Abstract:Group Re-identification (G-ReID) faces greater complexity than individual Re-identification (ReID) due to challenges like mutual occlusion, dynamic member interactions, and evolving group structures. Prior graph-based approaches have aimed to capture these dynamics by modeling the group as a single topological structure. However, these methods struggle to generalize across diverse group compositions, as they fail to fully represent the multifaceted relationships within the group. In this study, we introduce a Hierarchical Multi-Graphs Learning (HMGL) framework to address these challenges. Our approach models the group as a collection of multi-relational graphs, leveraging both explicit features (such as occlusion, appearance, and foreground information) and implicit dependencies between members. This hierarchical representation, encoded via a Multi-Graphs Neural Network (MGNN), allows us to resolve ambiguities in member relationships, particularly in complex, densely populated scenes. To further enhance matching accuracy, we propose a Multi-Scale Matching (MSM) algorithm, which mitigates issues of member information ambiguity and sensitivity to hard samples, improving robustness in challenging scenarios. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on two standard benchmarks, CSG and RoadGroup, with Rank-1/mAP scores of 95.3%/94.4% and 93.9%/95.4%, respectively. These results mark notable improvements of 1.7% and 2.5% in Rank-1 accuracy over existing approaches.
Abstract:Machine learning algorithms often struggle to eliminate inherent data biases, particularly those arising from unreliable labels, which poses a significant challenge in ensuring fairness. Existing fairness techniques that address label bias typically involve modifying models and intervening in the training process, but these lack flexibility for large-scale datasets. To address this limitation, we introduce a data selection method designed to efficiently and flexibly mitigate label bias, tailored to more practical needs. Our approach utilizes a zero-shot predictor as a proxy model that simulates training on a clean holdout set. This strategy, supported by peer predictions, ensures the fairness of the proxy model and eliminates the need for an additional holdout set, which is a common requirement in previous methods. Without altering the classifier's architecture, our modality-agnostic method effectively selects appropriate training data and has proven efficient and effective in handling label bias and improving fairness across diverse datasets in experimental evaluations.
Abstract:This work addresses a key limitation in current federated learning approaches, which predominantly focus on homogeneous tasks, neglecting the task diversity on local devices. We propose a principled integration of multi-task learning using multi-output Gaussian processes (MOGP) at the local level and federated learning at the global level. MOGP handles correlated classification and regression tasks, offering a Bayesian non-parametric approach that naturally quantifies uncertainty. The central server aggregates the posteriors from local devices, updating a global MOGP prior redistributed for training local models until convergence. Challenges in performing posterior inference on local devices are addressed through the P\'{o}lya-Gamma augmentation technique and mean-field variational inference, enhancing computational efficiency and convergence rate. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data demonstrate superior predictive performance, OOD detection, uncertainty calibration and convergence rate, highlighting the method's potential in diverse applications. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/JunliangLv/task_diversity_BFL.
Abstract:Generating realistic 3D human-object interactions (HOIs) from text descriptions is a active research topic with potential applications in virtual and augmented reality, robotics, and animation. However, creating high-quality 3D HOIs remains challenging due to the lack of large-scale interaction data and the difficulty of ensuring physical plausibility, especially in out-of-domain (OOD) scenarios. Current methods tend to focus either on the body or the hands, which limits their ability to produce cohesive and realistic interactions. In this paper, we propose OOD-HOI, a text-driven framework for generating whole-body human-object interactions that generalize well to new objects and actions. Our approach integrates a dual-branch reciprocal diffusion model to synthesize initial interaction poses, a contact-guided interaction refiner to improve physical accuracy based on predicted contact areas, and a dynamic adaptation mechanism which includes semantic adjustment and geometry deformation to improve robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that our OOD-HOI could generate more realistic and physically plausible 3D interaction pose in OOD scenarios compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Prevalent in biological applications (e.g., human phenotype measurements), multimodal datasets can provide valuable insights into the underlying biological mechanisms. However, current machine learning models designed to analyze such datasets still lack interpretability and theoretical guarantees, which are essential to biological applications. Recent advances in causal representation learning have shown promise in uncovering the interpretable latent causal variables with formal theoretical certificates. Unfortunately, existing works for multimodal distributions either rely on restrictive parametric assumptions or provide rather coarse identification results, limiting their applicability to biological research which favors a detailed understanding of the mechanisms. In this work, we aim to develop flexible identification conditions for multimodal data and principled methods to facilitate the understanding of biological datasets. Theoretically, we consider a flexible nonparametric latent distribution (c.f., parametric assumptions in prior work) permitting causal relationships across potentially different modalities. We establish identifiability guarantees for each latent component, extending the subspace identification results from prior work. Our key theoretical ingredient is the structural sparsity of the causal connections among distinct modalities, which, as we will discuss, is natural for a large collection of biological systems. Empirically, we propose a practical framework to instantiate our theoretical insights. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments on both numerical and synthetic datasets. Results on a real-world human phenotype dataset are consistent with established medical research, validating our theoretical and methodological framework.
