Abstract:Pre-training vision-language representations on human action videos has emerged as a promising approach to reduce reliance on large-scale expert demonstrations for training embodied agents. However, prior methods often employ time contrastive learning based on goal-reaching heuristics, progressively aligning language instructions from the initial to the final frame. This overemphasis on future frames can result in erroneous vision-language associations, as actions may terminate early or include irrelevant moments in the end. To address this issue, we propose Action Temporal Coherence Learning (AcTOL) to learn ordered and continuous vision-language representations without rigid goal-based constraint. AcTOL treats a video as a continuous trajectory where it (1) contrasts semantic differences between frames to reflect their natural ordering, and (2) imposes a local Brownian bridge constraint to ensure smooth transitions across intermediate frames. Extensive imitation learning experiments across varying numbers of demonstrations show that the pretrained features significantly enhance downstream manipulation tasks by up to 49% with high robustness to different linguistic styles of instructions, offering a viable pathway toward generalized embodied agents. The source code is included in the supplementary material for reference.
Abstract:Face animation is a challenging task. Existing model-based methods (utilizing 3DMMs or landmarks) often result in a model-like reconstruction effect, which doesn't effectively preserve identity. Conversely, model-free approaches face challenges in attaining a decoupled and semantically rich feature space, thereby making accurate motion transfer difficult to achieve. We introduce the semantic facial descriptors in learnable disentangled vector space to address the dilemma. The approach involves decoupling the facial space into identity and motion subspaces while endowing each of them with semantics by learning complete orthogonal basis vectors. We obtain basis vector coefficients by employing an encoder on the source and driving faces, leading to effective facial descriptors in the identity and motion subspaces. Ultimately, these descriptors can be recombined as latent codes to animate faces. Our approach successfully addresses the issue of model-based methods' limitations in high-fidelity identity and the challenges faced by model-free methods in accurate motion transfer. Extensive experiments are conducted on three challenging benchmarks (i.e. VoxCeleb, HDTF, CelebV). Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our model outperforms SOTA methods with superior identity preservation and motion transfer.
Abstract:Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) offer inherent interpretability by initially translating images into human-comprehensible concepts, followed by a linear combination of these concepts for classification. However, the annotation of concepts for visual recognition tasks requires extensive expert knowledge and labor, constraining the broad adoption of CBMs. Recent approaches have leveraged the knowledge of large language models to construct concept bottlenecks, with multimodal models like CLIP subsequently mapping image features into the concept feature space for classification. Despite this, the concepts produced by language models can be verbose and may introduce non-visual attributes, which hurts accuracy and interpretability. In this study, we investigate to avoid these issues by constructing CBMs directly from multimodal models. To this end, we adopt common words as base concept vocabulary and leverage auxiliary unlabeled images to construct a Vision-to-Concept (V2C) tokenizer that can explicitly quantize images into their most relevant visual concepts, thus creating a vision-oriented concept bottleneck tightly coupled with the multimodal model. This leads to our V2C-CBM which is training efficient and interpretable with high accuracy. Our V2C-CBM has matched or outperformed LLM-supervised CBMs on various visual classification benchmarks, validating the efficacy of our approach.
Abstract:Decision-making and motion planning are pivotal in ensuring the safety and efficiency of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Existing methodologies typically adopt two paradigms: decision then planning or generation then scoring. However, the former often struggles with misalignment between decisions and planning, while the latter encounters significant challenges in integrating short-term operational utility with long-term tactical efficacy. To address these issues, we introduce CALMM-Drive, a novel Confidence-Aware Large Multimodal Model (LMM) empowered Autonomous Driving framework. Our approach employs Top-K confidence elicitation, which facilitates the generation of multiple candidate decisions along with their confidence levels. Furthermore, we propose a novel planning module that integrates a diffusion model for trajectory generation and a hierarchical refinement process to find the optimal path. This framework enables the selection of the best plan accounting for both low-level solution quality and high-level tactical confidence, which mitigates the risks of one-shot decisions and overcomes the limitations induced by short-sighted scoring mechanisms. Comprehensive evaluations in nuPlan closed-loop simulation environments demonstrate the effectiveness of CALMM-Drive in achieving reliable and flexible driving performance, showcasing a significant advancement in the integration of uncertainty in LMM-empowered AVs. The code will be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:Adapting machine learning models to new domains without labeled data, especially when source data is inaccessible, is a critical challenge in applications like medical imaging, autonomous driving, and remote sensing. This task, known as Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA), involves adapting a pre-trained model to a target domain using only unlabeled target data, which can lead to issues such as overfitting, underfitting, and poor generalization due to domain discrepancies and noise. Existing SFUDA methods often rely on single-model architectures, struggling with uncertainty and variability in the target domain. To address these challenges, we propose DRIVE (Dual-Robustness through Information Variability and Entropy), a novel SFUDA framework leveraging a dual-model architecture. The two models, initialized with identical weights, work in parallel to capture diverse target domain characteristics. One model is exposed to perturbations via projection gradient descent (PGD) guided by mutual information, focusing on high-uncertainty regions. We also introduce an entropy-aware pseudo-labeling strategy that adjusts label weights based on prediction uncertainty, ensuring the model focuses on reliable data while avoiding noisy regions. The adaptation process has two stages: the first aligns the models on stable features using a mutual information consistency loss, and the second dynamically adjusts the perturbation level based on the loss from the first stage, encouraging the model to explore a broader range of the target domain while preserving existing performance. This enhances generalization capabilities and robustness against interference. Evaluations on standard SFUDA benchmarks show that DRIVE consistently outperforms previous methods, delivering improved adaptation accuracy and stability across complex target domains.
