Abstract:Melody preservation is crucial in singing voice conversion (SVC). However, in many scenarios, audio is often accompanied with background music (BGM), which can cause audio distortion and interfere with the extraction of melody and other key features, significantly degrading SVC performance. Previous methods have attempted to address this by using more robust neural network-based melody extractors, but their performance drops sharply in the presence of complex accompaniment. Other approaches involve performing source separation before conversion, but this often introduces noticeable artifacts, leading to a significant drop in conversion quality and increasing the user's operational costs. To address these issues, we introduce a novel SVC method that uses self-supervised representation-based melody features to improve melody modeling accuracy in the presence of BGM. In our experiments, we compare the effectiveness of different self-supervised learning (SSL) models for melody extraction and explore for the first time how SSL benefits the task of melody extraction. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed SVC model significantly outperforms existing baseline methods in terms of melody accuracy and shows higher similarity and naturalness in both subjective and objective evaluations across noisy and clean audio environments.
Abstract:Singing voice conversion (SVC) is hindered by noise sensitivity due to the use of non-robust methods for extracting pitch and energy during the inference. As clean signals are key for the source audio in SVC, music source separation preprocessing offers a viable solution for handling noisy audio, like singing with background music (BGM). However, current separating methods struggle to fully remove noise or excessively suppress signal components, affecting the naturalness and similarity of the processed audio. To tackle this, our study introduces RobustSVC, a novel any-to-one SVC framework that converts noisy vocals into clean vocals sung by the target singer. We replace the non-robust feature with a HuBERT-based melody extractor and use adversarial training mechanisms with three discriminators to reduce information leakage in self-supervised representations. Experimental results show that RobustSVC is noise-robust and achieves higher similarity and naturalness than baseline methods in both noisy and clean vocal conditions.
Abstract:Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) constitute a crucial component of neural symbolic music generation, among which some works have yielded outstanding results and attracted considerable attention. Nevertheless, previous VAEs still encounter issues with overly long feature sequences and generated results lack contextual coherence, thus the challenge of modeling long multi-track symbolic music still remains unaddressed. To this end, we propose Multi-view MidiVAE, as one of the pioneers in VAE methods that effectively model and generate long multi-track symbolic music. The Multi-view MidiVAE utilizes the two-dimensional (2-D) representation, OctupleMIDI, to capture relationships among notes while reducing the feature sequences length. Moreover, we focus on instrumental characteristics and harmony as well as global and local information about the musical composition by employing a hybrid variational encoding-decoding strategy to integrate both Track- and Bar-view MidiVAE features. Objective and subjective experimental results on the CocoChorales dataset demonstrate that, compared to the baseline, Multi-view MidiVAE exhibits significant improvements in terms of modeling long multi-track symbolic music.
Abstract:Any-to-any singing voice conversion is confronted with a significant challenge of ``timbre leakage'' issue caused by inadequate disentanglement between the content and the speaker timbre. To address this issue, this study introduces a novel neural concatenative singing voice conversion (NeuCoSVC) framework. The NeuCoSVC framework comprises a self-supervised learning (SSL) representation extractor, a neural harmonic signal generator, and a waveform synthesizer. Specifically, the SSL extractor condenses the audio into a sequence of fixed-dimensional SSL features. The harmonic signal generator produces both raw and filtered harmonic signals as the pitch information by leveraging a linear time-varying (LTV) filter. Finally, the audio generator reconstructs the audio waveform based on the SSL features, as well as the harmonic signals and the loudness information. During inference, the system performs voice conversion by substituting source SSL features with their nearest counterparts from a matching pool, which comprises SSL representations extracted from the target audio, while the raw harmonic signals and the loudness are extracted from the source audio and are kept unchanged. Since the utilized SSL features in the conversion stage are directly from the target audio, the proposed framework has great potential to address the ``timbre leakage'' issue caused by previous disentanglement-based approaches. Experimental results confirm that the proposed system delivers much better performance than the speaker embedding approach (disentanglement-based) in the context of one-shot SVC across intra-language, cross-language, and cross-domain evaluations.