Abstract:Existing permanental processes often impose constraints on kernel types or stationarity, limiting the model's expressiveness. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach utilizing the sparse spectral representation of nonstationary kernels. This technique relaxes the constraints on kernel types and stationarity, allowing for more flexible modeling while reducing computational complexity to the linear level. Additionally, we introduce a deep kernel variant by hierarchically stacking multiple spectral feature mappings, further enhancing the model's expressiveness to capture complex patterns in data. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, particularly in scenarios with pronounced data nonstationarity. Additionally, ablation studies are conducted to provide insights into the impact of various hyperparameters on model performance.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate stochastic approximation (SA) with Markovian data and nonlinear updates under constant stepsize $\alpha>0$. Existing work has primarily focused on either i.i.d. data or linear update rules. We take a new perspective and carefully examine the simultaneous presence of Markovian dependency of data and nonlinear update rules, delineating how the interplay between these two structures leads to complications that are not captured by prior techniques. By leveraging the smoothness and recurrence properties of the SA updates, we develop a fine-grained analysis of the correlation between the SA iterates $\theta_k$ and Markovian data $x_k$. This enables us to overcome the obstacles in existing analysis and establish for the first time the weak convergence of the joint process $(x_k, \theta_k)_{k\geq0}$. Furthermore, we present a precise characterization of the asymptotic bias of the SA iterates, given by $\mathbb{E}[\theta_\infty]-\theta^\ast=\alpha(b_\text{m}+b_\text{n}+b_\text{c})+O(\alpha^{3/2})$. Here, $b_\text{m}$ is associated with the Markovian noise, $b_\text{n}$ is tied to the nonlinearity, and notably, $b_\text{c}$ represents a multiplicative interaction between the Markovian noise and nonlinearity, which is absent in previous works. As a by-product of our analysis, we derive finite-time bounds on higher moment $\mathbb{E}[\|\theta_k-\theta^\ast\|^{2p}]$ and present non-asymptotic geometric convergence rates for the iterates, along with a Central Limit Theorem.
Abstract:Mathematical modeling (MM) is considered a fundamental skill for students in STEM disciplines. Practicing the MM skill is often the most effective when students can engage in group discussion and collaborative problem-solving. However, due to unevenly distributed teachers and educational resources needed to monitor such group activities, students do not always receive equal opportunities for this practice. Excitingly, large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated strong capability in both modeling mathematical problems and simulating characters with different traits and properties. Drawing inspiration from the advancement of LLMs, in this work, we present MATHVC, the very first LLM-powered virtual classroom containing multiple LLM-simulated student characters, with whom a human student can practice their MM skill. To encourage each LLM character's behaviors to be aligned with their specified math-relevant properties (termed "characteristics alignment") and the overall conversational procedure to be close to an authentic student MM discussion (termed "conversational procedural alignment"), we proposed three innovations: integrating MM domain knowledge into the simulation, defining a symbolic schema as the ground for character simulation, and designing a meta planner at the platform level to drive the conversational procedure. Through experiments and ablation studies, we confirmed the effectiveness of our simulation approach and showed the promise for MATHVC to benefit real-life students in the future.
Abstract:Motivated by Q-learning, we study nonsmooth contractive stochastic approximation (SA) with constant stepsize. We focus on two important classes of dynamics: 1) nonsmooth contractive SA with additive noise, and 2) synchronous and asynchronous Q-learning, which features both additive and multiplicative noise. For both dynamics, we establish weak convergence of the iterates to a stationary limit distribution in Wasserstein distance. Furthermore, we propose a prelimit coupling technique for establishing steady-state convergence and characterize the limit of the stationary distribution as the stepsize goes to zero. Using this result, we derive that the asymptotic bias of nonsmooth SA is proportional to the square root of the stepsize, which stands in sharp contrast to smooth SA. This bias characterization allows for the use of Richardson-Romberg extrapolation for bias reduction in nonsmooth SA.
Abstract:Generative models are rapidly gaining popularity and being integrated into everyday applications, raising concerns over their safety issues as various vulnerabilities are exposed. Faced with the problem, the field of red teaming is experiencing fast-paced growth, which highlights the need for a comprehensive organization covering the entire pipeline and addressing emerging topics for the community. Our extensive survey, which examines over 120 papers, introduces a taxonomy of fine-grained attack strategies grounded in the inherent capabilities of language models. Additionally, we have developed the searcher framework that unifies various automatic red teaming approaches. Moreover, our survey covers novel areas including multimodal attacks and defenses, risks around multilingual models, overkill of harmless queries, and safety of downstream applications. We hope this survey can provide a systematic perspective on the field and unlock new areas of research.