Abstract:Convolutions (Convs) and multi-head self-attentions (MHSAs) are typically considered alternatives to each other for building vision backbones. Although some works try to integrate both, they apply the two operators simultaneously at the finest pixel granularity. With Convs responsible for per-pixel feature extraction already, the question is whether we still need to include the heavy MHSAs at such a fine-grained level. In fact, this is the root cause of the scalability issue w.r.t. the input resolution for vision transformers. To address this important problem, we propose in this work to use MSHAs and Convs in parallel \textbf{at different granularity levels} instead. Specifically, in each layer, we use two different ways to represent an image: a fine-grained regular grid and a coarse-grained set of semantic slots. We apply different operations to these two representations: Convs to the grid for local features, and MHSAs to the slots for global features. A pair of fully differentiable soft clustering and dispatching modules is introduced to bridge the grid and set representations, thus enabling local-global fusion. Through extensive experiments on various vision tasks, we empirically verify the potential of the proposed integration scheme, named \textit{GLMix}: by offloading the burden of fine-grained features to light-weight Convs, it is sufficient to use MHSAs in a few (e.g., 64) semantic slots to match the performance of recent state-of-the-art backbones, while being more efficient. Our visualization results also demonstrate that the soft clustering module produces a meaningful semantic grouping effect with only IN1k classification supervision, which may induce better interpretability and inspire new weakly-supervised semantic segmentation approaches. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/rayleizhu/GLMix}.
Abstract:Federated domain generalization (FedDG) aims to improve the global model generalization in unseen domains by addressing data heterogeneity under privacy-preserving constraints. A common strategy in existing FedDG studies involves sharing domain-specific knowledge among clients, such as spectrum information, class prototypes, and data styles. However, this knowledge is extracted directly from local client samples, and sharing such sensitive information poses a potential risk of data leakage, which might not fully meet the requirements of FedDG. In this paper, we introduce prompt learning to adapt pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) in the FedDG scenario, and leverage locally learned prompts as a more secure bridge to facilitate knowledge transfer among clients. Specifically, we propose a novel FedDG framework through Prompt Learning and AggregatioN (PLAN), which comprises two training stages to collaboratively generate local prompts and global prompts at each federated round. First, each client performs both text and visual prompt learning using their own data, with local prompts indirectly synchronized by regarding the global prompts as a common reference. Second, all domain-specific local prompts are exchanged among clients and selectively aggregated into the global prompts using lightweight attention-based aggregators. The global prompts are finally applied to adapt VLMs to unseen target domains. As our PLAN framework requires training only a limited number of prompts and lightweight aggregators, it offers notable advantages in computational and communication efficiency for FedDG. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior generalization ability of PLAN across four benchmark datasets.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel framework for unified incremental few-shot object detection (iFSOD) and instance segmentation (iFSIS) using the Transformer architecture. Our goal is to create an optimal solution for situations where only a few examples of novel object classes are available, with no access to training data for base or old classes, while maintaining high performance across both base and novel classes. To achieve this, We extend Mask-DINO into a two-stage incremental learning framework. Stage 1 focuses on optimizing the model using the base dataset, while Stage 2 involves fine-tuning the model on novel classes. Besides, we incorporate a classifier selection strategy that assigns appropriate classifiers to the encoder and decoder according to their distinct functions. Empirical evidence indicates that this approach effectively mitigates the over-fitting on novel classes learning. Furthermore, we implement knowledge distillation to prevent catastrophic forgetting of base classes. Comprehensive evaluations on the COCO and LVIS datasets for both iFSIS and iFSOD tasks demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:How can we test AI performance? This question seems trivial, but it isn't. Standard benchmarks often have problems such as in-distribution and small-size test sets, oversimplified metrics, unfair comparisons, and short-term outcome pressure. As a consequence, good performance on standard benchmarks does not guarantee success in real-world scenarios. To address these problems, we present Touchstone, a large-scale collaborative segmentation benchmark of 9 types of abdominal organs. This benchmark is based on 5,195 training CT scans from 76 hospitals around the world and 5,903 testing CT scans from 11 additional hospitals. This diverse test set enhances the statistical significance of benchmark results and rigorously evaluates AI algorithms across various out-of-distribution scenarios. We invited 14 inventors of 19 AI algorithms to train their algorithms, while our team, as a third party, independently evaluated these algorithms on three test sets. In addition, we also evaluated pre-existing AI frameworks--which, differing from algorithms, are more flexible and can support different algorithms--including MONAI from NVIDIA, nnU-Net from DKFZ, and numerous other open-source frameworks. We are committed to expanding this benchmark to encourage more innovation of AI algorithms for the medical domain.
Abstract:Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have emerged as a paradigm in knowledge representation, offering exceptional flexibility and performance across a diverse range of applications. INRs leverage multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to model data as continuous implicit functions, providing critical advantages such as resolution independence, memory efficiency, and generalisation beyond discretised data structures. Their ability to solve complex inverse problems makes them particularly effective for tasks including audio reconstruction, image representation, 3D object reconstruction, and high-dimensional data synthesis. This survey provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art INR methods, introducing a clear taxonomy that categorises them into four key areas: activation functions, position encoding, combined strategies, and network structure optimisation. We rigorously analyse their critical properties, such as full differentiability, smoothness, compactness, and adaptability to varying resolutions while also examining their strengths and limitations in addressing locality biases and capturing fine details. Our experimental comparison offers new insights into the trade-offs between different approaches, showcasing the capabilities and challenges of the latest INR techniques across various tasks. In addition to identifying areas where current methods excel, we highlight key limitations and potential avenues for improvement, such as developing more expressive activation functions, enhancing positional encoding mechanisms, and improving scalability for complex, high-dimensional data. This survey serves as a roadmap for researchers, offering practical guidance for future exploration in the field of INRs. We aim to foster new methodologies by outlining promising research directions for INRs and applications.