches in both motion and video-related evaluations. Our code, demos, and more resources are available at https://github.com/thuhcsi/S2G-MDDiffusion.
Abstract:Three-dimensional object detection is one of the key tasks in autonomous driving. To reduce costs in practice, low-cost multi-view cameras for 3D object detection are proposed to replace the expansive LiDAR sensors. However, relying solely on cameras is difficult to achieve highly accurate and robust 3D object detection. An effective solution to this issue is combining multi-view cameras with the economical millimeter-wave radar sensor to achieve more reliable multi-modal 3D object detection. In this paper, we introduce RCBEVDet, a radar-camera fusion 3D object detection method in the bird's eye view (BEV). Specifically, we first design RadarBEVNet for radar BEV feature extraction. RadarBEVNet consists of a dual-stream radar backbone and a Radar Cross-Section (RCS) aware BEV encoder. In the dual-stream radar backbone, a point-based encoder and a transformer-based encoder are proposed to extract radar features, with an injection and extraction module to facilitate communication between the two encoders. The RCS-aware BEV encoder takes RCS as the object size prior to scattering the point feature in BEV. Besides, we present the Cross-Attention Multi-layer Fusion module to automatically align the multi-modal BEV feature from radar and camera with the deformable attention mechanism, and then fuse the feature with channel and spatial fusion layers. Experimental results show that RCBEVDet achieves new state-of-the-art radar-camera fusion results on nuScenes and view-of-delft (VoD) 3D object detection benchmarks. Furthermore, RCBEVDet achieves better 3D detection results than all real-time camera-only and radar-camera 3D object detectors with a faster inference speed at 21~28 FPS. The source code will be released at https://github.com/VDIGPKU/RCBEVDet.
Abstract:The vulnerability of deep neural networks to imperceptible adversarial perturbations has attracted widespread attention. Inspired by the success of vision-language foundation models, previous efforts achieved zero-shot adversarial robustness by aligning adversarial visual features with text supervision. However, in practice, they are still unsatisfactory due to several issues, including heavy adaptation cost, suboptimal text supervision, and uncontrolled natural generalization capacity. In this paper, to address these issues, we propose a few-shot adversarial prompt framework where adapting input sequences with limited data makes significant adversarial robustness improvement. Specifically, we achieve this by providing adversarially correlated text supervision that is end-to-end learned from adversarial examples. We also propose a novel training objective that enhances the consistency of multi-modal features while encourages differentiated uni-modal features between natural and adversarial examples. The proposed framework gives access to learn adversarial text supervision, which provides superior cross-modal adversarial alignment and matches state-of-the-art zero-shot adversarial robustness with only 1% training data.
Abstract:We present GALA3D, generative 3D GAussians with LAyout-guided control, for effective compositional text-to-3D generation. We first utilize large language models (LLMs) to generate the initial layout and introduce a layout-guided 3D Gaussian representation for 3D content generation with adaptive geometric constraints. We then propose an object-scene compositional optimization mechanism with conditioned diffusion to collaboratively generate realistic 3D scenes with consistent geometry, texture, scale, and accurate interactions among multiple objects while simultaneously adjusting the coarse layout priors extracted from the LLMs to align with the generated scene. Experiments show that GALA3D is a user-friendly, end-to-end framework for state-of-the-art scene-level 3D content generation and controllable editing while ensuring the high fidelity of object-level entities within the scene. Source codes and models will be available at https://gala3d.github.io/.